Pursuit Flashcards
what is the cornerstone of the depts pursuit policy?
immediate control and autorization
All pursuits will be thoroughly investigated by supervisors to ensure what?
pursuit procedures and tactics were followed.
Define bubble tactic?
A non-code tactic that is utilized when attempting to contain a suspect in a mobile vehicle. The tactic utilizes police units to create a mobile perimeter or “bubble.”
Define monitoring supervisor (pursuit)
Responsible for the management of a vehicular pursuit, bubble tactic, and/or Air Unit surveillance of a suspect vehicle that meets pursuit criteria.
Define pursuit
An active attempt by an officer in an authorized emergency vehicle, using emergency equipment (lights and siren), to apprehend a suspect who is failing to yield after due notice or is attempting to avoid apprehension, and whose driving presents a clear and immediate danger. An officer continuing to follow the suspect vehicle, regardless of the activation of emergency equipment, will be considered “in pursuit.”
Speed limit for pursuit?
The rule that limits Code 3 driving to a maximum of 20 mph over the posted speed limit does not apply to pursuit driving
Which NRS applies to pursuits
,Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 484B.700, subsection 4, is always in effect, which states:
“The provisions of this section do not relieve the driver from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons and do not protect the driver from the consequences of the driver’s reckless disregard for the safety of others.”
A pursuing officer driving code 3 will exercise what?
reasonable care for persons and property
When will a pursuit NOT be authorized?
property crime,
minor traffic infraction, or an
occupied stolen vehicle.
When will a pursuit be authorized?
- a violent felony offense or
- if the suspect presents a clear and immediate danger to the public.
A clear and immediate danger to the public will not be defined by officers based solely on a suspect’s reaction to the initial vehicle stop.
How must a Sgt approve a pursuit?
the monitoring supervisor must verbally approve the vehicular pursuit over the radio. If approved, the monitoring supervisor will direct the continuance of the vehicular pursuit.
initiating pursuit officers and field supervisors who authorize the vehicular pursuit to continue will consider the following: (7)
- Whether the need for immediate apprehension of the suspect(s) outweighs the danger created by the pursuit itself.
- If the vehicle pursuit is for a violent felony, pursuing units and monitoring supervisor(s) should evaluate the severity of the crime and when it occurred.
- Speeds of the vehicle pursuit (pursuing units and fleeing vehicle).
Vehicular and pedestrian traffic (including road conditions). - Environmental factors surrounding the pursuit: residential, commercial, or rural.
- Weather conditions (e.g., rain, fog, or snow).
- Time of day: Does visibility create an unreasonable risk of injury to the public or pursuing officers?
- Alternatives to allowing the pursuit to continue, including the availability of the Air Unit, use of the bubble tactic, surveillance with unmarked LVMPD vehicles, use of the precision intervention technique (PIT), deployment of stop sticks, or arrest at a later time via investigative means.
An officer who initiates a vehicular pursuit and who is operating a motorcycle or an authorized unmarked unit will?
relinquish the primary position to the first black and white marked patrol unit that joins the vehicular pursuit. The initiating officer will immediately disengage from the pursuit when an additional black and white marked patrol unit joins as the secondary unit.
Supervisors directly involved in the vehicular pursuit – whether as the primary, secondary, or the third unit – will?
relinquish their position to a black and white marked patrol unit joining the vehicular pursuit. This will ensure the supervisor maintains command, control, and objectivity of the vehicular pursuit.
Pursuing units and monitoring supervisors will________&_________ when the danger outweighs the need to apprehend the suspect.
constantly evaluate conditions and discontinue
If pursuing units discontinue a vehicular pursuit or are ordered by a supervisor to discontinue, the pursuing units will (2)
Immediately cease emergency operations (lights and siren), reduce speed, and discontinue visual contact with the suspect vehicle.
