Pulmonology Flashcards
Mc cause of acute bronchitis
Tx for acute bronchitis
Sx: Albuterol, antitussives No ABX usually needed d/t 80% viral
Sx. of Flu
Myalgias, sudden onset of fever and chills
Tx for Influenza A only
Tx for Flu A and B
Define Catarrahl stage of pertussis
URI sx in first 1-2 wks
Define Paroxysmal stage of pertussis
Cough with post-tussive emesis
Define convalescent stage of pertussis
Sx lasting months after pertussis
Primary Tx of pertussis
Macrolides (azithromycin)
2ndary tx of pertussis
sulfa drugs
Viral PNA cxr
Perihilar markings
MC pathogen of CAP
S. pneumo
Lobar consolidation
Vocal fremitus is _______ in consolidation (bacterial) PNA
Percussion is ________ in consolidation (Bacterial) PnA
Whispered petroliloquy is ______ in consolidation (Bacterial) PNA
diagnostic test of choice for bacterial PNA
CXR findings of consolidation PNA
Air bronchograms, Lobar consolidation, Atelectasis
MC cause of viral pna in infants/small children
RSV and Parainfluenza
MC cause of viral Pna in adults
MC cause of VIRAL PNA in AIDS or transplant pt.
MC cause of atypical (walking) PNA esp in school aged college students or military recruits
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Sx present in Mycoplasma pneumo
Pharyngitis Bullous myringitis URI sx.
PNA in ETOH’ics
Klebsiella pna
Legionella PNA is not transmitted through ________ instead through ______
person to person contact cooling towers, AC, contaminated water supply
Legionella PNA additional sx
N/V/D Inc LFT’s
HCAP mc pathogens
Gram negative rods (pseudomonas,)
Tx for Legionella PNA
Out patient tx for CAP in pt w/o comorbidities
Macrolide (azithro), Tetracyclines (doxy)
Out pt tx for CAP in pt w/ CHF, old age, DM, lung dz.
Respiratory fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin)
Out pt tx for CAP in Pediatric pt
Azithro, Amox/augmentin
Tx for psuedomonas HCAP
When you hear HIV and PNA what opportunistic AIDS defining pathogen do you think.
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Tx. for pneumocystis jiroveci
BACTRIM prophylactically!
All fungal PNA present similarly with what Sx.
Fever, night sweats, malaise, and cough
Histoplasmosis is found in what part of the country
MS/OH river valley
Blastomycosis is found in what part of the country
Coccidiomycosis is found in what part of the country
Desert Southwest
3 stages of TB
Infection, Latent, Reactivation
Are pt’s in the Latent stage of TB infective?
Constitutional sx of TB
Fever, night sweats, anorexia, fatigue
Pulm Sx of TB
Chronic productive cough Hemoptysis
What is considered a positive TB test in an immuno-compromised, HIV, or close contact with confirmed TB pt?
>5mm of induration
What is the test time frame for PPD?
48-72 hours
What is considered a positive TB test in IVDA, Prisoners, Military, DM, or Hospital workers?
What is considered a postive PPD in the general population?
Diagnosis of TB requires what?
3 days of AM sputum culture
Tx of active TB?
Empiric “RIPE” Rifampin INH Pyrazinamide Ethambutol (Add B6 Pyridoxine-for prevention of peripheral neuropathy)
When is TB PT no longer considered infectious?
2 weeks after initiation of tx.
Total tx duration of TB
6ms (or 3 mos with neg. sputum culture)
Tx of non-contagious Latent TB?
INH + Pyridoxine (Vit B6) if INF resistant: Rifampin
What is the most common cause of cancer death worldwide?
Lung CA
Characteristics of a benign pulmonary nodule on CXR
<3cm Slow growing Smooth Central calcification (RARE cavitation)
Follow up for nodule <3cm on CXR
serial CXR watchful waiting q3m CT scan BX if concern for malignancy
