AK Procedures Flashcards


Temporal tap


Tapping begins just anterior to the ear and then continues anterior along the TS line in a circular pattern.

Procedure 1: (other reflexes) used to see if any of the other 5 factors is needed. It is used after treating reflexes. Tap on the left side TS line then retest while TLing to other reflex.

Procedure 2: (nutrition) after correcting all reflexes if you TL to two of the reflexes associated with the muscle and then tap the left TS line a weakening of a pim would indicate a nutritional imbalance in the muscle associated with those two reflexes.

Procedure 3: (habit control) tap the left side with a positive statement and then tap the right side with a negative statement. If the procedure fails, test for hypertonicity of the temporalis muscle. This procedure will fail if the patient clenches their teeth during the tapping procedure.

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Body into distortion


Disorganizations, structural faults, active reflexes, and other factors become evident when a patient is examined in the same postural distortion that is present in the patient.

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Microavulsion of tendon at junction with periosteum.

Hard heavy pressure applied to OI for 30-60 seconds.

Raw veal bone (phosphatase) to aid in healing.

Originally found in 1964

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Neurolymphatic reflex


Discovered by frank chapman in 1930’s
1965 goodheart correlated with specific muscles
Anterior and posterior pairs
Treatment is firm, rotary pressure for seconds to 8-10 min

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Neurovascular reflex


Reported by Terrence Bennet, DC in 1930’s
Control of vasoconstriction and vasodilation can be influenced by Bennet reflexes, somatoautonomic reflexes.
Located on skull
Rate of pulse between 70-74 bpm
Treat for 20-30 sec to up to 5 minutes

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Cranial Stress receptors


Many times found in sprain/strain injuries or when trauma has been sustained to the skull
TL pim weakens or tapping NV for associated muscle weakens a pim.
Treat by pulling skin in direction and in phase of respiration 4-5 times

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Foot reflexes


These are golgi tendon apparatus that are found on the dorsum of the foot. Correspond with the attachments of the various muscles of the foot and will affect various muscles of the body according to their organ relationship.

Toes represent the head area and the rest of the foot mirrors the body.

Reflexes can be TL’d.

Treatment is done by pressing in the direction that causes weakness and negated by phase of respiration for 4-5 breaths.

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Hand reflexes


Seen when an individual develops symptoms in the body while using his or her hands, i.e. A carpenter gets knee pain when using a hammer.

Reflexes that “turn off” muscles. Located in both surfaces of the hand. Right hand controls right side of body and left hand left side of body.

Can be TL’d using any pim or will strengthen a weak muscle.

Treatment done by determining direction that weakens pim and negated by phase of respiration for 4-5 respirations.

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Shock absorber test


Strike the bones of a joint with a 5-10 lb force.
If weakness is found examine the joint for subluxations.
Manganese deficiency will allow shock to stretch ligaments that are directly related to joint.

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Extraspinal subluxation challenge


Direct challenge. Adjust in the vector that strengthens a weak muscle or opposite to vector that causes the greatest amount of weakening of a pim.

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Neuromuscular spindle cell


Indicated in any trauma. More numerous in muscles of extremities than trunk. Located throughout the muscles but more concentrated at the center of the muscles. Stimulated by stretch.

Pressure applied to approximate will relax or weaken a muscle.
Pressure applied to stretch the muscle fibers will strengthen a muscle.

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Golgi tendon organ


Most are supplied with stretch receptors which are located near the musculotendonis junction.

Pressure applied against the tendon toward the origin or insertion has the effect of weakening a muscle.

Pressure applied against the tendon toward the belly of the muscle has the effect of strengthening a weak muscle.

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Reactive muscle


Weakening of a muscle following the testing of another muscle. Weakness occurs because of improper proprioceptor communication between the related muscles.

Treat the spindle cells of the muscle that weakened after the stimulation of the other muscle.

Raw veal bone calcium can be needed.

Muscle interlink- relationship of muscles that interact as reactive muscles in a pattern similar to that of ligament interlink.

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Lovett reactor

Each vertebra is linked with its counterpart at the opposite end of the spine. 
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Vertebral subluxation


A rebound be challenge can be used.

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Intrinsic spinal muscles


Rotatores longus, Rotatores brevis, intertransversarii, interspinalis. If muscles fail to balance after subluxation has been corrected, it is necessary to apply therapy directly to the muscles with Origin Insertion.

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Anterior thoracic


Interspinalis and levator costorum muscles hold the vertebra posteriorly and inferiorly.

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Primary atlas technique


Use when imbalances of upper cervical region are suspected but not found.

TL to atlas with thumb due to more nerve endings in thumb than other fingers.

Bang to top of head, or side of shoulders, that recreates injury will cause wrist extensor so to go weak and will be negated by repeating with traction of the head. This is an indicator for hidden cervical disc or upper cervicals.

Goodheart believes, like Gonstead, that most C0-C1 and C1-C2 imbalances are compensatory.

Postural pattern is need for fascial flush to abdominals. If this is found, check atlas and TMJ.

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Sacral subluxation


Can be unilateral or bilateral. Palpate nuchal ligament for tenderness from EOP to C7. Will only TL to both nuchal ligament and sacrum simultaneously, not individually.

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Anterior inferior sacrum


With patient prone, stand on the lesion side and with a thumb contact on the sacral ala, close to the psis. Hold firmly and flex knee to stretch the rectus with the other hand, by grabbing the ankle, until hold until you feel the sacrum move superiorly.

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Bilateral anterior inferior sacrum


Raise the pelvis through table adjustment or with a roll under the pelvis. Flex the knees and hold them in position with your chest. Contact sacral alae BL with thumbs just medial to psis. Gradually increase pressure with your chest and wait to feel both sides of the sacrum move superiorly.

There is usually an anterior thoracic subluxation with a bilateral anterior-inferior sacrum that should be corrected first.

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Oblique sacrum


The anterior-inferior side is corrected in the usual manner and the posterior side is corrected with a thrust adjustment.

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Respiratory adjustment


Challenge to find the vector and see which phase of respiration negates the challenge. Repeat 6-7 times with 4-6 lbs of pressure.

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Persistent subluxation


Is usually an intrinsic muscle problem or a remote problem. Intrinsics can be corrected through O-I or NL (K 27 is NL for all spinal intrinsics).

A key factor is to have the patient do things done every day to see if they bring on problems.

