Pulmonology Flashcards
Sarcoid path, presentation, dx, tx
Unknown etiology ==> noncaseating granuloma
Usually middle-aged black women Cough, dyspnea, fever, weight loss Eye pain (uveitis) Joint pain (arthritis) Lymphadenopathy Erythema nodosum (fat inflammation = COMMON!)
ACE elevation
XR: bilateral hilar (mediastinal & paratreacheal) adenopathy with reticulonodular infiltrates
Eye exam: erythema with leukocytes (uveitis)
Biopsy: noncaseating granuloma ==> required for dx!
Systemic glucocorticoids
Anterior mediastinal ddx*
4T's Thymoma Teratoma (all nonseminomatous germ cell tumors: yolk, chorio, embryonal ==> elevated AFP and b-HCG) Terrible Lymphoma Thyroid
Emergent vs non-emergent hemoptysis*
> 600mL hemoptysis or >100mL/hr ==> immediate intubation ==> lay on side of suspected bleeding ==> bronch
diagnostic workup
Pulmonary nodule workup* (need more help here)
- Determine risk: high, intermediate, low
High: malignancy hx (breast ca), recent size changes, irregular calcification, pleural involvement, >2cm ==> surgical excision
Intermediate: ??? ==> PET
Low: CXR or CT q3 months for 1 year ==> q6 months onward
Obstructive lung path, ddx, dx*
Obstruction causes gas trapping
ABCT Asthma Bronchiectasis COPD Tracheobronchial obstruction
Increased RV Increased TLC Low-normal FVC (functional vital capacity) Very decreased FEV1 < 75% expected **FEV1 / FVC < 75% expected**
DLCO: increased with asthma*, normal with bronchitis, decreased with emphysema
Lung volume measurements
TV: normal breath = 500mL
ERV: full exhale after normal breath
RV: excess post-exhale; not measured by spirometry
IRV: full inhale after normal breath
VC: total air available for inhale/exhale = ERV + TV + IRV
Restrictive lung path, ddx, dx
Loss of compliance decreases lung expansion ==> lower volumes
AIN’T (compliant)
Alveolar: ARDS, edema, hemorrhage [Wegener’s, Goodpasture’s], pus
ILD: sarcoid, silicosis, fibrosis*
Neuromuscular: myasthenia, polio, phrenic nerve palsy
Thoracic wall: kyphosis, obesity, ascites, pregnancy
Decreased FEV1 but proportionally same as FVC ==> thus FEV1/FVC > 75% expected
FVC < 80%
Decreased diffusion capacity
Very decreased RV
Asthma path, presentation, dx, tx* w/ intubation criteria*
REVERSIBLE obstruction 2/2 hyperreactivity, inflammation, hypertrophy
Cough, wheezing etc.
Prolonged expiratory phase
Pulsus paradoxus (>10mmHg decrease SBP w/ inspiration)
Late: decreased breath sounds
*Nocturnal symptoms with sore throat = GERD, even without dyspepsia ==> PPI!
Mild hypoxia
Respiratory alkalosis ==> progressing to acidosis when severe*
Decreased FEV1 / FVC improves with bronchodilator test*
------ Acute tx: Albuterol ==> ipratroprium ==> steroids ------ Intubate if: Fatigue Altered MS "Silent chest" PCO2 > 50 PO2 < 50
Chronic tx:
Intermittent: sx < 2x week, nighttime awakenings albuterol
Mild persistent: sx < daily, nighttime awakening < 4x per month, 80% FEV1 ==> albuterol + fluticasone
Moderate: sx daily, nighttime awakening weekly, 60% FEV1 ==> albuterol + fluticasone + salmeterol
Severe: constant sx, FEV1 < 60% ==> albuterol + fluticasone + salmeterol + prednisone
Bronchiectasis path, presentation*, dx, tx
Bronchial infection / inflammation cycle ==> fibrosis ==> thickening & dilation of bronchi
Recurrent infection hx* Purulent mucus (more than bronchitis!) Occasional hemoptysis Rales: crackles Wheezes Ronchi: low pitched moans
XR: increased bronchovascular markings, but non-specific. Must do CT!
