Pulmonary Flashcards
Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary disease (5)
- chest pain
- clubbing
- cough (dry or wet)
- dyspnea (orthopnea: dyspena felt in supine position)
- cyanosis (central vs. peripheral)
3 types of pulmonary related chest wall deformities:
- barrel chest: thoracic cage permanently held in expanded inspiration position
- kyphosis/scoliosis (restricts lung capacities)
- funnel chest
infection localized to mucosa of the upper respiratory tract (nose, pharynx, larynx)
upper respiratory tract infections
examples of infection in the lower respiratory tract include (3):
- bronchitis
- pneumonia
- tuberculosis
Etiology: inflammation of the lung, caused by an infection or aspiration. mostly caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi
SandS: productive cough, SOB and decreased chest excursion, decreased or absent lung sounds, chest pain, aches and fever. Later: decrease in inflammation/ infection + cough, ++ adventitous lung sounds (crackles)
an infection caused by mycobacterium _______. Bacteria usually attack lungs, can effect kidney, spine and brain. multidrug resistant form d/t incomplete course of meds
etiology of ______:
- airborn transmission, oral droplets released from person with active infection
- droplets inhaled into lungs by another individual. prevention is key
SandS of tuberculosis:
- anorexia
- malaise
- fatigue
- weight loss
- night sweats
- prolonged, productive cough
a person with _______ TB cannot infect others with TB.
Tx: medication cocktail for 6+ months. PT not indicated
diseases that cause obstruction (blockage) of airways. total lung capicity may be normal, but time of maximal inhale or exhale is increased
obstructive lung diseases
5 examples of obstructive lung diseases include:
- chronic bronchitis
- asthma
- bronchiectasis
- emphysema
- cystic fibrosis
inflammation of mucous membranes of the bronchi
causes a cough, SOB and chest tightness
2 main types: acute and chronic
cough, with our without sputum
often occurs during acute viral illness ie. common cold
90% viral, 10% bacterial
meds: antibiotics and bronchodilators
acute bronchitis
productive cough that lasts for 3 months for 2 years in a row
often developed due to recurrent injury to the airways caused by inhaled irritants
secretions cause damage to small airways
chronic bronchitis
PT interventions for Chronic Bronchitis 4:
- airways clearance techniques
- improve exercise tolerance, aerobic capicity, str and functional mobility
- str training of respiratory mm
- training intensity at 60-85% Vo2max 3x/week at least 15 minutes