Hip and Thigh Flashcards
Knee Flexion Hip Abduction and External Rotation Therapist applies downward pressure on bent knee and opposite hip Positive: Knee stays above straight leg Negative: Knee falls to table Indicates SI or Hip disfunction
Sign of Buttock
Perform a SLR (passive hip flex)
When leg gets to max hip flexion bend knee to increase flexion
Positive: If knee flexion does not increase ROM
Indicates Lesion in glute or hip NOT sciatic
NOT hip If painful hip flexion w/ knee extended
Patient Supine One knee to chest other is straight Adduct knee Negative: Adduction w/o pelvis rotation or pain Positive: Pain, Limited Adduction Note: 3 zones of adduction
Patient Supine
Legs extend slightly past edge of bed
Therapist passively flexes one knee to patients chest while having one hand under Lsp
Patient holds knee
Positive: Increased Lordotic Curve or if straight leg is raised off table
Indicates: Tight hip flexor
For Rectus Femoris
Patient brings knee to chest and falls back onto bed
Examiners hand under Lsp
Positive: Knee moves into extension or leg raises off table
Patient Prone
Therapist Passively flexes knee to buttock
Positive: Early hip extension or decreased ROM compared bilaterally
Patient Side Lying
Bottom leg straight
Top leg with knee flexion and hip flexion (60 degrees)
Therapist stabilizes pelvis and applies adduction to knee
Positive: Pain in buttocks = Sciatic/ Pain in muscle = tight piriformis
Patient is side lying
Lower leg flexed at knee and hip
Top leg is straight
Therapist passively abducts and extends upper leg to 90 degrees
Goal: Rotate IT band over top of Trocanter
Positive: If leg remains abducted and does not fall to table
Indicates: Tight IT band/contracture
Leg Length
Measure ASIS to medial malleolus
Normal is within 1-1.5 cm difference
Patent Supine w/ heels off table
Pull on and hold medial malleolus
Patient flexes knees and hips
Patient bridges then returns to starting position
Examiner compares heigh to medial malleolus with legs extended