EOOW Watchkeeping Responsibility Flashcards
Describe the procedures to be observed when taking over the responsibility for the engine room on a ship that is operating under UMS conditions.
Inform the bridge on way to the E/R. and tell them you are now in command of the engine room. the duty officer on the bridge should always know your location so in addtion to informing the officer before going down to take control of engine room you should also inform them when you are leaving the engine room.
Once your in the E/R, switch engine room control mode from UMS mode to manned mode. As well as carry out a thorough engine room safety walk around. before carrying out a safety walk around activate the dead man alarm and keep resetting at set intervals. dead man alarm system provides a safeguard for the duty engineer who enters the machinery space during periods of UMS operation. Should that engineer get into difficulty whilst alone in the machinery space, the dead man alarm system provides an indication by activating an alarm if not reset at set intervals so that others are made aware that the engineer is in the engine room but unable to respond at which point other crew members will need to find out where the duty engineer is and if he or she is in any danger.
Once dead man alarm is activated its reset at set intervals of 24mins dependent on the design. then proceed to conduct a safety round in accordance with SMS and UMS company checklist to check the status of all the machinery and equipment
the safety round will include doing the following;
Check and drain off sludge from settling and service tanks to check for the presence of water and to clear the settiling and service tank of sludge to ensure that tanks and fuel system remain in good condition,
Check all fuel treatment plant equipment. so FO and LO puifier, FO and LO pumps and heaters.
Check the condition of running plant, heat, pressures and vibration.
all engine room tanks such as FW expansion tank, ME Cylinder oil day tank, Generators sump tank, FW tanks, Cascade tank, FO tanks, MGO tanks, Stern Tube LO tanks
, the sump level tank of main engine, the flow of oil to turbochargers and main bearings
the aux engines for correct sump levels and pressures, the boiler for water level and steam pressure.
Check the steering gear for correct operation, temperatures, and sufficient hydraulic oil reserve.
Check all bilges and structural condition of machinery spaces, rectify any leaks if possible. Make sure all engine room bilge wells are empty or much below the high alarm level. Make sure high-level alarms are operational
The air bottles should be fully charged up to 30 bar. The pressure switches of the main air compressors ensure air bottles have sufficient pressure all the times. also check and drain any oil moisture from air compressors
All watertight doors and hatches closed.
All standby plant, fire pumps and emergency generator must be placed in Auto, Remote or Standby controls for immediate activation.
All fire detectors and fire fighting equipment must be checked for correct operation and must be put in auto
Upon arrival at the ECR inform the bridge youve conducted the safety round and let them know any significant details of the machinery and or if everything is functioning normally and then record and log all findings,
Establish whether the “UMS mode” performed to expectations. and when appropriate report to the Chief Engineer and submit the completed report of findings.
State, with reasons, eight areas or items that should be checked by the duty engineer before taking over the watch.
- Any special modes of operation dictated by conditions such as weather, ice, contaminated water, shallow water, etc. – This helps establishing the best counteracting actions.
- The exhaust smoke colour leaving from the funnel – This helps establishing the proper air/fuel ratio is being maintained.
- The condition of the bilges and tanks (slop, reserve, sewage, etc.) – This makes the engineer aware of the present condition and helps him plan for future actions.
- The condition and level of fuel in the tanks – for ensuring enough fuel for the voyage.
- The condition of monitoring and control console equipment – For establishing which equipment is being operated manually.
- The availability of fire-fighting appliances – Ensuring a state of readiness should an emergency arise.
- Any special modes of operation dictated by equipment failure or adverse ship conditions – This helps establishing the best counteracting actions.
- The condition and mode of operation of the various main and auxiliary systems – This helps making the duty engineer aware of the machinery status.
Outline a safe procedure for final daily watch-keeping checks of an engine room which is designated UMS.
Inform the bridge on way to the E/R. and tell them you are now in command of the engine room. the duty officer on the bridge should always know your location so in addtion to informing the officer before going down to take control of engine room you should also inform them when you are leaving the engine room.
Once your in the E/R, switch engine room control mode from UMS mode to manned mode. As well as carry out a thorough engine room safety walk around. before carrying out a safety walk around activate the dead man alarm and keep resetting at set intervals. dead man alarm system provides a safeguard for the duty engineer who enters the machinery space during periods of UMS operation. Should that engineer get into difficulty whilst alone in the machinery space, the dead man alarm system provides an indication by activating an alarm if not reset at set intervals so that others are made aware that the engineer is in the engine room but unable to respond at which point other crew members will need to find out where the duty engineer is and if he or she is in any danger.
Once dead man alarm is activated its reset at set intervals of 24mins dependent on the design. then proceed to conduct a safety round in accordance with SMS and UMS company checklist to check the status of all the machinery and equipment
the safety round will include doing the following;
Check and drain off sludge from settling and service tanks to check for the presence of water and to clear the settiling and service tank of sludge to ensure that tanks and fuel system remain in good condition,
Check all fuel treatment plant equipment. so FO and LO puifier, FO and LO pumps and heaters.
Check the condition of running plant, heat, pressures and vibration.
all engine room tanks such as FW expansion tank, ME Cylinder oil day tank, Generators sump tank, FW tanks, Cascade tank, FO tanks, MGO tanks, Stern Tube LO tanks
, the sump level tank of main engine, the flow of oil to turbochargers and main bearings
the aux engines for correct sump levels and pressures, the boiler for water level and steam pressure.
Check the steering gear for correct operation, temperatures, and sufficient hydraulic oil reserve.