Characteristics of Malignant pulmonary nodule o CXR
Irregular shape, spiculated Rapid growth (may double in 4mo) Cavitary w/ thickened walls
MC cause of brochogenic carcinoma
MC eiology of bronchogenic carcinoma
1st line tx for NSCLC
MC type of NSCLC
SCLC tx.
Chemo w/ or w/o radiotherapy, Surgery not usually tx of choice
presentation of SCLC
Usually has Mets by the time presents,
Define Horner’s syndrome
miosis, ptosis, anhydrosis
What percentage of sx secondary to sarcoid are pulmonary?
What other systems besides pulmonary are affected by sarcoidosis
Lymph Skin Visual Myocardial Rhem Neuro
What sx are present in sarcoidosis w/ Lymph component?
Hilar notes, Painless intrathoracic lymphadenopathy
What sx are present in sarcoidosis w/ Skin component?
Erythema nodosum: bilat tender red nodules on ant legs Lupus Pernio: Violacsous, rased discolration of nose, ear cheek and chin (resembles frostbite)
What disorder is pathognomonic for sarcoidosis
Lupus Pernio
What sx are present in sarcoidosis w/ Visual component?
Uveitis: blurred vision, ocular discomfort, photophobia. Conjunctivitis
What sx are present in sarcoidosis w/ Myocardial component?
arrhythmias cmyops
What sx are present in sarcoidosis w/Rheum component?
arthralgias Splenomegaly
What sx are present in sarcoidosis w/ Neuro component?
CN palsies
CXR of sarcoidosis
Nodular lesions with hilar lymphadenopathy
Pt’s with sarcoidosis are (Hyper/Hypo)-Calcemic?
Tx of sarcoidosis
Steroids for sx only
Where are pt’s with Asbestosis exposed?
Ships and insulation
Where are pt’s with silicosis exposed?
Sand blasting, foundry work
Where are pt’s with “black lung” exposed
“miner’s lung” - coal
50 year old man is seen c/o dyspnea and non-productive cough. Fine bibasilar inspiratory crackles are hears. Noted clubbing of fingers. What is suspected dx.? Also what would you expect to see on CXR?
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis CXR-“honeycombing”, ground glass opacities
Managment of idiopathic pumonary fibrosis
smoking cessation and O2. Lung transplant only cure
Where are pt’s with Berylliosis exposed?
Flourescent light bulb factories, aerospace, electronics
CXR of Asbestosis
Pleural plaques, interstitial fibrosis (honeycomb of lungs), primarily in lower lungs!!!
Chronic exposure to _____ leads to 80% of Mesothelioma cases.
Define pleural effusion
Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural space
MC cause of transudative pelural effusion
Transudate pleural effusion occurs d/t
Circulatory system fluid
Exudate pleural effusion occurs d/t
local pulmonary factors inc vascular permeability
sx of pleural effusion
asymptomatic dyspnea “pleuritic cp” cough
In pleural effusion tactile fremitus is ______ ?
In pleural effusion breath sounds are ______?
In pleural effusion Percussion is _____?
What CXR is best for assumed pleural effusion
Lat Decub.
Gold standard tx for pelural effusion
Thoracentesis (Dx and therapeutic)
Do not remove greater than ____ during 1 thoracentesis?
What are the 3 types of PTX?
Spontaneous Traumatic Tension
Managment of tension pneumothorax
Immediate needle aspiration followed by chest tube thoracostomy
Where do you place the needle for aspiration of tension PTX
2nd ICS MCL just above the third rib in order to avoid the NAV that rides under the 2nd rib
Placement of chest tube for tube thoracostomy in PTX
5th ICS Anterior to midaxiallary line
Virchow’s Triad
- Stasis
- Hypercoaluability
- Intimal Damage
Classic Triad of Sx for PE
- dyspnea
- Pleuritic cp
- Hemoptysis
CXR finding of Westermark Sign or Hamptons’ Hump Is an uncommon finding suggestive of

