Accounting Method for Gross Income Flashcards
Which accounting method must be used if taxpayer carries inventory?
Accrual Method
How are income/expenses recorded in the Cash Method of accounting?
Generally, when income is received or expenses are paid for
Cash Method: What is the purpose for the Constructive-Receipt Doctrine?
To prevent taxpayers form knowingly and willingly refusing to receive income in order to defer taxes
Cash Method:
What is the Constructive Receipt Doctrine ?
- TP receives income during the year when it is:
- tendered
- credited
- set apart
- made available - If a taxpayer could reach out and take the income at any time then it is considered constructively received
Cash Method:
What is the Cash Equivalent Doctrine?
If the TP receives property other than money then the FMV on the date of receipt is reported as income in the year of receipt.
Cash Method:
In year 1: a corporation announces dividends that are payable on demand.
In year 2: The taxpayer demands the payment of the dividend
Under the cash accounting method when would income be declared on the tax return?
Year 1 - because it was constructively received by the taxpayer. The taxpayer could have reached out and taken the income at anytime.
Cash Method:
Does constructive receipt apply if a customer has not paid the taxpayer?
Yes - if all the taxpayer has to do to take possession is to give notice or make demand
Cash Method: A TP negotiates a contract to recieve: Year 1: $10,000 Year 2: $10,000 Year 3: $10,000 Payment is made according to the contract. When will the taxpayer be required to report the income?
Year 1 : taxpayer reports $10,000
Year 2: taxpayer reports $10,000
Year 3: taxpayer reports $10,000
Cash Method:
Year 1: TP wins a car on 12/31/2019
Year 2: The car is a dealership that is closed until 1/3/2020
The taxpayer is given the keys and title on 1/3/2020
When is the income reported?
The FMV of the car is reported in year 2 because there was a substantial limit/restriction that kept her from accepting the income in year 1
Cash Method:
When does the constructive receipt rule NOT apply?
If there are substantial restrictions or limits on the taxpayers control of receiving the income
Cash Method:
How does the IRS handle the accounting for a taxpayer that has negotiated a contract that defers payment to a later year?
Generally, the IRS will honor the contractual timing of the payment:
- even if the taxpayer could have negotiated for an earlier payment
- even if the taxpayer negotiated in order to postpone income
Cash Method:
When are DEDUCTIONS for expenses taken?
In the year the expenses are paid
Cash Method:
Year 1: taxpayer borrows $10,000 to pay employees
Year 2: taxpayer pays employees $10,000
Year 3: taxpayer pays bank $10,000 for loan
When does the expense go on the tax return?
Year 2
Cash Method:
When are expenses considered PAID?
- CASH when transferred
- CHECK when delivered (mailed)- not when cashed
- CREDIT CARD when charges occur
- MONEY BORROWED when expenses are paid
- PROMISSORY NOTE when note is paid (IOU)
Cash Method:
Year 1: TP gets a $10,000 bank loan to pay employees
Year 2: TP gives employees $10,000 promissory note
Year 3: TP pays $10,000 promissory note
When does taxpayer record the expense?
Year 3 - paid the expense
Accrual Accounting Method:
When is income reported?
When it is “earned”(you catered an event, you shipped the bikes you sold).
1 . All events have occurred and fixed the right to receive income
2.The amount can be determined relatively accurately
Accrual Accounting Method:
All Events Test for Income - what are the two requirements?
- Each event necessary to fix the taxpayers right to receive income has occurred
- It is possible to determine the income amount with reasonable accuracy
Accrual Accounting Method:
“Each event necessary to fix taxpayers right to receive income has occurred” - How is this test met?
- necessary performance takes place
- payment becomes due
- payment is made
Accrual Accounting Method: Year 1: Taxpayer performs the service Year 2 Taxpayer bills $1000 on 1/20 Year 2: Customer pays $1000 on 2/20 When should the TP report the income?
Year 1. Report income on the earliest of: 1. necessary performance takes place 2. payment is due 3. payment is made
Accrual Accounting Method:
How is bad debt handled?
- Uncertainty about being paid exists WHEN the All-events test is satisfied then the TP does NOT need to report income
- Uncertainty exists AFTER the All-Events test is satisfied then the income must be reported and a deduction for bad debt may be possible
Accrual Accounting Method:
When do you report payment in one year for fixed determined times in following years?
Defer reporting income until service is performed.