Check all bilges and structural condition of machinery spaces, rectify any leaks if possible. Make sure all engine room bilge wells are empty or much below the high alarm level. Make sure high-level alarms are operational
The air bottles should be fully charged up to 30 bar. The pressure switches of the main air compressors ensure air bottles have sufficient pressure all the times. also check and drain any oil moisture from air compressors
All watertight doors and hatches closed.
All standby plant, fire pumps and emergency generator must be placed in Auto, Remote or Standby controls for immediate activation.
All fire detectors and fire fighting equipment must be checked for correct operation and must be put in auto
Upon arrival at the ECR inform the bridge youve conducted the safety round and let them know any significant details of the machinery and or if everything is functioning normally and then record and log all findings,
Establish whether the “UMS mode” performed to expectations. and when appropriate report to the Chief Engineer and submit the completed report of findings
Describe the procedure for taking over an engine room watch.
Arrive at the watch 20 minutes prior to starting time.
Talk with the outgoing engineer officer and discuss the happenings from his watch.
Read through the engine-room logbook identifying any abnormalities and the general trend.
Check the standing orders for any special requirements.
Check through the planned maintenance book identifying any tasks that could be undertaken in your watch.
Check all readings from the engine-control-room and the main-switchboard.
Contact the bridge and check everything is ok and inform them you are about to take a walk round of the engine-room.
Check the condition of all running plant, for abnormal noise and running conditions.
Check the levels of the settling and service tanks, drain sludge and water accumulation.
As EOOW, explain how to safely carry out the complete bunkering operation of a ship.
Assumption: Pre-bunkering plan and meeting has already been carried out:
- Ensure everyone involved is fully aware of their responsibilities. Ensure watch keeper knows what tanks are to be filled and opens the valves, accordingly, keeping in mind to leave room in the tanks for the final blow down.
- Make sure SOPEP equipment is in place. Close any scuppers to prevent oil getting into the water and vice versa.
- Empty or take soundings on overflow tanks and the fuel tanks fuel is being put into.
- Establish/identify emergency stop stations.
- Check on-board communication is satisfactory.
- Ensure barge moorings are secured.
- Agree a means of communication with the bunker barge (agree on start/stop signals, etc.).
- Check for paperwork (fuel grade, density, etc.).
Secure and support the inlet hose with a deck crane. Establish suitable flow rate
Receive permission from the port before starting operation and once received commence bunkering.
- Once completed, make entry in the appropriate logbook.
Conduct final soundings to ensure you received the correct quantity.
C/E signs final paperwork and hose can be released.
List eight actions to be taken by the EOOW to ensure the safe passage of the vessel through an area of heavy weather.
- Inform the C/E of conditions ahead.
- Secure pieces of equipment and/or any loose items.
- Drain fuel tanks, as water that might have settled in the bottom could mix again with fuel.
- Ensure engine sump tank lube oil level is high enough to avoid engine lube oil starvation.
- Ensure low sea suction is used.
- Empty the bilges.
- Reduce engine speed if applicable to help ensure propeller remains underwater throughout. Consult the bridge first.
- If engine is slowed down, prepare another generator to be put on load as it might become advisable to take the shaft generator off load (due to the reduction in engine rpm).
Ensure that all bilge wells are emptied sufficiently.
Ensure that all watertight doors are closed.
Ensure that all heavy items are securely stowed and lashed.
Ensure that any chemicals, noxious liquids, flammable or otherwise are stored correctly and securely.
Stop all maintenance work, stow all tools and parts securely.
Ensure all tanks are sufficiently full.
Sufficient water within boiler and boiler system to compensate for rolling.
Sufficient lubricating oil within machinery sumps and service tanks.
All tank vents on deck covered with water-proof hoods.
Ensure that all external openings are securely closed.
All non-essential over-side discharges stopped, and valves closed.
Close forecastle vents, flaps to prevent water ingress.
Check that the 2nd steering gear motor is switched on to give quicker steering response.
As the EOOW list eight reasons for calling the Chief Engineer Officer.
- Oil mist detector alarm indication.
- Blackout/power failure.
- Malfunction of main and auxiliary engines control systems.
- Flooding of Engine Room.
- Manoeuvring or state of readiness.
- Scavenge space fire situation.
- Steering gear equipment failure.
- Problem during bunkering/internal fuel transfer
Abnormality or drastic change in behaviour of main propulsion plant
Main engine slow-down or shut-down trip.
Any situation of which you are unsure of the correct action to take.
Electrical black-out
Oil found in the boiler, gauge glass or hot-well.
Death or injury of any crewmember within the engine-room
Explain the actions that the EOOW should take on discovering the lagging on the main engine exhaust, within the funnel spaces, was on fire.
sound the nearest fire alarm call point.
Inform the chief engineer, bridge, and inform them of the situation and report to the muster station
Ensure the main engine is slowed down and stopped when navigationally safe to do so to reduce heat being generated
once stopped turn off auxiliary blowers if its 2 stroke engine, isolate fuel supply using isolation valves and stopping fuel pump and ER fans and closing all flaps to to prevent air supply.
Prepare the firefighting gear and Start the emergency generator and fire pump, set up fire hoses around the area and start boundary cooling on outside areas using flood quantities of water to cool the area and attack the fire.
Block all turbocharger air inlets and remove lagging.
Start emergency bilge if levels increase beyond that of the bilge pump.
Once the fire is extinguished, carry out investigation to find out the causes of fire.