CT: thickened, dilated bronchi ==> sputum analysis
Decreased FEV1 / FVC ratio
Lung exercises
COPD path, presentation, dx, tx*
Obstruction 2/2 Bronchitis: productive cough > 3 months/yr x2 yrs Emphysema: terminal airway dilation 2/2 smoking or alpha-1-antitrypsin (unopposed elastase activity) ----- SPECTRUM Bronchitis: blue bloaters Dyspnea Overweight Rhonchi & wheezes Early hypercarbia*
Emphysema: pink puffers Dyspnea Thinner Hyperresonance* Decrease breath sounds* & wheezes Later hypercarbia* ----- Bronchitis: Hypoxemia Early hypercarbia* XR: PROMINENT vascular markings, flat diaphragms NORMAL DLCO
Emphysema: Hypoxemia Late hypercarbia* XR: MINIMAL vascular markings, pleural blebs & parenchymal bullae DECREASED DLCO ------ Chronic: Oxygen & smoking cessation ==> only proven survival tx Corticosteroids Prevention (pneumococcal & flu vaccines) Dilation (albuterol, ipratroprium)
Acute exacerbation*
Ipratroprium + albuterol + systemic steroid
Keep 02 < 95% ==> too much 02 reduces deoxyhemoglobin, which has higher affinity for C02, thus increasing C02 retention ==> hypercarbia MS change, seizure
Intubation: try non-invasive PEEP first, then intubate if refractory, pH <7.1, or MS changes
Interstitial lung disease path, presentation, dx*, tx
Inflammation and fibrosis of inter alveolar septa 2/2:
amiodarone, IPF, silicosis etc.
NON-productive cough
CT: Reticulonodular ground glass w/ honeycombing*
Decreased TLC, FVC
Decreased DLCo
Increased A-a gradient*
Normal FEV1 / FVC*
Biopsy showing interstitial fibrosis to confirm
Lung transplant
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis path, presentation, dx, tx**
Environmental exposure causing alveolar inflammation ==> progresses to pulmonary fibrosis
Weird exposure, like a bird-handler
Fever, chills
XR: bilateral, lower lung hazy, ground glass
Avoid antigen (even if its their job!) ==> steroids speed recovery
Pneumoconiosis path, ddx w/ presentations, complications, dx
Inhalation of small particles ==> restrictive lung disease
Construction or shipbuilding
Mesothelioma & other lung cancers
Restrictive lung disease: decreased diffusion capacity*, decreased TLC, normal FEV1/FVC
CXR: opacities @ lung bases; pleural plaques
Coal miner’s black lung pop:
Small upper lung nodular opacities
Restrictive lung disease: decreased diffusion capacity*, decreased TLC, normal FEV1/FVC
Massive fibrosis
Silicosis: Mines, rock quarries, pottery Small upper lung nodular opacities with ovoid eggshell calcifications on XR Restrictive lung disease Increased TB risk needing annual test
Aerospace, nuclear, electronics, dental
Diffuse infiltrates with hilar adenopathy
Lifelong steroids
Alveolar gas equation & shunt vs V/Q mismatch
PA(alveolar)02 = 150 - [Pa(arteriolar)02/0.8]
Normally = 10-15
Shunt: no V, all Q ==> no response to 02
Other: responds to 02
ARDS path, presentation, dx, tx including ventilation settings*
Endothelial injury ==> decreased lung compliance, pulmonary edema, impaired gas exchange, pulmonary HTN
Acute onset 12-48 hrs
Widened A-a gradient Respiratory acidosis Pa02 / Fi02 < 200 Stanz Ganz < 18 [not cardiac origin] CXR: bilateral diffuse infiltrates
High PEEP to open alveoli (risk of tension pneumo*)
Keep TV low to reduce alveolar injury (so don’t answer increase TV)
Fi02 < 40 to prevent oxygen poisoning
Cor pulmonale name, path, ddx, presentation, dx, tx
Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary artery pressure > 25 2/2:
- Pulmonary artery HTN
- L-sided heart disease ==> pulmonary venous pressure
- Hypoxic vasoconstriction 2/2 lung disease
- PE
- Idiopathic
Dyspnea Fatigue Maybe hemoptysis Progresses to R-sided CHF sx: edema, JVD, ascites Loud, split S2 (P2 closes before A2)
CXR: enlarged pulmonary artery, enlarged R heart border
ECG: RV hypertrophy / R-axis deviation
Pulmonary embolism path, presentation, dx, tx
Pulmonary vascular occlusion 2/2 clot (usually iliac*, femoral, popliteal upper leg)
*Virchow's triad: venous stasis, endothelial injury, hypercoagulability Immobility history Dyspnea ==> 75% Chest pain ==> 65% Fever Hemoptysis* Hypoxia HYPOcarbia 2/2 hyperventilation ==> respiratory alkalosis Prominent P2 Pleural effusion*
Well’s criteria:
If low risk ==> D-dimer: sensitive, not specific
If high risk ==> spiral CT / angiogram with contrast (or V/Q scan if renal failure)
CT: wedge-shaped pleural opacification*
Elevated A-a gradient
Respiratory alkalosis with pO2
Elevated PA and RA pressure with normal PCWP*
If high risk: immediate anticoagulation* ==> CT ==> embolectomy or thrombolytic if positive
Chronic: warfarin with INR 2-3 or filter if warfarin contraindicated
General non-small cell lunger cancer PE signs
Horner’s: apical tumor ==> miosis, ptosis, anhidrosis
SVC syndrome: SVC obstruction ==> JVD & facial swelling
Brachial plexus arm pain 2/2 superior sulcus tumor location*
Adenocarcinoma path, unique subtype, presentation, dx*, tx
Most common lung cancer
Bronchoalveolar: only one not associated with smoking*
Smoker (except bronchoalveolar!)
