Quad Scan Flashcards
Locate PSIS and S2
Patient brings knee to chest on PSIS side without use of hands
Look for inferior rotation of PSIS relative to S2
Stand behind patient
have them raise a leg off the ground
Positive: If hip drops towards the side of raised leg
Quick clearing
Air Squat, Toe Walk x6, Heel Walk x6
Patient sits on edge of table or chair Slump (flexion) of Csp and Tsp Extend knee and Dorsiflex --> should replicate pain Release Csp flexion --> should decrease pain = Neural
Sit in chair or edge of table
proper posture
Extend knee
Positive: pelvic shift or has to reach back to support with hands = Tight hams
Patient supine -> head NOT on pillow
Therapist passively flexes leg at hip w/ straight knee
Pain between 30-70 = Sciatic or herniated disc
SI joint distraction
Patient Supine
Valgus force applied to ASIS
Pain = SI joint dysfunction
SI joint compression
Patient Supine
Varus force applied to ASIS (therapist has crossed arms)
Pain = SI joint dysfunction
Side Lying SI join compression
Patient Side lying
Valgus force applied to illiac crest/Hip
Pain = SI joint Dysfunction
Prone Knee Bend
Patient Prone Therapist passively flexes knee with one hand on Lsp Passively extend hip w/o ext of Lsp Positive = Pain before 90 knee flexion Testing for tight quads
One hand over shoulder and one hand under trying to touch hands or opposite scapula.
Be sure to standardize