FWG and Jacket Cooling water System Flashcards
What are the causes of loss of vacuum in fresh water generator ?
first of this will cause The shell pressure of the freshwater generator to increase and the rate of freshwater produced decreases.
The reasons for this are:
- Air leaks into the evaporator shell in large quantities and air ejector cannot cope.
- The cooling water flow through the condenser is reduced or cooling water temperature is high. This cause saturation temperature and hence saturation pressure within the condenser to rise.
- Malfunctioning of the brine/air ejector. like for instance failure of the ejector nozzle due to fouling or erosion
- Flow rate of the heating medium (fresh water) is increased and excess water vapour produced. Since this excess vapour can not be condensed, the pressure of the shell increases and the vacuum drops.
- Vacuum Breaker which is used for releasing Vacuum when we shut down the FWG is faulty so air is leaking in and vacuum is being lost
With reference to a low-pressure fresh water evaporator:
a) Explain why the water at the evaporator outlet is unsuitable for drinking; (8)
b) State the treatment that may be used to make the water potable. (8)
a.) at evaporator (FWG) outlet water has been boiled but isn’t safe or suitable to to drink because its been boiled at a much lower temperature than 100deg (usually about 55) this doesn’t sterilise it and so bacteria are still present, meaning water is harmful to human health. Additionally water isn’t tested before it enters the FWG or evaporator only after. Before water can be consumed it must treated to remove the bacteria. normally water is boiled at 100deg at atmospheric pressure to kill of bacteria and therefore make water sterile. In a FWG or in other words evaporator pressure is lowered an water is boiled at a lower temperature. this is done by inducing a vacuum to lower the boiling point enough so that temperature of jacket cooling water is high enough to boil the sea water seawater and by condensing produced vapour fresh water is generated. in addition to having bacteria present the water lacks any minerals and nutrients so its unpleasant to drink but its more about the fact that when the fresh water is produced it will have mineral salts removed during the evaporation process. this makes it distilled water that lacks nutrients and if consumed over time human body will leech minerals causing an electrolyte imbalance.
b.) As previously mentioned, as the water is generated at a lower temperature and so bacteria can still be present within the potable water and it lacks nutrients. Therefore we are required to treat the water to ensure it is safe to be consumed.
This can be done utilising different treatment methods like chlorination, electro-silver ionisation and ultra violet.
Chlorination method
Chlorine is dosed into the produced water at a rate to
achieve a free chlorine level of 2 ppm approx. While in
the storage tank chlorine will slowly begin to evaporate. It is a requirement to have a residual amount in the FW distribution system of 0.2ppm. Chlorine as a disinfectant requires around 20 minutes contact time to react and kill off the bacteria and make water sterile. A test kit should be used to check the chlorine level ensuring a residual amount is left and that water is sterilised. a chemical injection unit otherwise known as an automatic chlorination unit is added to the FWG system, this supplies a small amount of chlorine to the condenser tubes to sterilse the distilled water being produced.
Electro-silver Ionisation
Silver ions which are dispersed in the water will attach themselves to bacteria and kill them. Dosing requirements are 0.1ppm dosed at maximum flow. the minimum time required for the silver to take effect is 4 hours after passing through the unit. This should ensure to leave a measurable residual amount of 0.08ppm.
Ultra violet sterilisation
Ultra violet sterilisation will instantaneously kill any bacteria within the potable water system, however there is no residual measurable properties so there’s no way to tell if bacteria have been killed off therefore this method is used in conjunction with an additional means of treatment. UV units should be installed so that the direction of flow is vertical to keep the deposits in the tubes to a minimum. The water should be continuously circulated in the system through the UV unit. There should be a means to measure the intensity of UV radiation, and a switch-off mechanism with an alarm should be fitted in the event of UV radiation being too weak. The performance of the tubes should be regularly monitored.
Apart from these methods remineralisers are also aded into the distrbution system, when distilled water flows through these add essential salt minerals such as calcium and magnesium back into the water.
