Local Government in New Jersey Flashcards
How many municipalities are there in NJ
Name the various types of government in NJ
> City
Special charters (Walsh Act)
Municipal Manager
Optional Municipal Charter
Mayor- council plan “strong mayor”
Council- Manager plan
Small municipality plan (available for less than 12,000 population)
Mayor- council administrator plan
When changing your government you need to conduct a ___
Charter study
Powers of local government
> Regulate internal affairs
Adopt and enforce ordinances
Sue and be sued, contract and be contracted, appropriate and expend funds
Exercise powers of taxation
T or F The municipality is a corporate body, having a corporate seal.
__ are classified based off population density and geography
Over 500,00 with density of over 3000 per square mile
1st class
All other counties over 200,000 not bordering on Atlantic Ocean
2nd class
Not less than 50,000 not more than 200,000 not bordering Atlantic Ocean
3rd class
Less than 50,000 bordering on Atlantic Ocean
4th class
Over 125,000 bordering Atlantic Ocean
5th class
125 or less bordering on Atlantic Ocean
6th class
A traditional board of commissioner are elected for a ____
3 year term
Compilation of Legislation
NJSA new jersey statues annotated
Rules and regulations
NJAC new jersey administrative code
Compilation of laws passed during a legislative session and signed by governor
Chapter laws
Court decision which alter or create opinions to have
Case laws
Bills returned positively from committee to have 2nd and 3rd readings is part of
Elections N.J.S.A. 19
Local Public Contract Law N.J.S.A 40A:11
Reorganization meetings N.J.S.A. 40:45A-1
Open public meetings act N.J.S.A 10:4-6
Public records act N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1
Common statues
Ordinances require
> 2 readings
Estoppel period
Publication requirements after introduction and adoption
Systematic arrangement of municipality’s ordinances handled by municipal clerk through companies such as municode, coded systems
T or F Resolutions require one reading with the exception of the budget resolution
Requires that the public and press have advance notice of and the opportunity to attend most meetings
Open Public meetings act
> Annual notice- once a year 7 days following reorganization meeting
48 hour notice- referred to as special meeting.
Emergency meetings- matter of urgency in which delays can cause harm to public interest
Types of notices
What are some types of votes
> Majority vote
Two-thirds vote
Public body must adopt a resolution at the open meeting and read the adequate notice statement
Executive session
> Collective bargaining agreement negotiations
Purchase, lease property
Tactics and techniques for protection
Employment, appointment, termination
Executive session discussions
Provides that all personnel matters may be discussed in closed session unless employees request in writing that such matter be discussed at a public meeting
RICE notice
On meeting day you must have a
> Public comment
Approval of minutes
Pledge of allegiance
All of these are
Agenda items
T or F meetings must be open to the public and can have a time limit
All records shall be readily accessible for inspection, copying or examination unless exempt by law
Prohibits destruction without consent
Destruction of records act
DORES stands for
Division of Revenue & Enterprise Services
Records retention and disposal management system
Program artemis
Purpose of tort claims
Provides protected immunity to public agencies even if such injury arises out of an act of omission of the public entity
When it comes to tort claims…
> 90 day limit on matters of death, injury, or damage to property
After 6 months from date of notice a claimant may file suit in appropriate court
If a claimant is infant or incompetent than limitations are removed until legal age
If your municipality does not have ethics board than they must
adhere to the state policy or stricter
The state ethic policy defines…
Solicitation or acceptance of a thing of value
What does et. sec. mean
and what follows