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Imbrication subluxation
Subluxation where articulations overlap in a shingle-like manner. Usually caused from chronic postural strain or sudden compression injury. Loss of disc space can cause as well. Objective evidence seen on oblique LS x ray and PA views present less distortion. Made worse by Kemp's test but doesn't cause radiation into lower limb. There will be a positive TL over the area of imbrication but will not show positive usual challenge, except for I-to-S challenge. Correction done by abducting and slightly extending leg on lesions side and giving a sharp thrust while the other leg is flexed.
Intraosseous subluxation
Microscopic stress within the bones crystalline structure, which is considered to distort the body's hologramic memory.
Vertebral fixation
3 or more segments. ``` Occiput-psoas bl Upper Cervicals-glut max bl Mid Cervicals-psoas bl CT junction-middle deltoid bl Mid thoracic-teres major bl TL junction-lower trap bl Lumbar-neck extensors as a group Iliac-ipsilateral neck extensor Sacrum-both ipsilateral neck extensors T1/1st Rib (Limbic)-TL to C7 SP and head rotation ```
Fixation masking patterns
When one fixation shows itself after the correction of another fixation. This is thought to occurs due to an agonist-antagonist relationship.
Weight bearing fixations
Fixations that don't show until standing or pressure is applied to the vertex of the head. Check for octacosanol need
Flexion and extension - atlas and occiput fixation
Rate to find more than one and correction is usually long lasting. Occiput on atlas - flexion: Patient flexes CS, beginning with occiput on atlas, with head on the table, and continuing until max flexion, patient attempts to touch chin to chest and a PIM is checked for weakening. Corrected by stabilizing head and not allowing motion while patient attempts to touch chin to chest 3-4 times. Occiput on atlas - extension: Begin with full extension, with head on the table, and check for weakening of a PIM. Correction by stabilizing head and patient attempts to extend head 3-4 times then recheck. Atlas on Occiput - Flexion: Maximally flex neck with head off table and check a PIM for weakening. Correction-patient passively flexes patients neck to maximum flexion 3-4 times then recheck. Atlas on Occiput - extension: Maximally extend head with head off table and PIM tested for weakening. Correction done by Doctor passively extending through full passive ROM.
Lumbar intervertebral disc
``` Type 1 - acute back sprain Type 2 - fluid ingestion Type 3 - posterolateral annulus disruption Type 4 - bulging disc Type 5 - sequestered fragment Type 6 - displaced sequestered fragment Type 7 - degenerated disc ```
Cervical disc syndrome
95% at C5 and C6. Will not strengthen to 5 factors Deltoid - C6 (C5-6 disc) Triceps - C7 (C6-7 disc) Finger abductors - C8 (C7-T1 disc) Direct challenge challenge with vertebra held into position, not indirect challenge. Can take 6 months for annulus fibers to heal
Hidden cervical disc
Will not show positive TL. SOD recommended, not Mn like usual If wrist extensors strong in the clear and weaken in a position, either sitting or standing, that is a good indicator. Challenge by pressing TP in an anterior-superior direction, in alignment with the facet plane, to find the specific level of involvement.
Cervical compaction technique
Performed after correcting subluxations and/or fixations. Treatment: An axial force is applied to CS while the physician moves the CS through passive ROM with 3-4 lbs of rhythmic pressure applied to vertex of the patients head. Passive limitation - Corrective Motion Lateral flexion - ipsilateral rotation Flexion - extension Rotation in extension - ipsilateral lateral flexion in extension Rotation in flexion - ipsilateral lateral flexion in flexion
Category 1
Torsion of the pelvis without osseous misalignment. Neither SI will show single hand TL. BL TL to both SI's and then double TL to one, that will be the lesion side. Challenge to PSIS and opposite ischium. Piriformis is often weak on lesion side. Pain at anterior and posterior attachments of 1st rib on lesion side. Block with blocks pointed at each other and pump on opposite PSIS to lesion side.
Category II
Refers to a sacroiliac misalignment or subluxation TL-with the patient either standing or supine, patient contacts first one sacrum and then the other and has a weakening of a pim. Posterior ilium-short leg Tenderness is found at the OI of the sartorius and gracilis and first rib head at the sternum and 1st thoracic vertebrae. Weakness will be found of the sartorius and/or gracilis. Correction can be made with either blocks or side posture. Anterior ilium-long leg (posterior ischium) Tenderness is found on the lateral thigh, the obturator foramina, and the first rib attachments. Weakness of the biceps femoris and the vastus lateralis. Correction can be made with blocks or in side posture adjusting the ischium. An alternate blocking procedure is to have the patient stabilize the blocks and first flex the short leg to 90 degrees and then rotate the leg away from the body and then straighten the leg. The long leg is then flexed and rotated across the body and then returned to its normal position. Internal-external iliac rotation Positive TL of SI joint may indicate either internal or external rotation of the ilium. Internal ilium may be found associated with weakness of the transverse and oblique abdominals. External ilium is found associated with a weakness of the ipsilateral gluteus medius/minimus. Tenderness is found along the insertion of the insertion of the abdominal obliques at the crest of the ilium. In both cases correction is made in side posture with the direction of force being determined by challenging the ilium to determine the vector of force that strengthens the indicator muscle most. Tenderness is found along the origin of the gluteus medius in the external rotation.
Category IIsi
An osseous subluxation between the sacrum and the innominate. Posterior ilium nearly always associated with dysfunction of the sartorius/gracilis on side of involvement. Posterior ischium associated with weak hamstrings
Category IIsp
Associated with tension in the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments. Will not TL to SI's. Spondyligenic reflexes of the sacrospinous to the occiput and C6 and of the sacrotuberous from C7 to T8. TL by testing the sartorius with positive TL to pubic symphysis, slightly to the right and left. May become evident with partial sit-up. Challenge with patient supine, one hand under the ilium on one side and one hand one the ischium on the other side, and lift the patient as if to lift off the table. Positive challenge is weakening of sartorius or gracilis (best) or any other muscle. Block under posterior ilium and under ischium on opposite side. If positioning is correct there will no longer be positive TL. Flex knee and rotate hip toward posterior ilium.
Category III
Dysfunction of L5 on an intact pelvis. There is no TL Challenge with the patient prone. Contact anterior portion of ischium and contralateral L5 SP and push toward each other. Blocking based on reduction of pain at L5 and 5th Sacral nerve. One block at 90 degrees to spine at ASIS and one under ischium. Start with block at 90 degrees under ischium and rotate inferiorly until pain gone.
Goodheart developed discoveries from Illi that show coupling of rotation with lumbar flexion. 20 degrees of lumbar flexion and extension will inhibit a: right piriformis; left latissimus dorsi; left upper trap; right SCM. (Use 30 degrees of flexion and 15 degrees of extension)
Deep tendon reflex
When the patellar tendon is hit you should see a predetermined facilitation or inhibition. ``` Quads inhibits ipsilateral hamstrings Quads inhibit contra quads Quads inhibits ipsilateral pec sternal Quads facilitate ipsilateral quads Quads inhibit contra SCM Quads inhibit ipsilateral upper trap ``` When patient doesn't weaken in proper manner the problem will frequently be found in places where the dura attaches. ``` TL in defending order: Occiput-upper cervicals Cervical spine Sacrum Center of chest (rib pump) ```
Spondylogenic reflex
C1-T1 ---> C7-T7 Medial angle of scapula-T1-----> acromion-T7 Along the clavicle acromion-T7 -----> SC joint-T12 Along the iliac crest PSIS-L5 -----> anterior side-L1
Nuchal ligament
Tension and pain in the nuchal ligament are indicators of an inferior sacrum, usually on the painful side. Can also have an inferior occiput, upper cervical fixation, respiratory pattern to the upper cervicals, PRYT, and stomatognathic dysfunction. However, may not stick if inferior sacrum is not corrected.
Sacrospinal and sacrituberous ligament
There are spodylogenic reflexes in the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments that reflex to the occiput to C6 and C7 to T8, respectively. Treat by applying pressure to the ligaments and palpate for the area of greatest paraspinal tenderness from C1 to T8. It is usually ipsilateral. Apply 10 pounds of pressure I to S to where the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous cross and vary the vector while monitoring paraspinal tenderness.
Iliolumbar ligament
Original work done by Fred Illi. Imbalances in this ligament cause improper inhibition in a gait position. Patient steps backward and transfers weight to front foot. Muscles that should be inhibited are tested and if not found weak asked to apply pressure to L5 TP in side of anterior leg. If they then weaken use iliolumbar technique. Procedure: 1. Patient prone 2. Ends of ligament are pressed toward each other and a pim is tested for weakening. 3. Palpate glut max along iliac crest for trigger points. Test glut max for need of strain counter-strain and treat if found for 20 seconds with patient in full expiration. 4. Retest for proper inhibition
Sagittal suture tap technique
Serendipitously found while giving a tap on the top of the head to determine if there was a hidden cervical disc and found that he could straighten knee that wouldn't straighten for the last 15 years. Thought to be a portal of entry into cortical and cerebellar memory and erasing encoded memory of the dysfunction. Examination and treatment: 1. Make corrections 2. TL to bregma and reexamine with original exam technique. If finding are again positive, sagittal suture tap technique is applicable. 3. Tap bregma vigorously 4-5 times and follow by spreading sagittal suture. Positive exam finding should no longer be evident. 4. Again, TL to bregma and determine if it no longer reproduces initial findings. 5. Each phase of correction must be accompanied by sagittal suture tap technique.
Neurologic disorganization
When you get results that should not be showing up there may be a disturbance in the sensing, processing and integrating of the nervous system. This can usually be uncovered by TLing to K27 BL, K27-umbilicus, auxiliary K27, GV-CV connection, and nasal tap. The most common causes structurally in descending order are: cranial sacral primary respiratory dysfunction, foot dysfunction, equilibrium reflex synchronization, PRYT, gait organization, and dural tension.
Ocular lock
Failure of the eyes to work together. When eyes are turned in a specific direction and a PIM weakens, it is a positive ocular lock. Frequently when there is a positive K27 when ocular lock is present. First done clockwise or counter-clockwise and a PIM is tested for weakening. There will be saccadic motions at a particular portion of the circle. That is the point where a PIM usually weakens. Can be temporarily eliminated by treating K27-umbilicus. The usual basic cause is a cranial fault.
KI 27-Umbilicus
Use when there is positive TL to K27 and there is no predictable results with manual muscle testing. First stimulate one K27 and the umbilicus for 20 seconds, then the other K27, and then umbilicus.
Nasal tap
