Materials Flashcards
What is iron ore used for?
List 3 important iron ore types
Describe how iron ore is manufactured?
What are volatiles?
what is sinter?
solid material which has been sintered
what is coke?
define the term flux?
with reference to iron blast furnaces what is meant by tuyeres?
what are the reactions which take place in a blast furnace?
with reference to iron production what is tapping?
Define the term pig iron?
what is strain - aging?
what is the principle difference between the open hearth and the Bessemer steels?
what are the typical nitrogen contents of bessemer steel and open hearth steel?
with reference to converting iron to steel describe the Bessemer process?
Describe the open hearth process?
what chemical is CO?
carbon monoxide
List 4 modern steel making processes
Describe the L.D. (Linz Donawitz) method of steel manufacture with the aid of a sketch?
Describe the Kaldo Steel manufacture process?
Describe the Rotor Steel manufacture process?
Describe the BOP (basic oxygen process for steel manufacture
Describe what is meant by the Acid and basic process used in open hearth, Bessemer, L.D and EAF steel and iron manufacturing?
describe the EAF (electric arc furnace)?
define the term metallurgy?
define amorphous carbon and pure carbon form?
Describe the metallurgy of iron and the effect of adding carbon to it?
Define the following types of steel
killed steel
semi killed steel
rimmed steel
How is a material chosen?
Define the term Alloy?
Give 4 examples of things that need to be considered at design stage by the engineer?
what does a hardness test determine?
what is transition temperature?
define Brittle fracture?
Brittle fracture is the sudden or rapid fracture of a component under stress, but without undergoing any appreciable permanent deformation or ductility.
what factors effect transition temperature?
define the term creep?
why is a creep test important?