AK Acupuncture Flashcards
Lung Meridian
Element: Metal
Associated Muscles: Delt, Coracobrachialis, Serratus Ant, Lev Scap
Tonification Point: Lu 9 (anterolateral palmar wrist crease)
Sedation Point: Lu 5 (elbow crease 1 cun lat to biceps tendon)
Luo Point: Lu 7 (2 cun from wrist crease on radial side)
Alarm Point: Lu 1
Associated Point: Bl 13 (T3-4)
Horary Clock: 3:00am-5:00am
B&E: Lu 1 (coracoid) & Lu 11 (lateral thumb nail)
Sedation Points: 1st: K10 & Lu 5
2nd: Lu 10 & H 8
Tonification Points: 1st: Lu 9 & Sp 3;
2nd: Lu 10 & Ht 8
Thermal Area: Lu 6
Stomach Meridian
Element: Earth
Tonification Point: St 41 (anterior ankle flexure)
Sedation Point: St 45 (lateral nail of 2nd toe)
Luo Point: St 40 (8 cun proximal to lateral malleolus)
Alarm Point: CV 11
Associated Point: Bl 21 (T12/L1)
Horary Clock: 7-9am
B&E: St 1 (below eye) & St 45 (lateral nail of second toe)
Sedation Points: 1st: St 45 & LI 1
2nd: St 43 & GB 41
Tonification Points: 1st: St 41 & SI 5
2nd: St 43 & GB 41
Thermal Area: St 34-36
Spleen Meridian
Element: Earth
Tonification Point: Sp 2 (distal to base of proximal 1st metatarsophalangeal joint)
Sedation Point: Sp 5 (at hollow anterior and inferior to medial malleolus)
Luo Point: Sp 4 (proximal to base of 1st metatarsal)
Alarm Point: Lv 13
Associated Point: Bl 20 (T11-12)
Horary Clock: 9-7am
B&E: Sp 1 (medial nail of big toe) & Sp 21 (midaxillary line 6th intercostal space)
Sedation Points: 1st: Sp 5 & Lu 8
2nd: Sp 1 & Lv 1
Tonification Points: 1st: Sp 2 & Ht 8
2nd: Sp 1 & Lv 1
Thermal Area: Sp 9
Heart Meridian
Element: Fire
Tonification Point: Ht 9 (radial nail of 5th finger)
Sedation Point: Ht 7 (ulnar side of wrist crease)
Luo Point: Ht 5 (1 cun proximal to Ht 7)
Alarm Point: Cv 14
Associated Point: Bl 15 (T5-6)
Horary Clock: 11am-1pm
B&E: Ht 1 (in axilla); Ht 9 (radial nail of 5th finger)
Sedation Points: 1st: Ht 7 & Sp 3; 2nd: Ht 3 & K 10
Tonification Points: 1st: Ht 9 & Lv 1; 2nd: Ht 3 & K 10
Thermal Area: Ht 7-9
Small Intestine Meridian
Element: Fire
Tonification Point: Si 3 (ulnar edge of palm crease when a fist is made)
Sedation Point: Si 8 (in fossa between olecranon and medial epicondyle of humerus)
Luo Point: Si 7 (posterior forearm, 5 cun proximal to wrist crease on medial boarder of ulna)
Alarm Point: Cv 4
Associated Point: Bl 27 (S1)
Horary Clock: 1-3pm
B&E: Si 1 (medial nail of fifth finger); Si 19 (right at TMJ, anterior tragus)
Sedation Points: 1st: Si 8 & St 36; 2nd: Si 2 & Bl 66
Tonification Points: 1st: Si 3 & Gb 41; 2nd: Si 2 & Bl 66
Thermal Area: Si 3-4
Bladder Meridian
Element: Water
Tonification Point: Bl 67 (pinky toe nail)
Sedation Point: Bl 65 (proximal to 5th metatarsal head)
Luo Point: Bl 58 (8 cun proximal to lateral malleolus
Alarm Point: Cv 3
Associated Point: Bl 28 (S2)
Horary Clock: 3-5pm
B&E: Bl 1 and Bl 67
Sedation Points: 1st: Bl 65 & Gb 41; 2nd: Bl 54 & St 36
Tonification Points: 1st: Bl 67 & Lu 1; 2nd: Bl 54 & St 36
Thermal Area: Bl 59-60
Kidney Meridian
Element: Water
Tonification Point: K 7 (3 cun proximal and posterior to medial malleolus)
Sedation Point: K 1 (plantar surface)
Luo Point: K 4 (posterior to medial malleolus)
Alarm Point: Gb 25
Associated Point: Bl 23 (L2)
Horary Clock: 5-7pm
B&E: K1 & K 27
Sedation Points: 1st: K1 & Lv 1; 2nd: K 3 & Sp 3
