Pumps/Injectors/Ejectors Flashcards
List eight reasons why a bilge pump may not be able to remove water from an engine room bilge.
- Choked strum box Broken seals on strum box or Pump suction filter is dirty
- Another valve has accidentally been left open so pump sucking from an empty bilge well
- Failure of pump priming system and or Discharge valve has been left closed
4 pipeline is damaged, so air is leaking or holes on pipe allowing air in
- Pump is mechanically worn/damaged or obstructed
- Coupling between motor and pump is broken.
- insufficient level in bilge well to maintain suction
- bilge suction or delivery valve is damaged
With reference to of a gear pump suitable for use with fuel or lubricating oil:
a) Sketch a cross-section indicating flow of fluid (8)
b.) Explain the working principle of a gear pump
a.) see EOOW ORAL sketch pack
b.) Fluid enters external gear pump at suction side and flows around the drive gear and the other inner casing part and flows towards the discharge side as the gears become interlocked, volume is reduced and fluid is forced out under pressure. fluid isn’t transferred through the centre because gears are interlocked. due to the small gap between the gears and casing this prevents fluid leaking back from the discharge side (depends on viscosity) if low there is more leakage.
These pumps supply a constant volume at the correct pressure and are self regulating and so wont need controlling. theyre always full of liquid so theres no suction or delivery valves. however if control is required this can be achieved by using a bypass valve for single speed AC drives or with the use of electronically controlled variable AC or DC motors.
Advantage of these pumps is the constant volume output. the pump is ideal for situations like the LO pressure feed to diesel engine bearings where slightest hesitation in flow can cause LO starvation to bearings and therefore lead to bearing failure.
With reference to centrifugal pumps:
a) State why the pump can be started with the discharge valve closed; (8)
The pump works on principle of changing the momentum of the liquid. As the impeller of the pump rotates at high speed, a centrifugal force is created. The force gives kinetic energy to the fluid as its thrown from the eye of the impeller to the outer part. The impeller rotates inside a volute casing; whose cross-sectional area increases as it nears the pump outlet. This acts as a diverging nozzle that converts the kinetic energy in the fluid to pressure energy. the increase in pressure energy is proportional to the fluids velocity. Fluid velocity is also proportional to momentum of fluid due to discharge valve closed there can’t be any momentum.
Addtionaly when discharge valve is closed pressure in discharge side will increase, which will lead to water coming back to pump impeller section and there is no discharge because discharge valve is closed so nowhere for the fluid to go and so same amount of water keeps on rotating within pump body (churning). in due time water temperature increases but it takes time to reach vaporisation temperature of water (cavitation) and for the amount of time temperature is increasing to vaporisation temperature there will not be any direct damage on pump or associated equipment.
Therefore, it is perfectly safe to start the centrfugal pump with the discharge valve closed, without causing over pressurization or any damage to pump equipment.
However should the length of time exceed and water reach vapourisation temp then this results in cavitation and the churning will raise the internal temperature of the pump leading to overheating this is dependant on the length of time outlet discharge is closed. therefore its not possible to run the centrifugal pump with the discharge valve closed
State possible reasons for the pump failing to achieve suction from a double bottom tank. (8)
- pump suction line is is blocked it must first be cleaned of any debris. When suction line is blocked the pump can’t crate enough suction and therefore it can’t transfer anything out of double bottom tank.
- Pump wear ring wear plate is damaged and or vanes for impeller. If the vanes on the impeller are worn, the hydraulic capacity of the pump is reduced. Same with the wear ring and wear plate. This is because clearances open up due to wear, so more recirculation occurs inside the pump and reduces the pump’s flow.
- Excessive Clearances
If clearances are too wide for the type of fluid pumped, excessive slip will occur. Fluid will continue to recirculate inside the pump, causing lower flow output for the pump. - Debris in the impeller
If the eye of the impeller is plugged with debris, it removes the hydraulic capacity of the impeller to create an area of low pressure. - Running Dry:Operating the pump without proper fluid flow (running dry) can cause excessive heat, seal damage, and accelerated wear on pump parts. Adequate training and awareness among the vessel engine crew regarding the importance of maintaining sufficient fluid levels are crucial for preventing such issues.
What is meant by Eductor ?
Eductor is a simple type of pump which works on the ‘venturi effect’ to pump out air, gas or liquid from a specified area. Eductor require only a motive fluid or driving fluid for its operation. When the driving fluid is passed through the eductor at the required capacity (which depends on the design of the eductor), a low pressure is created inside it. This low pressure or vacuum enables the eductor to suck liquid or gas from a certain area. This liquid or gas is pumped out through the driving fluid discharge. Eductor works on Bernoulli’s principle. It states that an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a reduction in pressure
Draw an eductor to help explain the working principle
see EOOW ORAL/IAMI Sketch pack
The driving fluid (normally seawater or air on ships) is allowed to pass through the nozzle(3) and diffuser(2) as shown in the drawing. When the driving fluid achieves desired pressure and capacity, it starts taking suction through the suction side. Normally valves will be connected to driving fluid inlet, discharge side and suction side of the eductor.
state the procedure for operating an eductor
To operate the eductor follow the procedure below.
Open driving fluid inlet valve and discharge valve of the eductor.
Start the driving fluid pump (normally fire pump) and regulate the pressure to obtain necessary capacity for the operation of the eductor.
Driving pressure varies with the discharge head.
Now open suction the valve for enabling eductor to take suction from the desired compartment.
Never open suction valve before achieving desired capacity of driving fluid. It may cause back flow of driving fluid through suction.
Similarly, before stopping, first close the suction valve before stopping driving fluid. (For the same reason stated above).
what are parameters of a standard bilge eductor used on ships.
The design parameters of a normal bilge eductor used on ships are the following:
Driving Fluid Pressure: 7 kg/cm2
Driving Capacity: 20 m3/hr
Suction Head: -7 mAq
Suction Capacity: 5 m3/hr
Discharge Head: 6 mAq
Weight: 20 kg
draw a performance curves for an eductor and explain what can be seen from these
From the suction flow capacity curve shown above it can be seen that, for the same discharge head, suction capacity varies with a change in driving fluid pressure. For example, keeping discharge head as 6 mAq, suction capacity is 3 m3/hr and 5 m3/hr for driving pressures of 5 kg/cm2 and 7 kg/cm2 respectively. Increasing driving fluid pressure above designed pressure will not increase the design suction capacity. On the other hand, reduction of driving pressure below design pressure leads to reduction in suction capacity. higher discharge head (or back pressure) results in reduced suction capacity. Also, driving flow capacity curve shown below gives us the driving capacity for a particular driving pressure.
what are examples of where a eductor would be used on a ship?
For creating vacuum in freshwater generator
In vacuum toilet systems
As self-priming system for centrifugal pumps
Foam applicator in fire extinguishing system
For pumping out water from bosun store, chain locker, etc.
what are examples of common problems that can occur with eductor
Clogged Nozzle or Throat
The most common cause of trouble in the eductor is restriction of fluid flow in the nozzle or throat with foreign particles. Particles lodged in the nozzle or throat can be removed with a soft material such as wood. Do not use hard or sharp materials as these can cause permanent damage to the eductor.
Low Driving Pressure
Driving fluid pressure below specified may result in loss of suction capacity or even back flow of fluid to the suction side.
High Back Pressure
Suction capacity will reduce drastically when the back pressure of driving fluid increases. This effect can be reduced by increasing the driving fluid capacity or pressure. So back pressure always to be monitored during operation of eductor.
What is cavitation ?
Cavitation occurs when the pump suction line contains air or when the pump is running faster than the designed speed. If the pump is allowed to run with air or faster than designed speed than low pressure regions occur in the flow at points where high local velocities exist. Also vaporisation occurs due to these low pressure areas and then bubbles form, these expand as they move with the flow and collapse when they reach a high pressure region. Such formation and collapse of bubbles is very rapid and collapse near a surface will generate very high pressure hammer blows which results in pitting, noise, vibration, and fall in the pump efficiency. Therefore to avoid damage to the pump by cavitation the pump should be run at designed speed, the throttiling of the suction should be avoided and to avoid air in the pump suction line when the pump is being started the priming system should be used to prime the pump and remove any air, except of course for pumps which are self priming like positive displacement pumps.