Westermarks Sign
Avascular markings distal to area of embolus

Hampton’s Hump:
Wedge shaped infiltrate

Tension Pneumo

Lobar pneumonia
Perihilar markings
Viral Pna

Fluid seen in R lower lung. Dull CVA
Pleural effusion
Most common CXR findings of PE
Most CXR in PE will be normal
ECG finding in PE
Sinus tach and non specific ST/T changes are MC
Also S1Q3T3 (more likely to be seen w/ massive PE
Initial screening test for PE
Helical CT scan
Gold standard for PE testing
Pulmonary angiography: usually only done if high suspicion and neg CT or VQ scan
Tx for pt with PE who is hemodynamically stable
UFH or SQ LMWH followed by PO warfarin once therapeutic
Tx for PE in hemodynamically unstable
Thrombolytic tx or embolectomy if anticoag is contraindicated
How long must you tx a pt with PE after intiial DVT
What is the reversal agent for LMWH and UFH
Protamine sulfate
Define heparin Induced thrombocytopenia
Suspect HIT if drop in platelet count by 50% of baseline after initiation of Heparin tx.
What are the PERC criteria
Age <50
Pulse <100
O2 sat >95%
No prior PE
No trauma
No Hemoptysis
No estrogens
No unilateral leg swelling
Scoring for Well’s Criteria
<4 = Low probability
4.5-6 = Mod Probability
>6 = High probability
Pathogensis of Pulmonary HTN
Inc. Pulmonary vascular resistance –> RVH –> R sided HF
Primary Pulm HTN Mc cause
Secondary Pulm HTN mc cause
Pulm dz (COPD MC)
Physical exam of Pulm HTN pt
Signs of R sided HF:
Inc. JVP
Peripheral edema
Definitive diagnosis of Pulm HTN
R sided cath: Pulm art pressure >25mmHg at rest
Managment of Pulm HTN
Calcium Channel Blockers are 1st line tx
thumbprint sign on XRay indicative of what?
MC pathogen of acute epiglottitis
Group A strep (used to be Hflu)
Tx of Epiglottitis
Immediate intubation
3rd Gen cephalosporins
Steeple sign on Xray indicative of
What is heard on exam for pt with Croup
Inspiriatory stridor
MC cause of croup
Tx of croup
Hydration, humidity, steroids
Racemic epi if struggling
What is the most common cause of respiratory distress in an infant?
Hyaline Membrane Dz
Cause of Hyaline Membrane Dz
Deficiency of surfactant

Gilateral atelectasis and “ground glass appearance”
Hyaline Membrane Dz
Tx of Hyaline membrane dz
O2, early intubation, Ventilation, Surfactant replacement
What is the most common lower respiratory illness in infants and children < 2 yo
Acute Bronchiolitis
MC pathogen of Bronchiolitis
Tx for Bronchiolitis
Hospitalize if severe
Bronchodilators, corticosteroids are controversial use
Sx of Foreign body aspiration
Sudden onset cough, choking, wheezing or resp disterss
Tx of Foreign body aspirant
Rigid bronchoscopy if lower airway
Heimlich if in upper airway
What is the “hallmark of ARDS”
Severe refractory hypoxemia not responsive to 100% O2
What is the genetic makeup of CF
Autosomal Recessive
What is the most common pathogen of lower respiratory tract infection in a pt with CF?
Pathognomonic for CF
Meconium ileus
W/u for CF?
Sweat chloride test is definitive
Define bronchiectasis
Irreversable bronchial dilation 2ndary to inflammation of the bronchi leading to obstruction of airflow and mucus clearance. leading then to lung infections
MC cause of bronchiectasis in the US
If not due to CF what is the mc cause of recurrent lung infections leading to bronchiectasis in the US
H flu
Sx of bronchiectasis
Daily chronic cough w/ mucopurulent sputum
What is the MC cause of massive hemoptysis
What is the MC cause of hemoptysis in general
lung ca
Lung exam of Bronchiectasis
persistent crackles at bases is common
Preferred imaging for Bronchiectasis
High res CT scan

