bomb threats Flashcards
The Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center’s (SNCTC’s) All Hazard Regional Multi-Agency Operations and Response (ARMOR) Section, in conjunction with the Counter Terrorism Section, is responsible for
investigations of all
located explosives,
bomb threats,
extortions with the use of bombs, and other found or suspected devices pertaining to terrorism, including weapons of mass destruction, biological agents, chemical agents, radioactive agents and other lethal agents, toxins, and delivery systems that threaten the security of our community.
suspicious item
Any item (package, luggage, vehicle, etc.) identified as potentially containing chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive material that requires specialized equipment and training to further evaluate. Suspicious indicators are based upon the prevailing and/or communicated threat, placement and proximity of the item(s) to people and valuable assets, and more tangible aspects including but not limited to; unexplainable wires or electronics, other visible IED components; unusual sounds, vapors, mists, powders, liquids, odors, etc.
Summary: Any package/bag/item that, due to a proper threat assessment, is a possible danger to the people or property in the area.
unattended item
Any item (package, luggage, vehicle) that does not outwardly present itself as suspicious or threatening in nature;
cannot be associated with a communicated threat;
is not positioned to avoid observation and/or detection where people congregate; and critical assets are present.
The owner may not be readily determined or located; however, there is usually a plausible explanation as to why the item was left unattended (e.g., a toy where children may have recently played, a briefcase or small backpack in a toilet facility or, a piece of luggage at a transportation venue in a non-high traffic pedestrian area).
25-foot and
100-foot searches
Done to protect first responders from any possible devices that may be placed to injure, maim, and kill them upon arrival. These searches should be conducted from low-to-high in a 360-degree manner around the “safe area.”
When responding to a bomb threat, unattended item, or suspicious item, officers should conduct 25- and 100-foot searches.
⦁ Upon arrival officers should do a visual search of 25 feet around their initial arrival location;
⦁ After the initial 25-foot search, a 100-foot search should be conducted;
⦁ If a new location is established for a command post, the 25- and 100-foot searches will be conducted again. The use of an EDD should be utilized if available.
Department members should understand the importance of conducting investigations _______, ______________for the situation and that minimize public awareness and chances of alerting subjects to police involvement.
discreetly, using investigative techniques that are appropriate
Department members will attempt to work closely with_______or thier_______in the coordination and execution of their standard emergency operating procedures to ensure public safety.
management designees
In the event a bomb threat is called in against LVMPD headquarters (HQ),
radio silence will be maintained. HQ operations will not be disrupted, and personnel will not be evacuated without justification as determined by officers on scene.
explosive materials
Any chemical compound, mixture, or device, with a primary or common purpose to function by explosion.
The term includes, but is not limited to, dynamite and other high explosives, black powder, pellet powder, initiating explosives, detonators, safety fuses, squibs, detonating cords, igniter cords, and igniters.
homemade explosives
Finished explosive material that is ready to be utilized in an improvised explosive device. Homemade explosives can be made utilizing household chemicals through a chemical process or combined to produce an explosive material that is intended for use.
improvised explosive device (IED)
A homemade explosive device designed to maim, harass, or kill.
An IED will contain a power source, initiator, explosive material and switch or chemical mixture to create a hypergolic reaction. These devices can include, but are not limited to, modified military ordnance, homemade blasting caps, and homemade explosives (e.g., pipe bombs, booby-traps, and overpressure devices).
threat assessment (10)
⦁ When did the item show up?
⦁ How long has it been there? (Surveillance video? Witnesses?)
⦁ Did anyone see the person who left the item?
⦁ Where is it placed? (In front of any Strip hotel or in an abandoned dirt lot? Entryway or exits? Crowded waiting area?)
⦁ How is it placed? (Does it look like it was deliberately hidden in a populated area?)
⦁ Have there been any recent threats?
⦁ What does the item look like? (Wires, switches, modifications, sounds, exceedingly heavy looking, any other suspicious indicators?)
⦁ If you feel the item is clear based on the totality of the circumstances? Did an explosive detection dog (EDD) alert on the item?
⦁ People and property are the most valued targets by terrorists
⦁ Is the item suspicious, abandoned, or temporarily unattended?
5-Line Report
⦁ Specific location of the suspect item: This will help determine the command post (CP), route to staging, and assist in establishing a good perimeter.
⦁ Unit number/cell number of officer or patrol supervisor on scene: the ARMOR commander will need to contact the officer on scene to gather intelligence prior to dispatching resources.
⦁ Detailed description of item, photo (if available), and placement method: size, shape, container, was it thrown, placed, projected, etc.
⦁ Description of what resources, person(s) or critical infrastructure is threatened: Utility facility (water, power, gas, etc.), crowds, etc.
⦁ Protective measures taken: Perimeter, CP location, staging area, all actions taken.
Once an item is rendered safe what will the explosive detection dog do?
the EDD should be called to search the area for a second device.
Upon locating suspected device, Field supervisor will:
⦁ Respond to and assume command of the scene. The field supervisor or senior officer in charge will remain at the scene to brief the ARMOR supervisor of all relevant matters. Establish Incident Command System (ICS) in accordance with LVMPD ⦁ 3.500, ⦁ Major Incident and All Hazard Plan and completes ICS-AAR as required.
⦁ Contact the ARMOR supervisor through Communications supervisor.
⦁ When requesting ARMOR, advise a responsible person from the establishment of the potential for explosion and initiate an evacuation of the premises. At least two floors above and below the device should be evacuated in a high-rise building.
⦁ Failure to respond to an evacuation order is a violation of ⦁ NRS 475.070.
⦁ If a person is not readily available or able to easily be evacuated and is not in harm’s way based on the information of the threat and is outside the mandatory evacuation zone listed on the FBI Bomb Threat Stand-Off Card, the person may shelter in place. However, if they are in the mandatory evacuation zone, they must be evacuated to safety.
⦁ Assign an additional officer to the primary location (see Command and Control section) to assist in communications.
⦁ Remain at scene with the additional officer to assist ARMOR and prevent unauthorized access to the location of the device.
How many command control locations will be established when a device is located?
⦁ The Tactical Operations Center will be in the vicinity of the device determined suitable by ARMOR supervisor. Command of the primary location and all personnel assigned to it will rest solely with the ranking ARMOR member. The overall incident command will remain with the patrol IC.
⦁ The field command post (CP) will be operated and staffed, and a staging area established as for any unusual occurrence, by LVMPD personnel, who will oversee all field operations in connection with the explosive. Investigative personnel will report to the field CP or staging area as directed, when arriving at the scene.
What Information that will NOT be released to anyone outside law enforcement? (6)
⦁ Type of explosive
⦁ Components
⦁ Packaging
⦁ Method used to detonate
⦁ Opinions as to why the device did or did not detonate
⦁ Investigative techniques used to mitigate the threat.
Post detonation what tool is utilized to clear crime scene?
What distances do patrol officers search when looking for an explosive device?
25 &100 ft
When an item is located that can be visually identified as evidence (post detonation), what is the minimum perimeter distance around the item?
300 ft
Post detonation the Patrol supervisor will:
⦁ Contact the ARMOR supervisor through Communications supervisor.
⦁ Coordinate with ARMOR for instructions regarding adjustment of the perimeter and other scene control concerns.
⦁ Determine the appropriate support personnel needed for security of the scene.
⦁ Maintain the perimeter until released by the ranking member of ARMOR, or the investigator functioning as liaison for ARMOR.
⦁ Determine the need for an EDD to search for a second device (this request can come from ARMOR).