Pulmonary Flashcards
Classification of Asthma Severity in Adults (12 years +)
Frequency of symptoms
2 days or less/week = Intermittent
> 2 days/week but not daily = Mild Persistent
Daily = Moderate Persistent
Throughout the day = Severe Persistent
Classification of Asthma Severity in Adults (12 years +)
Nighttime awakening
2x or less/month = Intermittent
3-4x/month = Mild Persistent
More than once weekly but not nightly = Moderate Persistent
Often 7x/week = Severe Persistent
Classification of Asthma Severity in Adults (12 years +)
SABA use for symptom control
2 days or less/week = Intermittent
> 2 days/week but not daily = Mild Persistent
Daily = Moderate Persistent
Several times a day = Severe Persistent
Classification of Asthma Severity in Adults (12 years +)
Interference with activity
None = Intermittent
Minor limitation = Mild Persistent
Some limitations = Moderate Persistent
Extremely limited = Severe Persistent
Classification of Asthma Severity in Adults (12 years +)
FEV1 (% of normal)
> 80% (normal) = Intermittent
> 80% (normal) = Mild Persistent
> 60% to < 80% = Moderate Persistent
< 60% = Severe Persistent
Classification of Asthma Severity in Adults (12 years +)
Exacerbations requiring oral steroids
0-1/year = Intermittent
2 or more/year = Mild Persistent
2 or more/year = Moderate Persistent
2 or more/year = Severe Persistent
What is the recommended step for initiating treatment in asthma patients?
Intermittent = Step 1
Mild Persistent = Step 2
Moderate Persistent = Step 3 and consider short course of oral steroids
Severe Persistent = Step 4 or 5 and consider short course of oral steroids
When assessing asthma control, when would a patient be considered well controlled?
Symptoms = 2 days or less/week
Nighttime awakenings = 2x or less/month
Interference w/ normal activity = None
SABA use for symptom control = 2 days or less/week
Exacerbations requiring oral steroids = 0-1x/year
Recommended Treatment:
-Maintain current step
-Regular follow-up every 1-6 months
-Consider step-down if well control for 3+ months
When assessing asthma control, when would a patient be considered not well controlled?
Symptoms = > 2 days/week
Nighttime awakenings = 1-3x/week
Interference w/ normal activity = Some limitations
SABA use for symptom control = > 2 days/week
Exacerbations requiring oral steroids = 2x or more/year
Recommended Treatment:
-Step up one step
-Re-evaluate in 2-6 weeks
When assessing asthma control, when would a patient be considered very poorly controlled?
Symptoms = Throughout the day
Nighttime awakenings = 4x or more/week
Interference w/ normal activity = Extremely limited
SABA use for symptom control = Several times a day
Exacerbations requiring oral steroids = 2x or more/year
Recommended Treatment:
-Consider short course of oral steroids
-Step-up one-to-two steps
-Re-evaluate in 2 weeks
What are the instructions if using ICS/formoterol SMART inhaler therapy?
1-2 puffs (4.5 mcg of formoterol/puff) every 4 hours as needed
Max of 12 puffs/day
What is the recommended inhaler therapy for Step 1 in asthma?
NHLBI = No controller needed
2020 Focused Updates = SABA PRN
-Track 1: low-dose ICS/formoterol PRN
-Track 2: low-dose ICS when SABA is taken
Per NHLBI asthma treatment recommendations, what inhaler therapy is recommended for all steps?
*if patients using ICS/formoterol as controller in Steps 3/4, can consider using PRN for quick relief
What is the recommended inhaler therapy for Step 2 in asthma?
NHLBI = Low-dose ICS or PRN concomitant ICS + SABA
2020 Focused Updates = Low-dose ICS or PRN concomitant ICS + SABA
-Track 1: low-dose ICS/formoterol PRN
-Track 2: low-dose ICS
What is the recommended inhaler therapy for Step 3 in asthma?
NHLBI = Low-dose ICS/formoterol
2020 Focused Updates = Low-dose ICS/formoterol
*Alternate: Medium-dose ICS
-Track 1: low-dose ICS/formoterol
-Track 2: low-dose ICS/LABA
What is the recommended inhaler therapy for Step 4 in asthma?
