Pulm Questions From Practice Tests Flashcards
Fremitus and breath sounds:
Pleural effusion
Decreased breath sounds, decreased fremitus
Fremitus and breath sounds:
Pulmonary edema
Decreased breath sounds
Increased fremitus
Fremitus and breath sounds:
Decreased breath sounds, increased fremitus
Fremitus and breath sounds:
Decreased breath sounds, increased fremitus
Pleural effusion: accumulation of fluid btw _________ of the membrane that lines the lungs and chest vanity
Abnormal lung pressures secondary to CHF is ______ pleural effusion
_____ effusion is d/t inflammation of pleura caused by lung disease
Pulmonary edema: accumulation of fluid in ______ ______.
Alveolar spaces
Consolidation: area of lung that is filled with ______. This might be edema, inflammation, pus, H2O or blood.
Atelectasis: Absence of ____ in part of all of lung due to _______ of lung tissue
When recovering from thoracic surgery, _______ is the best position for an effective cough
Inspiration has to be > than tidal volume
MS question: what is the order of body positions from least pressure to most pressure on the lumbar spine
- Supine
- S/L
- Standing in anatomical position
- Standing with 45 deg hip flexion
- Sitting in chair with decreased lordosis
- Sitting in chair flexed forward
Breath sounds with pulmonary disease: crackles with inspiration and expiration may be due to what?
Impaired secretion clearance
Pleural effusion: breath sounds are _______, may hear pleural friction rub if pleural surfaces ______
Decreased over effusion
Bronchial breath sounds around perimeter
Pulmonary fibrosis: _____ lung disease
Changes to alveoli and lung architecture from inflamm process
Causes _____ and fibrotic lesions in lungs which result in ________ lung compliance, lung volumes, diffusing capacities, and
_____ pulm artery pressure, and work of breathing
_______ breath sounds
Restrictive Scarring Decreased Increased Decreased