Derm Flashcards
Macule Papule Patch Plaque Vesicle Bulla
Flat lesion < 1cm Raised lesion < 5mm Macule > 1cm Papule >5mm Fluid filled lesion < 5mm Vesicle > 5mm
Type 1 hypersensitivity names, path, examples*,
“Anaphylaxis, atopic” “IgE mediated”
Preformed IgE antibodies on MAST/basophils react to antigen ==> fast, massive vasoactive amine release
Hives 2/2 drug reactions
Type 2 hypersensitivity names, path, examples*
“Cytotoxic” “Antibody mediated”
IgM/IgG and complement form membrane attack complex ==> cell lysis
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Erythroblastosis fetalis
Rheumatic fever
Type 3 hypersensitivity names, path, examples*
“Immune complex”
Antigen-antibody ==> complement ==> PMNs
SLE, glomerulonephritis, RA, polyarteritis nodosa
“Serum sickness”
Antibodies form over ~5 days ==> immune complexes form and lodge in membranes ==> complement fixation ==> tissue damage
Drug reaction
“Arthus reaction”
Preformed antibodies ==> vascular necrosis
2/2 vaccines
Type 4 hypersensitivity names, path, examples*
“delayed / cell mediated”
Sensitized T-lymphocytes release cytokines ==> macrophage damage (no antibody damage)
Transplant rejection
Contact dermatitis
Tb skin test
Atopic dermatitis / eczema path, presentation, dx, tx
Type 4 (?) skin rxn 2/2 many triggers (nickel, plants, emotional, climate etc.)
Presents different in different age groups**
- Infants: SYMMETRIC, erythematous, edematous, pruritic papules on face, scalp, chest, & EXTENSOR surfaces
- adolescents: dry, scaly, red papules on FLEXOR and neck
- adults: lichenification on FLEXOR surfaces, eyelids, hands
Eosinophilia & IgE elevation
Moisturizers ==> topical steroids ==> tacrolimus [2wks maximum]
Erythema toxicum neonatorum presentation, dx, tx
Blanching papules
1-3 days post delivery
Benign: no tx
Contact dermatitis path**, presentation, dx, tx
Type IV hypersensitivity reaction (requires prior exposure ==> T-cell activation)
Red, edematous, vesicles/papules often in distribution of offending agent
Clinical dx
Patch testing can identify agent
Topical steroids
Eczema herpeticum path, presentation, dx, tx*
Systemic HSV infection 2/2 eczema (aka atopic dermatitis)
Infant with atopic dermatitis history
Numerous vesicles and erythema over area of previous dermatitis
FEVER, adenopathy
IV acyclovir STAT!
Seborrheic dermatitis path, presentation*, dx, tx
Pityrosporum ovale yeast dermatitis with propensity for sebum & hair follicles
Infants: cradle cap (yellow scale on scalp)
Other: red-yellow, oily, scaly patches on ears, eyebrows, nose, scalp
*Common in Parkinson’s and AIDS patients
Dx: r/o contact dermatitis and psoriasis
- babies: routine bathing
- adults: zinc pyrithione or selenium sulfide shampoos; topical antifungal or corticosteroid
Psoriasis path, presentation, dx, tx
T-cell inflammation in dermis ==> epidermal hyperplasia
Begins in teens, early adulthood
Red plaque, sharp demarcations, with SILVERY scale
EXTENSOR surfaces
Nail changes: oil spots, pitting, lifting
Auspitz’ sign: bleeding when scraped
Biopsy: thickened epidermis with preserved nuclei (parakeratosis) in stratum corneum (outermost epidermis) and neutrophilic inflammation; elongated rete ridges
Topical steroids
Keratolytic agents: tar, UV light
Vitamin D3
Methotrexate if severe
Urticaria (hives) path, presentation, dx, tx
Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction of MAST cell histamine & prostaglandin release
Rapid onset hives…
IM epinephrine
Airway management
Drug eruption path, presentation, dx, tx
Types 1-4 hypersensitivity…could be any!