What would happen if the vacuum reaches 100% in fresh water generator ?
This increases the salinity content because of agitation. The reason for the agitation is that boiling rate of water becomes very high. To prevent this condition, open the vacuum breaker to maintain 93% vacuum. The vacuum must be maintained at 93% to have the boiling point of water at around 55degC or at least the temperature of whatever the jacket water. The more you increase the vacuum the more you lower boiling point of water and so rate of water produced becomes too high. if alternatively the vacuum was lowered then boiling point of water becomes to high until the point where you cant use jacket water to heat the sea water.
Why fresh water generator is fitted on ships ?
To produce the high purity distilled water from sea water and thereby provide make up water for boiler and potable water for drinking and domestic use and save costs, alternative option being getting water in a port. Considerable amount of freshwater is used on ship. Crew uses about 100litres per day. Potable water (water safe for ingestion) can be taken in port for crew and passengers. The quality of this water is too poor for use in water tube boilers or filling expansion tanks and or any other associated engine systems. Therefore usually a ship would take the minimum supply needed for crew and passengers and the rest is produced by FWG.
What are semi permeable membranes ?
“semi” means some or partial, and “permeable” means to pass through. So, a semi-permeable membrane is a membrane that only allows certain materials to pass through. Semi-permeable membranes are different from permeable membranes, which allow the passage of all materials through the barrier.
the materials used for these are
Hollow fine fiber (aromatic polyamide or cellulose acetate spurn to form hollow fiber)
Spirally wound (cellulose acetate for fresh water and polyimide or polysulphate for sea water)
what types of FWGs are used onboard and what is meant by performance ratio Pr
There are various types of FWG available on-board. They can be split into two main categories single effect plant and double effect plants. Single effect plant meaning the evaporation takes place at one pressure only. The plant normally have more than one evaporator and evaporators are arranged in parallel. Double effect plant means evaporation takes place at two different pressures and evaporators are arranged in series.
Regardless of the type of fresh water generator that is used on-board the essential requirement for the plant is efficiency.
(Pr) performance ratio is essentially how efficiency can be measured. its defined as the ratio between the kg of vapour produced to kg of steam supplied.
Single effect plants have a value of about 1.1 and double effect plants have a value of about 1.9. Although Pr is good basis which is used to compare plants to find out how efficient they are it cant tell you everything. This is because the heat source for a FWG is usually waste heat (energy) from either jacket water or steam, meaning there hasn’t been any useful work (energy) before arrival at the evaporator.
how is performance of FWG affected?
Performance of a FWG is affected by scale formation. When scale formation is rapid, heat transfer is reduced and Pr decreases. It is also very important that you do not operate the plant in polluted water. Fresh water must not be produced from polluted water, as the produced water will be unsuitable for human consumption. Sea water that is to be treated on ships should be taken from areas relatively free from pollution, including air pollution. It is advisable and safe to start fresh water generator when the vessel is at least 20 nm from the shoreline. Generally this is considered to be a safe distance but it may be necessary to have ship further than this. Judgment should be used based on a risk assessment which should include consideration of the possible effect that this water might have on ships equipment due to the quality of the water.
to maintain performance
The seawater inlets (sea chests) should be located forward and if possible on the opposite side of the ship from the overboard waste water and ballast tanks discharge outlets. Sea water passes through suitable filters before entering the FWG. The manufacturers’ operating instructions should be clearly posted in the plant room and strictly followed. By-passes should not be installed around treatment units except where necessary as part of the treatment process. There should be an adequate store of spare replacement parts particularly for any vital or fragile parts. Distillation units should indicate low range salinity levels, operational temperature levels and have an automatic discharge. They should also have an alarm with trip setting or equivalent.