If there is positive ocular lock and K27-umbilicus is treated. Have patient maintain positive eye position and quickly take 2 deep nasal sniffs. If this weakens PIM, tap the bridge of the nose for 60 seconds. After tapping, the ocular lock should no longer be present after 2 deep nasal sniffs. It seems like the tapping affects the cranial primary mechanism to temporarily eliminate the ocular lock.
Auxiliary KI 27
After K27-umbilicus consider other points: T11 Vertebral subluxations
CV-GV Switching
TL to CV 24 or GV 27 If TL positive to either point contact CV 24 and CV 2(upper symphysis pubis) with solid pressure for 30 seconds. Next contact GV 1 and CV 2 and hold for 30 seconds. There will often be subluxations the associated point for the GV at BL 16(close to T6-7).
Hidden switching
When a patient shows switching only under certain conditions.
Cross crawl
Delacato hypothesized there are 5 stages of chid development. Intrauterine-16 weeks- spinal cord and medulla, reflex actions only 16 weeks-6 months- pons. Homolateral activity of visual and auditory functions 6 months-1 year- midbrain. Cross pattern, quadruped crawling, development of both sides of the body together, important area of development to prepare child for upright position. 1 year-5 years-early cortical function, walking, and continued BL development. 3 years-8 years- chordophone hemisphere dominance, develops right or left dominance and continued neurologic organization. Turn head to the side of arm flexion that has the greatest amount of toe turn in and keep head neutral and follow arm flexion with eyes. 30 cycles per day are usually enough but some sever cases might need to do 30 tid.
Injury recall technique
Used to help the body locate and eliminate the memory associated with trauma.
Memory recall
Make corrections and then have the patient think about the incident that he associates with the beginning of the health problem. If the corrections are immediately lost that is an indication that memory recall is continuing to interfere with lasting corrections. Make the correction while the patient concentrates on the memory of the trauma.
Aerobic: retest in a rhythmic, slow, repetitive manner. Should test for at least 20 times. If weak: treat NL and check for need of iron to replenish myoglobin levels Anaerobic: retest in quick, rapid succession. Should test at least 20 times. If weak: treat the NL and check for need of B5 to augment breakdown of glycogen in Kreb's cycle. If muscle cramps during test hold down NL to increase blood flow.
RMAPI - repeated muscle activation patient induced
A weak muscle is found strong but after having the patient activate the muscle 10 times the muscle will then test weak. Treatment: origin/insertion treatment is applied to the muscle that weakens with RMAPI. It usually requires a rather hard application of pressure at the muscles origin and insertion. Goodheart found that over 90% of the patients have occipital or spinal fixation patterns and TL findings that he relates to cerebellar activity.
Muscle stretch reaction
When a PIM is stretched and then tests weak. It has to do with problems with the fascia or with triggerpoints within the muscle.
Fascial Flush
pim that weakens when stretched Treat by "ironing out muscle" Nutritional support-B12 in low dosages with associated stomach and liver extracts which supply the intrinsic and extrinsic factors Multiple muscles needing fascial flush is a good indicator for B12
Trigger point
Described by Travell as, "A small hypersensitive region from which impulses bombard the central nervous system and give rise to referred pain." When pressed, active trigger points will give referred pain, while latent will only cause local pain.
Myofascial gelosis
Collagen fibers losing elasticity and becoming sticky is the jail saw the scription in which the gel is in a more soluble form when there is freedom of motion. Diagnosed by a PIM becoming weak after pinching the belly of a muscle. Treat by tapping with a reflex hammer at 1 Hz or by using a percussor for 30-60 seconds and then rechecking. Vibrating devices have a circular motion and are not useful at correcting myofascial gelosis.
Ligament stretch
A positive ligament stretch reaction is present when muscles that previously tested strong test week after the ligaments of an associate articulation are stretched. Associated with the adrenals and correction should be applied to the adrenals.
Fully contract a pim and retest for weakness. Treat by spreading trigger point and shortening muscle fibers until pain is gone and then having them lengthen the muscle. Nutritional support: raw calcium type product
Gait testing
(Treat on side of leg weakness) Contralateral leg and arm flexors-Lv 2 Contralateral leg and arm abductors-St 44 Contralateral leg and arm extensors-Sp 3 Contralateral leg and arm adductors-Bl 65 Contralateral psoas and Pec sternal-K 1 Contralateral glut Medius and abdominal oblique-Gb 42
Walking gait temporal pattern
As The right leg and pelvis move forward the left shoulder girdle moves forward as the shoulder flexors. Simultaneously, the head turns left, inhibiting the left sternocleidomastoid, right upper trapezius and right deep neck extensor. Test for normal facilitation of the SCM, upper trap, and deep extensor in a standing gait position. A positive test is usually failed inhibition.
Ligament interlink
``` Relationship between a ligament in one side of the body to the corresponding ligament in a contralateral joint of the body. Right ankle-left wrist Right knee-left elbow Shoulder-acetabulum Sacroiliac-costal-sternal junctions Xyphoid-coccyx Any joint-TMJ ``` Find painful ligament then find painful ligament on opposite joint. TL will only be positive when both ligaments are contacted and pim is weakened. Have patient contact more painful side. Push hyoid to side of lesser ligament tenderness and apply pulsating pressure 20-30 times against the less tender ligament. If soreness over side patient is holding is not reduced check TMJ, ipsilateral first then contralateral.
The patient is supine with knees flexed. The neck is flexed with the chin approximated to the chest and a PIM is tested for weakening. If weak, check for decreased hip abduction. Correction involves stabilization of the skull and preventing motion as the patient attempts to forcibly flex the neck. Repeat five times. Can also be done with rotation
The patient is supine with the knees bent. A PIM weakens when both knees are rotated either left or right, this will be abolished by having the patient roll the eyes either left or right. Correction involves placing the patient in the prone position and challenging the sacrum, lateral to the apex, in a superior direction with the eyes lateralized. Find a phase of respiration that abolishes the weakness. If inspiration is found, correct cephalad and slightly and anterior, and if expiration is found, correct cephalad and slightly posterior.
Yaw #1
Patient is supine with knees flexed. PIM weakens when knees and head are rotated in opposite directions. This is a subluxation fixation of the occiput on the atlas. Challenge by stabilizing the atlas and pressing anterior on the occiput to find the side of involvement. Adjust at the sorest spot on the side of challenge in an anterior direction without rotation of the skull Many times this will increase lumbar flexion
Yaw #2
Patient is prone with blocks under the opposite ASIS and shoulder. Test for weakening of PIM and then reverse the blocks. If positive, TL each side of the sacrum. Adjust with the side that TL'd up in side-posture. Stand between the patient's legs with the superior leg parallel to the floor supported by the doctors thigh. As the pressure is applied against the leg, an anterior thrust is delivered on the sacrum on the side that TL'd. It is important that the pelvic musculature, especially the piriformis, is evaluated and corrected for maintenance of this condition.
Yaw #3
Patient is prone with blocks under the opposite shoulder and lower rib cage. This torques the ribs opposite to the shoulders and weakening of a PIM will reveal an underlying fault at the thoraco-lumbar junction.
Patient is supine with one knee flexed and head laterally flexed to the same side. Test PMC bilaterally for weakening. If no weakening, recheck with head laterally flexed to opposite side. Repeat with opposite knee flexed. Correction: Treat by having the patient hold the ear towards the shoulder and forcibly attempt to medially bend the neck and head away from the shoulder. Repeat on the opposite side.
Labyrinthine reflexes
Located in medial aspect of the mastoid.
Visual righting reflex
Found when muscle is weak in the clear and strengthens with eyes closed. Reflexes above the supraorbital notch.
Pelvic reflexes
May be primitive centering reflexes. Called cloacal reflexes by Beardall. Anterior TL points found on the anterior external surface of the superior ramus of the pubis, below the origin of the pectineus and lateral to the origin of the adductor longus along the superior border of the obturator foramen. The posterior pelvic reflex is located where the sacrotuberous ligament attaches to the fourth and fifth transverse tubercles of the sacrum and the lateral margins of the coccyx.
Anterior contralateral and ipsilateral apposition
The patient is supine and flexes his hip to slightly raise a straight leg off the table and flexes the arm to 160 degrees. Pressure is applied to extend the leg and flex the arm. Test contralaterally and ipsilaterally on both sides. Treat by either correcting cranial faults or by rubbing anterior and/or posterior reflexes.
Posterior contralateral and ipsilateral apposition
The patient is supine and flexes his hip to slightly raise a straight leg off the table and flexes the arm to 160 degrees. Pressure is applied to flex the leg and extend the arm. Test contralaterally and ipsilaterally on both sides. Treat by either correcting cranial faults or by rubbing anterior and/or posterior reflexes.
Limbic fixation - rib and spinal fixation
Common fixation that can cause return of other fixations or of the PRY imbalances. Fixation between C7 and 1st rib Challenge you contacting the SP of C7 with one hand and 1st rob with the other. Correct by thrusting the C7 away from 1st rib and then the rib away from C7
Rib pump technique
Treat with strain-counterstrain. Test for these problems in cases of atrophy, dystrophy, CVA, neuropathy and spinal cord injuries
Dural tension
The dura attaches for foramen magnum and posterior surface of C2 and C3, and inferiorly at the filum terminale and the dorsum of the first coccygeal segment. It is generally recognized as not attaching at C1.
Filum terminale cephalad lift technique
First, have the patient TL to both the coccyx and upper three cervical vertebrae and occiput. Treatment is done by double hand contact with constant cephalad pressure on the coccyx, loose contact on the occiput as the patient inhales, and a gentle squeeze on the occiput as the patient exhales. Maintain pressure on the occiput and with the next inhalation move the upper three cervical vertebrae inferiorly. Repeat 4-5 times. Will usually see a shortening of the spine by 1"
Inspiration assist cranial fault
Weak muscle strengthens; pim weakens. Palpable tenderness: frontal bone along mid-pupillary line. Challenge: push mastoid anteriorly. Correction: push mastoid into direction of challenge, usually anteromedially on inspiration Sacral associated fault: sacral inspiration assist
Expiration assist cranial fault
Weak muscle strengthens on expiration; pim weakens on inspiration. Palpable tenderness: frontal bone along mid-pupillary line. Challenge: push mastoid posterior. Correction: push mastoid posterior on expiration. Sacral associated fault: sacral expiration assist fault
Sphenobasilar inspiration assist cranial fault