Broadcast over the radio the discontinuance of pursuit and that there is no longer visual contact of the suspect vehicle
An officer involved in a motor vehicle collision during an emergency response or a pursuit will immediately discontinue involvement and take proper action as required by NRS 484 and department directives unless: (3)
No unit is available to assume the pursuit or respond to the unit involved.
Damage to the unit is minor, and it can still be operated without danger.
There are no apparent injuries as a result of the collision.
Officers must notify communications bureau under the following circumstances. (Reference pursuit)
When a pursuit is initiated and terminated.
When a pursuit is initiated and discontinued.
When a situation is observed that could result in a pursuit, but the pursuit did not meet the criteria for pursuing (event must be created or updated in this situation).
While bubbling, units will: (5)
- Attempt to contain the suspect vehicle, not apprehend.
- Monitor the suspect vehicle via radio but will not seek constant visual contact of the fleeing vehicle.
- Obey all traffic laws and not activate emergency equipment (lights and siren).
- Avoid engaging the suspect in a vehicular pursuit without supervisor approval.
- Avoid the termination point unless requested by units at the termination point or the monitoring supervisor and assigned by the dispatcher.
If the monitoring supervisor discontinues the vehicle pursuit but directs pursuing units to transition to the bubble tactic, (2)
- pursuing units will immediately cease emergency operations (lights and siren), reduce speed, discontinue visual contact with the suspect vehicle, and take part in the bubble tactic, regardless of the area command or jurisdiction.
- The primary unit will broadcast over the radio the discontinuance of the pursuit, that there is no longer visual contact of the suspect vehicle, and that all units directly involved in the pursuit have transitioned to the bubble tactic.
What will improve the monitoring supervisor’s ability to effectively assess, evaluate risk factors, and exercise command and control of the incident
Calm and concise radio traffic
What radio channel will assigned units utilize If a vehicle pursuit has been initiated, or the suspect vehicle meets pursuit criteria and the bubble tactic is active and/or Air Unit surveillance has been established
originating area command radio channel
If the suspect vehicle enters another area command or jurisdiction, the monitoring supervisor will _______ _________ _______and will continue to monitor unless relieved by a higher-ranking department supervisor.
not transition responsibilities
What will the monitoring supervisor confirm with dispatch after a pursuit has been cancelled?
All neighboring area commands have been advised the vehicular pursuit was discontinued due to the danger it presented to the community.
Their area command lieutenant (watch commander in the lieutenant’s absence) is aware of the incident and that the vehicular pursuit was discontinued due to the danger it presented to the community.
When a pursuit has been initiated the monitoring supervisor will (7)
- Immediately acknowledge the notification made by the pursuing officers or Communications and authorize the continuation of the vehicle pursuit over the radio by stating, “I am supervising this pursuit.”
- Continuously evaluate the need to authorize additional units to the pursuit.
- Determine whether a transition to the bubble tactic is more appropriate based on availability of the Air Unit and unmarked vehicles.
- Evaluate whether to discontinue the pursuit if the Air Unit has arrived and assumed primary responsibility for broadcasting the progress of the pursuit.
During the pursuit, consider use of PIT and/or stop sticks. - Discontinue the pursuit over the radio when apprehension of the fleeing suspect(s) is outweighed by the danger caused by the pursuit.
- Confirm that speeds of pursuing units and fleeing vehicle are reasonably being broadcast over the radio throughout the duration of the pursuit.
Discourage overconvergence at termination point to avoid officers unduly jeopardizing the safety of themselves and others - Respond to the termination point and manage the overall scene (i.e., high-risk vehicle stop procedures, a low-lethal option, and a custody plan).
Non-pursuit units will do these
Avoid direct involvement in the vehicle pursuit unless requested by the monitoring supervisor.
Bubble only within their designated area command unless assigned by the dispatcher.
Evaluate the ability to deploy stop sticks from a position of safety (see Tire Deflation Devices – Stop Sticks).
Avoid the termination point unless requested by units at the termination point or the monitoring supervisor and assigned by the dispatcher.