NHLBI = Medium-dose ICS/formoterol
2020 Focused Updates = Medium-dose ICS/formoterol
-Track 1: medium-dose ICS/formoterol
-Track 2: medium-to-high-dose ICS/LABA
What is the recommended inhaler therapy for Step 5 in asthma?
NHLBI = Medium-to-high-dose ICS/LABA + LAMA; consider biologics for patients with allergic asthma
2020 Focused Updates = Medium-to-high-dose ICS/LABA + LAMA; consider biologics for patients with allergic asthma
-Track 1: add on LAMA; consider high-dose ICS/formoterol
-Track 2: add on LAMA; consider high-dose ICS/LAMA
What is the recommended inhaler therapy for Step 6 in asthma?
NHLBI = High-dose ICS/LABA plus systemic corticosteroids; consider biologics for patients with allergic asthma
2020 Focused Updates = High-dose ICS/LABA plus systemic corticosteroids; consider biologics for patients with allergic asthma
GINA = nothing mentioned
What black box warning does Montelukast carry?
Neuropsychiatric symptoms
What are side effects of LAMAs?
-Dry mouth
-Blurred vision
-Bitter or sweet taste
What are side effects of LABAs?
What are side effects of ICSs?
-Oral candidiasis
How is COPD diagnosed?
FEV1/FVC < 0.7
What is GOLD grade 1?
Mild; FEV1 80% or greater of predicted
What is GOLD grade 2?
Moderate; FEV1 50% or greater and less than 80% of predicted
What is GOLD grade 3?
Severe; FEV1 30% of greater and less than 50% of predicted
What is GOLD grade 4?
Very Severe; FEV1 < 30% of predicted
Which COPD group would the following fit into?
-1 or less exacerbations/year NOT leading to hospitalization
-mMRC 0-1 OR CAT < 10
Which COPD group would the following fit into?
-1 or less exacerbations/year NOT leading to hospitalization
-mMRC 2 or more OR CAT 10 or more
Which COPD group would the following fit into?
-2 or more exacerbations/year OR 1+ w/ hospitalization
-Fewer or more symptoms
What is the recommended initial treatment for patients with COPD group A?
What is the recommended initial treatment for patients with COPD group B?
What is the recommended initial treatment for patients with COPD group E?
*Consider LABA + LAMA + ICS if eos > 300 and/or history of or concurrent asthma
How should inhaler therapy be adjusted for patients who predominantly experience dyspnea per GOLD guidelines?
-Consider switching inhaler device
-Implement or escalate non-pharm treatment
-Investigate (and treat) other causes of dyspnea
How should inhaler therapy be adjusted for patients who predominantly experience exacerbations per GOLD guidelines?
LABA or LAMA -> LABA + LAMA + ICS (if eos 300+) -> Roflumilast (FEV1 < 50% and chronic bronchitis) or azithromycin
LABA or LAMA -> LABA + LAMA (if eos < 300) -> LABA + LAMA + ICS (if eos 100+)
What are side effects of roflumilast?
-Weight loss/decreased appetite
-Back pain
What is a COPD exacerbation?
Acute worsening of patient’s baseline respiratory symptoms that is worse than normal day-to-day variation
-Dyspnea and/or cough and/or an increase in quantity or purulence of sputum
What is the preferred initial treatment of a COPD exacerbation?
Inhaled SABA with/without SAMA
Prednisone 40 mg for 5-7 days
When are antibiotics indicated during a COPD exacerbation?
Presence of 2 of the 3 cardinal symptoms:
-Increased dyspnea
-Increased sputum volume
-Increased sputum purulence*
What antibiotics are appropriate for a COPD exacerbation?
-Azithromycin, clarithromycin
-Amoxicillin +/- clavulanate
Complicated (comorbid diseases, severe COPD, more than 3 exacerbations/year, antibiotic use in past 3 months)
How long should antibiotics be used for a COPD exacerbation?
5-7 days
What are the “5 A’s” of tobacco cessation?
-Assess (current use, motivations, history)
-Assist (offer and connect to treatment)
-Arrange (follow-up)
What does STAR refer to when helping patients design a quit plan?
-Set a quit date (within 2 weeks is ideal)
-Tell family, friends, coworkers
-Anticipate challenges (including withdrawal)
-Remove tobacco products/paraphernalia from environment
Per ACC guidelines, what is the recommended first-line therapy for tobacco cessation?
Combination NRT therapy
Varenicline monotherapy