Pulmonary embolism Flashcards
What are the risk factors for PE
Strong risk factors:
1) Fracture lower limb
2) Hospitalisation for the past 3m for CCF/ AF
3) MI for the past 3m
4) Hip/ knee replacement
5) Major trauma
6) Spinal cord injury
7) Previous VTE
Moderate risk:
1) Autoimmune
2) Post-partum
3) IVF
4) Hormone replacement therapy, OCP
5) Infection
6) Chemo/ cancer
7) Stroke
Low risk:
1) Bed rest >3d
2) DM
3) Obesity
4) Pregnancy
5) Prolonged sitting
6) Varicose vein
Urgent Mx of pt with haemodynamic instability with high suspicion of PE
Need to to heparin bolus while waiting for CTPA to confirm the PE.
Do not give LMWH or Warfarin ivo the potential need for reperfusion therapy - either with surgical embolectomy/ catheter embolectomy/ thrombolysis.
What is the definition of haemodynamic instability in PE?
1) Cardiogenic arrest - requires resuscitation
2) Obstructive shock -
SBP <90 or requires inotrope to keep it ≥90, and signs of hypopersuion (altered GCS, clammy, oliguria, raised lactate)
3) Persistent hypotension -
SBP <90 for ≥15 mins, and not due to arrhythmia/ infection/ hypoV
Screening tool for PE
Wells criteria:
1) Previous VTE
2) HR >100
3) Surgery/ immobility for the past 4w
4) Haemoptysis
5) Active cancer
6) Signs of DVT
7) Alternative Dx apart from PE is less likely
Result: PE likely if score ≥2
Another screening tool is Geneva rule
What is the tool used to assess PE severity?
PE Severity Index (PESI score): (risk of mortality in 30d)
There is the original PESI score, and simplified PESI score.
Simplified PESI:
Age >80
CCF/ chronic lung disease
HR ≥ 110
SPB ≤100
SpO2 <90%
30d mortality at 11% if ≥1 points
Ix in PE
1) D-dimer
- Use age-adjusted cutoff
- Negative predictive value is high –> normal value: unlikely VTE
- Can be positive in: Ca, severe infection, inflam disease, pregnancy
Sens 83%, spec 96%
3) VQ scan
- Lower radiation –> suitable for low clinical probability, young female, pregnant, contrast allergy & severe CKD
4) Echocardiogram
- Detects RV overload pressure and dysfunction
- Negative predictive value only 40-50% –> cannot exclude PE if negative
- In suspected high-risk PE, absence of RV overload/ dysfunction rules out PE as the cause of shock
5) Doppler US of LL
- Sens >90%, spec 95% for prox DVT
- No need for further imaging if prox DVT detected.
- If only distal DVT is seen, further test required to confirm PE
6) CXR – TRO other causes
7) ECG:
RV strain pattern: TWI V1-V4, R axis deviation, tall R in V1
sinus tachy,
atrial arrhythmia,
Incomplete or complete RBBB
8) Thrombophilia screen: to Ax the need for indefinite VTE Rx
Mx of PE
Acute phase:
1) O2 supplement
2) BP Mx:
- IVF,
- inotrope & vasopressor:(norad 0.2-1mcg/kg/min + dobutamine 2-20mcg/kg/min)
3) Resus
Thrombolysis therapy:
1) indication:
a) haemodynamic instability, or haemodynamic deterioration in pts already on anticoagulation (rescue thrombolysis)
b) Rx to be initiated within 48h of Sx, but still useful up to 14d
2) method:
- Use UFH until reperfusion therapy (do not use LMWH or others)
- 1st line: systemic thrombotic therapy
- 2nd line: surgical embolectomy or catheter-directed Rx (if systemic Rx is contraindicated or requiring ECMO)
- Consider ECMO in refractory circulatory/ cardiac arrest
- 1st line: NOAC or LMWH (use UFH in CrCl ≤30 or severe obesity)
- 2nd line: Warfarin is alternative to NOAC
- In malignancy related PE:
- 1st line: rivaroxaban (except in GI Ca)
2nd line: LMWH - Duration: ≥3m for all pts
a) Antiphospholipid syndrome (use warfarin) (recommended)
b) Not related to major transient or reversible risk factors
Extended duration beyond 3m: (to be considered for indefinite Rx)
a) no identifiable risk factors
b) Persistent risk factors (e.g. carriers of hereditary thrombophilia)
c) Minor transient/ reversible risk factor
d) In active Ca pts until Ca is cured
NOAC is contraindicated in:
Severe renal impairment
Antiphospholipid syndrome
In pregnancy:
- Use LMWH or fondaparinux (these do not cross placenta. VKA & NOAC cross placenta),
- Duration for ≥3m (with at least ≥6w post partum).
- Thrombolysis should NOT be used unless life-threatening.
- UFH can be used in acute Rx
Indications for IVC filters in PE Mx
1) prox DVT and
2) absolute contraindication to anticoagulant Rx,
3) recurrent PE despite adequate anticoag
4) primary prophylaxis in high risk VTE
5) Acute PE with active bleeding - to restart anticozag once bleeding ceases & remove IVC filters
PE Mx in specific conditions
1) Segmental PE
a) Single segmental found incidentally with no cancer: surveillance
b) with cancer: anticoag
2) PE in acute bleeding:
- insert IVC filter.
- resume anticoag once bleeding settled and remove IVC filter
3) Frail pt
- NOAC preferable, but not suitable for renal impairment –> give warfarin
4) in ESRF pt with PE
- initially heparin, consider anti-Xa
5) PE in preg: LMWH throughout preg & >6w postpartum
6) PE in cancer
a) in active cancer: LMWH or Rivaroxaban lifelong
b) in remission: NOAC or VKA
= Persistent obstruction of pulm art by organized thrombi –> redistribution of flow and remodelling of pulm microvasc
- Risk: 0.1-9% in first 2y of PE
- Rx:
a) Surgical pulm endarterectomy (PEA)
b) Balloon pulm angioplasty (BPA)
c) Pharmacological – anticoag + diuretic + O2
d) Anticoag used in CTEPH is VKA (NOAC does not have enough data)
d) Pulm HTN Rx: riociguat