Cavitation can occur due, generally to the following factors:
increase of the temperature of the pumped liquid
a reduction or frequent oscillation in suction pressure
increase or reduction in the velocity or flow of the fluid due change in the fluid viscosity
undesirable flow conditions caused by obstructions or sharp elbows in the suction piping
If the pump operates under cavitation conditions for long period of time, the following can occur:
premature bearing failure
pitting or erosion marks on the impeller and casing wall of the pump
premature mechanical seal failure
failure of the pump shaft and other fatigue failures in the pump components.
What are the reasons for ballast pump not delivering water ?
Incomplete priming
Too high suction lift
Low net positive suction head
Air leaks in suction line
Gas or air lock
Suction filter choke
what is the procedure for a Screw pump overhaul ?
Put off breaker and remove fuse from motor starter box
Close suction and discharge valve
Remove suction and discharge pipe
flange bolt & nut, coupling bolt of motor coupling
Remove pump foundation bolts & take out pump from motor
Remove cover both side & remove driver screw & driven screw with bearing and mechanical seal
Inspect mechanical seal, bearing and renew if required.
Clean all parts and assemble back.
after screw pump is assembled what parts should you pay attention to make sure everything is correct before you put pump back into operation
Mechanical seal
Driver screw and driven screw wear & tear
Pump casing internal surface wear
Clearance between driver and driven screw
Clearance between driver and casing.
What is the centrifugal pump overhaul procedure ?
Put off breaker and remove fuse from motor starter box
Close suction and discharge valve
Remove suction and discharge pipe flange bolt & nut, coupling bolt of motor coupling
Remove pump foundation bolts & take out pump from motor
Remove impeller lock & nut & take out the impeller
Remove mechanical seal.
Remove bearing cover from other side & take out shaft with ball bearing
Renew mechanical seal and bearings if required.
Clean and inspect all parts and assemble.
after centrifugal pump is assembled what parts should you pay attention to make sure everything is correct before you put pump back into operation?
Wear ring
Neck bush
Ball bearing
Mechanical seal.
describe the procedure for Starting up a Screw Pump
The complete pipe line system must be flushed and pressure tested before installing and operating the pump.
If any corrosive liquid is used, then complete system to be properly drained and dried for protection.
Before starting the pump for the first time, it must be completely filled with working liquid to prime the pump.
Line up all the valves in the pumping system to avoid liquid pressure build up as well as pump losing suction.
Make sure the prime mover motor is isolated electrically and turn the pump-motor coupling by hand to check it is turning smoothly.
When pump is ready to be started, first briefly switch on and off the motor and check the direction of rotation is as per the marking on the pump.
Start the pump and keep checking suction and discharge pressure gauges for rated pressure.
Check prime mover motor ampere and compare with rated current.
Check for any leakages from mechanical seal or other joints of the pump, flanges, etc.
Air in the pumping liquid causes abnormal vibration, noise and over heating of the pump and liquid which may result in a fire hazard.
Periodically inspect foundation bolts, coupling pads, leakages and performance of the pump as condition monitoring to avoid breakdown maintenance.
describe the Maintenance carried out on Screw Pumps
Pump to be overhauled at regular intervals, not exceeding 3 years.
Wear of spare parts greatly depends on the pumping medium.
Pump screws, liner, etc. are lubricated by the pumping liquid itself. So it is important to avoid presence of any abrasive particles in the pumping medium.
Hence pump strainer must be cleaned regularly, by monitoring suction pressure of the pump.
A gradual reduction in the suction pressure of the pump indicates that the suction filter is getting chocked.
Indication of pump parts wear can be identified from abnormal noise, vibration, loss of capacity, reduction in discharge pressure, etc.
Inspect internal parts carefully while overhauling. Internal clearances in the pump, which are vital for its proper function, may have been affected by wear of rotors and bores or liner.
Acceptable wear can be determined only by experience of the actual application. As a rule of thumb the following max clearance values may apply: Between rotor and bores: 0.2 mm, Between rotor flanks: 0.4 mm.
Inspect for any scratches inside.
Check the condition of the mechanical seal especially the mating faces and o-rings. Discard the seal if mating face is damaged or o-rings hardened.
Excessively leaking shaft seals (more than 10 drops per hour) should be changed without delay, as the leakage normally will grow worse and cause additional damage.
Gaskets and o-rings of the pump to be renewed while overhauling.
Check shaft bearing for damages and renew if necessary.
Relief valve, valve seat, springs to checked.
It is advisable to overhaul the motor also along with the pump.
below are common problems that occur with screw pumps for each problem provide a cause and a remedy
1 Wrong direction of rotation
2 The pump cannot be primed
3. No flow
4 Flow too low
5 Pressure too low
6 Pressure too high
7 Drive motor difficult to start or tends to stop by tripping the motor overload relay
8 Noise and vibration
- cause = Electric cables to motor wrongly connected.
remedy = Reverse the terminal connection on electric motor.
- cause = Wrong direction of rotation.
Suction line is not open or pressure drop in the suction line is too high.
Major air leakage into the suction line.
The pump cannot evacuate the air through the discharge line due to excessive counter pressure.
remedy = Check all components in suction line. The inlet condition should be checked with a vacuum gauge at the pump inlet. Check the suction line.
Discharge the air through air purge cock at the discharge of the pump
- cause = The pump is not primed.
The pressure relief valve is set below the designed pressure.
remedy = Readjust the pressure relief valve to correct pressure
- cause = The coupling is slipping
The pressure relief valve is set too low (Discharge pressure also low).Something is restricting the flow in the suction line. (This would usually cause noise).
The pumped liquid contains a significant amount of compressible gas, such as free air. (This would usually cause noise).
remedy = Check the condition of the coupling. Re-tighten, renew coupling pads. Readjust the pressure relief valve to get rated discharge pressure.
Check all components in the suction line (strainers, valves etc.). Go through the system and determine if there are any leaks. Rectify if any.
- cause = The pressure relief valve is set too low. Counter pressure in the discharge line is too low due to a major leakage. The valve piston is stuck in open position. Something is restricting the flow in the suction line. (This would usually cause noise). The pumped liquid contains a significant amount of compressible gas, such as free air. (This would usually cause noise). A too small pump has been chosen.
remedy = Readjust the pressure relief valve. Check the components in the discharge line inclusive the recipients.
Check the valve. Check all components in the suction line (strainers, valves etc.).
Go through the system and determine if there are any leaks. Rectify if any.
Check the capacity of the pump.
- cause = The pressure relief valve is set too high. The oil is too cold (or has higher viscosity than anticipated). Counter pressure in the discharge line is too high
remedy = Readjust the pressure relief valve. Reduce the pressure setting until operational temperature has been reached. Check the discharge line.
- cause =relief valve pressure too high.
Liquid too cold. Motor is undersized for the prevailing conditions. Electrical power supply faulty. Motor overload relay set too low or is faulty.
remedy = Readjust the pressure relief valve to a lower value. Thus the power consumption for the pumping is relieved and overloading due to the high viscosity may be avoided. When the liquid has reached normal temperature and thus flows easily, the relief valve is reset to normal pressure. Check the motor.
Check the motor and motor connection.
Readjust or replace the relay.
Readjust the setting of the starting sequence. The time before the motor overload relay is tripped should not exceed 10-15 seconds.
- cause = The flow to the pump is insufficient.
Insufficient support of pipe work.
Air leakage into the suction line.
Faulty electrical supply.
remedy = Check for pipe vibrations in the pump connections. Check that the pipes are sufficiently clamped.
Check the suction line for air leakage.
Check all three phases of the supply.
with the aid of a sketch explain the operating principle of a reciprocating positive displacement pump
see EOOW ORAL/IAMI sketch pack for drawing
A reciprocating positive displacement pump is shown in the drawing above to demonstrate the operating principle. The pump is double acting, that is liquid is admitted to either side of the piston where it is alternatively drawn in and discharged. As the piston moves upwards, suction takes place below the piston and liquid is drawn in, the valve arrangement ensuring that the discharge valve cannot open during suction stroke. Above the piston, liquid is discharged and the suction valve remains closed. As the piston travels down, the operations of suction and discharge occur now on opposite sides.