Weak muscle strengthens when air is forced in after full inspiration or pim weakens after forcing air to expel after full expiration. Palpable tenderness: over wing of sphenoid Challenge: thumbs are placed as in the TL locations and patient asked to forcibly exhale; or challenge at the mastoid and cruciate suture. Correction: one hand on hard palate pushing superiorly and one on mastoid pushing anteriorly on inspiration. Sacral associated fault: fixation between sacrum and coccyx corrected on inspiration
Sphenobasilar expiration assist cranial fault
Weak muscle strengthens when additional air is forced out after a full expiration or pim weakens after full inspiration. Palpable tenderness: over wing of sphenoid Challenge: thumbs placed in TL position and patient asked to forcibly inspire; or challenge posteriors you at mastoid and anteriorly behind central incisors. Correction: contact posterior to central incisors and pull anteriorly and on the anterior margin of the mastoids and pull posterior on expiration. Sacral associated fault: fixation between sacrum and coccyx corrected on expiration
Temporal bulge cranial fault
Weak muscle strengthens on 1/2 breath in or pim weakens on half breath out. Palpable tenderness: along parietotemporal junction. Challenge: pressure anteriorly and posteriorly to exaggerate the bulge. Correction: contact occipital bone near asterion and the frontal bone near pterion and attempt to exaggerate the bulge with maximum force applied during the middle of inspiration. Pelvic associated fault: category I
Parietal descent cranial fault
Weak muscle strengthens on 1/2 breath out or pim weakens on 1/2 breath in. Palpable tenderness: superior to ear on temporal bone. Challenge: lift parietal bone, separating its junction with the temporal. Correction: use thumbs or heel of hand to protect sagittal suture and pull the parietal bone superior on expiration with max force apples during mid breath.
Glabella cranial fault
Breathing through either nose or mouth weakens a pim. Almost always found on oral respiration. Nasal findings are usually associated with trauma to the nose or surrounding structures. Palpable tenderness: none Challenge: pressure against glabella and eop strengthens a weak muscle. Correction: one hand on glabella and other on eop with the type of breathing that didn't cause weakening of a pim. After 4-5 times, contact the upper 3 cervicals and press inferiorly with compression of skull. Sacral associated fault: sacral apex is pressed anteriorly on inspiration with the type of breathing that didn't cause weakness, oral or nasal. May also be associated with ocular lock
Internal frontal cranial fault
Indications: anterior neck flexor weakness may indicate this fault. There will be a nares imbalance with the larger on the side of the internal rotation of the frontal bone and the orbit will be smaller. Palpable Tenderness: found over the supraorbital notch. TL: fingers are placed either over the frontal bone or over the maxilla inferior to the orbit. Challenge: pressure is applied to the maxilla, inferior to the malar surface, pressure applied nasally. Correction: pressure applied against hard palate at the junction of the last premolar and first molar on the side of internal rotation. Pressure is applied as to roll superior and laterally against palate. Repeat 5-6 times. Check for a high sphenoid by examining eyeball. High sphenoid is in the side of the protruded eye. On this side slide your finger along the lateral margins of the molars until you reach the pterygoid muscle pocket, this area will be painful. Press inferiorly. Follow by pressing opposite pterygoid pocket superiority and laterally.
External frontal cranial fault
Indications-anterior neck flexor weakness may indicate this fault. Palpable tenderness at the superciliary arch on the side of external rotation and zygomatic malar arch on the opposite side. TL-fingers are placed either over the frontal bone or over the maxilla, inferior to the orbit. Challenge-the central incisor are pulled caudally and an indicator muscle is tested. Correction-on the side opposite to the external rotation, place your fingers in the hard palate, medial to the last molars. Pressure is applied cephalad and posterior (the exact vector of correction may be determined by finding the direction of pressure that will alleviate palpatory pain over the eyeball). This pressure is applied until the palpable soreness is relieved at the superciliary arch and the malar surface of the zygomatic. Your finger is then placed in the pterygoid pocket on the side of external rotation. Pressure is applied cephalad and medial for 20 seconds.
Nasosphenoid cranial fault
A chronic finding that occurs with sphenobasilar faults Associated with pituitary problems. After using two hand TL with one hand to the Glabella and one to various organs to isolate problem, use a respiratory challenge to isolate the type of cranial fault found. You will usually find a sphenobasilar type fault. Next, palate the squamosal suture for tenderness or challenge the fault. Place your thumb in the upper medial border of the orbit and press toward the opposite sphenoid bone. Test a strong muscle for weakening. If weakness found, perform correction for cranial found while the patient contacts, with their thumb, the upper medial border of the orbit. The patient presses towards the opposite sphenoid while the doctor performs the original cranial correction.
Interosseous or Universal cranial fault
Pim weakens by breathing through one nostril. Challenge: press one mastoid inferiorly and the other superiorly. Correction: opposite direction than what caused weakness. Sacral associated fault: challenge by spreading psis's apart and correct with sharp thrust to separate psis's bl. Associated with closed ICV and upper cervical problems. Ddx from ionization issues. Many times involved with weak SCM or upper trap
Sagittal suture cranial fault
Weakness of rectus abdominus. Palpable tenderness: along sagittal suture. TL: fingers over suture. Challenge: approximate or separate. Correction: tx to separate or close suture during phase of respiration and opposite to direction that weakened pim
Squamosal suture cranial fault
Indications-pain or discomfort on the side of the skull. TL-the fingers are placed over the suture and a strong muscle is tested for weakening. Challenge-the suture can be approximated or separated. A pim is tested for weakening and then a patient is asked to inspire or expire to see which phase of respiration restrenghthens muscle. Correction-pressure is applied with fingers to either approximate or separate the suture, depending on the challenge direction and phase of respiration that negated challenge.
Lambdoidal suture cranial fault
Indications-weakness of the SCM may indicate jamming of this suture ipsilaterally. This fault is common in whiplash injuries. TL-the fingers are placed over the suture and a muscle is tested for a change. Challenge-the suture can be approximated or separated. Correction-forceful traction with the fingers is applied to separate or close the suture during any phase of respiration. Correct in the direction opposite to that which weakened a pim.
Zygomatic suture cranial fault
Indications-this fault is usually associated with ileocecal valve problems. Local skull trauma, TMJ imbalances and chronic protein deficiencies can relate to this fault. TL-fingers are placed over each of the 3 zygomatic sutures and a muscle is tested for change in strength. Challenge-the sutures can be approximated or separated. Correction-forceful traction with the fingers is applied to separate or approximate the suture during any phase of respiration. Correct in the direction opposite to that which weakened a pim.
Sacral inspiration assist fault
Breathing pattern: if the hamstring muscles are weak to do a sacral inspiration assist fault they will strengthen when the patient holds a deep inspiration. If the hamstrings are strong they will weaken when a deep expiration is held. Challenge: pressure is applied to the sacral apex to move it anteriorly. Apply several challenges with various lateral and medial vectors until maximum we can of the indicator muscle is observed if the hamstring muscles are weak the piriformis may be used as an indicator muscle. Therapy localization: TL over sacrum will generally be positive. Challenge is best method of evaluation. Correction: correct in best vector on inspiration.
Sacral expiration assist fault
Breathing pattern: if the hamstring muscles are weak to do a sacral expiration assist fault they will strengthen when the patient holds a deep exhalation. If the hamstrings are strong they will weaken when a deep breath is held. Challenge: pressure is applied with the thumb to the anterior portion of the sacral apex. If the sacral expiration assist is present bilaterally the doctor contacts both sides of the anterior portion of the sacral apex. Apply several challenges with various lateral and medial vectors until maximum we can of the indicator muscle is observed if the hamstring muscles are weak the piriformis may be used as an indicator muscle. Therapy localization: TL over sacrum will generally be positive. Challenge is best method of evaluation. Correction: correct in best vector on expiration.
Sacral wobble
There is a torque pattern of motion that occurs at the sacrum during normal walking. This resembles a figure 8. TL-bilateral hand contact is made over the sacrum with care being taken not to touch the SI joints. Procedure- patient prone and TL is made over sacrum. If weakness occurs the patient is asked to inspire and expire. Correction is done on phase of respiration that abolishes weakness. If inspiration-contact sacrum on posterior lower 1/3 and opposite ASIS and determine side. Repeat 6-8 and then recheck. If expiration-contact under the sacral apex and pull posterior and on the sacral base and push anterior to determine side. Repeat 6-8 and then recheck. Associated fault- an occipital-atlantal counter torque will be found on the same side as the ASIS for the inspiration assist or on the side of the sacral base for expiration and will be corrected with the same phase of respiration.
Atlantic-occipital countertorque
Indications: this is commonly associated with tonic, clinic, spastic torticollis. Palpable tenderness: none TL: fingers must be applied to the mastoid and to the atlas on the same side of the head. Challenge: the mastoid and the atlas can be pressed in opposite directions and the direction that weakens a strong muscle is the direction of correction. Correction: in the direction that caused the greatest weakness on the phase of respiration that negated weakness for 5 respirations. Sacral fault: sacral wobble many times
An encapsulated compound synovial joint, with the upper and lower facets and the disc acting as a non-ossified bone. The upper joint is a sliding joint and the lower joint is a hinge joint. Begin exam by TLing to the TMJ. should be negative and if not that is a sign of local pathology. Next, have the patient continually open and close the mouth. If rapid opening and closing of the mouth weaken the patient look for need for Vitamin B5, which is treatment an anaerobic muscle problem. Patient weekends with slow mandibular movement, the aerobic fibers are involved and the indication is for low potency chelated iron. If the patient the patient weakens with TL on a specific movement, either opening or closing, determine which muscles are involved.
Pterygoid muscle strain/counterstrain technique
Passively find the position of cervical flexion that relieves the pterygoid muscle pain upon palpation of the pterygoid pocket. Have the patient inhale and hold the position for 30 seconds. All of the movement is with the patient passive. Another method of correcting the turquoise muscles is to hold the tender area in the pterygoid pocket while tapping T2, 3, and 4. Evaluate for the need of gate, equilibrium synchronization, dural tension, and PYRT techniques.
Hyoid muscles
``` Omohyoid Sternohyoid Thyrohyoid Stylohyoid Geniohyoid Digastric Genioglossus Mylohyoid Hyoglossus ```
Psychological reversal
