Q from lecture about ANKLE Flashcards
What are the bone ends - articular surfaces`
Fib: lat malleolus,
Tib: Distal surface + med malleolus
Talus: trochlea (pulley shape). Big articular surface, need big contact area to spread out load
How is the shape of the talus?
Med view: Dome is convex
Ant view: Concave
Sup view: WIder anteriorly!
What is the mortise made of?
Roof: Distal surface of tib
Lat and med walls: lat and med malleolus
Post wall: post inf tibiofibular lig
Where is the synovial membrane?
Lines the capsule and projects sup between tib and fib
What is the name of the MCL?
- Ant tibiotalus
- post tibiotalus
- Tibionavicular
- Tibiocalcaneous
=> Limits excessive EVERSION
What is the LCL lig?
- Ant talofibular
- Post talofibular
- Calcaneofibular (NB)
Limits excessive INVERSION
Which is the strongest lig? How are they helping to stabilise?
MCL strongest.
Span both ankle AND talocancaneal jt, thereby stabilising both jts. :)
Collateral lig limits:
Excessive in and eversion.
limits ant to post translation of talus
What is the nerve and blood supply?
Branches of deep FIB and tib n
- branches of fibular and tibial vessels
What is the movements at the ankle jt?
Plane and axis
Dorsi and plantarflexion
sagittal plane about frontal axis.
What is the axis of the ankle jt?
OBLIQUE axis -> through lat malleolus, body of talus, through or just below med malleolus
Fib mall extends more distally than med!
What are the factors that promote stability?
Bone ends:
-> Intergrity of inf tibiofibular jt essential for stability of ankle. Keeps lat malle in contact with lat surface of talus
jt capsule
What makes up the:
- Calcaneous, talus,
- navicular, cuboid, x3 cuneiform
- metatarsals, phalanges
What are the carachteristics of bone ends of subtalar (post talocalcaneal jt)?
Sulcus tali = on talus
Calcaneus sulcus
=> Together make the SINUS TARSI from LAT view.
What is the ligs at subtalar jt?
- Post talocalcaneal lig
- lat talocalcaneal lig
- med talocalcaneal lig
=> T-C lig :-)
- Cervical lig
- Interosseous talocalcaneal lig
What is the ligaments at the talocalcaneonavicular jt?
1 Spring lig = Plantar calcaneonavicular lig
2 Dorsi talo_navicular_ lig
3 Calcaneonavicular lig
What is the lig at calcaneocuboid jt?
Bifurcate lig:
- Calcaneonavicular lig
- calcaneocuboid lig
- long plantar lig
- short plantar lig (under long)
What is the movement at trasverse tarsal jt?
- rarely functions alone
- movement in conjuction with subtalar
- movement at TT makes midfoot very ADAPTABLE in shape of uneven surfaces
- ROM difficult to isolate from associated jts
Pronation of foot has varying elements of:
eversion, abduction, dorsiflexion (same as supination)
- take place in foot and ankle, mostly subtalar and TT
- makes foot more FLEXIBLE!
- during WB, help lower limb to accomodate to gorund by enchancing its flexibility and shock absorbing quality
eversion, abduction, dorsiflexion
- make foot more RIGID
- helps STABILISE IN STANCE as body moves over foot
Whats the function of toes?
- smooth weight shift to opposite foot in gait
- aid STABILITY by pressing against ground in standing
Which bones make up medial longitudinal arch?
Med longitudinal:
calcaneous, talus, navicular, cuneiform, 1-3 MT
Which bones make up lateral longitudinal arch?
Calcaneous?, cuboid, 4-5 MT
Which bones make up transverse arch?
Cuboid, cuneiform, 1-5 MT
Whats the 4 factors that help to maintain the arches of foot?
- Make bones wegde shaped (tarsals + MT) -> Keystone to occupy centre of arch (= Talus)
- Tying together inf egdes of bones (lig and m) - counteracts tendency of closely bones to seperate when WB -> eg: shprt and long plantar lig, TP
- Tie beam spans the arch prevent separation and sagging (ligs and m). eg. plantar aponerosis, FHL
- Supports suspend the arch from above (lig and m)