List the types of FWG used onboard
Types of FWG normally used on-board
1.Submerged tube type FWG
2.Plate type FWG
3.Reverse osmosis plant
Explain the working principle of a submerged tube type FWG with the aid of a sketch
Working principle of a submerged tube type FWG ( low pressure single effect plant)
This FWG works by lowering the boiling point of water, which is done by reducing the pressure within the shell of the FWG. By maintaining a low pressure water is boiled at around 50 degrees Celsius, which is approximately the temperature of the jacket water from the main engine. This being the main source of heat for most FWG’s but some use steam. Seawater is evaporated by using a high vacuum ( which allows water to be evaporated at a lower temperature . This type of FWG consists of two sets of shell and tube heat exchangers one acting as a evaporator, the other as a condenser. A vacuum with the right conditions is created in the evaporation chamber. Vacuum being a space without any matter (anything that can be weighed), with a limited amount of air or no air. When it comes to a vacuum you have to consider how much air is inside the space, which is why there such a thing as a high vacuum and a low vacuum. High vacuum having less air inside and a low vacuum having more air inside. Space for example has a nearly perfect vacuum so pressure is almost 0. the lower the amount of air inside a vacuum the lower the pressure. To get a vacuum inside the evaporation chamber it has to be leak proof.
Seawater is pumped in by the ejector pump and delivered to the air/brine ejector to take out brine (concentrated seawater) and air and there by creating a vacuum. Jacket cooling water from main engine is supplied to the evaporation chamber and feed rate is controlled by an orifice fixed at feed inlet. The jacket water transfers heat to the seawater so it can be evaporated due to a high vacuum and turned into vapour. Water spray and droplets are then removed from the vapour by the deflector mounted on top of the evaporator and built in demister. Separated water droplets are then extracted by the air/brine ejector. The Vapour after passing through the demister continues onto the condenser where it condensed by incoming seawater and turned back into a liquid. The liquid is now distilled water ( water that has been boiled into vapour and then condensed to a liquid). distilled water then is taken out by fresh water pump (distillate pump) and controlled by salinometer and solenoid valve. If the salt content is high in the distilled water then the solenoid valve diverts the water back to shell side of FWG and alarm goes off. To get better suction distillate pump is placed at lowest possible location in FWG plant. This is because FWG shell is at low pressure so distillate pump can get maximum suction. The salinometer is connected to a remote alarm so in the event of high salinity alarm goes off in ECR.
Explain the working principle of a plate type FWG with the aid of a sketch
Plate type FWG
This FWG functions essentially the same as the submerged tube type FWG. The only difference is instead of using shell and tube heat exchanger this uses a plate type heat exchanger. The condenser and evaporator are both plate type heat exchangers. Heat is once again used from the diesel engine cooling water to evaporate a small fraction of the seawater feed in evaporator. Water that hasn’t been evaporated is discharged as brine by air /brine ejector. The evaporated water passes through the demister to the condenser. After condensation it is discharged to fresh water storage tank by distillate pump. During operation the feed rate to the evaporator is controlled by the orifice plate at the feed inlet to the evaporator. In the event of high salinity of fresh water exceeding a predetermined value (maximum usually 4 ppm) the solenoid controlled dump valve diverts the flow back to the shell side of FWG. This prevent contamination with the fresh water ready for use. Excess salinity can be caused by many factors including leakage of seawater at condenser or priming of evaporator or malfunctioning of demister, and many other reasons. There will be a fraction of what cannot be condensed at the condenser these are called ‘incondensable gases’ like air for example these gases are continuously ejected out by air/brine ejector. This way the shell of fresh water generator is maintained at high vacuum, which is a requirement to boil water at a low temperature of around 50 degrees Celsius.
with the aid of a sketch explain the working principle of a reverse osmosis plant?
check sailors notebook
explain how and what maintenance is carried out on a FWG
Pre-Maintenance Preparation
before carrying out maintenance on a FWG the following steps have to be carried out:
Shut down the freshwater generator system and isolate it from the power source.
Ensure all valves and pipes are closed to prevent water leakage.
Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, and masks.
The plate heat exchanger is a critical component of plate type freshwater generators. Regular cleaning is necessary to maintain its efficiency.
