Purposive Communicaton Flashcards
are intentional and carry meaning
Communicative Signals
are not intentional but still carry meaning
Informative Signals
I am sitting at the desk in the front of the room, I must be the professor
Informative Signal
I say to you that I am here to teach the class, I am the professor
Communicative Signal
A bird may suddenly fly away at the approach of a predator, we deduce that the bird must be frightened
Informative Signal
A bird may make a loud squawk at the site of a predator, we deduce that the bird is saying “Hey everyone, lookout! Something is going to eat us!!”
Communicative Signal
- Reflexivity
- Displacement
- Arbitrariness
- Productivity
- Cultural Transmission
- Duality
Humans are able to reflect. They are able to talk about, or reflect language itself. Without this ability, we could not even even take about the other properties of language
Humans can talk about the past, present and future
Human can talk about things that don’t exist or we can’t see
There is no natural connection between a word’s form and its meaning (with the possible exception of our old friend, onomatopoeia)
Animals vocabulary is ___________________
Finite, Limited
Bees use intricate combinations of dance movements and tail waggling to communicate the location of nectar (food) sources to other bees in the hive
Honey Bee Dance Language
Human vocabulary and sentences are infinite, open ended: we can create new words in our own LEXICON, like texting or googling, new slang in unlimited combinations
word forming rules
sentence structure rules
we acquire our speech from the environment we are raised in, our culture, which includes our language, our accent, our expression
Human language is organized at two levels: PHONETICS and, PHONOLOGY and MORPHOLOGY
The sounds that carry no meaning
The combination of sounds which carry meaning
Phonology & Morphology
a limited number of discrete sounds, we can produce an infinite number of meanings
the process by which people exchange
information or express their thoughts and feelings
- spoken rather than
written - relating to words
or using words - relating to a verb
(interaction, gestures, facial
expressions, voice, tone, fillers,
pauses, laughter, sighs, repetition,
hesitation, explanation, simple,
spontaneous, cannot be taken back)
body language
is not seen)
ON the phone
(more complicated, more
formal, requires planning
and more time,
structured, precise choice
of words, can be reread,
stored, edited, one-way)
formal letters, texts,
(less complicated, less
formal, spontaneous,
punctuation, pictures,
smiles, chat – immediate
Informal letters, text
messages, emails, chat
operates on the premise that the communicators simultaneously engage in the act of sending and receiving of messages.
Transactional Communication Model
This model suggests that both the sender and the receiver have their own personal filters when they send or receive messages
Transactional Communication Model
Who and When proposed the Transactional Communication Model?
Barnlund, 1970
SMCR stands for?
The participants in this communication process are governed by factors like communication skills, attitude, knowledge, social systems, and culture when they communicate
SMCR Communication Model
The _______________ of SMCR model include factors like content, elements, structure, and codes.
The _____________ of SMCR model includes the 5 senses
Who and When was the SMCR Model designed?
David Berlo, 1960
is the expansion of the Shannon and Weaver communication model
SMCR Model
The Shannon and Weaver Communication model was designed in ______, mirroring _____________________________
1949, radio and telephone technologies
This model was constructed based on the following elements: information source, which is the producer of the message; transmitter, which encodes the mesage into signals; channel, which adapts signals for transmission and destination, where the message arives
Shannon and Weaver Communication Model
- Sender
- Medium (message)
- Channel
- Receiver (decoder/ listener)
- Feedback (response)
- Context
- Noise (also called as interferennce)
decides on the message to be sent and the best/most effective way that it can be sent.
the immediate form which a message takes. For example, a message may be communicated in the form of a letter, an e-mail or face to face in the form of a speech.
responsible for the delivery of the chosen message form. For
example: post office, internet, television and radio.
-__________________is responsible to extracting/decoding meaning from the
- the _________________ is also responsible for providing feedback to the sender.
- it is his/her job to interpret.
- this is important as it determines whether or not the decoder grasped the intended
meaning and whether the communication was successful.
Feedback (response)
- the ______________ of any communication act is the environment surrounding it.
- it is also known as setting of the communication.
- this is the factor that inhibits the conveyance of a message
- ____________ is anything that interferes with communication
-is interference that is external to both speakers and listener; it hampers the physical transmission of the signal or message.
Physical Noise
is created by barriers within the sender or receiver.
Physiological Noise
-it begins with yourself, you begin with what you have already stocked in your brain or with what you already knew or understood about the subject matter of the communicative act. Transmitted messages become understandable or meaningful because of your background knowledge about the messages.
Communication is schemata-driven
-the only person who knows the exact or full meaning of the message transmitted is the sender or speaker. Being the creator or source of the ideas, he/she has the absolute knowledge about his/her message.
-it is called interpretive act because the role of the receiver or the listener is just to interpret, infer, or guess the meaning of things appealing to his/her sense of hearing.
Communication is interpretive act
-this form of knowledge becomes meaningful only to others when you initiate communication with them.
Communication does not guarantee a direct or automatic link between two
-communication is said to be active because messages have varied effects on all participants in any communicative event. It engages speakers and listeners inaction
of giving and receiving information.
-communication is powerful and forceful for it elicits different meanings or reactions; these messages are prone to changes. Subjected to the changeable and continued existence of the world, communication is dynamic (a process or system
Communication is active, powerful, or forceful
-symbols, signs, or marks like letters, words, sentences, graphs, pictures, and other
concrete objects represent or stand for ideas that you intend to convey verbally.
Communication is symbolic
-it refers to two or more persons participating in any communicative act. The first
expresses or sends a message; the second responds or reacts to the message.
Communication always results in something
-you are free to talk about anything under the sun. But once you utter something, the things you have said remain as it is susceptible to different interpretations or meanings.
Communication is irreversible
-an exchange of views, ideas, or feelings doesn’t only involve the sender and
receiver, but also other aspects of the communication setting like type, place, topic, occasion, purpose, and the manner of communication.
Communication is contexttual
-to communicate ideas to go through the different stages of language learning that
begins from birth to elementary, high school and college level. It is not a one-time
learning towards communicative competence.
Communication is developmental or progressive
-several stages of communication take place when people exchange or share with
one another. Each stage involves elements with different functions.
Communication is a progress
-any communication event is expected to apply rules, moral values, and beliefs
agreed upon by the societal members. Guided by these standards determined by
the cultural group you belong to, your community communication becomes ethical,
good and desirable.
Communication is a progress
-now you are in the era of knowledge explosion or modern technology. This period is characterized by an instant global exchange of knowledge, services and technology. Using modern electronic communication devices, an exchange of ideas occurs just in seconds or minutes regardless of the distance between or among the
Communication is influenced by media and technology