AK Muscles Flashcards
Meridian: circulation sex
Organ: reproductive organs
Anterior: upper symphysis pubis
Posterior: Between L5 SP and PSIS
NV: posterior parietal eminence
Nutrition: Vit E, male or female organ/gland concentrate or nucleoprotein extract, saw palmetto
Postural Key: medial thigh rotation on the side of weakness
Reactive muscle: opposite splenius capitus
Nerve supply: nerve to piriformis (L5)S1, S2
Luo point: Cx 6 (2 cun prox to wrist midline)
Tonification point: Cx 9 (thumb side of 3rd finger) (Lv 1)
Meridian: small intestine
Organ: small intestine
Anterior: costochondral junction of ribs 8-11. Activity of this linear NL is inverse to involvement of quad muscle divisions, i.e. vastus lateralis NL is medial, vastus medialis NL is lateral, etc.
Posterior: T8-11 lamina
NV: parietal eminence
Nutrition: Vitamin D, Vitamin B complex, small intestine concentrate or nucleoprotein extract, chlorophyll complex, a-c carbamide
Postural Key: knee hyperextension from loss of anterior stabilization, observe patella position for vastus medialis and lateralis
Reactive muscle: gastrocnemius, hamstrings, sartorius, rectus abdominus
Meridian: circulation sex
Organ: climacteric
Anterior: behind areola
Posterior: below inferior angle of scapula
NV: midway between asterion and lambda
Nutrition: vitamin E, endocrine concentrates, usually some aspect of the reproductive system
Postural Key: genus verus and pelvis elevation on opposite side
Reactive muscle: psoas and TFL
Meridian: small intestine
Organ: small intestine
Anterior: upper 1/2 of anteromedial thigh
Posterior: between PSIS and L5 SP
NV: anterior to mid parietal bone
Nutrition: Vitamin E, duodenal concentrate or nucleoprotein extract
Postural Key: lumbar lordosis, ilium rotation, anterior pelvis
Reactive muscles: tran: sacrospinalis
Reactive muscles(rectus): quad, opposite gluteus medius, upper/lower
Tensor Fascia Lata
Meridian: large intestine
Organ: large intestine
Anterior: anterolateral thigh (divided into sections correlating with the sections of the large intestine)
Right Thigh: upper portion-cecum; middle 3/5-ascending colon; lower-first portion of transverse colon
Left Thigh: lower portion-last 3/5 of transverse colon; lower middle portion-descending colon; upper middle portion-upper sigmoid colon; upper area-junction of sigmoid colon with rectum
Posterior: triangle area with apexes at L2, L4, and the crest of the ilium
NV:parietal eminence
Nutrition: acidophilus, fenugreek, vitamin D, if bilateral weakness evaluate for iron deficiency
Postural Key: genus verus and ipsilateral pelvic elevation
Reactive Muscles: adductors; peroneus tertius
Gluteus Medius
Meridian: circulation sex
Organ: reproductive organs
Anterior: upper symphysis pubis
Posterior: between PSIS and L5 SP
NV: parietal eminence
Nutrition: Vitamin E (wet form such as wheat germ oil)
Postural Key: elevated pelvis, shoulder, and head on side of weakness
Reactive muscles: opposite rectus abdominus
Gluteus Maximus
Meridian: circulation sex Organ: reproductive organs Anterior: anterolateral thigh Posterior: between PSIS and L5 SP NV: midway between asterion and lambda Nutrition: Vitamin E, male or female organ gland concentrate or nucleoprotein extract Postural Key: anterior pelvic rotation Reactive Muscles: sacrospinalis; pec clavicular
Meridian: circulation sex (occasionally triple heater)
Organ: adrenal medulla
Anterior: 2” up 1”up from umbilicus
Posterior: T11-T12 BL near lamina
NV: lambda
Nutrition: adrenal nucleoprotein extract or concentrate, vitamin c, pantothenic acid
Postural Key: posterior ilium rotation, genu valgus
Reactive Muscles: quad; tib anterior
Meridian: circulation sex (occasionally triple heater)
Organ: adrenal cortex
Anterior: 2” up 1” out from umbilicus
Posterior: T11-T12 BL near lamina
NV: lambda
Nutrition: adrenal nucleoprotein extract or concentrate, vitamin c, pantothenic acid
Postural Key: posterior ilium rotation, genu valgus
Reactive Muscles: none
Meridian: kidney
Organ: kidneys
Anterior: 1” up 1” out from umbilicus
Posterior: T12-L1 between SP and TP
NV: 1.5” lateral to EOP
Nutrition: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, kidney concentrate or nucleoprotein extract
Postural Key: bilateral weakness causes a loss of the lumbar lordosis, lumbars deviate away from the side of weakness and the pelvis drops on the side of weakness