- a) State FOUR legal documents which are found in the engine room. (8)
b) State the procedure to be carried out if you found no one in the engine room
when taking over a watch (8)
a.) oil record book
engine room log book
machinery running hours record book
Planned maintenance system records
ER sounding record book
work and rest hours record book
permit to work records
b.) upon finding no one present in ER inform bridge and C/E about situation and get assistance
activate dead man alarm
check C/E standing orders to see if there’s any indication as to where the duty officer might be
check notice board in ER for same reason as point above
call previous duty officers cabin and when assistance arrives one person to check the cabin
conduct a search of the engine room and accommodation areas
ensure to reset dead man alarm system before pre set time
once person has been found inform bridge and C/E
a) Define the term “enclosed space” (2)
b) State three areas on board a ship that would be designated as an enclosed
space; (6)
c) Describe the procedure for the entry into an enclosed space. (8)
a.) any space with limited openings and entry, inadequate ventilation, inadequate lighting and or unsafe to occupy for a long period of time due to toxic gases and limited amount of oxygen
b.) The following areas would be designated as an enclosed space on ships:
* Fuel tanks;
* Chain lockers;
* Cargo and ballast tanks;
* Cofferdams;
* Paint lockers;
* Pump rooms;
* Engine crankcase
- clean drain tank
- scavenge space
c.) Prior to entry, the following procedure should be followed.
- A safety meeting should be held prior to the entry to discuss all aspects of safety and operational measures.
only competent personnel to assist with the job and ensure all necessary equipment is prepared outside of the enclosed space beforehand. - An enclosed space entry permit should be obtained for authorization Enclosed space permit should only be issued after tests have been carried out to ensure that the atmosphere can
sustain life. - Possible hazards associated with the entry should be identified and the risks assessed by completing a risk assessment
- Proper ventilation of the space should be carried out. This can be done by using a portable fan for example. if entering scavenge space auxiliary blower can be used if its a 2 stroke engine.
Ventilation should be carried out for a period of 24hours prior to entry to remove all toxic gases like nitrogen , carbon monoxide and sulphur and to ensure oxygen level is increased to 20.9% to ensure the space is survivable and for anyone entering to able to continuously occupy the space. the minimum oxygen needed is 20.9% and if below continuously keep ventilating the space until level is reached.
Space should be isolated from fuel or starting air and any other appropriate isolation devices used.
- A standby and/or rescue person/team should be in place outside the space for safety.
- atmosphere should be checked and evaluated. The testing should include:
o Checking for oxygen levels ( 20.9%);
o Checking for flammable gases in atmosphere (ideally less than 1% of the LFL or LEL);
o Checking the presence of toxic/poisonous gases (ideally bellow TLV – might vary for different gases).
a gas analyser or atmosphere monitor is used at different levels to check for toxic gases.
- Need for precaution against extreme temperature, lighting arrangement and special clothing and/or equipment should be evaluated; EEBD might be used in extreme cases
use an extension hose and pump unit in order to check specific areas in large double bottom tanks. attach a gas analyser to the hose and then throw line inside tank space. line is attached to a pump unit, this can test the atmosphere at different areas/levels.
(CO2 heavier than air (test at top))
(CH4 (methane) lighter than air test at bottom of tank)
a) State the meaning of the term enclosed space. (4)
b) Explain the procedure for preparation for entry into a cofferdam prior to an inspection. (12)
a.) any space with limited openings and entry, inadequate ventilation, inadequate lighting and or unsafe to occupy for a long period of time due to toxic gases and limited amount of oxygen
b.) Prior to entry the following prerequisites must be completed.
- Enclosed Space Entry permit and all other permits to be made.
- Briefing with the Officer in charge for the planned work to be carried out
- Permission from the master obtained.
- LOTO (lock out tag out to be completed if necessary).
- All rescue equipment to be brought to the entrance of the enclosed space and rescue plan to be made.
- Work Area to be secured to prevent entry to the workspace.
- Once Space has been opened up, thorough and continuous forced ventilation to be maintained.
- After sufficient period atmosphere inside the space to be tested and verified safe for entry.
- Adequate lighting to be provided.
- Once all prerequisites completed Permit to be signed by all entrance and a tank sentry assigned.
- Entrants will be issued with their own atmosphere monitoring equipment and emergency breathing device.
- Ensure all entrants are wearing adequate PPE for the task in hand.
- Means of communication (radios) to be tested * On entry Engine control room/Bridge to be informed.
- Periodic communication from entrants and sentry to be maintained.
- On completion of entry all personnel to be accounted for and equipment to be verified removed, Enclosed entry can now be closed.
- Engine control room/Bridge to be informed and permits complete.
- Atmosphere monitoring equipment
- Rescue equipment
- Emergency breathing device
- Intrinsically safe lighting
- Means of forced ventilation
With reference to a steam heating coil in a fuel storage tank developing a leak:
a) State how the leak would be detected; (4)
b) State the immediate action to be taken when the leak is detected; (4)
c) Explain how the leak may be traced; (8)
a.) The first indication of a leak in such a line would be noted in the condensate return line to the “observation/inspection tank” leading to the hotwell. That would be a general indication of a leak in any of the contaminated systems. Further investigation could be carried out using one of the following basic methods for detecting leaks:
* Inventory review.
* Tank leak testing.
* Monitoring leak effects (pressure/flow monitoring).
Boiler pressure loss.
Rapid temperature change.
Excess from settling tank water.
Steam from tank vents.
Fuel in hot well.