Usually 7+ days post-drug…so unlikely if 1-2 days after starting new drug
Symmetric, pruritic rash
Remove drug
Topical steroids & antihistamines
Erythema multiform “minor” (EM) path, presentation*, dx, tx, risks
Often 2/2 HSV or mycoplasma
Red, target-shaped lesions
+/- MINOR constitutional symptoms
Symptomatic tx only… no steroids needed
Risk ==> progression to SJS or TEN (share single disease spectrum)*
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS, EM “major”) / Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) path, presentation, dx*, tx
Immune-complex mediated hypersensitivity ==> exfoliating skin, often 2/2 erythema multiform or drugs: phenytoin, carbamazepine, penicillin, sulfonamides (TMP-SMX), allopurinol, NSAIDs
SJS < 10% BSA
-same targetoid lesions as EM minor, but more prominent in mucosal and widespread lesions
-more prominent constitutional symptoms than EM minor
TEN > 30% BSA
Massive mucocutaneous rash
Often targetoid lesions
Genital involvement
+ NIKOLKSY SIGN: sloughing with light touch
- SJS = basal epidermis degeneration
- TEN = eosinophilic full thickness epidermal degeneration
Tx: systemic corticosteroids, IVIG
Erythema nodosum path, presentation, dx, tx
Panniculitis of legs, usually 2/2 infection, drugs, chronic inflammatory diseases
Painful pretibial nodules
Clinical dx
False + VDRL (like SLE)
Remove underlying cause or workup for trigger disease
Bullous pemphigoid path, presentation, dx, tx
Anti-bullous pemphigoid antigen and/or IgG & C3 attacking hemidesmosomes at BM dermal-epidermal junction
> 60 y/o
Tense, independent vesicles / bullae
Usually NOT mucosal
NEGATIVE Nikolsky’s sign
Immuno: IgG and C3 deposits at dermal-epidermal junction
Pemphigous vulgarism path, presentation, dx, tx
Anti-desmoglein antibody (IgG) destroys keratinocyte adhesion WITHIN epidermis, often 2/2 drugs: ACEi’s, penicillamine, penicillin, phenobarbital
40-60y/o Confluent, scaly erosions Usually mucosal involvement \+Nikolksy sign More severe course than BP
Clinical but biopsy can be used
High dose prednisone + IVIG etc.
HSV 1&2 path, presentation**, dx, tx
Dormant in nerve ganglia but infect epidermal cells causing fusion of epidermal giant cells
Herpes…painful lesion of lips & genitals
Herpetic whitlow: swollen herpetic lesion on hand 2/2 genital herpes or contact with saliva (dentists…)
Biopsy: multinucleated giant cell on Tzank smear (doesn’t r/o VZV)
Acyclovir (IV if severe)
Dermatitis herpetiformis path, presentation, dx, tx
Celiac hx
Pruritic papules and vesicles occurring bilaterally along elbow, knees, butt, neck, scalp
Immunoflouresence: IgA deposition at dermal papillae
Dapsone* + gluten free
Varicella zoster path, contagiousness, presentation, dx, tx
VZV…aka chicken pox
Passed via droplet or direct contact
10-20 day incubation
Contagious 24 hours pre-manifestation until lesions crust
Constitutional symptom prodrome
Pruritic rash anywhere EXCEPT palm/soles
Herpes zoster path, presentation*, dx, tx
VZV recurrence in a nerve (aka shingles)
Painful prodrome ==> dermatomal papules evolving into vesicles & bullae ==> crusting in 10 days
*Most common in immunocompromised and elderly
Clinical dx
-cyclovir & pain control
Molluscum contagiousum path, contagiousness, presentation, dx, tx
Poxvirus* in children or HIV/AIDS immunocompromised spread by direct contact
Waxy, flesh-colored papule with central umbilication usually on trunk, limbs, anogenital area
Clinical but also express fluid onto slide to find inclusion or molluscum bodies
Physical destruction with freezing or acid
Warts / verrucae path, presentation, dx, tx
HPV via direct contact
16 & 18 can cause squamous malignancy
Cauliflower-like or velvety white lesion
Genital: cryotherapy
Cervical: pap smear ==> colposcopy
Impetigo path, presentation*, dx, tx
Group A staph or strep skin infection
Common: macule ==> pustule ==> pops into honey color crusting, usually on face
Rare: bullous type on extremities, usually 2/2 S. aureus and can cause scalded skin syndrome (SSS)
Topical antibiotic with staph/strep activity, like mupirocin
Scarlet fever path, presentation*, dx, tx
Strep pyogenes
Preceded by throat infection ==> fever, vomiting, headache ==> upper body papules with sandpaper texture
Strawberry tongue
S. typhi presentation dx, tx
Truncal papules > 10
GI involvement
Floroquinolone + 3rd gen cephalosporin