When starting the pump, the suction and discharge valves must be opened. It is important that no valves in the discharge line are closed, otherwise either the relief valve will lift or damage may occur to the pump when it is started. Positive displacement pumps are self priming, but where possible to reduce wear or the risk of seizure it should be flooded with liquid before starting. An electrically driven pump only need to be switched on, when it will run erratically for a short period until liquid is drawn into the pump. A steam driven pump will require the usual draining and warming through procedure before the steam is gradually admitted. A relief valve is always fitted between the pump suction and discharge chambers to protect the pump should it be operated with a valve closed in the discharge line.
Most of the moving parts in the pump will require examination during overhaul. The pump piston, rings and cylinder liner must also be thoroughly checked. Ridges will eventually develop at the limits of the piston ring travel and these must be removed. The suction and discharge valves must be refaced or ground in as required.
why do positive displacement pumps have an air vessel fitted?
The function of an air vessel, fitted in the discharge pipe, is to dampen out the pressure variations which occur during discharge. As the discharge pressure rises the air is compressed in the vessel, and as the pressure falls the air expands. The peak pressure energy is stored in the air and returned to the system when pressure falls. Air vessels are not fitted on the reciprocating boiler feed pumps since they may introduce air into the de-aerated water.
explain what is meant by NPSH or net positive suction head for centrifugal pump
NPSH stands for Net Positive Suction Head and is a measure of the pressure experienced by a fluid on the suction side of a centrifugal pump. NPSH is defined as the total head of fluid at the centre line of the impeller. The purpose of NPSH is to identify and avoid the operating conditions which lead to vaporisation of the fluid as it enters the pump , a condition known as flashing. In a centrifugal pump, the fluid’s pressure is at a minimum at the eye of the impeller. If the pressure is below the vapour pressure of the fluid, bubbles are formed which pass on through the impeller vanes towards the discharge port. As the bubbles of vapour are transported into the higher pressure region, they can spontaneously collapse in a damaging process called cavitation. The repeated shock waves produced by this process can be a significant cause of wear and metal fatigue on impellers and pump cases. Cavitation also results in vibration and noise in the pump, placing greater strain on the drive shaft and other components, and also in downstream pipework. This can lead to greater maintenance costs and a higher chance of pump failure.
with the aid of a sketch explain the purpose and operation of a self priming unit
see EOOW ORAL/IAMI sketch pack for drawing
Centrifugal pumps are not self priming. If initially there is no liquid a the eye, there will be no pumping action for a centrifugal pump. In absence of liquid, air (sometimes vapour) will be present at the eye, and owing to its light density air could be thrown out under centrifugal force only if the speed of the impeller is very very high (like in a Turbocharger Blower). In such a case, where normally a the start of the pump the level of the liquid is below the eye of the impeller, we can make use of a self priming unit.
Figure above shows an automatic arrangement for pumping out bilges, using a centrifugal pump, wherein the air (vane) pump will get engaged automatically and draw out any air at the start or during running. Once the air is drawn out it will get disengaged automatically.
Discharge side of the pump is connected with one side of the piston (engage / disengage mechanism). Consider the pump is started with no liquid at the eye of the impeller. Now the impeller will be rotating but the absence of liquid at the discharge (means no discharge pressure) makes the piston to move forward due to spring pressure and thus the bevel connected to the air pump rotor shaft engages with the rotating shaft of the centrifugal pump. This drives the air pump to remove any vapour or air present inside the pump suction and the liquid rises to prime the pump. Once the pump is primed discharge commences, discharge pressure rises which acts on the piston thereby pushing the piston against the spring pressure. Thus the air pump gets disengaged. Hence whenever there is any ingress of air or vapour in the pump suction, discharge pressure reduces and air pump engages to remove the same.
Explain with the aid of diagrams what a centrifugal pump is, how it works and its construction.
see EOOW ORAL/IAMI sketch pack for drawing
Centrifugal pump is a device, which adds to the energy of a liquid or gas causing an increase in its pressure and perhaps a movement of the fluid. A simple pumping system consists of a suction branch, a pump, and a discharge branch. Centrifugal pumps are not self-priming pumps. These pumps must be primed by gravity or by priming equipment external or internal with the pump. These pumps can be radial flow, axial flow or mixed flow type. The pump consists of a rotating impeller within a stationary casing. The impeller construction has two discs joined at in between surface by a set of internal curved vanes. Impeller has an eye (opening) at the centre and is mounted on shaft, which is driven by a suitable prime mover such as an electric motor. Opening in the sides of the impeller near shaft, called eye, communicates with the suction branch Assume there is a certain amount of fluid at the eye of the rotating impeller. The fluid will flow radially outwards (because of centrifugal action) along the curved vanes in the impeller, increasing its linear velocity. The high velocity fluid is collected in specially shaped casing called volute casing, where some of the kinetic energy of the fluid is converted into pressure energy. Fluid under pressure now leaves the impeller producing a drop in pressure behind it at the eye of the impeller. (Throwing off the water from the eye of the impeller leaves the space with vacuum). This causes the fluid from the suction pipe to flow into the pump under atmospheric pressure and subsequently that fluid also gets discharged like earlier one. This way fluid in the pump acts like a piston moving outward causing drop in pressure behind it. However, if initially there is no liquid at the eye, there will be no pumping action as explained, since there is no vacuum formed at the eye of the impeller. Centrifugal pump therefore is not a self-priming pump. In such case, where normally at the start of the pump the level of the liquid is below the eye of the pump, a self priming unit is normally attached to the pump which helps to create vacuum at the eye of the impeller hence priming the pump. As soon as pump starts taking suction self priming unit is automatically disengaged.
what is the purpose of a boiler multi stage feed water pump
Boiler multi-stage feed water pumps are designed to efficiently deliver water to the boiler at high pressure and temperature. A multi-stage pump, utilizes multiple impellers arranged in series. The operation involves several stages, each consisting of an impeller and diffuser, progressively increasing the pressure of the water. This multistage configuration allows the pump to handle the high pressures required in boiler systems.
Water inlet:The process begins with the intake of water, usually from the ship’s seawater system or a freshwater source, depending on the vessel’s design. The water is then directed towards the first stage of the pump.
Multi-stage compression:As the water progresses through each stage, the impellers impart kinetic energy to the fluid, and the diffusers convert this kinetic energy into pressure. This multi-stage compression ensures that the water reaches the necessary pressure for boiler operation.
High pressure outlet:The now pressurized water exits the pump and is directed to the boiler, where it plays a crucial role in the steam generation process.
what maintenance is required for a boiler multistage feed water pump
Maintenance of Boiler Multi-stage Feed Water Pumps
Proper maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity and reliable performance of boiler multistage feed water pumps.
Here are key maintenance practices:
Regular Inspections:Scheduled inspections should be conducted to check for any signs of wear, corrosion, or damage to pump components. This includes examining impellers, diffusers, and seals.
Lubrication:Adequate lubrication of pump bearings is crucial for minimizing friction and preventing premature wear. Regularly check and replenish lubrication as needed.
Alignment Checks:Misalignment can lead to excessive vibrations and wear on pump components. Regularly check and adjust the alignment of the pump and motor to ensure proper operation.
Seal Maintenance:Seals play a critical role in preventing water leakage. Inspect and replace seals as necessary to maintain a tight seal and prevent water from entering the pump housing
what are the responsibilities of a EOOW with regards to a boiler multistage feed water pump
Their responsibilities include:
Monitoring and Control:Marine engineers continuously monitor pump performance and system parameters. They use control systems to adjust pump speed and ensure optimal operation based on the vessel’s load and conditions.
Emergency Response:In the event of a pump failure or any abnormal operation, marine engineers must respond swiftly to address the issue. This may involve troubleshooting, isolating the pump, and implementing contingency measures to maintain boiler feed water supply.
Training and Education:Proper training and education of the onboard engineering team are crucial. Engineers should be well-versed in the operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of boiler multi-stage feed water pumps to respond effectively to any challenges.
Collaboration with Other Departments:Marine engineers collaborate with other onboard departments to ensure seamless coordination of operations. Effective communication is essential to address any issues that may affect the performance of boiler multistage feed water pumps.
familiarize yourself with the specific pump model installed on your vessel. Each pump has its own unique characteristics and maintenance requirements. Consult the manufacturer’s manual for detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips.
explain how to repair a centrifugal pump?
How to Repair a Centrifugal Pump
Repairing a centrifugal pump casing onboard a vessel involves a series of steps and requires specific equipment and materials.