Oil sensor in the condensate return.
b) After detecting the leak, a senior officer should be informed, and the concerned line should be immediately isolated. Further actions for line repair/renewal should then be discussed. Divert the returns. Take samples from boiler. Call C/E.
c) Steam heating lines outlet from oil tanks are normally fitted with “test cocks”. Any traces of fuel coming out from the test cock would be an indication of a leak in the line. Alternatively, the leak may also be traced using one or a combination of the basic methods mentioned above in Q4 a). Check ER log to see if any of the steam heating coils have been turned on recently. Close both valves and allow the tank to cool down. Open the condensate drain valve and open the inlet valve to steam coil, if oil is seen in the drain valve, then you found the correct tank.
The steam heating coil in a heavy fuel oil service tank has a suspected leak.
a) Explain how the fault may be detected. (8)
b) Outline a safe tank preparation and entry procedure to make a repair. (8)
a.) Steam heating lines outlet from oil tanks are normally fitted with “test cocks”. Any traces of fuel coming out from the test cock would be an indication of a leak in the line. Alternatively, the leak may also be traced using one or a combination of the basic methods mentioned above in Q4 a). Check ER log to see if any of the steam heating coils have been turned on recently. Close both valves and allow the tank to cool down. Open the condensate drain valve and open the inlet valve to steam coil, if oil is seen in the drain valve, then you found the correct tank.
b.) Shut down the purifiers.
Empty the fuel tank by using the transfer pump. All servicing pipelines to be sealed, locked and tagged.
Vent the tanks with the portholes open. The atmosphere within the space tested with a calibrated and approved atmosphere testing device, the space shall not be entered if the O2 is less than 20.9 %. Inform bridge about tank entry. Ensue everyone has correct PPE and tank entry gear. Risk assessment and enclosed space permit to work are completed. Ventilation should continue at all times, all persons within to wear personal O2 meters, H2S meters and be familiar with their operation, the atmosphere should be tested regularly during works
With respect to main propulsion engine, state the immediate action to be taken as an EOOW in the event of the following, stating one reason for each:
a.) turbocharger repeatedly surging
b) Air start manifold/branch pipe overheating local to one unit; (4)
c) Low scavenge air temperature alarm; (4)
d) Engine misfires “fuel rail pressure low” alarm activates booster pump pressure high. (4)
a.) turbo charger surging causes high vibration and abnormal noise coming from the compressor side of the T/C. actions to be taken when this happens is to contact the bridge and chief engineer to make a request for engine load to be reduced. then look for indication of fire on exhaust and scavenge air side of engine. engine is load is reduced to lower vibrations caused. carry out level check for coolant and temp and pressure parameter checks. if surging persists engine should be stopped so turbo charger can be fully inspected. it might also be necessary to change the route so weather isn’t as rough.
b.) contact C/E and bridge and request for engine to stopped when its safe to do so. shut of fuel supply to the affected unit. inspect the air manifold branch pipe for signs of damage, if its overheating then its likely there is paint deformation and in severe cases the pipe will be glowing red in colour. this must be dealt with as signs like this indicate a possible starting air line explosion. air compressors must also be drained of oil and water moisture to avoid oil carry over to not provide a fuel source for a possible fire or explosion. check for a leaky air start valve and ensure valve is seated correctly to not allow hot gases produced to leak past and cause air branch pipe to overheat. Determine which air start valve is leaking.
c.) Reduce the cooling water flow rate/increase the temperature of the cooling water to prevent water moisture condensing on the liner and washing off the lubricating oil, which then prevents scuffing and corrosion caused by the removal of lubrication oil. This can be done by first adjusting the engine operating parameters, such as the fuel injection timing and the scavenge air pressure and temperature. followed by the reduction of scavenge air temperature by the charge air cooler to adjust cooling water use the outlet valve on the air cooler.
d.) contact chief engineer and bridge and request for engine to be slowed down to reduce speed. change the fuel system line (line up the valves) so that the secondary fuel filters are used for the booster pump as this alarm could be caused by blocked filters. then clean any dirty filters and drain any water from the fuel oil service tank and settling tank. fuel rail pressure low means fuel booster pump is varying its speed of delivery of fuel to the main engine rather than running at normal constant speed. check the fuel pressure regulator isn’t faulty and preform a fuel pump overhaul if required. Adjust the FO purifier feed as well.
Enumerate the important actions to be taken by the EOOW in the event of an alarm condition activated on the oil mist detector.
- Acknowledge the oil mist detector alarm then contact the bridge and chief engineer to inform them of situation and get assistance, also to request for engine to be stopped when its safe navigationally safe to do so minimise the amount of damage caused to engine components by the amount of heat generated due to fire. By stopping the engine load the amount of heat generated is reduced.
- When engine has stopped ensure pre lubrication pump is running to increase lubrication to running surfaces
- open indicator cocks and engage turning gear to continuously rotate engine with lube oil circulation to prevent engine seizure.
- Keep clear off crankcase relief door to prevent personnel injury, keep fire extinguisher ready
- Stop auxiliary blowers and engine room fans and open skylight to relieve pressure.
- All crew to evacuate engine room for at least half hour whilst engine is coming to a stop and cooling down, do not enter crankcase at this point in time. if no explosion occurs after about an hour of engine turning renter the engine room
- After about 30 minutes when the engine is sufficiently cooled down, stop lube oil pumps and open crankcase door. if a fire spreads from the crankcase immediately evacuate engine room again and seal it
- carefully enter the crankcase space and if the fire hasn’t burnt out use the correct type of fire extinguisher and extinguish the fire depending on if the fire is small or large.
- if its a large fire instead start emergency generator and emergency fire pump and set up fire hoses outside of engine room space and prepare for firefighting or CO2 flooding.