Tonification Points: 1st: K 7 & Lu 8; 2nd: K 3 & Sp 3
Thermal Area: K 7
Circulation Sex Meridian
Element: Fire
Tonification Point: Cx 9 (in the middle of the tip of the middle finger)
Sedation Point: Cx 7 (middle of wrist crease between tendon of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis)
Luo Point: Cx 6 (2 cun proximal to Cx 7) (master point for abdomen)
Alarm Point: Cv 17
Associated Point: Bl 14 (T4)
Horary Clock: 7-9pm
B&E: Cx 1 & Cx 9
Sedation Points: 1st: Cx 7 & Sp 3; 2nd: Cx 3 K 10
Tonification Points: 1st: Cx 9 & Lv 1; 2nd: Cx 3 & K 10
Thermal Area: Cx 4
Tripple Heater Meridian
Element: Fire
Tonification Point: Th 3 (dorsum of hand proximal and ulnar to the 4th metacarpal head)
Sedation Point: Th 10 (1 cun proximal to olecranon process)
Luo Point: Th 5 (2 cun proximal to wrist crease, between radius and ulna) (Master point for upper extremity)
Alarm Point: Cv 5 (also Cv 17, 12, and 7)
Associated Point: Bl 22 (L1)
Horary Clock: 9-11pm
B&E: Th 1 & Th 23
Sedation Points: 1st: Th 10 & St 36; 2nd: Th 2 & Bl 66
Tonification Points: 1st: Th 3 & Gb 41; 2nd: Th 2 & Bl 66
Thermal Area: Th 4-10
Gallbladder Meridian
Element: Wood
Tonification Point: Gb 43 (where skin joins the fourth and fifth toes)
Sedation Point: Gb 38 (4 cun proximal to lateral malleolus on ant border of fib)
Luo Point: Gb 37 (1 cun proximal to Gb 38)
Alarm Point: Gb 24
Associated Point: Bl 19 (T10)
Horary Clock: 11pm-1am
B&E: Gb 1 (1/2 cun lat to lat canthus of eye) & Gb 44 (lat 4th toenail)
Sedation Points: 1st: Gb 38 & Si 5; 2nd: Gb 44 & Li 1
Tonification Points: 1st: Gb 43 & Bl 66; 2nd: Gb 44 & Li 1
Thermal Area: Gb 33-39
Liver Meridian
Element: Liver
Tonification Point: Lv 8 (with patient’s knee flexed, at the medial end of the popliteal crease; bet med condyle of femur and semimembranosis)
Sedation Point: Lv 2 (between 1st and 2nd metatarsophalangeal joints)
Luo Point: Lv 5 (5 cun above med malleolus on post edge of tibia)
Alarm Point: Lv 14
Associated Point: Bl 18 (T9)
Horary Clock: 1-3am
B&E: Lv 1 & Lv 14
Sedation Points: 1st: Lv 2 & Ht 8; 2nd: Lv 4 & Lu 8
Tonification Points: 1st: Lv 8 & K 10; 2nd: Lv 4 & Lu 8
Thermal Area: Lv 8
Conception Vessel Meridian
Element: Tonification Point: Sedation Point: Luo Point: Alarm Point: Associated Point: Bl 17 (T8) Horary Clock: B&E: CV 1 & CV 24
Governing Vessel Meridian
Element: Tonification Point: Sedation Point: Luo Point: Alarm Point: Associated Point: Bl 17 (T7) Horary Clock: B&E: GV 1 & GV 28
How far is the width of the 2-5 finger?
3 cun
How far is the distance from the eyebrows to the hair line?
3 cun
How far is the width of the index and middle finger put together?
1.5 cun
How far is the distance between the nipples?
9 cun
How far is the distance from the xiphoid to the umbilicus?
8 cun
How far is it from the umbilicus to the top of the pubic bone?
5 cun
How for is the distance from the top of the pubis to the inferior portion of the patella?
15 cun
How far is it for the top of the greater trochanter to the inferior part of the patella?
19 cun
How far is it from the inferior part of the patella down to the ankle?
13 cun
How far is the width of the thumb?
1 cun
How far is the distance from the armpit to the crease of the elbow?
9 cun