When a patient strengthens to a negative statement or weakens to a positive statement. Establishing the cause of psychological reversal enables the physician to follow through and develop correction in the area causing psychological reversal. Treatment by tapping SI 1 or SI 3 while the stamens that weakened the patient can be determined through TL. NUtritional support with vitamin B and RNA or using Bach Rescue Remedy every waking hour for 2 weeks
Blood sugar
In synopsis, One of the most important aspects of your treatment is patient education. The emotions and psyche of an individual are affected in many ways by hypoglycemia and relative adrenal insufficiency.
Attention deficit hyperactivity and learning disabilities
Can because by any number of health problems, but hypoadrenia and hypoglycemia, cranial faults, neurologic disorganization, ocular lock and food and chemical sensitivities should be investigated.
Emotional neurovascular reflex
A PIM well weaken after "reliving" an emotional event. Treat by holding the neurovascular points on the frontal eminence. Having the patient think about the emotional problem while you are holding the reflex appears to improve treatment effectiveness but is not necessary. You should ask the patient to hear, see, smell, feel, and remember the emotional event. The reflex appears to be more receptive to treatment when the conception vessel is first "run" to open it from CV 1, at the perineum (but you can start near the symphysis pubis near CV 2), to CV 24, at the lower lip. After the neurovascular reflex is treated, the conception vessel is "closed" by running from its end, CV 24, to its beginning, CV 2.
Bach flower remedies
Discovered in 1928. Can be used to help with emotional issues by either taking orally or diffusing.
Emotional backache
Usually, an emotional backache will have no pathologic origin. It is usually found in the "overachiever". It is usually not caused from a stress but rather from an accumulation of stresses. This is found with positive TL to the secret iliac joint only when tested by the sartorius or gracilis and will be negated when the patient chews adrenal concentrate. Treatment consists of giving raw adrenal concentrate.
Homolateral gait and crawl patter
A Homo lateral crawl pattern will strengthen weak muscle or a cross crawl pattern will weaken a PIM. This was first observed and correlated with schizophrenia, as well as a cross K 27. Cross K 27 will therapy localize in all schizophrenics, but does not necessarily mean all who exhibit a positive cross K 27 have schizophrenia. Patterning the patient with a homolateral crawl can be helpful to get them to show a normal cross crawl pattern. Niacin or niacinamide and B6 can be indicated.
Treatment for phobias
This comes from the work of Callahan and Durlacher in the book titled the five-minute phobia cure and freedom from fear forever. First, and possibly most important, the patient must be cleared of any psychological reversal. This is the most common cause of failure of treatment. The best muscle to test in evaluating for phobic reactions is the pec major clavicular. It is recommended to tap the beginning and ending points of the Meridian which alarm point negates a positive muscle weakening after thinking of the event that causes phobia. Approximately 95% of the time it will be the stomach meridian. Make sure to have the patient rate their phobia before and after treatment. It can also be helpful to have the patient do right brain or left brain activities, humming or multiplication tables, or rotate their eyes counterclockwise and then clockwise.
Foot reflexes and reactions
Positive support reaction: When pressure is applied to the plantar surface of the foot the limit is extended strongly enough to support animals body weight. Weight bearing in the foot stretches the muscles and ligaments stimulating the joint and the muscle mechanoreceptors to provide facilitation of the postural extensor muscles. With the patient prone, stretch the foot to spread the metatarsal and longitudinal arches. Normal is for the extensor muscles to test equally strong or stronger. Weakening shows some kind of foot dysfunction. Magnet Reaction: Also called the placing reaction and has no relation to electromagnetic activity. Called this because when researchers pushed a decerebrate animal and then released the foot followed the hand as if attached like a magnet.
Foot pronation
4° of pronation provides shock absorbency and accommodates the internal rotation of the leg. An excellent screening examination for extended for permission subluxations another dysfunctions is the shock observer test. Helbing's sign is a medial bowing of the Achilles' tendon that can be observed in a static posture. Medial knee rotation can also be seen with extended pronation. Treatment must be directed to muscles, subluxations and support.
Tarsal tunnel
The most common peripheral nerve entrapment on the branches of the sciatic nerve is on the tibial nerve at the tarsal tunnel. The tarsal tunnel is located posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus. Tibial nerve is innervated by L4-S3. Usually within the tarsal tunnel the nerve splits into the medial plantar, lateral plantar, and calcaneal nerves. The tarsal tunnel contains the tibial nerve the tibialis posterior tendon the flexor digitorum longest tendon the flex your house is longus tendon, and the neurovascular bundle of the posterior tibial artery and vein. Extended pronation is a factor in nearly all cases of tarsal tunnel syndrome. Examination may appear normal but there will be weakness of the flexor digitorum brevis and strengthen the flexor digitorum longus, because the flexor digitorum longus receives its innervation before the tarsal tunnel. Tinnel's sign is often positive over the tarsal tunnel, as well as sensitivity over the retinaculum. Examination should be focused on correcting extended pronation. The calcaneus will usually be subluxated posteriolaterally. When there is the sensation of burning feet without nerve entrapment it often responds to vitamin B complex.
Functional hallux limitus
There are three distinct mechanisms that permit foot to support applied stress during gate: 1. calcaneocuboid locking secondary to aponeurosis tightening; 2. the locking wedge and truss effect; 3. the winless effect. This will be found when there is full extension of the halux when the patient is not weight-bearing but failure in extension of the halux when the patient is standing in a neutral position.
Patellofemoral pain syndrome
Caused by improper tracking of the patella in relation to the condyles of the femur. Chondrimalacia patella is observable changes in the patella and should not be seen in this condition. Often secondary to an increased Q angle, normal is 13° for males and 18° for females. Abnormal is above 20°. Symptoms are diffuse ache in the su patellar area with exacerbation on stair climbing. There may be pain on knee extension, there is usually crepitus that can be felt by the examiner with their hands on the side of the knee. There may be medial or pain on both sides of the knee and the knee may feel like it's going to give out or actually give out.
Iliotibial band friction syndrome
At 30° of knee flexion the posterior fibers of the iliotibial band abut on the lateral epicondyles. The pain can usually be relieved by walking with a stiff knee. It can be caused by a rigid foot that is unable to handle the stresses of running. Orthotics are usually contra indicated in this condition. Ober's test can be used to evaluate the length of the iliotibial band. With the patient side-lying and affected leg up, the examiner stabilizes the pelvis. The thigh is abducted and extended with the knee flexed to 90°. While maintaining stabilization of the pelvis the leg is allowed to adduct. Failure to adduct beyond the neutral position is a positive test. The IT band may need to be lengthened through stretching exercises.
Popliteus tendinitis
The popliteus muscle helps prevent forward translation of the femur on the tibia. There will be exquisite tenderness over the insertion. Put the leg into the FABER position so the knee is easily and locate the fibular collateral ligament, a point at the proximal fibular head, just proximal to the lateral joint line.
Proximal fibula subluxation
There will often be tenderness at the joint. There will be positive TL and challenge. It's best to use a knee muscle and challenge for strengthening. It will generally be subluxed posteriorly. Can be manipulated either supine or prone.
Five joints of the shoulder
``` Glenohumeral Acromioclavicular Sternoclavicular Subacromial Scapulothoracic ```
Slipped bicipital tendon
Rupture will be indicated by the characteristic bulge. Yergason's, pain over the bicepital groove with elbow flexion and supination against resistance. Manipulation is done with elbow flexed to 90° and the physician supporting the forearm. Pressure is applied to the tendon toward reduction, then extend the arm at the shoulder, then abduct and medially rotate the humerus while maintaining pressure on the tendon.
If there is pain on resisted supination and flexion, biceps muscle is involved. When there is painless flexion the supinator is probably involved. Weakness of supination may be do to entrapment of the posterior interosseous branch of the radial nerve as it passes through the supinator muscle. Tennis elbow can be differentiated by using Cozen's test Mill's test or Kaplan's test.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
The carpal tunnel is bordered anteriorly by the transverse carpal ligament and posteriorly by the carpal bones. Symptoms can because by trauma, overuse, where a vitamin B6 deficiency. With a dosage of 100 to 200 mg of B6 it takes 12 weeks of therapy to see improvement of signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Most cases are caused by subluxation of the carpal bones and the distal radioulnar articulation. Usually the opponens muscles will strengthen when the bones are held in the correct direction. Attention must be paid to the pronator quadratus. After corrections have been made and the muscles test strong determine if the correction can be easily lost by putting the patient's wrist through extreme ranges of motion. If the symptoms return easily it is necessary to use a wrist support for approximately two weeks so the structure can heal. Usually raw bone concentrate is indicated, three tablets chewed per day.
Pisiform hamate syndrome
Entrapment of the ulnar nerve. Entrapment of the owner nerve at the wrist and hand must be differentiated from the more proximal entrapments. There will be normal muscle test of the flexor digitorum profundas muscle in the fourth and fifth fingers, which receives ulnar innervation proximal to the wrist. Treatment usually involves adjustments to the carpal bones in a vector that is found to improve muscle function. Nutritional support of raw bone concentrate may be necessary.
Idiopathic scoliosis
Wolfe's law: bone will remodel due to the forces applied to it. Hueter-Volkmann Rule: if pressure is increased on an epiphyseal growth plate it will retard it's rate of growth. Conversely, a pressure decrease on the growth plate may increase its rate of growth or restore normal rates to occur. Remaining Vertebral Growth: spinal growth can be expected to occur until the iliac apophyses is complete. This takes from 12 to 36 months and begins at the anterior iliac spine and proceeds medially. Functional causes: protective muscle spasms; muscular weakness; habit scoliosis; static scoliosis (anatomical short leg); Occupational scoliosis; subluxation scoliosis; Uncompensated scoliosis; compensated scoliosis.
Bicuspid valve that prevents chyme from regurgitating into the small intestine.
Open ICV
Challenge-pull up toward left shoulder TL-over cecum Muscle involvement-test general indicator muscle NL-below ASIS, right bicipital groove (3"), C3 lamina NV-half way between lateral boarder of rectus abdominus and ASIS Stress Receptor-1/2" lateral to eop Acupuncture-BL 58 and K4 Cranial-zygomatic and lambdoidal Nutrition-Comfrey, Okra, Chlorophyll Cranial Fault-Zygomatic Suture Spine-C5 and L1
