q 3 test Flashcards
longitudinal studies
research in the same people over a long period of time. The people are restudied and retested again and again.
Fetal alcohol syndrome
physical and cognitive abnormalities in children caused by a pregnant woman’s heavy drinking
substances that can reach the embryo during prenatal development and cause harm
an emotional tie with another person. Shown in young children when separated by their caregiver
Psychosexual Stages (Freud)
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
Type A/B personality
Type A: Competitive, hard-driving, impatient, anger-prone people.
Type B: Term for easy going, relaxed people.
Id/Ego/Super Ego
ID: the pleasure principle (the devil on the shoulder)
Ego: Who you are as a person
Super Ego: the angel on the shoulder
Reciprocal Determinism
past behavior, internal factor, and environmental factor all influence each other.
Locus of control
you controlling your own fate vs other people controlling it.
aptitude vs achievement tests
aptitude: potential (ACT)
Achievment: tests that measure what you’ve learned (AP)
aptitude vs achievement tests
aptitude: potential (ACT)
Achievment: tests that measure what you’ve learned(AP)
Fluid vs crystalized intelligence
Fluid: how you figure things out using what you have
crystalized: continues to get bigger and bigger as you learn
Emotional Intelligence
ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions
Stanford-Binet vs Wechsler IQ Test
Stanford-Binet: What a person of a particular age should know
Wechsler IQ Test: More common way to give IQ test
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Our intelligence is best classified into three areas that predict real-world success: analytical, creative, and practical
patient tries to gain insight into their problem. therapist uses techniques to assist someone seeking to overcome their difficulties
Client Centered Therapy
patient can often figure out what is going on on their own. Therapist guides patient in right direction but never gives them a definitive answer
Behavioral Therapy
behaviors are the problem and not specific symptoms
cognitive Therapy
change pessimistic ideas. These people are often very self critical
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
Very in your face and to the point.
Insight Therapy
gains insight into their problem
the study of effect on drugs and mind and behavior
Electroconvulsive Therapy
used for severely depressed patients in which a brief electric current is sent through the brain of an anesthetized patient
mere exposure effect
liking someone because you are always around them
cognitive Dissonance
the theory hat we act to reduce the discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts are inconsistent
Self-Fulfilling Prophesy
a belief that leads to its own fulfillment (calling Bry a B)
Attribution Theory
People either behave the way they do by situation attributions or dispositional attributions
Just World Phenomenon
The world is just (karma) good guys always win bad guys always lose
Fundamental Attribution Error
We tend to blame dispositional attribution in people more than the situational
Foot in door phenomenon
slowly work your way from 11 curfew to 2 curfew
Central/Peripheral Route to persuasion
Central: stats and facts
Peripheral: emotions, testimonials
Prejudice vs discriminnaiton
prejudice: pre judging people
discrimination: using actions to let show the judgment in people
Yik Yak
Group think
don’t consider alternatives because your group convinces you that you are always right
A widely used book to classify psychological disorders
Thematic Apperception Test
test that people express their inner feelings by writing what they see in a picture.
Rorschach inkblot test
a set of 10 inkblots, designed by Hermann Rorschach; seeks to identify people’s inner feelings.
fear or avoidance of situations, such as crowds.
unwanted obsessions and/or actions
posttraumatic growth
positive psychological changes as a result of struggling with extremely challenging circumstances and life crises
major depressive disorder
mood disorder in which a person experiences two or more weeks with five or more symptoms of depression
dissociative disorders
out of no where there is a loss of memory or change in identity
dissociative identity disorder
a rare dissociative disorder in which a person shows two or more personalities
Mary Ainsworth
strange situation experiment..experiments with infants and attachment
Albert Bandura
all about love stages and adult ages and stages
Aaron Beck
cognitive therapist- changing peoples thinking can change their functioning
Paul Costa
OCEAN Big Five
Albert Ellis
creator of rational-emotive behavior therapy
Sigmund Freud
psychosexual stages (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital)
Carol Gilligan
gender and social connections
major depressive disorder
mood disorder in which a person experiences two or more weeks with five or more symptoms of depression
Carol Gilligan
gender and social connections
conversion disorder
Reporting the existence of severe physical problems with no biological reason (what Jennerjohns aunt was diagnosed with)
somatoform disorder
the symptoms take a bodily form without apparent cause
Carl Rogers
client centered approach
Charles spearman
believed in one general intelligence
David Wechsler
created widely know intelligence test (WAIS)
Lawrence Kohlberg
Moral Development Stages
Jean Piaget
Cognitive Development Stages
Erik Erikson
Eight Ages of man