Q1: Socialization Flashcards
It refers to the coaching of novices to end up contributors of a current crew and to think, feel, and act in approaches the team considers appropriate.
A central process in social life.
Learning on how our society and specific communities, or groups works so we can be a part of them.
It’s a process of working together in developing responsibility in our community.
Focuses of Socialization
- Acquisition of Knowledge
- Language
- Values
- Habits
- Skill in the Society
It denotes culture, language, social structures, and the individual’s rank within them.
Three parts of socialization
- context
- content & process
- results & outcomes
Socialization is also known as ____________.
It occurs when cultural knowledge is passed on to the next bearer which will perpetuate and ensure the continuance of their traditions and practices (Santarita and Madrid, 2016).
For an individual to become a member of a society he/she must go through these two processes:
- socialization
- enculturation
It refers to what happens to an individual after being exposed to a particular contents and process.
results and outcome
Sociobiologist suggest that some human capacities may be “wired into” our biological makeup.
biological context
It is composed of emotional states and unconsciousness, cognitive theories of development, social and historical events, and social position as part of the context.
psychological context
It refers to the details of what passed from a member to a new member.
The interactions and ways these new norms, values and customs are thought to a novice.