Follow these steps:
Remove the end covers and access plates from the heat exchanger.
Measure the holding bolts distance from the end tip to the end plate in order to have a tightening reference.
Soak the plates into an mild acid base solution (e.g. Sulphuric acid) and keep them soaked for few hours, as it will help to easily remove the salt scaling.
Use a soft brush or sponge to gently clean the plates, ensuring the removal of any fouling, scale, or corrosion.
Rinse the plates thoroughly with clean water to remove any residue.
Inspect for any signs of leakage or gasket damage. Replace damaged plates and/or gaskets if necessary. Use rubber glue if required for securing the gaskets.
Reassemble the heat exchanger, ensuring proper alignment and tightness of bolts.
Pressure test the plate assembly to ensure that there are no abnormal leaks detected.
Valves and pumps play crucial roles in regulating water flow. Regular inspection and maintenance is essential:
Check all valves for proper functioning, tightness, and freedom from leakage.
Lubricate valve stems and ensure smooth operation.
Inspect pumps for signs of wear, leaks, or abnormal noise. Replace worn-out parts if necessary.
Verify pump impeller clearance and adjust if required.
Check and re-adjust, if necessary, the feed water regulating valve.
Check and clean, if required the feed water nozzle.
Filters and strainers prevent contaminants from entering the freshwater generator system. Regular maintenance is essential:
Remove and clean intake filters, strainers, and mesh screens.
Inspect for clogs, damage, or excessive fouling.
Replace or clean the filters as per manufacturer guidelines.
Ensure proper alignment and tightness during re-installation.
Inspect Seawater Supply:
Check for clogged or malfunctioning seawater intake filters, valves, or strainers.
Check for feed water regulating valve adjustment
Check the water level in the sight glass.
Check the system vacuum and shell temperature.
Check the brine ejector for proper operation.
Monitor Pressure Gauges: Ensure proper pressure readings within specified ranges. Low pressure may indicate a blockage or fouling in the system.
Misaligned Components: Check alignment of pumps, motors, and other rotating elements. Realignment may be required to reduce noise and vibration.
Loose Mounting: Inspect mounting brackets, bolts, and fasteners. Tighten as needed to minimize vibration.
explain how and what maintenance is carried out for reverse osmosis plant
Before starting maintenance on a reverse osmosis (RO) freshwater generator, the following steps must be carried out:
Isolate the system from the power source and shut off the seawater supply.
Open the system to relieve pressure.
Wear appropriate PPE to protect against chemicals and ensure safety.
Cleaning the RO Membranes
The RO membranes are the heart of the reverse osmosis system and require regular maintenance to optimize performance.
Perform the following steps:
Prepare a cleaning solution as recommended by the membrane manufacturer.
Flush the system with clean water to remove any loose particles.
Circulate the cleaning solution through the membranes for the recommended duration.
Rinse the system with clean water to remove residual cleaning solution.
Inspect the membranes for signs of fouling, scaling, or damage. Replace if necessary.
High-pressure pumps are vital for maintaining the required pressure in RO systems. Regular inspection and maintenance is therefore crucial:
Check the pump’s suction and discharge valves for proper operation and tightness.
Inspect the pump for leaks, vibrations, and unusual noises.
Verify the pump’s pressure and flow rates. Adjust as per manufacturer guidelines.
Lubricate pump bearings if required, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Proper functioning of instrumentation and controls is essential for the overall performance of the RO system. Follow these steps:
Inspect pressure gauges, flow meters, and control valves for accuracy and freedom from blockages.
Calibrate instrumentation devices if necessary.
Verify the performance of automatic control systems and alarms.
Test emergency shut-down systems to ensure their functionality.
Troubleshooting For Reverse Osmosis Systems
a.) insufficient FW production what are your actions?
b.) Excessive Freshwater Salinity
c.) Leakage or Water Purity Issues
a.) Insufficient Freshwater Production
- Check the seawater flow rate and pressure. Adjust as required by valves, open SW inlet and outlet slightly in small increments and observe parameters for any changes.