Tram track appearance: thickening of of bronchial wall on CT

Signet Ring sign: Pulm artery coupled w/ dilated bronchus
Tx for Bronchiectasis
ABX cornerstone,
Empiric: Ampicillin
Psuedomonas (CF): FQ
COPD encompases 2 diagnoses. What are they?
Chronic Bronchitis
Greatest RF for COPD
In patients under 40 with positive fam hx with COPD RF possible
A1-antitrypsin deficiency
Define Emphysema
Abnormal permanent elargement of terminal airspaces
Define Chronic Bronchitis
Prod cough > 3mos x 2 y consecutively
Hallmark Sx of Emphysema
Hallmark sx of COPD
Prod cough
Physical exam of Ephysema
Hyperinfalation of lungs
decreased breath souds
Barrel Chested
Pursed lip breathing (Pink puffer)
Physical exam of chronic bronchitis
Rales (crackles), Rhonchi, wheezing
Signs of Cor Pulmonale: peripheral edema and cyanosis
Gold standard test in COPD
FEV1<____? is indicative of increased mortality
Primary tx for COPD
Quit smoking
Pharmocological tx for COPD
Combo tx w/ B2agonists + anticholinergics greatest response
Ach: Tiotropium/Ipratropium
B2A: albuterol, terbutaline, salmeterol
When should you avoid using Ach in a patient with COPD
Patients with BPH and Glaucoma may worsen with ach
When should you not use B2agonist in a pt with COPD
severe CAD
Gold Criteria Stage 1 Predicted PFT with Tx
FEV1>80%: Bronchodilators (prn short acting)
Gold criteria stage II PFT% predicted and tx
FEV1 50-79%: Bronchodilators (prin short acting), + Long acting dilator
GOLD stage 3 PFT % predicted and tx.
FEV1 30-50%; Bronchodilators (prn short acting) + Long acting dilator (salmeterol) + Pulm rehab and steroids when exacerbations
Gold stage 4 PFT% predicted and tx.
FEV1 <30: Bronchodilators (prn short acting) + Long acting (salmeterol) + pulm rehab & steroids when exacerbations + O2 therapy
Atopic traid
- Asthma
- Nasal Polyps
- ASA/NSAID allergy
Gold standard of asthma diagnosis
Define Intermittent Asthma severity
Sx < 2x week
SABA use < 2x/week
Night time awakenings: < 2x/mo
No interference w/ aodl
PFT’s of Intermittent Asthma severity
Normal FEV1 between exacerbations
FEV1>80 predicted
FEV1/FVC normal
TX for Intermittent asthma exacerbations
inhaled SABA PRN
Define Milkd persistent asthma
sx: >2d/wk (but not daily)
Saba use: > 2d/wk (but not >1x/day)
Nighttime awakenings: 3-4x/mo
AODL: Minor limitation
PFT’s of Persistent Mild Asthma
FEV1>80% predicted
FEV1/FVC Normal
Tx of persistent Mild Asthma
Inhaled SABA (Albeterol)
Low dose ICS (beclemethasone, Flunisolide, Triamcinolone)
Define Moderate persistent Asthma
sx: Daily
SABA use: Daily
Nighttime awakenings: >1x/week (but not nightly)
AODL: Some limitation
PFT’s of Moderate persistent Asthma
FEV1 60-80% predicted
FEV1/FVC reducted by 5%
TX of moderate persistent asthma
Low ICS (beclemethasone, flunisolide, triamcinolone) + Laba (Salmeterol, advair)
Inc ICS to medium
Add LTRA (Montelukast, Zafirlukast)
Define Severe Persistent Asthma
Sx: throughout the day
SABA: several times throughout the day
Nighttime awakenings: Often 7x/week
AODL: Extremely limited
PFT’s of Severe persistent Asthma
FEV1 <60 predicted
FEV1/FVC reduced by > 5%
TX of Severe persistent asthma
High dose ICS + LABA
+/- Omalizumab (Anti-IgE drug)