Filing Status: Single, Married Filing Joint (MFJ) and Married Filing Seperate (MFS) Flashcards
What is the primary thing that filing status depends on?
The taxpayers marital status on the last day of the year.
When are spouses considered married?
- Legally married living together
- legally married and living apart
- common law married
- Separated under a divorce decree that is NOT final
- one spouse died during the tax year and the surviving spouse did not remarry
When are same sex partners considered married?
When they are married on the last day of the tax year in a state that allows same sex marriages
When is someone considered unmarried for the tax year?
- unmarried
- divorced or separated under legal decree by the last day of the tax year.
- (HH) married but you did not live with your spouse for any time during the last 6 months AND you file separate returns
When is someone considered Single?
- legally divorced or legally separated on last day of tax year
- TP does not qualify for any other status
Can a couple file MFJ if one spouse is a nonresident alien (NRA)?
No, unless the couple agrees to include all worldwide income.
Can a MFS return be amended to MFJ?
Yes. Tax liability is not due at time amendment is filed.
Can a MFJ return be amend to MFS?
What are the Married Filing Joint Requirements (MFJ)? (4)
- each person needs a ssn or itin
- married and agree to file MFJ
- TPs use the same accounting period (accounting method can vary)
- Both tax payers sign the return
What filing status can a married taxpayer use?
- HH - under specific conditions
What needs to be done if a marriage is annulled and the couple filed MFJ on previous year returns?
Amended returns with different filing statuses (HH or single) must be filed for all open returns not under the statute of limitations
What is an Injured Spouse?
When a couple files MFJ and only ONE spouse owes a past-due amount THEN the other tax payer can be considered an injured spouse and get their share of the refund
What are the requirements for a TP to be considered an Injured Spouse ? (4)
- Must report income (wages, interest, etc)
- Made tax payments (withholdings/estimted payments) OR can claim a refundable credit
- Not required to pay a past due amount
What is Innocent Spouse relief?
TP is relieved of all/part of the joint liability because their spouse did something shady (intentionally omitted income or claimed false credits)
What conditions do you have to meet to receive Innocent Spouse relief?
- There must be an understatement of tax due because of an erroneous item
- You can show that when you signed the return you did not know and had no reason to know what happened
- considering everything it would be unfair to hold you liable
Why would a couple choose to file MFS? (2)
- The could not agree to file MFJ
2. Better overall tax liability if they file MFS
How do TPs report their income when filing MFS?
- Normally: each reports their own income and deductions related to expenses they paid
- Community property states: each has their own laws
How does MFS affect the standard deduction?
- The standard deduction is 1/2 of the MFJ deduction
2. If one spouse itemizes then the other spouse must itemize
How does MFS affect child and dependent care credit?
- No credit
2. only allowed half of the exclusion of employer dependent care plan ($2500)
How does MFS affect the AMT exemption?
TP gets 1/2
How does it affect your return if you are MFS and lived with your spouse for ANY time during the year? (2)
- Elderly and Disabled deduction - If you lived with your spouse ANY time during the year then you are not allowed the addition to standard deduction
- More of your social security is taxable - up to 85% of social security benefits (same for railroad retirement benefits.
What filing status can a TP choose if his spouse decides to file MFS?
2. HH - if he meets the requirements
Can spouses that use different accounting methods file MFJ?
Can spouses that use different accounting periods file MFJ?
Can same sexed couples joined by civil union or in domestic partnerships file MFJ or MFS?
Is a couple considered married or unmarried if they have a legally decreed separate maintenance agreement on the last day of the tax year? What Filing Status couple each spouse use?
They are considered unmarried. They should use Single or HH (if they meet all other requirements)
What form does and Injured Spouse file?
What is a TPs filing status if spouses are legally separated under a decree of separate maintenance and they have no dependents?