- then locate hotspot by observing for any colour change and using a temperature monitoring device check all bearings and inspect the bottom of the crankcase for any metal shards
- ensure to make a thorough inspection of any hot bearing’s, piston bottom end bolts, guides and piston rods.
- once inspection is complete and all problems have been rectified inform bridge and start engine again and gradually increase speed and ensure parameters such as exhaust gas temperatures are normal.
Describe the actions necessary to prepare the engine room for rough weather(16)
- Ensure bilge well levels are sufficiently lowered and emptied to avoid free surface effect and stability issues
- Check all other tanks ensure they’re at the correct level that wont cause a free surface effect but so also so level isn’t high enough that free surface plus ship rolling will cause alarms to go off.
- Check lube oil sump tank levels and ensure there at adequate level to account for rolling as it can cause loss of suction.
- Check all tools have been stowed away in a safe position that will account for rolling.
- Check all other heavy equipment is secured and lashing is used if necessary to not become a hazard when the ship is rolling due to rough weather.
- Ensure to close all watertight doors as in rough weather they can swing open and hinges and watertight door parts will get damaged.
- Stop any non-essential maintenance work and tie off the overhead crane used for overhauling.
- Ensure to check boiler water level so its sufficient to account for rolling.
- All sound pipes to be capped.
- Any non-essential over side discharges to be stopped and valves closed.
- Ensure all chemicals/noxious liquids are stored securely.
- Ensure any external openings (hatches) are closed.
- Ensure standby machinery is ready for operation.
- Run an additional generator for power if necessary.
State, with reasons, EIGHT areas or items which should be checked by the duty engineer before taking over the watch.
- Engine room logbook to be checked for machinery parameters this will give an indication of any immediate machinery that should be checked.
- check alarm history record from digital data to be checked to know previous watch machinery conditions.
- PMS (planned maintenance schedule) to be checked during watch to know of any outstanding work and if anything urgently needs doing.
- check chief engineer standing orders/ instructions or any special maintenance notes from outgoing watch keeping engineers to know engine room situation.
- check Communication system in engine room, fire alarm system, firefighting equipment, and general alarm system to know the safety systems are all in order.
- check fuel oil storage tank level, service tank level and temperature should be 90deg and drain any water for both the settling and service tank to ensure there isn’t a steam coil leak and to prevent water entering engine this can be done through the use of drain valves located at bottom of tank.
- Check Lube oil sump tank for main engine ensure level and temperature is adequate and there is no leakage.
- Check standby machinery and running machinery including boiler and steering gear to ensure everything is in good operational condition.
- ensure that outgoing watch keeping engineer is fit for duty.
- check freshwater tank level and ensure fresh water generator is producing enough fresh water.
what are some important practices and checks carried out when on watch as an EOOW?
At the beginning of the watch the current operational parameters and the condition of all machinery should be verified and also the log readings should correspond with those observed. The engineer officer in charge should note if there are any special orders or instructions relating to the operation of the main machinery or auxiliaries.
determine what work is in progress and any hazards or limitations this presents. The levels of tanks containing fuel, water, slops, ballast, etc., should be noted and also the level of the various bilges.
The operating mode of equipment and available standby equipment should also be noted. At appropriate intervals inspections should be made of the main propulsion plant, auxiliary machinery and steering gear spaces. Any routine adjustments may then be made and malfunctions or breakdowns can be noted, reported and corrected.
During these tours of inspection bilge levels should be noted, piping and systems observed for leaks, and local indicating instruments can be observed.
Where bilge levels are high, or the well is full, it must be pumped dry. The liquid will be pumped to an oily water separator, and only clean water is to be discharged overboard. Particular attention must be paid to the relevant oil pollution regulations both of a national and international nature, depending upon the location of the ship. Bilges should not be pumped when in port. Oily bilges are usually emptied to a slop tank from which the oil may be reclaimed or discharged into suitable facilities when in port. The discharging of oil from a ship usually results in the engineer responsible and the master being arrested.
During the watch a log or record will be taken of the various parameters of main and auxiliary equipment. This may be a manual operation or provided automatically on modern vessels by a data logger.
Fuel consumption figures are used to determine the efficiency of operation, in addition to providing a check on the available bunker quantities. Lubricating oil tank levels and consumption to some extent indicate engine oil consumption. The sump level is recorded and checked that it does not rise or fall, but a gradual fall is acceptable as the engine uses some oil during operation. If the sump level were to rise this would indicate water leakage into the oil and an investigation into the cause must be made.
The engine exhaust temperatures should all read about the same to indicate an equal power production from each cylinder. The various temperature and pressure values for the cooling water and lubricating oil should be at, or near to, the manufacturer’s designed values for the particular speed or fuel lever settings. Any high outlet temperature for cooling water would indicate a lack of supply to that point.
Various parameters for the main engine turbo-blowers (turbo charger) are also logged. Since they are high-speed turbines the correct supply of lubricating oil is essential. The machine itself is water cooled since it is circulated by hot exhaust gases. The air cooler is used to increase the charge air density to enable a large quantity of air to enter the engine cylinder. If cooling were inadequate a lesser mass of air would be supplied to the engine, resulting in a reduced power output, inefficient combustion and black smoke.
Various miscellaneous level and temperature readings are taken of heavy oil tanks, both settling and service, sterntube bearing temperature, sea water temperature, etc. The operating diesel generators will have their exhaust temperatures, cooling water and lubricating oil temperatures and pressures logged in much the same way as for the main engine. Of particular importance will be the log of running hours since this will be the basis for overhauling the machinery.