- Inspect and clean clogged filters or strainers, then monitor pressure for any changes
- Evaluate the condition of RO membranes for fouling or scaling. Over time, membranes can lose their efficiency due to wear and tear. Monitor the performance of the membranes and consider replacing them if they are significantly aged or damaged.
b.) Excessive Freshwater Salinity
Verify the system’s seawater flow and pressure. Adjust if needed.
Inspect the RO membranes for damage or fouling.
Review and adjust the operating parameters of the RO system, such as pressure, flow rate, and recovery rate, as per manufacturer guidelines. Optimizing these parameters can enhance the membrane’s performance in removing salt. If the salt level remains high after adjusting the operating parameters, perform a thorough chemical cleaning of the membranes to remove any accumulated deposits that may be hindering their performance.
Check salinity sensor, clean it and replace it as found necessary. Be aware that the sensor must be cleaned with a clean dry rag and must avoid to be touched by bare hands.
c) Leakage or Water Purity Issues
Inspect valves, pipes, and fittings for leakage or improper sealing. Repair or replace as necessary.
Check for loose or damaged connections.
Examine gaskets and seals for wear or degradation. Replace if needed.
what are the reasons for the following?
a.) Salt Water Carry Over
b.) Gradual Increase in Level of Brine
c.) Increase in Salinity of Freshwater
a.) During the operation of the freshwater generator salt water can be carried over in large quantities. This is called priming. General reasons of the priming are:
Level of salt water inside the shell is high. When water level is high agitation due to boiling occurs and salt water may carry over along with the vapours. When there is a high level of water agitation due to boiling and salt water may be carried along with the vapours. Rate of evaporation is also increased.
b.) A constant level of brine must be maintained in the shell for the satisfactory operation of the freshwater generator. Brine is the concentrated water of the sea after the release of water vapours. This brine is gradually extracted from the shell. Typically, this is obtained by the combined air-brine ejector. It extracts air as well as brine from the shell of FWG. Any fault with the ejector causes the brine level to increase.
c.) Possible causes are:
Brine level inside shell too high.
Leaking condenser tubes or plates.
Operation of evaporator near shore with contaminated feed water.
Shell temperature and pressure too low.
Increased solubility of CO2 generated from the salt water due to reduced sea water temperature. This dissolved CO2 makes water acidic and conductivity of water increases. Salinometer therefore shows increased salinity, which is a measure of conductivity and non-salt presence.
In some cases, the quality of the produced freshwater may not meet the desired standards. describe what actions to take should this occur
Evaluate Feed water Quality:Check the quality of the seawater being fed into the system. High levels of contaminants or unusual seawater conditions can affect the quality. Address any issues with the feed water source, such as pre-filtration or pre-treatment, to improve the incoming water quality.
Inspect and Clean Pre-filtration Systems:Examine and clean the pre-filtration systems, including filters and strainers, to ensure they are effectively removing larger particles and contaminants from sea water
Check Chemical Dosage:Review the dosage of chemicals, such as antiscalants or biocides, used in the system. Incorrect dosing or expired chemicals can impact quality. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for proper chemical dosage and replace expired chemicals.
what is meant by atmospheric pressure?
It’s the force exerted on a surface by the air as gravity pulls it to earth. The pressure value at which air around you will press against everything. This pressure value is called atmospheric pressure (pressure within atmosphere or earth)
describe the materials used in construction for a FWG
Materials used in construction for a FWG
The FWG shell is usually fabricated steel (or non-ferrous metal like cuprous-nickel) which has been shot blasted then coated with some form of protection. One type of coating is sheet rubber which is rolled and bonded to the plate then hardened afterwards by heat treatment. Heat exchangers are made with aluminium brass tubes and muntz metal (copper alloy composed of 60% copper and 40% zinc) tube plate in the case of shell and tube type fresh water generator. For plate type, titanium plates are used for condenser and evaporator. Demister is made of a layered wire of monel metal (nickel alloy).