Putting It All Together Flashcards
Demands exceed resources creating sense of powerlessness and inability to contro stressor
How does person respond to stress
Unit-mind body and spirit
Adaptive response
HPA axis, autonomic arousal, adrenaline , fight or flight
Why respond to stress this was
Advantage to respond to dancer which enhancer survival
Oyster=I-PATH-CIS philosophy
Orolnoger hypersympathetic activity can be deleterious to health and can facilitate disease
Effect anatomy and physiology (structure and function)
Stress was a specific syndrome following certain patterns and affecting specific organs
Three stage of continuous stress
Startle response and orienting reflex as aware
-adrenal, CVD, respiratory, MSK
Cope-solve biologically, psychologically and socially
Exhaustion-variety of dysfunctional signs and symtpoms , as coping fails we deplete adaptive reserves and resistance disappears
Stress induced somatic complaints
Twenty to thirty five percent of patients
Stress induced illness
Obesity, HTN, heart disease
OMT for stress
Emotional release
Altered CT of parts of body, inability of patient to adequately express or communicate that emotion
Osteopathic stress management core
Counseling, problem solving, education
Commmunication skills are linked to what
Clinical decision making
Need a good doctor patient relationship
How have good communication
Understand emotions
Disinterested physician less likely to be honest more likely to say what physician wants to hear
Be empathetic
Good history
Backbone cant replace
Open ended questions
More likely good give them time
When do physicians stop listening to patients
Eighteen seconds