Other auxiliary machinery and equipment, such as heat exchangers, fresh water generator (evaporator), boiler, air conditioning plant and refrigeration plant will also have appropriate readings taken.
There will usually be summaries or daily account tables for heavy oil, diesel oil, lubricating oil and fresh water, which will be compiled at noon. Provision is also made for remarks or important events to be noted in the log for each watch. The completed log is used to compile a summary sheet or abstract of information which is returned to the company head office for record purposes.
The engineer in charge should notify the Chief Engineer in the event of any serious occurrence or a situation where he is unsure of the action to take. Examples might be, if any machinery suffers severe damage, or a malfunction occurs which may lead to serious damage. However where immediate action is necessary to ensure safety of the ship, its machinery and crew, it must be taken by the engineer in charge. At the completion of the watch each member should hand over to his relief, ensuring that he is competent to take over and carry out his duties effectively.
describe what is meant by bunkering and what outline a general procedure which might be followed
The loading of fuel oil into a ship’s tanks from a shore side installation or bunker barge takes place about once a trip. The penalties for oil spills are large, the damage to the environment is considerable, and the ship may well be delayed or even arrested if this job is not properly carried out. Bunkering is traditionally the junior engineer’s job. He will usually be assisted by at least one other engineer and one or more ratings.
Most ships will have a set procedure which is to be followed or some form of general instructions which might include:
1.All scuppers are to be sealed off, i.e. plugged, to prevent any minor oil spill on deck going overboard.
2.All tank air vent containments or drip trays are to be sealed or plugged.
3.Sawdust should be available at the bunkering station and various positions around the deck.
4.All fuel tank valves should be carefully checked before bunkering commences. The personnel involved should be quite familiar with the piping systems, tank valves, spill tanks and all tank-sounding equipment.
5.All valves on tanks which are not to be used should be closed or switched to the ‘off position and effectively safeguarded against opening or operation.
6.Any manual valves in the filling lines should be proved to be open for the flow of liquid.
7.Proven, reliable tank-sounding equipment must be used to regularly check the contents of each tank. It may even be necessary to ‘dip’ or manually sound tanks to be certain of their contents.
8.A complete set of all tank soundings must be obtained before bunkering commences.
9.A suitable means of communication must be set up between the ship and the bunkering installation before bunkering commences.
10.On-board communication between involved personnel should be by hand radio sets or some other satisfactory means.
11.Any tank that is filling should be identified in some way on the level indicator, possibly by a sign or marker reading ‘FILLING’.
12.In the event of a spill, the Port Authorities should be informed as soon as possible to enable appropriate cleaning measures to be taken.
what are some periodic safety routines carried out weekly
Periodic safety routines
In addition to watchkeeping and maintenance duties, various safety and emergency equipment must be periodically checked.
As an example, the following inspections should take place at least weekly
1.Emergency generator should be started and run for a reasonable period. Fuel oil, lubricating oil and cooling water supplies and tank levels should be checked.
2.Emergency fire pump should be run and the deck fire main operated for a reasonable period. AH operating parameters should be checked.
3.Carbon dioxide cylinder storage room should be visually examined. The release box door should be opened to test the alarm and check that the machinery-space fans stop.
4.One smoke detector in each circuit should be tested to ensure operation and correct indication on the alarm panel. Aerosol test sprays are available to safely check some types of detector.
5.Fire push-button alarms should be tested, by operating a different one during each test.
6.Any machinery space ventilators or skylights should be operated and greased, if necessary, to ensure smooth, rapid closing should this be necessary.
7.Fire extinguishers should be observed in their correct location and checked to ensure they are operable.
8.Fire hoses and nozzles should likewise be observed in their correct places. The nozzles should be tried on the hose coupling. Any defective hose should be replaced.
9.Any emergency batteries, e.g. for lighting or emergency generator starting, should be examined, have the acid specific gravity checked, and be topped up, as required.
10.All lifeboat engines should be run for a reasonable period. Fuel oil and lubricating oil levels should be checked.
11.All valves and equipment operated from the fire control point should be checked for operation, where this is possible.
- Any watertight doors should be opened and closed by hand and power. The guides should be checked to ensure that they are clear and unobstructed
explain the procedure for taking over a watch
Taking over a watch
It is always ideal to arrive at the engineroom early to prepare to take over the watch at the allocated time. There are three primary reasons for this, which are as follows:
- So that the engineer taking over can familiarise him/herself with the current status of the machinery plant, including the level of any fluids in the bilge. This may not have changed much since the last time the engineer was in the engineroom but it is a very important aspect of taking over a watch.
- Since the incoming engineer, at that stage, is additional to the current watch it gives him/her the luxury of being able to walk around the plant and check for early signs of any defects in the operating plant. This should include a careful examination for any leak of fluids.
- Early arrival puts the current watchkeeper at ease as she/he may be tired following a busy spell on duty.
If it is during the daylight hours the engineer taking over should start by going outside and having a look at the flue gasses and making a note of any visible smoke from the funnel. Record the colour of the smoke and identify the engine that it is coming from. Entering the engineroom high up and working down the engineer can inspect any WHR boiler plant that may be situated in the engine exhaust. Inspect for exhaust or water leaks. The engineer should then follow the trunking down to the turbo-chargers which are next viewed for safe operation. The turbo-chargers will be placed close to the engine tops which are where the exhaust valves will also be sited on a two-stroke engine. Older types of engine may well have the operation of rocker gear and physical springs to view but the latest engines will have all the moving parts totally enclosed. However, the engineer should be listening for abnormal noises or feeling for unusual vibration or heat.