Preparation:If welding or brazing is chosen as a repair method, preheat the casing to a suitable temperature to avoid thermal stress or distortion. If epoxy resin or other repair material application is chosen, prepare the casing surface for repair by roughening it with abrasive tools. This helps enhance the bond between the casing and the repair material.
Safety Precautions:Before starting any repair work, ensure the pump is shut down, and the associated systems are depressurized to prevent accidents.Isolate the pump from the system by closing the suction and discharge valves and locking them with chains. Switch off and lock the electrical supply to the pump and attach a warning notice. Drain the pump by opening the drain valves and cracking open the flange joints carefully.
Pump removal:Remove the pump from its location by using a chain block or a crane and place it on a suitable workbench or platform. Remove any external fittings or accessories that may interfere with the repair work.
Pump dismantling:Dismantle the pump by following the manufacturer’s instructions or using a general procedure. Remove the impeller, shaft, bearings, seals, sleeves, rings, etc. from the casing and inspect them for any damage or wear. Clean them thoroughly and store them safely for reassembly.
Inspection:Carefully inspect the casing to assess the damage’s extent and location. Common issues include cracks, corrosion, and erosion. Measure the thickness of the casing wall using a calliper or a thickness gauge, if available, and compare it with the original specifications or acceptable limits. Mark the areas that need repair with a marker or a chalk.
Cleaning:Thoroughly clean the damaged area to remove any contaminants, rust, or debris. Proper cleaning ensures better adhesion of repair materials.
Repair method: choose a suitable repair method for the pump casing depending on the type and extent of damage, availability of materials and equipment, and skill level of crew members.The most common repair methods are welding, brazing, soldering, epoxy resin filling, metal spraying, or chrome plating. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, durability, quality, ease of application, etc. Therefore, it is important to weigh these factors carefully before selecting a repair method.
why is pump shaft alignment important?
It refers to the precise positioning of the pump’s motor shaft and pump shaft, ensuring their perfect alignment. Accurate alignment enhances pump efficiency, minimizes wear and tear, reduces energy consumption, and extends the pump’s operational lifespan. Misalignment, on the other hand, leads to excessive vibration, premature component failure, and reduced pump performance.
what is an impeller and what kind of maintenance is required for it?
Impeller: The impeller is a vital component that transfers energy to the fluid, inducing its movement.
Proper maintenance of the impeller is essential for optimal pump performance and longevity.
Regular Cleaning: Impellers can accumulate debris, scale, or corrosion, which can hinder performance. Cleaning the impeller periodically helps maintain efficiency.
Inspection for Damage: Impellers should be inspected for signs of erosion, cavitation damage, wear, or corrosion. Damaged impellers can negatively impact pump performance and require timely repair or replacement.
Balancing: Balanced impellers minimize vibrations and reduce stress on pump components. Periodic balancing ensures smooth operation and prolongs the life of the impeller and other pump parts.
what are bearing and mechanical seals
Bearings:The pump bearings support the hydraulic loads imposed on the impeller, the mass of impeller and shaft, and the loads due to the shaft coupling or belt drive. Proper lubrication and monitoring of bearing conditions are crucial. Overheating, excessive vibration, or abnormal noise from the bearings can indicate problems. Regular greasing and replacement, if necessary, help prevent bearing failures.
Mechanical Seals: Mechanical seals prevent fluid leakage along the shaft. They require regular inspection for wear, proper lubrication, and replacement when damaged. Proper alignment significantly extends the life of mechanical seals. Within the pump, the mechanical seal is the component that acts as a barrier between the rotary components and the stationary elements.
The seal needs to be able to prevent leakage at three different places.
In the space between the faces of the seal (both rotational and fixed).
Between the rotating element and the shaft or sleeve of the pump.
Between the stationary element and the housing for the seal chamber of the pump.
what kind of maintenance is carried on mechanical seals
Lubrication and Cooling: Mechanical seals often require a source of lubrication or cooling, such as a barrier fluid, to reduce friction and dissipate heat generated during operation.
Regular Inspection:Periodically inspect the mechanical seals for signs of wear, damage, or leakage. Pay attention to the condition of the seal faces, secondary sealing elements, and the presence of any fluid leakage.
Seal Flush and Flushing Plans:Depending on the application, a seal flush system may be required to remove solids or prevent clogging of the seal faces. Follow the recommended flushing plan provided by the pump manufacturer.
Seal Replacement:Mechanical seals have a limited lifespan and may require replacement when they exhibit excessive wear, damage, or leakage. Timely replacement helps avoid potential failures and ensures continued pump performance.
what are pump wear rings and what kind of maintenance is required for them?
The primary function of wear rings is to minimize wear between the impeller and the pump casing. Wear rings act as a sacrificial surface that absorbs the wear and prevents direct contact between the rotating impeller and the stationary casing. By reducing the clearance between the impeller and casing, wear rings help minimize internal recirculation and fluid leakage, leading to improved pump efficiency and performance. The pump casing and wear rings should be periodically inspected for erosion, corrosion, or damage. Any issues should be promptly addressed to maintain hydraulic efficiency and prevent potential leaks. The clearance between the wear rings and the impeller/casing is important for optimal pump performance. The clearance should be designed to balance between minimizing wear and avoiding excessive friction. Proper clearance can be determined based on pump design specifications or manufacturer recommendations.
what Common Problems occur due to Improper Overhauling
Misalignment-induced Vibration: Incorrect shaft alignment can result in excessive vibration, leading to accelerated wear on bearings, seals, and other pump components. This vibration can also propagate throughout the system, causing damage to adjacent equipment and negatively impacting overall vessel performance.
Seal and Bearing Failures:When the pump’s shafts are misaligned, it puts additional stress on the mechanical seals and bearings. This increased load can cause seal leakage, premature seal failure, and excessive bearing wear, resulting in costly repairs and downtime.
Reduced Efficiency and Increased Energy Consumption: Misalignment disrupts the hydraulic balance within the pump, leading to reduced efficiency and increased power consumption. Consequently, the pump operates at suboptimal levels, consuming more energy while delivering less output.
what is the purpose of the O-ring used for a mechanical seal
The O-ring is responsible for regulating the mechanical seal’s performance in terms of temperature, pressure, and chemical resistance. Depending on the nature of the chemical attack, the O-ring may swell, harden, dry and crack, soften, or even disintegrate if the pumped liquid is not chemically compatible with the O-ring. Even though an O-ring will become more flexible as the temperature rises, exposing it to extreme heat will cause it to become more rigid, therefore should be compatible with the high temperature environment. O-rings should be stored in a location that is not near fluorescent lighting. O-rings must be stored so that they are dry, and ideally at room temperature. Exposure to ozone increases the acidity of carbon black surfaces and causes reactions to take place within the molecular structure of the rubber or elastomer. This has several consequences such as a surface cracking and a decrease in the tensile strength of the rubber.
what are the types of mechanical seals used onboard a ship?
There are different types of mechanical seals used on-board vessels and those mainly are:
Single, unbalanced, inside mounted mechanical seal
Single, balanced, inside mounted mechanical seal
Single, balanced, external mounted mechanical seal
why is it important to choose the correct oil or grease for pump bearing
When it comes to high-speed bearing functioning, making the right choice between a grease and an oil is of the utmost importance. To ensure that the bearing is properly lubricated, an hydrodynamic oil film needs to be created and kept between the spinning components of the bearing. Lubricating oil needs to have a viscosity that is high enough to survive the given speed, load, and temperature conditions in order for there to be an adequate build-up of an oil film that is capable of carrying an adequate amount of load. When applying greases to lubricate pump bearings, it is important to take the appropriate safety precautions. Because of the high shear rate that these lubricants have, bearings will overheat if they are lubricated with types of greases or oils that are extremely heavy. This will result in increased churning friction at higher speeds. The friction torque that is generated by a rolling element bearing is fundamentally made up of two different parts. One of these is a function that depends on the design of the bearing as well as the load that is placed on the bearing. The other aspect is determined by the type of lubrication, the amount of lubricant used, and the speed at which the bearing rotates. Friction torque in a bearing is at its lowest when there is just enough oil of the appropriate viscosity to produce a film between the contacting surfaces of the bearing. The amount of friction will increase if there is a bigger quantity of oil or if its viscosity is increased.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using grease to lubricate bearings.
The advantages are:
Simpler housing designs are possible; piping is greatly reduced or eliminated.
Maintenance is greatly reduced since oil levels do not have to be maintained.