Interjurisdictional pursuits, . An LVMPD supervisor will not assign officers to participate in such pursuits unless
- assistance is requested by the initiating agency and
- they provide sufficient information (including the crime the suspects are believed to have committed) so that an LVMPD supervisor can determine if the pursuit is in compliance with the provisions of this policy
Officer(s) deploying stop sticks during a vehicle pursuit will:(9)
- Deploy the stop sticks from a position of safety.
2.When feasible, deploy stop sticks using a two-officer team, consisting of a single officer deploying the stop stick and a second officer acting as an observer.
- Evaluate the following tactical considerations:
Plan ahead for the use of stop sticks.
Determine the best locations for deployment and know where protection exists. - Avoid deploying stop sticks on wet surfaces, gravel, or loose pavement.
Such surfaces may increase the risk a subject will lose control of the target vehicle when tires deflate.
5.Consider deploying stop sticks so that a subject has limited ability to avoid striking the device.
6.Consider deploying stop sticks away from an intersection to limit a subject’s ability to avoid the device.
7.Only deploy stop sticks after identifying a safe location to observe the pursuit.
8.Always move to a safe location after deploying stop sticks.
The cord reel has 80 feet (24 meters) of cord, which allows an officer to move as far as possible from fleeing or pursuing vehicles.
9.Advise pursuing units when and where stop sticks are being deployed.
Inform the monitoring supervisor of the deployment of stop sticks and their effectiveness during the pursuit.
Officer(s) will not deploy stop sticks during a pursuit under the following circumstances: (4)
- When transporting arrestees or other non-police personnel.
2.When fleeing suspects have demonstrated a clear intent to injure officers using the fleeing vehicle or other deadly weapon.
As a weapon.
- On bridges, curves on the roadway, around roadway construction, or any location where the deploying officer feels it would be too dangerous.
- To slow or stop any of the following vehicles, unless the use of deadly force would be justified:
Motorcycle, moped, or any other two- or three-wheeled vehicle.
All-terrain vehicle (ATV).
Any truck transporting explosives or other hazardous materials.
Tire deflation devices (stop sticks/Piranha) as a deployment tactic on a stationary vehicle should only be used under extenuating circumstances and with the following tactical considerations: (6)
- Officers will not intentionally close the distance on an occupied stationary vehicle to deploy a tire deflation device when it is determined to be a barricaded subject
Approval from a field supervisor prior to deployment – the supervisor will be present during the pre-deployment when feasible. - A tactical plan (e.g., ballistic shield, immediate action team, or lethal/low lethal coverage) must be in place should the vehicle not be immobilized.
- The location of the deployment does not overexpose the deployment team to the subject or subject vehicle.
- The approach will not place the deployment team in the path of an oncoming vehicle.
5.Deployment will not be made by a single officer. - The officer deploying the tire deflation device on a stationary vehicle has been trained and is authorized to use the stop sticks/Piranha.
PIT will be done only after
the violator has clearly demonstrated the intention to avoid apprehension.
Officers will, in all cases, consider the safety of the public and suspects before executing this technique (PIT), evaluating the following locations and hazards: (6)
Areas with high concentrations of pedestrians
Other vehicle traffic
Parked vehicles
Telephone/utility poles
Areas adjacent to paved roads with a large elevation change
Post pursuit supervisor will; (7)
Respond to the termination point and assume responsibility for the scene.
Ensure all appropriate notifications are made at the scene
Conduct a thorough investigation to determine if the pursuit was within policy and justified. If a supervisor becomes involved in a pursuit other than supervising the pursuit, the pursuing supervisor will not conduct the investigation of the pursuit. Investigative duties will be relinquished to the next level of supervision in the officer’s chain of command.
Ensure all applicable reports are completed.
Check the area surrounding the termination point for any video surveillance, and obtain a copy (MP4 format, if possible).
Review all involved officers’ BWCs to ensure pursuit procedures were followed and that all involved officers are documented in the report.
Ensure any officer who assumed a primary position in the pursuit completes a Pursuit Report in Blue Team.