If the cylinder heads are viewable at this level then each one should be inspected for the following:
- Fuel leaks from the high-pressure pipework
- Hydraulic leaks from the exhaust valve actuation
- Air leaks from the air return spring system on the latest engines.
- Combustion leaks from the indicator cocks
- Air start valve leaks – checking for this fault is very important as leaking air start valves have in the past been a source of serious fire in engine rooms. The check is made by feeling the temperature of the air start line leading to the cylinder head. If the air start valve is leaking then a high temperature will be detected in the air start pipe adjacent to the valve.
- Check for loose supports and indeed any loose guard rails.
Down one level on the engine and the engineer would see the high-pressure fuel delivery pumps, cylinder lubricators and hydraulic pumps for the exhaust valve actuation. Around the back of the engine could be the charge air coolers and pipework for the engine services such as the cooling water and lubricating oil. This level might also be a main engineroom level giving access to the auxiliary machinery and the points to watch out for will be covered after the main engine section. It might also be the point to visit the machinery control room and let the out-going watchkeeper that you are there and are preparing to take over the watch.At the lower level of the main engine the engineer should be checking the crankcase explosion relief doors to ensure that they are not leaking oil. If they are then the rubber ‘O’ ring needs replacing. The lower level will also be the place to inspect any reduction gearing, shafting and/or thrust block, etc. The correct function of the auxiliary machinery is vital for the efficient operation of the machinery plant and the engineer should conduct a comprehensive review of the auxiliary machinery making a note of which pumps are running and which generators are supplying the electrical load. Generators should be checked for any fuel, water or oil leaks.It is very important to check the pressure of compressed air inside the starting air receiver. This is vital for starting the main and auxiliary engines and if the pressure is low then it may be difficult to get the ship going again following a breakdown. Another very important inspection is the daily running tanks or service tanks. If these run low then there is a danger that the main engine of the auxiliaries will stop operating.The auxiliary boiler will always be a source of concern because if they are neglected or are not understood well they can be a source of extreme danger. The flag state examiners know this and will want to satisfy themselves that engineers gaining a certificate of competency are safe to operate auxiliary boilers.While inspecting auxiliary boilers engineers should look for efficient operation. As the boiler starts to work there should be a short purge cycle and then when the fuel is admitted the boiler should light up straight away. If it is struggling to do this then adjustments or cleaning may be needed. However, if the incoming watchkeeper sees a boiler working inefficiently then she/he would do well to pay attention to the boiler as soon as possible because it is likely to let him/her down during the next watch period. the engineer coming on watch should look out for any oil or fuel that may have accumulated around the boiler’s burner. Engineers must check the boiler gauge glasses for the correct level of water. Low water levels have in the past been a major cause of accidents involving boilers. While walking the machinery space the engineer should make time to visit the steering flat. It might be remote from the main machinery space and therefore could be difficult for the main watchkeeper to inspect without first arranging someone else to cover main space. Checks here would be correct and prompt operation, no abnormal noise and no oil leaks. Operation of stand-by pumps will be undertaken at set times so it would not be necessary to run these at every change of watch. On the way back to the MCR the engineer should be listening to abnormal noise from running pumps, air compressors, purifiers and other machinery. Once back in the MCR the incoming engineer will be able to discuss the current status with the knowledge that she/he has just reviewed the machinery in operation. Once in the MCR the engineer can compare any temperatures and pressures taken locally with the ones that are showing remotely in the MCR and discrepancies can be discussed as part of the hand-over procedure. It is important that both engineers discuss any issues that may have come up during the previous watch and also discuss anything that might need attention during the next watch. Anything that needs attention should be undertaken as soon as possible and not left to the next watchkeeper to deal with. This just leads to bad feelings and poor working relationships. Depending upon the type of ship and the current operations the watch keeper might need to contact or work with other people in the ship’s company; for example, if the vessel has a large refrigeration plant or there is a need for inert gas generation or large electrical power for discharging cargo.
There are some measures that can be taken in order to prevent the flooding of engine room what are some of these?
Perform routine maintenance on the
outside of pipelines, including tightening slack supports and replacing broken U bolts on pipe brackets, in order to minimize fretting in the path of support structures.
Make sure that each of the ship’s side valves is used on a regular basis so that they can be easily operated whenever it is necessary. Valves that are normally open, such as the fire pump suction valves, should be closed and reopened on a regular basis to prevent a build-up of marine growth.
Before opening any sea water filters for cleaning, make certain that the isolating valves are in their fully closed position by opening the vent in the cover of the filter. In any event, the cover joint needs to be broken open before any of the cover bolts can be removed.
Care must always be taken when removing covers or opening any part of the sea water pipe system because valves that are indicated as being closed may not be fully closed. This applies to opening coolers and pipelines anywhere in the system.
Caution is always required when opening any part of the sea water pipe system. Before removing the covers from any gate valves or through cocks that are used for draining and venting, you should rodding them to ensure that they are clear.
If the source of the rapid ingress cannot be identified, close all remotely operated sea and ship side valves. This applies to both the ship and the sea. The completion of this action presupposes that the levels are now higher than the floor plates.
Personnel should be familiar with the location of the bilge suctions and the pumps that may be utilized for bilge pumping duties. On some vessels, ship side valves can be closed from the remote stand if necessary. In addition to this, they should be familiar with the location of the main sea suction and the overboard valves, and they should be aware of which main sea suction is currently being utilized.
