Q2: Stratification Systems Flashcards
Categorizing of individuals or group of people based on factors such as power, wealth, and prestige.
social classes
The layering of these social classes from higher to lower class.
social stratification
Social stratification describes the socioeconomic levels of a society as “____________,” with the wealthiest and most powerful citizens being at the top.
The hierarchical arrangement and establishment of social categories that may evolve into social groups together with statuses and their corresponding roles in the society.
Social Stratification
Three Social Classes
- upper class
- middle class
- lower class
This class in the society is described by the sociologists as elite individuals or group of people that are most prolific and successful in their respective areas.
upper class
These people may be stockholders and investors in very huge well-known companies from different industries here and abroad.
upper class
Mostly professional individuals or groups of people like lawyers, doctors, managers, owners of small businesses in the locality, and executives who work in the corporate world, etc.
middle class
This class is able to meet both their needs and wants without even worrying about their finances because of the job and salary they have.
middle class
This class includes the skilled and unskilled artisan, farm employees, underemployed, and indigent families.
lower class
Because of the given status in life, these people lack revenue or income and educational training or background. They also lack support network that could lift them up.
lower class
Characteristics of Stratification Systems
- Universal but variable
- Not a matter of individual differences
- Persists across generations
- Social beliefs
Stratification is ____________________ because it shows up in every society in the world, but how exactly it looks like, how it divides and categorizes people, and what the advantages or disadvantages are that come with that division - vary from society to society.
universal but variable
stratification ____________________ since it serves to categorize and rank members of society across generations resulting in different life chances
persists across generations
Changes in the position within the social hierarchy.
social mobility
These are what make systems of social stratification work and it is through them that inform what it means to deserve wealth, success, or power.
Forms of Stratification Systems
- Closed System of Stratification
- Open System of Stratification
It exists when a group of people are given different opportunities, depending on the characteristics they were born with, such as color, gender, or the economic situation of their parents.
closed system
In a ________ class system, you are stuck at your level.
In this class system, your personal rights and freedoms depend heavily on the class you inherited when you were born.
closed system
One of the best-known forms of close system of stratification.
India’s Caste System
While it is a social system of decreasing importance, it still holds in parts of rural India, and has a strong legacy across the country.
India’s Caste System
The custom of marriage within your own caste category.
This system of social stratification allow people to move from one social level to the next. Usually, people in this type of system wish to move from a lower social level to a higher one.
open system