Pulp Morphology Flashcards
What tissue is the pulp?
Connective tissue
What cells are present in the pulp?
Odontoblasts, fibroblasts, defence cells
What are the extra cellular components (fibres/matrix) of the pulp that make up the ECM?
Fibres - oxytalan, collagen
Matrix - proteoglycans, chondroitin SO4, dermatan SO4
What is present in the pulp?
Extracellular components
Nerves (autonomic (sympathetic))
Blood vessels
Where does pulp open up to the external environment?
At the apex of the root
What is non-mineralised dentine called?
What type of dentine is closest to the pulp?
What are the functions of the pulp?
Nutrition (blood vessels)
Dentine growth (primary/secondary)
Dentine repair (tertiary)
Defence (immune cells, lymphatics)
Neural (sensory-pain, control of dentinogenesis)
What are the type of links between dentine and pulp?
What are the developmental links between dentine and pulp?
Both dentine and pulp develop from the dental papilla which originates from ectomesenchyme cells
What are the structural links between dentine and pulp?
Elements from the pulp extend into dentine such as:
Odontoblast processes
Nerve terminals
Immune cells (dendritic cells)
Dentinal fluid
What is never found in normal dentine?
Blood vessels
Where is the origin of fluid in the pulp from?
Fluid leaks from the pulp blood capillaries into the interstitial space
What are the systems that controls the flow of fluid within vessels?
Where does the fluid in the interstitial space go?
Some drained by lymphatics in the pulp
Some passes along the dentinal tubules (dentinal fluid)
What is the flow of the fluid proportional to?
Proportional to the pressure inside the pulp
What are the functional links between dentine and pulp?
Formation of secondary dentine
Formation of tertiary dentine in response to trauma
Exchange of material between the pulp and dentine
What are the types of tertiary dentine?
Reactionary dentine
Reparative dentine
What is the difference between the two types of tertiary dentine?
Reactionary dentine is laid down in response to mild stimulus by primary odontoblasts
Reparative dentine is laid down - in response to intense stimulus that destroys the primary odontoblasts - by secondary odontoblasts
Which type of dentine is formed slower?
Secondary throughout life
What can cause tooth wear?
Mastication (abrasion)
Bruxism (attrition)
Abfraction (caused by occlusal overload)
Diet (erosion)
Operative procedures (cavity cutting, crown preparation)
Where does abfraction cause tooth-wear?
Fractures in the cervical region of enamel
Besides producing dentine, what do odontoblasts form?
A permeable barrier between pulp and dentinal tubules - to regulate exchange of materials between pulp and tubular extracellular fluid
How does the movement occur between the pulp and dentinal tubules?
In both directions