The emergency bilge suction valve needs to be used on a consistent basis in order to function properly.
After use, pipe cocks and caps with a double bottom sounding should be fastened securely.
Checking and cleaning the bilge suction strainers ought to be done whenever the opportunity presents itself. The likelihood of a strainer getting clogged and difficult to clear as a result of subsequent floods will be decreased if the strainer is checked and cleaned on a regular basis.
It is essential to get any bilge well that has an alarm on it down to the empty level as quickly as possible in order to provide as much advanced notice as possible in the event that flooding takes place.
Because the allocated water pump can be utilized to pump the bilges directly overboard, its use is restricted to only when an emergency situation arises. There is no 15ppm monitor installed in the discharge pipe because the sole purpose of this pump is to assist in emergency bilge pumping operations. Either flooding will be visually detectedor it will be picked up by the engine room bilge well alarm system within a short period of time. Because of this, it is imperative that the duty engineer visually inspect any abnormality with the bilge alarm system, such as an unexpected or recurring alarm or an alarm that fails to clear.
In case of emergency, once the duty engineer has established that there is a flooding situation, he/she should proceed immediately to the nearest telephone and inform the bridge of the situation. The duty officer on the bridge should raise the alarm, as this will summon assistance. It should be noted that the duty engineer could also call the ship’s control centre if they suspect the wheelhouse to be unmanned (during port stay), or activate the general alarm if no reply is received.
The bilge suction valve is a manually operated valve so it must be opened by the duty engineer before the pump is started. The pump can be started also from local position and overboard valves can be opened from local solenoid panel or manually if here is no remote control on it. All of the other remotely operated sea or ballast system valves should be closed.
It is important to remember that when the pump has picked up suction on the bilges and the flood level is under control, the pump is not allowed to lose suction. The sea water suction should be utilised to control the rate at which flood water is removed until such times as the source of the flooding can be identified and eliminated.
Also, it is important to note that in case of emergency where the safety of the ship or personnel is involved the bilges can be pumped directly overboard, otherwise it must be ensured that no local or international anti-pollution regulations will be contravened. Pumping machinery spaces bilges overboard must be conducted using an oil content monitor EXCEPT in an emergency.
In the engine room there are few pumps available for bilge pumping duties what are these?
Theengine room bilge pumpis able to take suction from the engine room bilge main, but it is unable to discharge water overboard. Instead, water can only be discharged, usually to the following locations:
The oily bilge tank
The clean bilge tank.
Cargo bilge holding tank (if available)
Shore connections, which can be found on the upper deck, to either port or starboard side.
Suction can be drawn from the bilge main in the engine room by both thefire pump and the general service pump. Suction can also be drawn from a direct engine room bilge suction, which is usually situated at the forward end of the engine room. This suction can be drawn by one of the fire and general service pump.
Both the fire pumps and the general service pumps have the capability of discharging water straight overboard.
Thecargo bilge pump(if available) takes suction from the bilge main located in the engine room. The water that is collected by the cargo bilge pumps can be discharged directly overboard.
Individualfeed pumpfor the Oily Water Separator, if available, takes suction from clean bilge tank and the oily water separator is responsible for discharging the water directly overboard.
what are the UMS requirements
Essential requirements for any unattended machinery space (UMS) Ship to able to sail at sea are enumerated in the SOLAS 1974 Chapter II-1, regulations 46 to regulation 53.
Requirements for Unattended Machinery Space (UMS) Ship
Fire Precaution
Arrangement should be provided on UMS ship to detect and givealarmin case of fire
a) In theboilerair supply casing and uptake.
b) In scavenge space of propulsion machinery.
c) In engines of power 2250 Kw and above or cylinders having bore more than 300mm should be provided with oil mist detector for crankcaseor bearing temperature monitor or either of two.
Protection against Flooding
Bilge well in UMS ship should be located and provided in such a manner that the accumulation of liquid is detected at normal angle of heel and trim and should also have enough space to accommodate the drainage of liquid during unattended period.
In case of automatic starting of bilgepump, the alarm should be provided to indicate that the flow of liquid pumped is more than the capacity of the pump.
Control of Propulsion Machinery from Navigation Bridge
The ship should be able to be controlled from bridge under all sailing conditions. The bridge should be able to control the speed, direction of thrust, and should be able to change the pitch in case of controllable pitchpropeller.
Emergency stop should be provided on navigating bridge, independent ofbridge control system.
The remote operation of the propulsion should be possible from one location at a time; at such connection interconnected control position are permitted.
The number of consecutive automatic attempt which fails to start the propulsion machinery shall be limited to safeguard sufficient starting air pressure.
Centralized control & instruments are required in Machinery Space
Centralized control system should be there so that engineers may be called to the machinery space during emergencies from wherever they are.
Automatic Fire Detection
Alarms anddetectionshould operate very rapidly and effectively. It should be placed at numerous well sited places for quick response of the detectors.
Fire Extinguishing System
There should be arrangement for fire extinguishing system other than the conventional hand extinguishers which can be operated remotely from machinery space. The station must give control of emergency fire pumps,generators, valves, extinguishing media etc.
Alarm System
A comprehensive alarm system must be provided for control & accommodation areas.
Automatic Start of Emergency Generator
Arrangement forstarting of emergency generatorand automatic connection to bus bar must be provided in case ofblackoutcondition. Apart from that following points are also to be noted.
1) Local hand control of essential machineries likesteering, emergency generator starting, emergency start for main engine etc.
2) Adequate settlingtankstorage capacity.
3) Regular testing & maintenance of machinery alarms & instruments.