Q&A Review questions Flashcards
What posturing pattern is seen in the lower extremities of children with CNS lesions?
What posturing pattern is seen in the upper extremities of children with CNS lesions?
In what ethnic group is Blount’s disease most common?
African Americans
What is the most significant contributing factor to loss of ambulation
in neuromuscular disease?
What percentage of children with spina bifida who finish high school go on to further education?
What type of fracture is most common after head injury?
linear fracture
What percentage of cases of CP are due to complications of childbirth or birth asphyxia?
What percentage of myelomeningoceles (MMCs) are associated with hydrocephalus at birth?
Are retinal hemorrhages are pathognomonic of child abuse?
What affects IQ scores of children with myelomeningocele (MMC)?
CNS infections
A child is able to independently
ambulate as well as come to stand independently. However, you note the child cannot
go up and down stairs. Approximately how old would you expect this child to be?
18 months
What is the most common congenital limb deficiency?
Left terminal transradial
Approximate current prevalence of spina bifida in the US?
1 per 3,000 births
What is the incidence of spina bifida occulta in normal individuals age 1 to 10 years?
What are 4 systemic findings in myotonic dystrophy?
insulin resistance, cataracts, cardiac dysrhythmias, gonadal atrophy
Fracture of what bone is Battle’s sign suggestive of?
An infant with features of upward slant of palpebral fissures, low-set ears, prominent occiput,
hypoplastic finger nails, and short sternum is most consistent with which chromosomal syndrome?
Down syndrome
What is the most common connective tissue disease seen in children?