Being a solid when not under shear, grease forms an effective collar at bearing edges to help seal against dirt and water.
With grease lubrication, leakage is minimized where contamination of products must be avoided.
During start-up periods, the bearing is instantly lubricated whereas with pressure or splash oil systems, there can be a time interval during which the bearing may operate before oil flow reaches the bearing.
The Disadvantages are:
Extreme loads at low speed or moderate loads at high speed may create sufficient heat in the bearing to make grease lubrication unsatisfactory.
Oil may flush debris out of the bearing. Grease will not.
The correct amount of lubricant is not as easily controlled as with oil.
what kind of bearings do centrifugal pumps use
Centrifugal pumps often make use of both rolling element (anti-friction) bearings and sliding element (plain) bearings in their construction. Each of these two groups of bearings can be discovered in small as well as large pumps, as well as single and multiple-stage configurations. On the other hand, sliding element bearings are typically preferred over rolling element bearings for extremely big or extremely high-speed pumps. Rolling element bearings are typically utilized in the majority of centrifugal pumps on-board vessels. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of centrifugal pumps don’t fit the power rating of
why use a lubricant for a bearing
To prevent sticking and provide smooth sliding between the components
To function as a lubricant for any points of contact between the rolling parts in regions where there is slippage.
In roller bearings, to lubricate the sliding contact that exists between the rollers and the guiding parts.
In some instances, to dissipate the heat that has been generated in the bearing.
To prevent corrosion from occurring on the surfaces that have been thoroughly polished.
To create a barrier that is airtight and watertight against any outside elements.
Explain the procedure and precautions of starting and operating a centrifugal pump
For starting and operating centrifugal pumps the following procedure and precautions can generally be applied:
before starting, the engineer must ensure that the pump volute casing is filled with the liquid to be conveyed by opening the vent plug until the fluid escapes at the vent hole. Some of the centrifugal pumps are self-priming type equipped with priming units driven by the pump itself or self driven. Never start the pump without priming it first.
make sure that suction filter is cleaned (sea chest filter for sea water in engine room or suction filter for emergency fire pump usually located inside bow thruster room).
make sure that pressure gauges are functional and calibrated.
engineer must ensure that suction valves is open. Dry running of the pump can damage its components within minutes.
adequate suction pressure must be always available for proper function of the pump, especially in case of the ballast pump system. Hydraulic hammer can cause serious damage and must be prevented.
the pump must be protected against back flow (non-return flaps on the suction and delivery side) and pressure shocks.
shortly start the motor to check its rotation, especially for newly installed pump or after a major overhaul. If the direction is wrong, change the motor phase connections and try it again.
start up the pump against the closed delivery valve.
as soon as the pump commences delivery with its full discharge power (pressure increase on delivery side pressure gauge), slowly open the delivery valve. A centrifugal pump should never be operated continuously at or near the fully closed delivery valve. This normally happens when a tank or vessel is near the maximum capacity and an operator starts closing the discharge valve while the pump is running. All this wasted energy is transferred to the fluid being pumped and this will shorten the life of the pump. This energy is converted into heat and vibration raising the fluid temperature.
engineers should continuously supervise the operational discharge pressure of the pump
regularly check the running noise of the bearings. An uniform, purring sound is audible in the event of an unobjectionable bearing contact. Damaged bearings cause a loud, irregular, chattering noise. It is very important that leakage holes at bearing seat must be always open in case mechanical seal is leaking – so that no water can run into the bearings.
shaft seals must never run dry , not even for short periods. In operation, mechanical gland seals are running free of leakages which means that the low quantity of conveying medium required for lubrication evaporates when escaping from the sealing gap. Supervise the escape of leaking water in the range of the seal or at the checking outlet. If a drop by drop escape of fluid is exceeded, then examine the mechanical gland seal and replace it if necessary.
the pump should not be operated outside its designed specifications.
with reference to pumps:
define the following:
- suction pressure
- discharge pressure
Suction pressure is the pressure measured at the suction nozzle of the pump and is most likely the most critical pressure within the pump. The suction pressure determines the output of the pump in its entirety, as the pump transforms suction pressure to discharge pressure and if the suction pressure is insufficient, cavitation occurs.
Discharge pressure is the pressure measured at the pump’s discharge nozzle and it is equal to the suction pressure plus the total pressure developed by the pump.
what is the procedure and precautions for starting and operating positive displacement pumps
starting and operating positive displacement pumps the following procedure and precautions can be applied:
before starting, the engineer must ensure that the pump is filled by opening the vent plug until the fluid escapes at the vent hole as explained above. Never start the pump without priming it first.
make sure that suction filter is cleaned.
make sure that pressure gauges are functional and calibrated.
ensure that, especially on old pumps model, quenching oil level is adequate.
engineer must ensure that suction and delivery valves are open. Dry running of the pump can damage its components within minutes. Similarly, running the pump with close delivery valve must be avoided.
adequate suction pressure must be always available for proper function of the pump. Proper attention should be paid to vessel’s bunker transfer pump, especially when bunker tanks stripping process takes place, as is highly likely of pump losing its suction and running dry.
shortly start the motor to check its rotation, especially for newly installed pump or after a major overhaul. If the direction is wrong, change the motor phase connections and try it again.
the pump should be operated with at least 1.5 bar differential pressure to ensure that internal components are properly lubricated by the pumped fluid.
systems where positive displacement pumps are used must be equipped with a safety device like pressure regulating valve and engineer must ensure that the valve is properly working and adjusted. The pump and system should not be used without or with defective pressure regulating valve.
the pump should not be operated outside its designed specifications.
Explain the working principle of a reciprocating piston type pump
The piston is moved up and down the cylinder and liquid is moved through the pump under the action of the piston. Suction and delivery valves are arranged to open and close under the differential pressure set up by the movement of the pistons. Have reasonably tight tolerances means that the pump has the ability to push air in the same way that it pushes the fluid. Due to the fact that air is removed this makes the pump a self priming pump. The self priming ability means that pump is able to pump the last drop of liquid from a tank or bilge. Its also able to create high suction, which mean liquid can be lifted from a large distance below the pump. The pump also complete the pumping task with a low shear effect on the liquid being pumped. This means that for things like the pumping of oily water there is only a small emulsifying effect, meaning oil and water separation process is effective. This is why these are normally bilge pumps
What is meant by shear effect on the liquid?
The shear stress of a fluid can be defined as a unit area amount of force acting on the fluid parallel to a very small element of the surface. Depending upon the medium, shear stress may cause a change in fluid flow between layers
What are the advantages of a central priming system?
1.Saving in total power since each pump does not have its own exhauster or priming unit operating while the pump is running
2.Reduced capital cost
3.Simplified maintenance
4.Automatic meaning it takes care of any minor leaks that may be present in the suction side of a centrifugal pump
Explain with aid of a sketch the working principle of Water Ring Type Exhauster’s
SEE EOOW IAMI/ORAL Sketch Pack for drawing.
The seal liquid forms the ring inside a pump body as the impeller spins creating small chambers for gas to be trapped. The axis of the rotor is eccentric from the body allowing the liquid to almost fill, and then almost empty each rotor chamber during a single revolution, forming the compression of the gas for the pumping action. Vacuum inlet and atmospheric discharge ports provide flow paths for the gas mixture being handled. The heat of compression of the gas is dissipated into the seal liquid, and some of the liquid flows out to discharge. The exhaust gas and residual water discharge is separated from the gas stream and directed to the house exhaust and returned to the pump respectively. Seal fluid is replaced by a constant flow of cooler seal fluid.
What are the two classifications of pumps?
Pumps can be classified in the two types, positive displacement pumps and dynamic pressure pumps (or roto-dynamic pumps).
What pumps are classified as positive displacement pumps?
Its a pump that has one or more chambers which are alternatively filled then emptied, usually done by mechanical means. These kind of pumps do not require a priming device and they can be used as a priming device (self priming). usually they have low to medium discharge rates, they can pump fluids of wide range of viscosity and in the case of a reciprocating pump(diaphragm or piston type) there is high pressure differentials if required. Examples of these are reciprocating, screw, gear, water ring and rotary pumps.
What pumps are classified as dynamic pressure (roto dynamic) pumps?
