Public Works Purchasing Flashcards
Authority to purchase, who is considered the Contracting unit.
> County
Bd. of Ed.
Other state authorized agencies
T or F you can delegate under the bid threshold but, not above it. If 44,000 (QPA) you can use a P.O. if it is over said amount you need a resolution. (No QPA it is 17,500)
A __ is in writing
Purchase order
> Definitions 40A: 11-2
Contract year
Bid threshold
Qualified purchasing agent
Requisitions- Vouchers
Focus on Public Sector
Duration of contracts…
> Not to exceed 24 months (good and services)
Professional contracts 12 months
Solid waste collection 5 years
Recycling of gas at landfill 25 years
N.J.S.A. 40A: 11-3
Any contract may be awarded for a period of 24 consecutive months, except…
Bid threshold in a QPA municipality
Bid threshold in a non-QPA municipality
For Bids for goods or services
> Prepare Specifications
Advertise in official newspaper
Accept bids and read in public
Award by Resolution to lowest responsible bid
For specifications when it comes to goods and services
> Can not require any standard or restriction or limitation not directly related to the purpose or activity
Can not require that a bidder is a resident
Shall not use “Brand name or equivalent” unless at least one equal exist
> Law requires the solicitation of at least Two competitive quotations, if participations.
Awarded to the vendor whose response is most advantages, price and other factors considered. N.J.S.A. 40A: 11-6.1
Informal quotations
> Request for proposal
Request for qualification
Request for info
For national cooperatives you must
Follow local finance notice
intent to purchase
opportunity for comment
> Sourcewell
Houston Galveston
National Contracts
> Lead agency
gasoline, chemicals, road materials, salt
Formal contract
Commodity resale system
Can be awarded without advertising regardless of price when an emergency affecting public health, safety and welfare exist
Emergency contract
> lowest bid exceeds costs
Abandon the project
laws violated
Decided to go to state contract
Reasons for rejecting all bids
> American goods and products to be used where possible
Bid bond
receipt of addendum
What is in a specification
Construction contracts of excess of $2,000 for all non-municipal projects and $16,263 for all municipal projects
Prevailing wage
Bid is __ lower then next lowest, bidder is required to provide certification prior to the award, expressively stipulate workers are to receive prevailing wage
> Authorized by governing body
Can’t exceed 20%
If over 20% need resolution, advertising, reporting to state, reporting to auditor
Change order
Law that allows municipality can retain 2% of payments
Construction Contract
> Estimated fair value exceeds 15% of bid, must be public auction
Less than 15% can be sold privately
Sale of “Personal” Property