Reactive muscles: adductors; diaphragm; opposite neck flexor
Meridian: kidney
Organ: kidneys
Anterior: 1” up and 1” out from umbilicus
Posterior: T12-L1 between SP and TP
NV: 1.5” lateral to EOP
Nutrition: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, kidney concentrate or nucleoprotein extract
Postural Key: weakness causes loss of anterior pelvic stabilization and allows posterior lateral ilium rotation
Reactive Muscle: none
Meridian: gallbladder
Organ: gallbladder
Anterior: 5th ICS from mammillary line to sternum on right
Posterior: between T5-T6 lamina on right
NV: medial knee
Nutrition: Vitamin A, bile salts
Postural Key: knee hyperextension, tibial external rotation
Reactive Muscles: gastroc; hamstrings; upper trap
Meridian: circulation sex
Organ: adrenals
Anterior: 2” up 1” out from umbilicus
Posterior: between T11-T12 BL near lamina
NV: lambda
Nutrition: adrenal concentrate or nucleoprotein extract
Postural Key: forward lean due to poor posterior tibial support
Reactive Muscles: none
Stress Receptor:
Meridian: circulation sex
Organ: adrenals
Anterior: 2” up 1” out from umbilicus
Posterior: between T11-T12 BL near lamina
NV: lambda
Nutrition: adrenal concentrate or nucleoprotein extract
Postural Key: knee hyperextension compensating for lack of posterior support
Reactive Muscles: popliteus; quad
Tibialis Anterior
Meridian: urinary bladder Organ: urinary bladder Anterior: 3/4" above symphysis pubis BL Posterior: L2 TP NV: frontal eminence Nutrition: Vitamin A Postural Key: lateral foot deviation when supine Reactive Muscles: sartorius
Tibialis Posterior
Meridian : circulation sex
Organ: adrenal; possibly urinary bladder
Anterior: 2” up 1” out from umbilicus
Posterior: between T11, T12 BL near lamina
NV: lambda
Nutrition: adrenal concentrate or nucleoprotein extract
Postural Key: extended pronation, lateral foot deviation when supine
Reactive Muscles: none
Peroneus Tertius
Meridian: urinary bladder Organ: urinary bladder Anterior: inferior ramus of pubis Posterior: between L5 TP and sacrum NV: frontal eminence Nutrition: calcium, Vitamin B complex, avoid oxalic acid foods Postural Key: medial foot deviation when supine Reactive Muscles: TFL
Peroneus Longus and Brevis
Meridian: urinary bladder Organ: urinary bladder Anterior: inferior symphysis pubis BL Posterior: BL between PSIS and L5 SP NV: frontal eminence Nutrition: calcium, Vitamin B complex Postural Key: medial foot deviation when supine Reactive Muscles: none
Flexor Hallucis Longus/Brevis
Meridian: circulation sex
Anterior: inferior symphysis pubis at height of obturator BL
Posterior: BL between PSIS and L5 SP
NV: frontal eminence
Nutrition: raw bone concentrate correlating with tarsal tunnel syndrome
Reactive Muscles: none
Middle/Lower Trapezius
Meridian: spleen
Organ: spleen
Anterior: 7th ICS on the Left
Posterior: between T7-8 near lamina on Left
NV: 1” above lambda
Nutrition: spleen concentrate or nucleoprotein extract, vitamin c, calcium
Postural Key: (medial) abduction of scapula, some scapular vertebral border flaring.
(lateral) scapula abduction and elevation (with probable pec minor shortening), thoracic spine kyphosis
Upper Trapezius
Meridian: kidney
Organ: eye and ear
Anterior: 3” of anterior upper arm
Posterior: posterior arch atlas to lateral mass
NV: superior to zygomatic arch on temporosphenoidal suture
Nutrition: Vitamins A, B, F, and G, and calcium
Postural Key: high occipital and low shoulder on the side of weakness
Anterior: junction of clavicle, sternum, and 1st rib (K27)
Posterior: lamina of T1
Postural Key: failure of clavicle to rotate with arm abduction
Meridian: liver
Organ: liver
Anterior: 6th ICS from mammillary line to sternum on Left
Posterior: between T6-7 lamina on Left
NV: frontal eminence
Nutrition: vitamin A, A-F betafood (this thins the bile), vitamin B extracts, betacol, cholaplex (soy bean lecithin), selenium
Stress Receptor: superior to lambdoidal posterior to temporal suture, lateral to quads stress receptor
Levator Scapula
Meridian: lung
Organ: parathyroid glands
Anterior: 1st rib ICS near sternum
Posterior: belly of Teres Minor
NV: bregma
Nutrition: parathyroid concentrate or nucleoprotein extract, Cal-Ma Plus
Postural Key: inferior scapula with abduction of inferior vertebral border