Exam Q: Hip region Flashcards
Name the bone
Pelvic bone
Classify the bone according to its shape. Why is it classified this way?
Does not fit into any of the other categories
Side the bone. Why is it from the … side?
Proximal end: iliac crest
Lat: acetabulum
Identify the 3 major components and the major bony features for each component:
ILIUM: (proximal)
- Iliac crest,
- tubercle of crest
- inf, ant, post gluteal line
ISCHIUM: (distal + posterior)
- tuberosity,
- ramus
PUBIS: (anterior)
- tubercle,
- body
- sup pubic ramus,
- pectineal line,
- pubic crest,
- inferior pubic ramus,
- obturator groove
Name the joints the bone participates in
Hip joint
pubic symphysis
sacroiliac joint
With reference to the hip jt - identify the type of joint and the articular surfaces
Ball + socket jt
Spherical head of femur + lunate surface of acetabulum of hip bone
Describe and identify location of anatomical structures that contribute to the STABILITY of hip jt:
Bone ends - Ball & socket
Acetabular labrum: attached to margin of acetabulum
Capsule: thicker ant.sup where max stress occur in standing. Reinforced by 3 lig:
- Iliofemoral lig: (ANT) limits extension in standing.
- Pubofemoral lig: (ANT.INF) Thightens during extension + abduction.
- Ischifemoral lig (POST): ??
- Tips: All taut in ext, relaxed in flex
M: Glut max, med, Add L, Piriformis..
On the model, palpate the major bony features around hip region
- Iliac crest
- GT
- ischial tub
On the model, name and identify the location of the major blood vessels and nerves that traverse hip region
Blood vessels: Femoral artery + vein (ant to jt)
Nerves: Femoral (ant) + sciatic (post to jt)
Name and demonstrate movements (incl plane + axis) that occur at the hip jt (use model)
Flex/ext: Sagittal plane, frontal axis
Abd/add: frontal plane, sagittal axis (OBS!)
Med/lat rotation: Horizontal plane, vertical axis
Select 2 movements that occur at the hip jt:
For each movement:
- Name the movement
- Name the major M group involved
- on the model, identify location of M group + palpate M belly + tendons
- Demonstrate the major M group working either concentrically or eccentrically
- flexors of the hip
- ant to the hip jt
- Exercise; contcentric - Hip flexion
Explain why extension of knee jt in conjuction with hip flexon may limit hip flexion ROM?
Use model
Passive insuffiency of hamstrings (lengthened over both hip + knee jt)
Position Rec fec in its lengthened position
Use model
Prone lying: Knee flexion + hip extention
Demonstrate how you would test for the Trendelenberg sign (use model)
Differentiate between a +ve and -ve sign.
What M/group is involved?
Standing on one leg. Note position of pelvis and trunk.
+ve: drop of pelvis to side of the liften leg.
Glut MED.