These pump types have tangential acceleration which is imparted to the fluid, which is then changed into pressure energy by the shape of the casing. Depending upon supply they may require a positive displacement to be used as a priming device. Usually these pumps have medium to high discharge rate and use low viscosity fluid, generate low to moderate pressure differentials. Except for multi stage pump which generate high pressure differentials. Examples of these are centrifugal, axial and mixed flow (part axial, part centrifugal) pumps.
What is meant by positive displacement and negative displacement?
Positive Displacement: Displacement is positive when liquid moves in the positive direction. The final position will be further in the positive direction than the initial position. Negative Displacement: Displacement is negative when liquid moves in the negative direction.
what does rotodynamic mean?
The fluid experiences constant change of velocity and so momentum is in a direction tangential to the rotor. While flowing through the rotor, tangential velocity and hence the momentum changes. The rate at which this tangential momentum changes corresponds to a tangential force on the rotor.
List five types of rotary pumps
Lobe type
Scroll type
Gear type
Vane type
Rotary piston type
Explain what is meant by priming?
The fundamental concept associated with pumping liquids is that liquid cant be compressed. This means that as soon as force is imparted to the liquid, the liquid will react straight away and move toward the desired direction. As long as force is maintained the liquid will continue to move in the desired direction and the way that designer intended. If air is allowed gets in so it replaces the water (which could for a variety of reasons) then before the pump can operate this air has to be removed, this is what is know as priming. Simple definition would be priming is an action that is preformed to remove air so that pump doesn’t run dry and can operate without causing issues.
Explain what is meant by self priming pumps?
Self priming means no action need to be taken to remove the air inside the pump so that the pump can be operated, due to the fact that these pumps will remove the air during normal operation so if there is liquid available at the suction side of the pump then the pump will just automatically start pumping again. Examples of self priming pumps are any pumps which are classed as positive displacement pumps but also some roto-dynamic pumps have a priming device next to them, which means that two parts coupled together make it a self priming pump. On the other hand pumps which aren’t self priming are centrifugal, axial flow or mixed flow pumps. This means if these pumps lose suction and air gets inside, the pump will stop working and air will have to be removed for the pump to keep functioning.
What kind of watch keeping duties need to be carried out on pumps ?
An engineer should be mindful of various factors when carrying out safety round and preforming normal watch keeping duties. These factors are things like suction and discharge pressure, which are an important indicator as well as the type of service the pump is preforming. These must all be checked to have an idea of whether the pump is preforming efficiently. For example , If a reciprocating bilge pump that should be self priming is found to have no discharge but a high suction pressure then the suction valve could be shut or the suction filter is blocked. If there is little or no suction pressure then pump is drawing air from somewhere. This is why its important to check the suction and discharge pressure when on duty and know what the general values should be.
How can air get into a pump?
Air might enter the pump via the drive shaft seal or gland and therefore its important that these are all checked during watch keeping. Another example is feed water pumps might fail to pump due to gassing up inside where air bubbles have formed in the water, as these build up the pump discharge rate reduces. These air bubbles form when pressure builds up to quickly possibly due to flow rate.
State two occasions where its not required to prime a pump?
Majority of pumps working in engine room are placed at the bottom of a closed system such as for the engine fresh water cooling system or domestic water supply system. In these cases the pumps have a level of liquid above the pump and the simple action of opening suction valve will allow the liquid to enter the pump and then any air inside is displaced so priming isn’t required. These pumps also stop and start without the need for intervention by the engineer and don’t require a priming device. Another example of when priming isn’t needed is when pump is above the end of the suction pipe, like for a fuel transfer pump taking fuel from a double bottom tank. In this case upon completion the pump is stopped and suction valve shut with some liquid being retained inside the pump. This means pump retains its suction pressure on next operation and when suction valve opens liquid enters the pump and then air is displaced.
With the aid of a sketch describe a central priming system.
SEE EOOW IAMI/ORAL Sketch Pack for drawing.
Above sketch shows a central priming system arranged to give automatic priming to pumps. The water ring exhaust valves maintain a vacuum condition between pre-set limits in the vacuum tank. Opening the priming cock, or SDNR valve, for a pump causes priming to take place. To prevent water entering the vacuum tank after priming, float operated air release valves will automatically close. For essential services SDNR valve is fitted instead of a priming cock so that if valve is accidentally left open, then due to mal-operation or a defect the vacuum in the tank is then lost, air isn’t then drawn into the pump and suction lost. The two water ring type exhauster’s mounted on top of the water supply tank can be used together in the event of heavy weather demand.
Explain with the aid of a sketch the working principle of a screw displacement pump
Screw pumps operate using two counter-rotating screw rotors which rotate “towards each other”. This traps the liquid in the space between the “screws” of their rotors. As the screws rotate, this trapped volume decreases and liquid moves toward the discharge side. Essentially it works the same way as the gear pump only instead of gears it uses two screws. These pumps are quiet and reliable and are suited to pumping all fluid. Timing gear are sometimes fitted to some screw pumps to ensure correct clearance is maintained at all times between the screws, this prevents overheating and possible seizure.
State two occasions where its not required to prime a pump?
Majority of pumps working in engine room are placed at the bottom of a closed system such as for the engine fresh water cooling system or domestic water supply system. In these cases the pumps have a level of liquid above the pump and the simple action of opening suction valve will allow the liquid to enter the pump and then any air inside is displaced so priming isn’t required. These pumps also stop and start without the need for intervention by the engineer and don’t require a priming device. Another example of when priming isn’t needed is when pump is above the end of the suction pipe, like for a fuel transfer pump taking fuel from a double bottom tank. In this case upon completion the pump is stopped and suction valve shut with some liquid being retained inside the pump. This means pump retains its suction pressure on next operation and when suction valve opens liquid enters the pump and then air is displaced.
what is a SDNR valve?
Screw down non-return globe valves also known as SDNR globe valves are used to prevent reverse flow when in the open position and for providing a leak-tight shut off with the capability of being used partially open to regulate flow.
what does emulsifying effect mean?
emulsifying means a mixture of liquids that are immiscible incapable of being mixed). oil/water mixtures are extremely stable dispersions, therefore, more difficult to separate as the size of the droplets with emulsion decreases. Although oil and water can’t mix, oil is broken down into tiny droplets that can remain suspended in the water. An emulsion happens when small droplets of one solution (the dispersed solution, which is often oil based) are dispersed throughout another (the continuous solution, which is often water based). therefore small emulsifying effect means its easier to separate oil from the oily water mixture and size of droplets is small opposite is the case for large emulsifying effect.
With reference to Centrifugal pumps;
What is meant by multi-stage pumps, single stage pumps and double inlet pumps?
In single stage pumps a single impeller rotates in a casing of spiral or volute form and in multi-stage pumps two or more impellers are fitted on the on the same shaft. In multi-stage pumps the fluid from one impeller is discharged through suitable passages to the eye of the next impeller so that total discharge pressure is the product of the head per stage and the number of stages, these kind of pumps are often used for high pressure discharge at moderate speed (e.g. turbo (multi-stage p/p) feed pump for boiler)In double inlet pumps fluid enters from two sides to the impeller eye as if there were two impeller back to back giving twice the discharge.
What is the general design of the impeller and volute casing?
The impeller and volute casing design depends on the required duty, so for example what head to lift or the discharge pressure needs to be. A typical centrifugal bilge pump gives an output of about 30kg of water in 1 sec, consumes about 12kW of power and discharges up to 5 bar running at about 17revs/sec. Pump casing has the suction and discharge branches arranged at back so impeller and spindle can be removed from front without breaking pipe joints. Number of impeller vanes is normally about 6 to 10 but this isn’t fixed.
Volute casing acts as a diverging nozzle that is wrapped around the impeller and serves two functions;
1.Enables velocity energy to be converted into pressure energy, the degree of conversion is controlled by the degree of divergence
2.It accommodates the gradual increase in quantity of fluid that builds at the discharge from the circumference of the impeller
For velocity to be constant volute is made so that cross sectional pipe area increases uniformly from the cut water position to the throat of the casing. Therefore With an impeller having six vanes cross sectional area at vane NO.1 is 1/6 of the throat area as one vane is pumping one sixth of the water quantity then 1/3 at NO.2 and so on, which means pipe cross sectional area is increasing uniformly. If discharge is choked or blocked then pump would churn water so fitting of relief valve isn’t necessary.
What is churning in centrifugal pump?
