Paired Bones Flashcards
What is the cranial motion of the occiput, sphenoid, ethmoid, and vomer
Rotate about a transverse axis
Flexion paired with inhalation
Extension paired with exhalation
What are the paired bones of the cranial vault and temporal
Frontal, parietal, temporals
How do the paired bones of the cranial vault and temporals move
Rotate externally during cranial flexion
Paired bones of the face
Maxilla, palatines, and zygomatic
How do the paired bones of face move
Rotate externally during cranial flexion
What are the 5 bones that the parietal bone articulates with
Occiput, frontal, sphenoid, temporal, opposite parietal
Upper temporal ridge
Attachment of temporal fascia
Lower temporal ridge
Origin of the temporalis muscle
Temporalis fossa
Filled by the temporal muscle
Sagittal sulcus
A groove along the sagittal suture in which the sagittal sinus runs
Groove for middle meningeal artery
Anterior and posterior
Transverse sine
Lateral part of groove carries the marginal insertion for he tentorium cerebelli
Bevel change
Along coronal and lambdiodal articularions
Bevel change midway along sagittal and lambdoidal sutures creates a __ for the AP axis of motion (coronal plane)
External rotation of the parietal occurs with SBS ___
Flexion stewie head
Deceive external rotation parietal
Inferior borders move laterally
Superior borders move medially and inferiorly
Pterion anterior and squamous sutures move laterally
Sagittal suture moves slightly inferiorly
External rotation parietals
Sagittal articulation moves inferiorly
Temporal articulation moves laterally
Cranium widens laterally
Internal rotation parietalsagittal articulation moves superiorly
Temporal articulation moves medially
Cranium narrows laterally
Cranial synostosis
Premature closure of the sutures -coronal sagittal lambdoidal
Head pain
Pain along suture
OM and asterion
Often tension headache
Temporal headaches