Accrual Accounting Method:
When do you report payment made in one year for services that are provided on demand by the customer?
(Example: a roadside assistance service)
Report the entire amount in year income is recieved
Accrual Accounting Method:
A baseball team sells season tickets for $1000 each.
Each ticket entitles the buyer 10 games on specific dates and at specific times.
Year 1: 2 games for $200
Year 2: 3 games for $300
Year 3: 5 games for $500
How will the income be reported?
In year the service what performed.
Year 1: report $200
Year 2: report $300
Year 3: report $500
Accrual Accounting Method:
What are the All-Events Test for Deductions? (3)
- each event that established the liability for expense has transpired
- the liability amount is determinable in a reasonable, accurate way
- Economic performance on the liability has occurred
Accrual Accounting Method:
Requirements for “Establishing taxpayer’s liability for expenses has transpired” (2)
- events needed to establish liability have occurred
AND - payment comes due
Accrual Accounting Method:
“Establishing taxpayer liability for expenses transpired” test - If the taxpayer contests liability has this test been met?
Accrual Accounting Method:
“Economic Performance has occurred” - when has this test been met? (2)
1.Taxpayer receives the services, property or use of property for which she incurred the liability
2. Taxpayer incurs costs for services or property the taxpayer must provide
Accrual Accounting Method:
What is the Claim-of-Right doctrine?
Earned AND received income: amount of income received must be included in tax year even if it is under dispute
Earned but NOT received income because of dispute does not have to reported. Income should be reported when dispute is resolved.
Accrual Accounting Method:
According to the Claim-of-Right doctrine how should income under dispute that has earned and received be handled?
Report the income in that tax year
Accrual Accounting Method:
According to the Claim-of-Right doctrine how should income under dispute that is earned but NOT received be handled?
Do not report the income until the dispute is settled.
How does an employer allocate tips for a food service employee?
Amount Allocated by the employer to each server = [(food/drink sales *8%) - All employee’s reported tips]
Accrual Method:
When are prepayments for merchandise inventory considered income?
Not until shipped
How are bartered goods/services included in income?
at FMV
What is the Assignment of Income Doctrine?
Gross income attributable to a taxpayer, even though the income is received by another person, is included in the taxpayers income.
Who does the Assignment of Income Doctrine impose the tax on? (4)
- the person who earned income
- the person who produced the rights to receive the income
- the person who enjoyed the benefits of it when the income was paid
- the person who controls property that was the incomes source
If your daughter rents a room in the house you own and keeps the rent to pay expenses, who should declare the income?
The owners of the asset declare the income according to the Assignment of Income Doctrine
Can the owner of a business direct some of his income to his child so he will have a lower tax liability?
Exception: the child works for the business as an employee. The child must “work” and the pay must be reasonable.
A taxpayer gifts interest earned on securities to her 20 year old daughter who attends college. Who should include the interest in Gross Income?
The taxpayer because the property that generated the income is in his name - according to the Assignment of Income Doctrine.
A taxpayer gives her daughter a bond in 2017. The bond has earned interest in tax year 2019. Who declares the interest as income?
The daughter because she owns the bond. Assignment of Income Doctrine
What are the three requirements for property to be considered re-assigned under the Assignment of Income Doctrine?
- transfer of property must be complete and bona fide
- no control is retained over either the property or the income it produces
- the transfer takes place before the income is earned
How is Virtual Currency handled for Gross Income purposes?
- virtual currency is treated as US property
- wages paid with vc - are income to the employee
- vc paid to contractors - income on Sched C
- VC as an asset -depends
- payments made to a taxpayer with VC are treated like currency-tp must include FMV of vc (measured in US dollars) on date received
Accrual Method:
TP sells a car to a buyer on 12/15/2019. The property and rights to the car are transferred on the same day.
The buyer pays the taxpayer on 1/10/2020
When is the income reported?
2019- the taxpayer earned the right to the income in 2019 regardless of when the taxpayer was paid.
Cash Method:
TP sells a car in Year 1 and transfers title
Customer writes the check in Year 1
TP cashes the check in Year 2
When does taxpayer report income?
Year 1 - because the income was constructively received
Cash Method:
Year 1 : taxpayer sells car
Year 1: customer writes check but check bounces
Year 2: customer writes check and it clears
When does the taxpayer record the income?
Report in year 2
In year 1 a substantial restriction existed that prevented the taxpayer from cashing the check