Closed ICV
Challenge-push valve toward right acetabulum TL-over cecum NL-NL for rectus abdominus and for quads NV-half way between lateral boarder of rectus abdominus and ASIS Stress receptor-1/2" lateral to eop Vertebra-L3 and C3 Nutrition-Ca and Vitamin D, sometimes hydrochloric acid when calcium can't be absorbed Cranial Fault-Universal Cranial Fault is often present and sometimes zygomatic and lambdoidal Acupuncture-Bl 58 or K 4, and sedation point for kidney (K 1)
Colon cancer
It is postulated that chronic or recurring ileocecal valve syndrome may be the cause of increased cecum cancer.
Colon circulation
Colon Stasis from a low fiber diet causes accumulation of dry, hardened feces in the rectal area, causing pressure on the veins that in turn causes veins to distend and eventually balloon the hemorrhoidal plexus.
Colon cholesterol level
Bacteria in the dysfunctional colon act upon bike acids to form lithocholate, which acts back in the liver and cuts down conversion of cholesterol to bile acids. A diet higher in fiber can be helpful.
Colon diverticulosis and diverticulitis
Slowed peristalsis and adrenal dysfunction can contribute to stretching of haustra into diverticulum, which can easily turn into diverticulitis.
Colon - obesity
Additional fiber can aid in saliva and digestive juices and aid fat removal.
Colon - infection from bowel dysfunction
Increasing to a more aboriginal diet and increasing fiber can help eliminate infections and appendicitis.
Colon - dietary change
Increased dietary roughage and decreased refined carbs.
Adrenal stress disorder
Selye, in 1925, found adrenal cortex enlargement, atrophy of the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, and all other lymphatic structures, and deep bleeding ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. There are four types of stress: physical; chemical; thermal; and emotional. General adaptation syndrome: Alarm reaction; resistance stage; and exhaustion stage.
Blood sugar handling stress
Blood sugar is derived from three major sources: diet; glycogenolysis; gluconeogenesis.
Insulin resistance and syndrome x
Starts with insulin resistance and eventually includes an increase in plasma triglyceride, decrease in high density lipoprotein – cholesterol concentration, high blood pressure, microvascular angina, hyperuricemia and plasminogen activator inhibitor. Increased abdominal fat indicates probable hyperinsulinemia. Waist to hip ratio should be under 0.8 for women and 1.0 for men.
Adrenals, sugar, liver, sulfate, and joints
This discussion is directed toward the maintenance and repair of joint cartilage, including intervertebral discs. Glycosaminoglycans are all mostly dependent on sulfate productions.
Allergies and hypersensitivities
Applied Kinesiology muscle testing has not been definitively shown to be accurate, when compared to IgG RAST testing but there is potential data that can be ascertained. Coca's pulse test looks at changes in pulse rate and Callahan found that after ingesting offensive substances a person will test for a psychological reversal; i.e. A person will test weak after saying, "I want to be happy and healthy" or test weak after saying, "I want to be sick". When testing a muscle, it's best to use a muscle associated with the patient's symptoms; i.e. Stomach, pancreas, small intestine, eyes, nasal passages, or sinuses. Hypochlorhydria, calcium supplementation and a temporal bulge are often associated with allergies and asthma. Hypoadrenia, the entire stomatognathic system, and the pelvis should also be evaluated and corrected.
Retrograde lymphatic technique
Test a PIM for weakening when patient is put into a retrograde position. If weakens: - Have patient grasp table by their head and contract pecs. - If weakens muscle strengthens, treat pec minor with fascial technique - Occasionally, pec clavicular and pec sternal have to be treated - Treat pec minor NL, at the junction of the xiphoid and sternal body for 2 minutes - vitamin A in low doses
The two significant thyroid hormones are T4 and T3. They are stimulated by TSH which is made in the pituitary, The pituitary is stimulated by TRH. The pituitary can be inhibited by somatostatin, which will also inhibit human growth hormone. T3 is four times more potent than T4. There is often pain at the costal cartilage that is immediately relieved by chewing iodine in hypothyroid patients. Nutrition: iodine, thyroid nucleoprotein extract or concentrate, and vitamin A. When supplementing with iodine and iron they must be given at opposite times of the day because they are antagonistic. When there are the symptoms of hyperthyroid but low temp give RNA. Mildly hyperthyroid patient should have high doses of iodine and vitamin a. Hyperthyroid increases the need for vitamin B6.
The science has flip-flopped over the years but there may be some implications between heart disease and cholesterol levels, even though the normal range has fluctuated. Total body absorption of cholesterol is regulated by three factors: absorption, synthesis, and excretion. There are six steps in the absorption of cholesterol: 1. Cholesteryl esters are hydrolyzed to free cholesterol in the presence of pancreatic cholesterol esterase and bile acid 2. Free cholesterol in the intestine is solubilized in the mixed micelles but bile acid and other amphiphatic substances, such as monoglycerides and fatty acids 3. In contact with the brush border, it moves across the cell membrane, probably by passive diffusion. 4. Cholesterol then mixes with the intracellular pool of unesterified cholesterol. 5. A major portion of this pool is then esterified with long chain fatty acid 6. Cholesterol is then incorporated into the intestinal length as chylomicrons Phospholipids can increase fecal excretion of neutral sterols, helping to reduce the absorption of both exogenous and endogenous cholesterol. There is considerable data to support the hypothesis that a copper deficiency increases serum cholesterol. Vitamin C, fiber, and the thyroid may all have rolls in cholesterol balance is well.
This is usually multifactorial. When there is an elevation of systolic pressure on standing, cranial techniques are often needed. There will frequently be a spinal fixation in the area of C-4 to T2. Relaxing the musculature of the head, neck, and face, and correcting the temporomandibular joint dysfunction are important aspects in correcting essential hypertension. Oh common premium for sound with high blood pressure is the glabella fault. A good result is systolic reduction of 20-40mmHg.
Pineal gland
Suspect in cases with multiple endocrine imbalances or functioning of the endocrine system out of proper timing sequence. If test for muscles related to specific endocrine glands are strong: 1. Cover eyes and front portion of the skull, preventing light from reaching these areas, and test for strength of any endocrine related muscle. 2. If found strong, no pineal involvement is present. If weakening occurs, suspect pineal involvement. 3. Test for the need of pineal substances as a nutritional support by testing sublingually while the light is blocked from the eyes and forehead. 4. Compress the wings of the sphenoid or the ramus of the mandible bilaterally and test for weakening of a strong muscle. 5. Treat associated cranial fault, if present, by simultaneously spreading the anterior portion of the ramus and then spreading the pterygoid processes of the sphenoid.
Male female hormones
Estrogen: needs to be cleared out by the liver and excreted in bile. Will cause water retention, gynecomastia, loss of chest hair in men rain, testicular atrophy, and loss of libido in men. Progesterone: produced by luteal tissue, adrenal cortex, and the placenta. Follicle Stimulating Hormone: produce to Jerry and activates the ovarian follicle to mature and for the ovum to enlarge Luteinizing Hormone: on the 14th day of ovum development, luteinizing hormone is released by the anterior pituitary and the ripe follicle ruptures releasing the ovum. Relaxin: The hormone secreted from the sixth week of pregnancy until termination. Androgens: masculinizing hormones.
Always requires an evaluation of functional hormone balance. One common cause of imbalance is blood sugar handling stress. Liver congestion may also be involved, which is common in sugar handling stress. Sacral correction is of primary importance. There may be uterine ptosis. Cramps with dysmenorrhea may be due to calcium deficiency. A practical test for this is to place a blood pressure cuff on the arm or leg. Raise the cuff pressure to diastolic level and hold it for three or four minutes. If cramping occurs, calcium administration will often eliminate menstrual cramping. Can also be caused by ileocecal valve syndrome.
A General physical examination is the first consideration in either primary or secondary amenorrhea. Hypoproteinemia can be the cause of scanty menstruation or amenorrhea. All factors of protein metabolism should be evaluated, as well as the patient's diet.
Check for adrenal fatigue and excess sympathetic activity.
Breast soreness
A common correlation, especially bilaterally, is colon we're digestive dysfunction. The neurolymphatic reflex for the tensor fascia latta and colon is very active.
Post-parturition backache
Often caused due to levels of relaxin hormone. The major pelvic distortion maybe at the sacroiliac or the symphysis pubis, or two or three of the articulations.
Proper flora and control of yeast are necessary for treatment.
Before considering psychological factors, a complete physical exam should be done. A common cause of loss of libido is loss of general energy. A little blood sugar level with accompanying adrenal stress is a common cause.
Prostate massage is usually done in a manner that pulls it inferiorly, But it actually should be lifted cephalad until the patient has the desire to urinate. The organism frequently involved with prostatitis is E. coli and the bowel should be evaluated. Vitamin F, which is linoleic and linolenic acid, produces good results. Oil of calabash or Mexican pumpkin is also of assistance. Oil of calabash can be placed directly into the rectum for topical treatment. Zinc is indicated in many prostate problems.
Uterine lift technique
Often required after correction of a weak levator ani muscle. Usually meters and also in a female with exceptionally wide open eyes. Pressure is applied to the lower central abdomen in a caudal direction. A positive challenge is weakening of a PIM. Contact for the correction is midway from the umbilicus to the pubis. The patient is requesting to raise her arms and legs at the same time and forcefully exhale while the doctor pushes in a posterior superior direction. Repeat this maneuver three times. The second time the maneuver is begun more inferiorly than the first month, and the third is done with the physicians hands starting just above the pubis.
Innervated by the phrenic nerve, cord levels C2, 3, and 4. The neurolymphatic is located along the entire length of the sternum. Prolonged stimulation may be necessary to eliminate positive therapy localization. The neurovasculars are found at the bregma, lambda, and 1" above lambda. The stress receptor is located on the frontal bone in the transverse plane, approximately 1 1/2" superior to the glabella. The meridian is the conception vessel. It is necessary for the QL to work properly in order to stabilize the lower ribs, which provide stabilization so the diaphragm can correctly fire. Examination can be done through vital capacity in maximum expiratory flow rate, Snyders test, vitalator, spirometer, the thoracic cage mobility. Therapy localization will be positive when the patient touches immediately under the xiphoid process. Often it will not be present until the patient goes through a deep phase of respiration. If the patients holds his breath for 10 seconds there will be dramatic weakening of the general musculature of the body. A sheet of lead placed over CV 24 and GV 27 will cause weakening of the whole body when there is diaphragm dysfunction. There is often a fixation of T11, T12, and L1 (TL fixation) The diaphragm can be reactive to the psoas muscle. To test this check thoracic excursion, then test the psoas muscle, then recheck the thoracic excursion. In the presence of a diaphragm reactive to a psoas you will see a reduced thoracic excursion immediately after the psoas contraction.
