QA Flashcards
What are the intermediaries in the conversion of omega 6 to PG1?
Linoleic acid to GLA to DGLA to PG1
What enzyme is necessary to convert DGLA to AA?
Step 1
Postural analysis (however, history could be included here)
Step 2
TS Line Analysis
Step 3
Identify weak muscle(s)
a. Measure, measure, measure (rom, pain, etc.)
Step 4
Does Autogenic Facilitation Strengthen?
a. No: use IRT - rubbing over area(s) of injury strengthens weak muscle(s) i. Use origin-insertion technique with IRT for muscle or ligament injury b. Yes: use NSB and/or Set Point Technique for recent or chronic injury/pain
Step 5
Test Aspirin, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen mix - if strengthens or weakens:
a. Check essential fatty acids (BCSO, FSO, EPA, etc.) b. Check EFA Cofactors (B6, Mg, Zn, Niacin) c. IRT Chapman's Reflexes with animal and/or trans fat
Step 6
Test antihistamine mix - if strengthens:
a. Challenge for allergen(s)/offender(s) b. IRT Chapman's Reflexes with allergen(s)/offender(s)
Step 7
Sniff Tests - aldehydes, bleach, ammonia
Step 8
Test nutrients for strengthening based on history
a. Vitamin E (low back muscles); Vitamin C (shoulder muscles) b. Iron, folic acid, Vitamin B12 c. Cholesterol lowering nutrients (if cholesterol weakens PMS) d. Chondroitin Sulfate (joint problems) i. Check sulfur (cysteine) and associated nutrients ii. Check blood sugar handling (insulin, magnesium)
Step 9
Is TL to K27 (or hyoid challenge) positive?
a. Straight TL -cranial- immune (IRT (neck in extension) to Right cranial - Thymus; IRT (neck in extension) to Left cranial - Spleen)or mechanical (no IRT - go to Step 11)? b. Crossed TL - TMJ - immune (IRT (neck in extension) to Right cranial - Thymus; IRT (neck in extension) to Left cranial - Spleen) or mechanical (no IRT - go to Step 10)? or mechanical? c. Dorsal crossed TL - use tooth techniques d. Hyoid challenge - TMJ, folic acid and/or thymus
Step 10
Does TL to TMJ strengthen weak muscle and/or weaken strong muscle with neck in extension?
a. If TMJ IRT Right - check thymus (or lower sternum) b. If TMJ IRT Left - check spleen (or lower sternum) c. If TMJ TL but no IRT i. Check nasosphenoid cranial fault ii. Check temporoparietal jam iii. Check sphenoid compression fault iv. Check TMJ muscles
Step 11
Does pre-test imaging strengthen? If yes - check cranial bones
a. If cranial IRT Right - Check thymus (or lower sternum) b. If cranial IRT Left - Check spleen (or lower sternum) c. If No Cranial IRT - mechanical correction needed
Step 12
Does rebreathing in a paper bag strengthen?
a. If yes: check citric acid cycle nutrients (B1, B2, B3, Mn, B5, Lipoic Acid, Biotin, Mg, ATP) and electron transport chain nutritional factors (CoQ10, Fe, Cu, Phosphorus)
Step 13
Does specific thought of appreciation felt in the heart strengthen?
a. Yes: use heart-focused technique(s)
Step 14
Tonic Labyrinthine Reflexes - Endocrine Hypofunction
Does TLR strengthen as expected?
a. No: identify and treat appropriate endocrine Chapman’s reflex
b. Yes: check for endocrine related muscle weakness - treat appropriately
Step 15
Hyperadrenia Challenge
Pituitary Chapman’s Reflex DOES NOT TL in the clear
1. TL pituitary with cortisol increasing activity: rubbing adrenal Chapman’s Reflexes; supine patient laterally flex left; or cortisol in mouth
2. If strong muscle weakens test for nutrients to NEGATE HYPERCORTISOLEMIA: DHEA; B5; C; Niacinamide; G; Phosphatidyl Serine; Wheat Germ Oil; Alkaline Ash Minerals; Choline; adrenal protomorphagens; pineal
3. Test for negation of pituitary Chapman’s Reflex TL induced weakness
a. Right foot forward (pituitary drive Technique)
b. Left foot forward (sphenoid compression fault)
4. TL Adrenal Chapman’s Reflex with offender in mouth
a. Caffeine; Histamine; Sugar
b. Norepinephrine (retrude jaw)
c. Insulin (pinch pancreas VRP)
d. Epinephrine (anaerobic challenge)
5. If TL with offender weakens strong muscle
a. Treat with IRT to Adrenal Chapman’s Reflex with offender in mouth
Step 16
Adrenal Challenge Technique
Does adrenal challenge (pinching) induce adrenal related muscle weakness? If Yes:
a. TL to adrenal Chapman’s Reflexes - if strengthens: rub Reflexes
b. TL to pituitary Chapman’s Reflex - if strengthens: go to 15a
Step 17
Ligament Stretch Adrenal Stress Syndrome
Does ligament stretch cause muscle weakness?
a. Yes: rub adrenal Chapman’s Reflexes
Step 18
Endocrine Dysfunction
Test endocrine related muscles - Identify and treat primary Chapman’s reflex
a. Test PMS (liver) and TFL (colon) - treat primary Chapman’s reflex
Step 19
Liver Detox Pathway Assessment
Does rubbing or pinching liver VRP strengthen weak muscle? - If yes:
a. Test liver detoxification nutrients
b. Challenge liver Chapman’s Reflex with offenders
i. IRT or rub liver Chapman’s with
offenders in mouth
c. Challenge PMS with Cholesterol - if Weakens:
i. Rub liver Chapman’s Reflexes with
Cholesterol in mouth
d. Challenge PMS with Thymus Thump (cytokines)
e. Challenge liver Chapman’s Reflex with sugar in mouth (triglycerides)
Step 20
Pinch pancreas VRP and test biceps brachii (or other upper limb flexor) - If weakens:
a. IRT pancreas Chapman’s Reflex with offender(s) in mouth
Step 21
Challenge for hiatal hernia / GERD
Step 22
Challenge ileocecal valve - open or closed