Weight loss
CXR: peripheral** location (multi nodular if bronchoalveolar)
FNA (bc peripheral)
Resectable if early
Squamous cell carcinoma path, presentation, unique pe findings, dx*, tx
Weight loss
Horner’s: apical tumor ==> miosis, ptosis, anhidrosis
SVC syndrome: SVC obstruction ==> JVD & facial swelling
Brachial plexus arm pain 2/2 superior sulcus tumor location*
CXR: central perihilar location* with potential necrosis/cavitation
Resectable if early
Large cell carcinoma
Neuroendocrine origin
Poor prognosis
Pleural effusion path, presentation, dx**, tx
Transudative = high capillary pressure (CHF*, cirrhosis) or low oncotic pressure (nephrotic syndrome) Exudative = increased vascular permeability
Transudative: above Exudative: Infection, malignancy, PE* Dyspnea Pleuritic chest pain Dullness to percussion* Decreased breath sounds* Decreased fremitus* (only pneumonia consolidation increases fremitus) Pleural friction rub maybe
CXR: costophrenic angle blunting
**Thoracentesis unless bilateral or CHF ==> bronchoscopy afterward
Exudate pH < 7.4
LIGHT’S criteria for exudative effusion:
pleural:serum protein > 0.5
pleural:serum LDH > 0.6
pleural LDH > 2/3 normal serum LDH value
Chest tube & drain if complicated / big
Cystic fibrosis path, presentation*, dx, tx
Autosomal recessive chloride ion transporter dysfunction
Recurrent nasal & pulmonary infection
Digital clubbing
Sweat test or quantitative pilocarpine iontophoresis
Consolidation PE*
Louder, longer expiratory breath sounds that effusion
Increased* fremitus (effusion doesn’t)
Whispered pectoriloquy
Exercise induced asthma presentation, tx
Wheezing w/ exercise or cold
Associated with atopic dermatitis
Albuterol BEFORE exercise
DVT path, presentation, dx, tx*
Painful swelling
Heparin ==> stabilize clot (won’t lyse it) and retard growth
Bridge to warfarin once INR = 2-3 ==> 3-6 months*
Aspirin sensitivity syndrome path, presentation, dx, tx
Aspirin blocks COX ==> arachidonic acid shifts to 5-lipoxygenase pathway ==> increased leukotrienes ==> bronchoconstriction and polyp formation
MUST consider for any pt with wheezing & aspirin in stem
Nasal blockage 2/2 polyps
Occurs minutes to hours post-aspirin ingestion*
Empyema path, presentation, dx, tx
Pleural effusion infection 2/2 effusion or other trauma
CT Low glucose (2/2 WBC and bacterial metabolic activity)
If pH < 7.2 or glucose < 60 ==> drainage +/- fibrinolysis If complex (loculated, rind) ==> surgery
Non-productive cough ddx in non-smoker w/ tx*
ACE-inhibitor ==> remove
GERD ==> PPi
Post-nasal drip ==> antihistamine
Asthma ==> albuterol
Recurrent pneumonia in same place workup*
Usually 2/2 to obstruction (usually cancer), Ig deficiency, aspiration (alcoholics, GERD, elderly)
Serum Ig levels
CT to r/o cancer ==> bronchoscopy if obstructive cause found
A-1 antitrypsin vs emphysema dx*
Emphysema = centrilobular AAT = panlobular
Atypical pneumonia path, presentation, dx, tx
Mycoplasma*, Chlamydia, Legionella, Coxiella etc.
*NONPRODUCTIVE cough, unlike pneumonia
Extrapulmonary signs: erythema multiforme rash, headache, sore throat
Mycoplasma: no cell wall ==> no gram stain
Endotracheal tube complication*
Enters R mainstem bronchus
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency path, presentation, dx, tx
Deficiency of liver-produced enzyme that inhibits digestive enzymes (pancreatic trypsin and neutrophil elastase [lung]) with wide phenotypic variation
Emphysema, bronchitis etc.
Cirrhosis, hepatosplenomegaly
Serum levels of alpha-1-antitrypsin levels Hepatocyte inclusions (unreleased alpha-1-antitrypsin) with positive PAS reagent + diastase resistance
Purified A1AT
Lung transplant
Small cell lunger cancer path, presentation, dx, tx
Neuroendocrine tumor, commonly paraneoplastic associations
Cough, weight loss, hemoptysis
CXR: central location*
Hyponatremia 2/2 SIADH
Non-resectable ==> chemo only!