Hiatal hernia
There are three major types of esophageal hernia: sliding; paraesophageal; and congenital. 75% are sliding. Symptoms can relate to digestive disturbances, heart problems, shoulder neck and jaw pain, and dysphagia and hiccups. Examination is done by the physician applying a gentle thrust towards the hiatus with pressure under the xiphoid directed cephalad and slightly towards the left shoulder. In the presence of a functional disturbance a previously intact muscle will weaken. Treatment is done by pulling the stomach from within the hiatus. This is best accomplished with the patient standing, supported against the wall. The physician works in the fingertips of both hands into the tissue under the xiphoid process, attempting to obtain good purchase on the stomach so the inferior traction may be placed on it. As the patient takes a deep breath in the diaphragm moves inferiorly, The physician works his fingertips in deeper. As the patient exhales for approximately the fourth time the diaphragm travels upward in the physician gives a quick poll inferiorly.
Inspiration through the right nostril- a positive current flows down the right side of the body. Inspiration through the left nostril-a negative current flows down the left side of the spine. Procedure: TL with palms down and there is a respiratory component that needs to be corrected, then, nasal breathing through the right nostril is indicated. TL with palms up, left nostril breathing is indicated. Other Procedure: Start with inhibited muscle- -Inhale first with left nostril, then with right. --if only one nostril strengthens, then ionization fault is present Treatment: When ionization imbalance is found, treat for whatever cranial fault is found using the one nostril for inspiration.
Nasal ionization and mineral balance
Excessive negative ions - left nostril in - corrected by positive calcium (calcium oxide, calcium carbonate, calcium gluconate) Deficient positive ions - right nostril out - corrected by negative calcium (calcium lactate, di calcium phosphate) Excessive positive ions - right nostril in - corrected by positive potassium (potassium oxide, potassium carbonate, potassium gluconate) Deficient negative ions - left nostril out - corrected by negative potassium (potassium citrate, potassium aspartate)
Reticular activating system
The RAS is located in the medulla, pons, and midbrain as poorly defined nuclei connected by a chain of multisynaptic neurons that send stimuli to the thalamus, which acts as a relay center. It is an extrathalamic cortical modulatory systems. Thought to be concerned with degrees of conscious alertness, as well as sleep. Receives tremendous numbers of signals directly or indirectly from the spinoreticular, spinothalamic, spinotectal, auditory, and visual tracts, as well as others receiving sensory stimuli from almost all areas of the body. Postural/Phasic Muscles: In active RAS postural muscles will be positive while phasic muscles will not TS Line: In RAS TS line will be active for 60 sec after patient does RMAPI. Will usually be more subtle than usual TS Line evaluations. Can be confirmed with cross hand TL (ie right hand touches left side TL). Eyes Open or Closed: Sometimes, positive TL will not be found until the patient closes his eyes. Therapy Localization: Sometimes in RAS the fingers must be interlaced and a two hand TL is necessary Acupuncture Head Points: Yang end points on the head (BL 1, St 1, LI 20, TH 23, GB 1, SI 19). A positive finding is a interlaced finger TL to these points General Considerations: The first step is a general consideration of the patient's health problems, symptomatic pattern, and body language. Organ/Gland: There will be positive double hand, interlaced finger, TL over the organ, gland, or its abdominal reflex area.
RAS postural muscles
``` Anterior: Scalene SCM Biceps Pecs Iliopsoas Adductors Gracilis TFL Rectus femoris Tib Ant ``` ``` Posterior: Upper Trap Longissimus Cervicis Longissimus dorsi QL Piriformis Hamstrings TFL Gastrocnemius ```
RAS phasing muscles
``` Anterior: Oblique Abdominals Rectus Abdominis Vastus medialis Vastus lateralis ``` ``` Posterior: Rhomboids Longissimus dorsi Triceps Gluts ```
TS Line
``` T12-Psoas T11-Psoas T10-quadriceps T9-sartorius and gracilis T8-pectoralis major sternal L1-hamstrings L2-quadratus lumborum (start going up) L3-gluteus Maximus L4-TFL L5-glut Medius, piriformis, adductors Neck flexors and extensors (start going back) T2-subscapularis T3-deltoid, coracobrachialis, serratus anterior T4-popliteus T5-pec major clavicular Diaphragm T6-Latissimus Dorsi Abdominals T7-mid trap ```
RAS eyes open or closed
Sometimes, positive TL will not be found until the patient closes his eyes.
RAS therapy localization
Sometimes in RAS the fingers must be interlaced and a two hand TL is necessary
RAS General considerations
The first step is a general consideration of the patient's health problems, symptomatic pattern, and body language.
RAS examination and treatment
Before treating with RAS treat in the usual fashion. When testing for RAS use postural muscles. 1. Take a Hx and determine visceral involvement. Although meridian system is not always involved in RAS technique, pulse, alarm and acupuncture head point Dx can be helpful in determining pattern. Evaluate B&E head points of Yang meridians with interlaced finger TL. 2. lightly and discriminately palpate the TS line for a subliminal area. Verify that the point is active through cross-hand TL (ie right hand to left side of head). Single hand TL will not be positive (ie left hand to left side of head). 3. TL interlaced fingers over the associated organ and/or abdominal reflex point. If TL positive, have the patient taste the appropriate nutrient to see if it negates TL. Do not ingest substance so that it does not negate findings for the rest of the procedure. 4. If B&E points are active, tap the tonification points of the involved meridian. Tapping B&E points alone is not enough to clear the total problem. 5. Test the associated muscle with the positive finding in step 3 (the organ, gland, or abdominal reflex point) with RMAPI. 6. Lift the viscera cephalad with firm pressure and hold for at least 10-15 seconds while testing a postural muscle that should not weaken. If the muscle weakens, change the vector until it does not weaken. Retest the visceral reflex area, spinal reflex area with interlaced finger TL, and the visceral related muscle with RMAPI-they should not weaken. If they do, repeat the firm pressure and have the patient cough 2-4 times to loosen adhesions that may be present. Under the rib cage, lift under the diaphragm. 7. If the findings of step 5 (RMAPI) return when the patient closes his eyes, have the patient close his eyes and contact the TS line point with a firm pressure while lifting the viscera cephalad for 20-30 seconds. 8. Some or all of the pain reflex areas and/or symptoms on the anterior or posterior will be present. Contact the painful reflex areas and the TS line point simultaneously for 10-15 sec to relieve the pain at the reflex area. 9. TL and challenge the indicated spinal level for both the usual subluxation and holographic subluxation. Most often the spinal level will be negative with the patient's eyes open and positive with the eyes closed. Adjust as indicated by challenge. 10. Identify muscles that could be tender from drawings in synopsis. Tap the Lovett reactor vertebra to the spondylogenic vertebra at 1 Hz for 60 sec. Reassess the tenderness of the spondylogenic muscles and the organ, vertebral, and pain reflexes. If present, repeat the TS line tap with cephalad organ traction and Lovett reactor tap.
RAS myocardial/valves
Dyspnea from throat and chest constriction Asthma Pain near xiphoid Hand reflexes for diaphragm & inspiration/expiration areas Ankle swelling Nagging back pain from middorsals to buttock In addition to RAS technique, evaluate with the diaphragm technique Nutrition: Vitamins B and E, heart concentrate or nucleoprotein extract
RAS lungs/bronchi
Pain at mid temples Severe shoulder girdle pain Sternal notch tightness, chronic cough Diaphragm fixation, shortness of breath, asthma Pain at T3 reflex Clavicular restrictions, limited shoulder ROM Nutrition: lung concentrate or nucleoprotein extract, allergy complex.
RAS gallbladder/bile ducts
``` Headaches at popliteus/T4 TS line area Pain from xiphoid to McBurney's point Medial inferior knee painful Occipital headache 3rd Cervical level neck pain Elbow pain medial and superior to joint LI4 web pain ``` Nutrition: vitamins A and F, beet greens juice, unsaturated fatty acids (F), water soluble vitamin A up to 6 per day
RAS stomach
``` Reflux esophagitis T5 stomach painful to palpation Left thumb web tender to palpation Posterior left shoulder painful 4th to 6th thoracic vertebrae pain Palpatory pain over distal triceps Pain over kidneys ``` Nutrition: lipotrophic B factors (G), vitamin B complex, concentrate or nucleoprotein extract of pituitary, nerve, and/or thymus, chlorophyll-aqueous solution.
RAS pancreas (enzymes)
Blurring eyes Ear problems and vertigo Clavicle fixation Right fifth through seventh rib tips painful Tenderness right and nodules under left costal arch Abdominal gas and discomfort needs pancreatic enzymes Right thenar painful T6 painful Fifth through seventh rib head tenderness Triceps belly tender Irritating, itching skin Nutrition: hypoglycemia: vitamin a, unsaturated fatty acid, beet greens juice; hyperglycemia: muscle concentrate or nucleoprotein extract, parasympathetic support; for pancreatic enzyme deficiency use HCl, pancreatic enzymes, muscle concentrate or nucleoprotein extract (May need to be taken frequently).
RAS spleen
``` Swollen lymph nodes Painful nodulations in abdominal tissue Neck pain Pulling into trapezius, upper back, and shoulder Pulling pain centers to L3 ``` Nutrition: vitamin C (4000 mg synthetic plus 24 mg of C complex), find Miss, spleen concentrate or nucleoprotein extract, immune system complex
RAS liver
Cheeks sensitive Chest at third rib on right Biceps tender Pain under right ribs to McBurney's point Right scapula to third and fourth rib space 8th thoracic vertebrae painful Nutrition: water soluble vitamin a – may require high dosage, liver concentrate or nucleoprotein extract if there is evidence of portal collateral circulation, e.g. hemorrhoids, congested visible chest veins, reflux esophagitis.
RAS adrenal
Ninth rib costochondral pain Palpatory pain above and 2 inches lateral to the umbilicus Sartorius muscle pain Blood pressure abnormalities by adrenal medulla vasomotor nerve control Ninth rib painful bilaterally or singly posteriorly Nutrition: adrenal concentrate or nucleoprotein extract, chlorophyll, allergy complex
RAS ileum
Palpatory pain anterior tips of 10th ribs Palpatory pain lateral and above and below umbilicus on lateral border of rectus abdominus Jejunum and ileum reflex Pain medial and distal to elbow Nutrition: choline bitartrate promotes capillary circulation and osmotic transfer in intestinal walls, vitamin B4 antispasmodic effect on intestinal walls (Adenylic Acid-Adenine), enzymes with Ben tonight, but I will detoxifier, concentrate or nucleoprotein extract of pituitary, thymus, and/or spleen
RAS duodenum/jejunum