Churning in centrifugal pumpsoccurs when the outlet valve (discharge) of the pump is closed thereby causing the impeller to simply churn or “mix” the same water within the pump body. As a result, the internal temperature of the pump starts increasing which may lead to overheating depending on the length of time outlet discharge is closed.
What are the differences between centrifugal and axial pump?
When it comes to efficiency level, we see that both pump types have similar efficiency. Centrifugal and axial pumps have almost the same maximum efficiency levels. If the liquid flow decreases, the input power for the centrifugal pump also decreases. However, when the fluid flow in the axial pump stops, the input power is maximized. In other words, the decrease or increase in liquid flow does not affect the function of the axial pump, it continues to function at the maximum level. The head produced by centrifugal pumps is much higher than that of axial pumps.
Explain with the aid of a sketch the Working principle of axial flow pump?
SEE EOOW IAMI/ORAL Sketch Pack for drawing.
Axial pumps are one of the types of pumps with low head and high flow. Axial pumps are an ideal type of pump for situations requiring high flow at low pressures. An axial flow pump is a pump in which the flow is along the shaft axis. For example, consider the propeller of a ship or boat. This is an axial pump. It works on the same principle as a ceiling fan. Axial pump is also a type of centrifugal pump that uses fluid momentum and velocity to generate the pump pressure used for higher flow rate. As with all types of centrifugal pumps, the energy transmission in axial flow pumps takes place only by “flow”. This pump serves to push the working fluid in a direction parallel to the axis/shaft impeller. It differs from the centrifugal pump where the fluid outlet direction is perpendicular to the axis of the impeller. Some axial pump designs have mounted blades that form a diffuser at the pump outlet. Its function is to eliminate the rotating effect of the working fluid and convert the kinetic energy it contains into working pressure. Axial pumps are used in systems that require high liquid flow discharge with low head requirement.
What is the effect of throttling a discharge valve for a centrifugal pump
If the discharge of a centrifugal pump is throttled then itssuction lift increases. Because of the throttling operation, the flow rate of the centrifugal pump will decrease. A throttling valve, by definition, is a valve that can start, stop, and regulate the amount of fluid
What is an mixed flow pump and explain the Working principle of axial flow pump?
A mixed flow pump is a speciality pump that exhibits characteristics of both radial flow centrifugal pumps and axial flow pumps. As the name suggests, the impeller imparts velocity to the fluid both radially and axially. However, the dominant flow remains in the radial direction. The impeller configuration in a mixed flow pump is different from that in centrifugal and axial pumps. Here, the impeller blades are oriented at an angle to the shaft. The angle varies from 30 degrees to 60 degrees in different designs. This angular orientation generates both radial and axial velocity components to the fluid. The working principle of mixed flow pumps involves the rotating impeller imparting momentum on the fluid by accelerating it radially and axially. The fluid enters the suction nozzle of the pump and flows into the impeller eye. As the impeller rotates, the angled blades push the fluid outwards radially via centrifugal action. At the same time, the angled blades also provide an axial thrust to the fluid generating flow parallel to the impeller shaft. Example of its use on ship is cargo pumps.
what are inducers?
These are fitted to centrifugal pump impeller shafts at suction. their purpose is to ensure that supply of fluid to impeller is at sufficient pressure to avoid cavitation at impeller suction, or it enables the pump to operate with low NPSH.
With the aid of a system drawing explain the working principle of feed water injector
SEE EOOW IAMI/ORAL Sketch Pack for drawing
Feed water injectors can be used in place of a feed pump. In practice they’re normally used as a standby feed supply device. Working steam expands through a convergent nozzle, losing pressure and gaining velocity so it emerges at high velocity from the nozzle. It contracts the cold feed water from the feed tank and condenses and the resulting jet of entrained water is guided through the combining cone and has its maximum velocity at entrance to the diverging nozzle. The kinetic energy of the jet is then converted pressure energy and as it passes along the divergent nozzle it loses velocity and increases in pressure so that at the exit pressure is higher than the boiler pressure so water will enter the boiler. Therefore principle of operation is conversion of energy.
What an advantage and disadvantage of using a injector?
Compared with a pump the advantage of the injector is that it has no working parts but it has the disadvantage of being restricted to cold water.
What are ejectors?
Ejectors are used for bilge systems and evaporators. Their principle is similar to the injector but water is used instead of steam as the pumping medium. They consist of a convergent to divergent nozzle, similar to venturi, with a connection for pick up of the fluid to be discharged at the throat.
Describe with the aid of a sketch an emergency bilge pump
The function of this pump is to drain compartments adjacent to a damaged (holed) compartment. The pump is capable of working when fully submerged. This pump is a centrifugal pump with reciprocating or rotary air pumps. The motor is enclosed in an air bell so that even with the compartment full of water the compressed air in the bell prevents water gaining access to the motor. The motor is usually DC operated by a separate remote controlled electric circuit, which is part of the vessels emergency essential electric circuit. The pump is designed to operate for long periods of time without attention.
What is super-cavitation?
Occurs when the vapour bubbles collapse within the liquid after the impeller. If the speed of the submerged body is sufficiently high, and the local pressure drops to the vapour pressure of the fluid then cavitation occurs on the body surface. As the speed goes up further and the cavity is large enough to cover the entire body then it is called super-cavitation.
What is the effect of throttling a discharge valve for a centrifugal pump
If the discharge of a centrifugal pump is throttled then itssuction lift increases. Because of the throttling operation, the flow rate of the centrifugal pump will decrease.
Describe with the aid of a sketch the water ring air pump principle
Due to the pump casing the water flows from and towards the rotor centre during each revolution. The water motion is utilised to act as suction and discharge for the air through a set of air ports. The rotor casing is continuously cooled by a closed water circuit from the pump discharge round the air pump jacket and returns to the pump suction. The pump can be placed in or out of operation by a control cock on the front of the air pump casing. As the impeller vanes pass the suction port, air os drawn in and trapped between the water ring and the pump shaft. This air s carried around and delivered to the discharge port, and so the pump is a positive displacement pump.
Why do positive displacement pumps require relief valves?
Positive displacement pumps create flow and if that flow is blocked, the pressure in the system downstream of the pump builds rapidly. If there is no pressure relief valve, the pump will keep generating additional pressure. Pressure several times the designed operating limit can be attained in seconds. A pressure relief valve is needed to protect the equipment, protect from spills and protect the operator. A pressure relief valve will enable you to create the rated flow without raising the pressure above a set design point.
These pumps must not be operated against a closed valve on the discharge side of the pump because it has no shut-off head like centrifugal pumps. A positive displacement pump operating against a closed discharge valve will continue to produce flow until the pressure in the discharge line has increased and the line bursts or the pump is severely damaged - or both.
A relief or safety valve on the discharge side of the pump is therefore absolute necessary. The relief valve can be internal or external. The pump manufacturer has normally the option to supply internal relief or safety valves. The internal valve should in general only be used as a safety precaution, an external relief valve installed in the discharge line with a return line back to the suction line or supply tank is recommended.
What are Positive Displacement Pumps?
Positive displacement pumps displace a known quantity of liquid with each revolution of the pumping elements. This is done by trapping liquid between the pumping elements and a stationary casing. Pump design can include gears, lobes, rotary pistons, vanes or screws.
This type of pump has an expanding cavity on the suction side and a decreasing cavity on the discharge side. Liquid flows into the pump as the cavity on the suction side expands and the liquid flows out of the discharge as the cavity collapses. The volume is constant given each cycle of operation. Positive displacement pumps, unlike centrifugal pumps, will produce the same flow at a given speed (RPM) no matter the discharge pressure.
These pumps are divided into two categories, reciprocating positive displacement pumps and rotary positive displacement pumps.
What is the function of a positive displacement pump?
A positive displacement pump moves a fluid by repeatedly enclosing a fixed volume and moving it mechanically through the system. The pumping action is cyclic and can be driven by pistons, screws, gears, rollers, diaphragms or vanes.
With the aid of sketches describe how different reciprocating positive displacement pumps work
A Reciprocating Positive Displacement pump works by the repeated back-and-forth movement (strokes) of either a piston, plunger or diaphragm. These cycles are called reciprocation. The cyclic action of reciprocating pumps creates pulses in the discharge with the fluid accelerating during the compression phase and slowing during the suction phase. This can cause damaging vibrations in the installation and often some form of damping or smoothing is employed. Pulsing can also be minimized by using two (or more) pistons, plungers or diaphragms with one in its compression phase whilst the other is in suction. The repeatable and predictable action of reciprocating pumps makes them ideal for applications where accurate metering or dosing is required. By altering the stroke rate or length it is possible to provide measured quantities of the pumped fluid.
