Pulmonary Circulation and other Pulmonary Pathologies Flashcards
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema
- Cardiomegaly on XR
- Responds to O2
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema
- Damage to the alveoli or capillary without elevation of the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure.
- Ex: ARDS and PE
- Does not respond to O2
Neurogenic NCPE
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, head trauma
Re-perfusion NCPE
Lung injury, occurs after surgery
Re-expansion NCPE
S/p rapid expansion of collapsed lung in pneumothorax
Opioid overdose NCPE
Heroin overdose, tx: Naloxone (Narcan)
Salicylate NCPE
- Salicylate toxicity/poisoning, ASA OD
- Tx: Sodium bicarb
Inhalants NCPE
- Cleaning products, chlorine gas, ammonia
Virchows triad for PE
- Vascular intimal trauma: damage to inner lining of vessel
- Ex. HTN, smoking, ICDA, trauma, surgery
- Venous stasis: blood not in motion - stagnation thrombi
- Ex. Long flights, a.fib, pregnancy, obesity, varicose veins
- Hypercoagulable state: thick sludgy blood, sticks and forms clots
- Ex. BC pills, malignancy
Manifestations for PE
dyspnea (MC sx), tachypnea (MC sign), tachycardia (MC ekg finding)
MC diagnostic test for PE
Gold standard diagnostic test for PE
Pulmonary angiography
WHO classification for pulmonary HTN grade 1
- Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)
- idiopathic, familial, HIV, women, poor prognosis
WHO classification for pulmonary HTN grade 2
Left heart disease (MC)
WHO classification for pulmonary HTN grade 3
Lung disease and or chronic hypoxemia