QRH Memory Items Flashcards
Fire, Severe Damage, Separation
Auto throttle - disengage
Thrust lever - confirm - close
Start lever - confirm - cut off
Fire switch - confirm - pull
Airspeed Unreliable
Autopilot - Disengage
Auto throttle - Disengage
Flight Director switches Both- Off
Flaps extended 10deg & 80% N1
Flaps up 4 deg & 75% N1
If takeoff phase maintain Takeoff N1 and TO body angle to acceleration/ obstacle clearance height
APU Fire
Apu fire switch - Confirm - Pull & rotate to stop for 1 second.
Apu Switch - Off
Cabin Altitude warning or Rapid Depressurisation
Don Oxygen masks 100%
Establish crew communications
(Mask switch, interphone and speaker)
Pressurisation mode - Man AC
Outflow Valve - close
If uncontrollable
Passengers Signs - On
Passenger Oxygen - On
Emergency Descent
- Announce - PF PA, PM atc
- Passenger signs - On
- Without delay - descend to lowest safe altitude or 10,000ft
- Engine Start Switches - Cont
- Thrust Levers - reduce to minimum or as needed for Anti ice
- Speed Brake - Flight Detent
- Set speed to Mmo/Vmo
Engine limit, Surge or Stall
Auto throttle- Disengage
Thrust lever (affected engine) - confirm - retard until engine within limits or lever is closed
Uncommanded Roll
- Autopilot disengage
- Control aircraft, reduce pitch/angle of attack and increase airspeed, do not attempt to maintain altitude until controllable
- Auto throttle disengage
- Verify thrust is symmetrical
Runaway Stabilizer
-Control column - hold firmly
-Autopilot if engaged disengage
-Auto throttle if engaged disengage
-Control column and thrust levers, control pitch and speed
-Main elec trim - reduce control column forces
If runaway stops after AP disengaged - do not re-engage
If runaway continues, Stab Trim cutout switches both Cutoff
If runaway continues- Stab trim wheel - grasp and hold
Loss of Thrust both Engines
- Engine start switches FLT
- Engine Start Levers Cutoff
- when EGT decreases
Engine start levers idle detent - If EGT reaches 930 deg or no increase in 30 sec
Engine start lever affected engine - Idle cutoff then idle
Repeat as needed
Above FL270 275kts
Below FL270 300kts