Piston pump
In a piston pump, the first stroke of the piston creates a vacuum, opens an inlet valve, closes the outlet valve and draws fluid into the piston chamber (the suction phase). As the motion of the piston reverses, the inlet valve, now under pressure, is closed and the outlet valve opens allowing the fluid contained in the piston chamber to be discharged (the compression phase). Pumps can also be double acting with inlet and outlet valves on both sides of the piston. While the piston is in suction on one side, it is in compression on the other.
Plunger pump
Plunger pumps operate in a similar way. The volume of fluid moved by a piston pump depends on the cylinder volume; in a plunger pump it depends on the plunger size. The seal around the piston or plunger is important to maintain the pumping action and to avoid leaks. In general, a plunger pump seal is easier to maintain since it is stationary at the top of the pump cylinder whereas the seal around a piston is repeatedly moving up and down inside the pump chamber.
Diaphragm pump
A diaphragm pump uses a flexible membrane instead of a piston or plunger to move fluid. By expanding the diaphragm, the volume of the pumping chamber is increased, and fluid is drawn into the pump. Compressing the diaphragm decreases the volume and expels some fluid. Diaphragm pumps have the advantage of being hermetically sealed systems making them ideal for pumping hazardous fluids.
With the aid of sketches describe how different Rotary positive displacement pumps work?
Rotary positive displacement pumps use the actions of rotating cogs or gears to transfer fluids, rather than the backwards and forwards motion of reciprocating pumps. The rotating element develops a liquid seal with the pump casing and creates suction at the pump inlet. Fluid, drawn into the pump, is enclosed within the teeth of its rotating cogs or gears and transferred to the discharge. The simplest example of a rotary positive displacement pump is the gear pump. There are two basic designs of gear pump: external and internal.
An external gear pump consists of two interlocking gears supported by separate shafts (one or both of these shafts may be driven). Rotation of the gears traps the fluid between the teeth moving it from the inlet, to the discharge, around the casing. No fluid is transferred back through the centre, between the gears, because they are interlocked. Close tolerances between the gears and the casing allow the pump to develop suction at the inlet and prevent fluid from leaking back from the discharge side. Leakage or “slippage” is more likely with low viscosity liquids.
An internal gear pump operates on the same principle, but the two interlocking gears are of different sizes with one rotating inside the other. The cavities between the two gears are filled with fluid at the inlet and transported around to the discharge port, where it is expelled by the action of the smaller gear.
Gear pumps need to be lubricated by the pumped fluid and are ideal for pumping oils and other high viscosity liquids. For this reason, a gear pump should not be run dry. The close tolerances between the gears and casing mean that these types of pump are susceptible to wear when used with abrasive fluids or feeds containing entrained solids.
Two other designs similar to the gear pump are the lobe pump and vane pump.
In the case of the lobe pump, the rotating elements are lobes instead of gears. The great advantage of this design is that the lobes do not come into contact with each other during the pumping action, reducing wear, contamination and fluid shear. Vane pumps use a set of moveable vanes (either spring-loaded, under hydraulic pressure, or flexible) mounted in an off-centre rotor. The vanes maintain a close seal against the casing wall and trapped fluid is transported to the discharge port.
What is Priming and why is Priming Necessary?
Priming in centrifugal pumps utilises a priming chamber, which is a separate section of the pump that allows for the removal of air and the creation of a vacuum. The priming chamber is designed to facilitate the priming process by providing a space where the fluid can be drawn in and any air can be expelled.
- Without priming, there may be air trapped inside the pump casing, which can prevent the pump from generating the necessary pressure to move the fluid through the system
- A dry pump can overheat and cause damage to the impeller, seal, and bearings
- Priming ensures that the pump is filled with the fluid to be pumped, which is necessary for proper lubrication and cooling of the pump’s internal components
- A well-primed pump operates more efficiently, with lower energy consumption and less wear and tear on the pump’s components
- Priming can also help to prevent cavitation, which occurs when the pressure inside the pump drops too low and bubbles form in the fluid. Cavitation can cause damage to the impeller and reduce the pump’s efficiency
How do you Prime a Centrifugal Pump?
- Ensure that the pump is properly installed and that all valves and connections are secure
- Open the suction valve and ensure that the suction line is free of any obstructions
- Fill the pump casing with the fluid to be pumped until it is level with the suction port
- Close the vent valve on the top of the pump casing
- Close the discharge valve
- Turn on the pump motor and allow it to run for a few seconds to create a vacuum in the pump casing
- Open the vent valve to release any air trapped inside the pump casing. Air will be replaced by the fluid being pumped
- Close the vent valve once the fluid has displaced all of the air in the pump casing
- Open the discharge valve and adjust the flow rate as necessary
- Monitor the pump to ensure that it is operating correctly and without any issues
When is Priming not required?
In some instances, priming in pumps is not needed. These include
- Self-priming pumps: Some types of pumps, such as self-priming pumps, do not require priming because they have a built-in mechanism that allows them to evacuate any air in the system automatically. These pumps are designed with a reservoir that contains enough fluid to create a vacuum, which can then be used to draw fluid into the pump
- Submerged pumps: Pumps that are completely submerged in the fluid being pumped may not require priming because they are always filled with the fluid. In these cases, the pump may need to be primed initially to ensure that there is no air trapped in the system, but once it is filled with fluid, it should not require priming again
- Gravity-fed systems: In some applications, the fluid being pumped may be supplied by gravity, which means that no priming is necessary. For example, in a hydroelectric power plant, water flows down from a reservoir to turn a turbine, and a pump may be used to return the water back to the reservoir. In this case, the pump may not need to be primed because the water is already under pressure due to the force of gravity
What is a Self-Priming Pump?
A self-priming pump is a type of pump that is designed to evacuate air from the suction line and pump casing automatically, without the need for manual priming. This makes them useful in situations where the fluid being pumped may contain air or gas, or where the pump may be located above the fluid source.
Self-priming pumps are typically used in applications where the pump may be located above the fluid source or where the suction line may be prone to air pockets or other obstructions. Their working includes
- The pump is turned on, and the impeller begins to rotate, creating a low-pressure area inside the pump
- Air is drawn into the pump through the suction line, mixing with the small amount of fluid in the priming chamber
- The impeller continues to rotate, creating a centrifugal force that pushes the air and fluid mixture towards the discharge outlet
- As the mixture reaches the discharge outlet, it passes through the check valve, which closes and prevents the fluid from flowing back into the priming chamber
- The air in the mixture is then separated from the fluid as it enters the pump volute, creating a vacuum inside the pump
- The vacuum draws more fluid into the pump chamber through the suction line, and the cycle continues until the pump is fully primed
- Once the pump is primed, it operates like a standard centrifugal pump, moving fluid through the system and generating the necessary pressure to meet the required flow rate
Describe the different priming methods for a centrifugal pump with aid of sketches?
- Use a foot valve and an outside source of liquid in order to prime the pump.
During priming, open the suction valve, and keep the discharge valve closed, while the vent is open. Open the valve in the outside supply line and let outside source water fill the pump until only liquid escapes from the vent. Then close the vent and slowly open the discharge valve. Close the outside supply line and priming is achieved.
- Central priming system (uses vacuum pump)
- There is a vacuum pump Which maintains vacuum in the vacuum chamber.
- This vacuum chamber is connected to different pumps by the solenoid valve.
- Whichever pump is not taking suction - when started; the solenoid valve opens and sucks the air out. And once the pressure is developed, the Solenoid valve closes. Each pump has an individual solenoid valve.
- The priming system is used to pull water into the pump, which then allows the pump to start. It does this by creating a vacuum that extends from the top of the impeller right down to the water level of the reservoir from which the liquid is being pumped. As the vacuum removes air molecules from the pump, water is pushed up into it.
- Priming centrifugal by air Ejector
- If the pump is started, and if there is no pressure in the pressure transmitter, the 2 Solenoid valve open.
- 7 bar air keeps flowing through the air eductor
- Eductor creates vacuum and takes out air from our pump casing.
- And water floods into the pump casing. then pressure transmitter senses this pressure and the solenoid valve closes.