Palpatory pain superior and lateral to umbilicus Proximal second metacarpal shaft painful reflex on palm 11 rib palpatory pain Pain at sacral apex do to triangular muscle pull Nutrition: bile salts, colinsonia root, montmorillonite, digestive enzymes, complex to soothe irritated bowel, chlorophyll pearls, pituitary concentrate or nucleoprotein extract
RAS kidney
Tender between ASIS and 12th rib Pain at KI 1, on sole of foot 12 thoracic back ache Nutrition: chewable vitamins a and E, kidney concentrate or nucleoprotein extract, complex for kidney and liver support, vitamins a and C with urea salts, heart concentrate or nucleoprotein extract
RAS ileocecal valve
``` Pain behind eyes into TS line L1 Cheek pain when face down Respiratory problems Pain tips of 11th and 12th ribs First toe inflamed and painful Suboccipital pain extending over head to lateral eyebrow Right shoulder pain First lumbar level pain ``` Nutrition: vitamin B complex of natural mixed tocopherols, choline bitartrate, digestive enzymes – pancreatin, pepsin, betaine HCl, stool softener (if irregular), amino acid complex
RAS cecum
``` Frontal headache Right chest and anterior shoulder pain McBurney's point pain and inflammation of the cecum or appendix Occipital headache and neck ache Low back pain to right acetabulum Calves ache and cramp ``` Nutrition: Chewables vitamins A and E, kidney concentrate or nucleoprotein extract, complex for liver and kidney support, vitamins A and C with urea salts, heart concentrate or nucleoprotein extract
RAS ovaries/testes
``` L3-C3 Anterior: Neck pain at thyroid Breast pain From sternum to adrenal NL Pubic bone Wrist pain Joint pains all over body from hormone imbalance Posterior: 3rd and 4th thoracic pain 3rd lumbar Ischial area Thigh muscle Medial malleolus Heel pain Nutritional considerations: concentrate or nucleoprotein extract for female ovary, and for male orchic. Both sexes: concentrate or nucleoprotein extract pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and/or raw bone, vitamin E from natural mixed tocopherols ```
RAS colon
``` L4-C2 Parietal headaches Lateral 1/4 of clavicle-colon reflex Sternal pain Pain between ASIS and pubes Occipital headache and neck pain 12th rib Low acetabular area Nutritional considerations: food source of iron, lactic acid yeast, enzymatically processed beef leaf, tillandsia for lactic acid, stool softener ```
RAS prostate/uterus
L5-C1 TS L5 point point and eye pain Breast pain umbilicus to ASIS Prostate reflex proximal 1st finger Thigh Bilateral thigh reflex Between knee and ankle Nutrition considerations: Female: E; E2; ovary and/or uterus concentrate or nucleoprotein extract. Male: orchid and/or prostate concentrate or nucleoprotein extract. Both sexes: for burning urination, thymex concentrate or nucleoprotein extract and arginine source.
Gait Imbalances
``` Foot turned out-tibialis posterior Foot turned in-peroneus longus/brevis Foot flat on landing-tibialis anterior Short stride-psoas Excessive lower leg extension-psoas Flat take off-flexor hallucis longus brevis Pronation-tibialis posterior Supination-peroneus Excessive lower leg kick (flexion)-Gastrocnemius Excessive pelvic roll-piriformis Leg abduction (trips over leg)-adductor Shoulder posterior-gluteus Medius Head turn-pectorals and anterior delt Shoulder forward- SCM, post delt/rhomboid, mid and lower trap ```
Right-Left brain activity
Right brain: test by humming a song with no words; vitamin E. Left brain: test by having do multiplication tables; vitamin C. Center of spine: vitamin A; Fe; Cu If both: check folic acid Heavy metals can cause both and will respond to sodium alginate, Zn, and ascorbic acid
Shock Absorber
Shock joint check for pim weakening. If weakness is found, examine the joints shocked for hidden subluxations. In Manganese deficiency, the shock will stretch the ligaments and create weakness of muscles directly related to that joint.
Hologramic Memory Technique
In general, after all problems have been found and corrected. If there is disfunction a pim should test weak while TL'ing to that area while doing that brain's activity and then restrenghthen while continuing to TL to that area and performing the opposite brain function. Humming-right brain Counting-left brain Visualization with eyes closed-frontal lobe Visualization with eyes open-occipital lobe 1. Have patient TL to area while performing specific brain activity. 2. Continue to TL while performing the opposite brain activity. 3. Find brain activity that cause weakness. 4. Tap the area of the skull over the imbalanced brain activity and the area of the symptom, while the patient performs the correct image brain activity. Theoretically, this causes the brain to focus the image of the improper side to that of the correct image side.
Pituitary Drive Technique
TL to NL for the pituitary (over the Glabella) and it should not weaken a PIM. Then, using the second hand start TL'ing different organ's NL's to see which organ is being messed up through the pituitary. TL to that organ's NL shouldn't weaken a PIM by itself, only with simultaneous TL to pituitary NL. Then see which phase of breath negates the weakening of the TL. If inspiration, press both mastoids forward on inspiration, etc. That should stimulate pituitary to activate to that organ.
Midday/midnight effect
A meridian will have its highest and lowest energy based on the 24 hour clock.
B & E Technique
It consists of tapping the beginning or ending acupuncture points of the yang meridians (those beginning or ending on the head). Goodheart found that when B & E technique is performed temperature at the axilla and occipital areas rise while there is a drop in temperature at the glabella. B & E technique is applied when there is negative pulse point therapy localization that becomes positive when the patient puts his eyes into distortion. If Therapy localization to the pulse points is positive in the clear the meridian system should be checked and balanced before applying B & E technique. Further confirmation can be obtained by testing mussels associated with the positive Meridian. They will test strong in the clear but test weak with EID in the same direction as what weakend the TL to the pulse point. Tap the first Yang point on the face. If more work is needed tap the distal point. Hypothalamic nutritional support is routinely used as well as cranial faults entrapping the jugular vein at the jugular foramen.
Mother/child Effect
There is a relationship of the adjacent meridians in the 24 hour circulation of energy that is known as the mother/child effect.
Luo Points
``` Lu 7 Li 6 St 40 Sp 4 Ht 5 Si 7 Bl 58 Ki 4 Cx 6 Th 5 Gb 37 Lv 5 ```
Then and now technique
When a patient has a symptom every day at a specific time of day or night but no imbalance of the indicated meridian can be found during the time of treatment. TL to the Meridian that has its highest or lowest energy during the time of the problem will not be positive. The patient should then TL to the Meridian during the treatment while simultaneously TLing to the Meridian when the problem is found, which will then be positive. The involved luo point is found by a sharp tap to the luo point while the simultaneous alarm points are held. Then, by following the circulation of energy, find the meridian where the energy is backed up and treat the luo point of that meridian.
Alarm point
Considered diagnostic and therapeutic. Only the alarm points for the Lung, liver, and gallbladder meridian's are on their respective meridians.
Associated point
There are 14 associated points, one for each Meridian and for the conception and governing vessels. Stimulation of associated points will affect either the bladder meridian or the meridian with which it is associated depending on the law of deficiency. When an associated point is active the adjacent vertebrae should be challenged and Therapy localized to determine if there is a vertebral or Intraosseous subluxation present. KI 27 is the "house of associated points".
Entry or exit point
On the fingertips and toe tips are entry or exit points for each Meridian. They are about a "rice grain's width" from the nail.
Horary Points
The horary period consists of the two hours during which a meridian has its highest energy level. One should also consider the possibility of deficiency in the 12 hour opposite meridian as a cause of the symptomatic pattern.
Hsi Points
Pronounced "she", can be considered supercharger points because they have a strong effect on the Meridian. They are stimulated when energy levels are very low.
Luo Points
Pronounced "low", are connecting points that are used to balance energy between meridians under certain conditions. They will balance energy between couple meridians. In applied kinesiology, the luo point is used when energy is held or blocked in a meridian causing several following meridians to be deficient.
Sedation points
Sedation points lower the energy in an overactive Meridian. A muscle that tests strong in the clear should weaken when the sedation point is stimulated. In some cases there may be a failure of the associated muscle to weaken with simulation of the sedation point which is abnormal, but there are many reasons that this could occur that are outside of the scope of this text.
Tonification points
These are sometimes called stimulation points because they increase the energy in the Meridian. When a muscle associated with the Meridian tests weak because of a deficiency in the meridian it will strengthen with stimulation of the tone of tonification point. When several meridians are out of balance, there is probably a better method of balancing the system by the five on the law or some other means.
Source Point
Source points affect the entire Meridian. They are four times more active than any other point on the Meridian. There is a system for electrically measuring the energy balance in the meridian system called Ryodoraku measurement and the source points are sometimes called Nakatani points.
Law of stimulation
Stimulation will first cause activity, follow eventually by sedation, and family by anesthesia.
Law of deficiency
It is described as the body responding homeostatically to stimulation; that is, the body has a natural tendency to use any stimulus in its most beneficial aspects.
Antenna effect on Acu-points
By putting acu-Aids or needles into a point that makes a change in a muscle, the effect can be negated by putting a piece of lead or some other electromagnetic blocking substance over the acu-aid or needle.
Anterograde Lymphatic
When A patient shows weakness in a semi erect posture, head up face up, that will not show in the prone, supine, or retrograde position. These weaknesses have been found to be associated with a failure in the lymphatic system, specifically the lymphatic heart, the reservoir of Pecquet or the cysterna chylae. Patients will usually complain of symptoms that begin as soon as they are erect or as the day goes on. Treatment is directed at the glomus coccygeum, which Goodheart found as the neurolymphatic for the cisterna chylae. The neurovascular point is the tip and/or anterior surface of the coccyx, which is stimulated on expiration. The neurolymphatic is K 27 bilaterally. The acupuncture meridian is governing vessel which is treated using B&E points. The nutrition is bioflavonoids.
RAS organ/gland association
There will be positive double hand, interlaced finger, TL over the organ, gland, or its abdominal reflex area.
If a patient strengthens when sniffing bleach:
Immune system depletion. You need to give either thymus tissue or thymex, occasionally spleen tissue.
If a patient smells ammonia and it strengthens a weak muscle:
It indicates a B6 deficiency.
If chloride weekends a PIM:
It is a methylation issue
If ammonia weakens a PIM:
B2, B3, Fe, Mb
Eyes into distortion
When the eyes are moved into the position of postural distortion a subclinical problem. Appears to be an adaptation to postural distortion. Will only weaken to patient's specific condition. Will negate weakness by paralleling the hyoid. Ocular lock does not appear to be part of EID mechanism.