Operations Resource Management Flashcards
What does MUTCD stand for
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Shall be defined as all signs, signals, markings and other devices used to regulate, warn or guide traffic, placed on, over or adjacent to a street, highway, pedestrian facility or bikeway by authority of a public agency having jurisdiction.
Traffic control device standard definition
> Advanced warning area
Transition area
Buffer Space
Activity/Work area
Termination area
Components of traffic control work zones
Section of highway where road users are informed about upcoming work zone
Advanced warning area
Section of the highway where road users are directed out of their normal lane of traffic
Transition area
Separates road user flow of traffic from the work space
Buffer space
Section of the highway where the actual work is taking place
Activity/work area
Section where road users are returned to their normal driving lanes
Termination area
> Public road
Toll roads
Private road open to public travel
Roads not covered by MUTCD
Parking areas
Roadways affected by the MUTCD manual
any road street or similar facility under the jurisdiction of and maintained by public agency
Public road
Any road, street or similar facility under the jurisdiction of public agencies or authorities that shall be considered public highways
Toll road
Private toll roads and roads (including any adjacent sidewalks that generally run parallel to a road) within shopping centers, airports, or other similar business where public is allowed to travel without access restriction
Private road open to public travel
roads within private gated properties (except for gated toll roads) where access is restricted at all times. Parking areas shall not be included in definition.
Roads not covered by MUTCD
Driving aisles within those parking areas, that are either publicly or privately owned shall not be considered “open to public travel” for purposes of MUTCD applicability
Parking areas
Statement of required mandatory or specifically prohibitive practice regarding a traffic control device
Recommended but not mandatory
Carries no requirement or recommendation
Informational statement that does not convey any degree of mandate, recommendation, authorization, prohibition, or an enforceable condition
Conventional size of a stop sign
Shape of a stop sign
Stop sign definition in MUTCD is
> Black-Regulation
Fluorescent pink-incident management
Green-Indicated movement patterns, direction
Orange- Temporary traffic control
Purple-lanes restricted to use only by vehicles with toll accounts
Color coding of signs
Any motor vehicle that is used as part of a business or is involved in any interstate or intrastate commerce including the transporting of hazardous materials in a quantity requiring placards
Commercial Motor Vehicle
Any vehicle that operates within/between 2 or more states
Interstate commerce
Any vehicle that operates within the boundaries of 1 state
Intrastate commerce
Puts limits in places for when and how long commercial motor vehicle CMV drivers may drive. Designed to ensure truck drivers get the necessary rest to perform safe operations.
Hours of service regulations
CDL driver may drive a maximum of ___ continuous hours but not more than 14 in any given work day.
In 1887 the ___ transferred responsibility for the supervision of street cleaning and waste disposal over to the newly formed Department of Public Works
Bullitt Bill
New jersey passed the ___ in ___ which legislation mandated source separation of leaves and at least 3 marketable materials such as newspaper, glass, and cans
Mandatory Source Separation and Recycling Act. 1987
What are the 7 types of solid waste categories
Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Municipal, Pesticide, Residential
> ID 10- municipal waste
ID 12- Dry sewage sludge
ID 13- Bulky waste
ID 13C- Construction and demolition waste
ID 23- Vegetative waste
ID 27- Dry industrial waste
ID 27A- Asbestos and asbestos containing waste
ID 72- Bulk Liquids and Semi Liquids
ID 73- Septic tank waste
ID 74- Liquid sewage sludge
Solid waste ID numbers and type of waste
Any item that can be reused or converted into another useful product
Recyclable material
> Mixed paper
yard waste
food waste
Examples of recyclable material
Solid waste services can be provided by whom
Local government or Private contractor
What are the four types of waste collection
Municipal collection, contract collection, franchise collection, private collection
Types of equipment used in solid waste/recycling
Rear loading, Side loading, Front loading, Flat bed/roll off
Single vehicle assigned a route for each work shift
Task system
Crew can be assigned a route for a designated time period, may take more than one 1 day or a few days to complete
Time system
Several crews are utilized to collect materials alongside a single route
Group task system
What are the two types of processing in solid waste.
Composting and incineration
Name the reasons why solid waste is processed.
Volume reduction, sanitation, conversion to useful products, ease of disposal
Cost per cubic yard or per ton to dispose of the solid waste at a solid waste facility
Tipping fee
A land site where solid waste is disposed of in a manner that does not protect environment
A land site where solid waste is disposed of utilizing sanitary landfill techniques that is compacting the waste in thin layers, compacting, then covering.
Sanitary landfill
Legislation that reestablishes a source of funding for recycling in NJ through $3.00 per ton tax on solid waste accepted for disposal or transfer at in-state solid waste facilities.
recycling enhancement act (REA)
To be able to receive a recycling grant municipalities must.
> designate
submit tonnage report
Must be signed by CRP
> designate one or more persons as CRP
Provide collection system for designated recyclable materials
Adopt a mandatory source separation and recycling ordinance
Periodic review and update of municipal land use master plan
Allow certain generators to be exempt from source separation requirements
Submit annual municipal recycling tonnage report to the NJDEP, Has to be signed by CRP.
Notify generators of their source separation responsibility
Prohibit by ordinance the placement of leaves for disposal as solid waste.
Eight Municipal Responsibilities
Total recycling over
Total recycling+Total solid waste disposed multiply by 100
Recycling rate calculation
What is the primary function of asphalt pavement
To distribute wheel load
What makes up asphalt
95% aggregate and 5% binders
> Liquid asphalt
asphalt cement
Asphalt binders
What are the three pavement types
Dense-graded asphalt, Open-graded asphalt, Stone-matrix asphalt.
> I-2 a dense graded base or binder course
I-4 a surface course for medium to heavy traffic
I-4HD a heavy duty surface course for heavy traffic
I-5 a surface course mix for for low to medium traffic
7F a fine surface course
Superpave (base and surface course)
Pavement designations
Approximate temperature of hot mix asphalt
Asphalt temperatures on a delivery truck to a work site should be
Minimum compaction temperature for asphalt
no less than 175
Minimum air temperature for paving
Process by which the asphalt is compressed and reduced in volume
T or F >Compaction is the single most important factor
>Compaction varies with thickness
>Percent of air voids is 4.5%-7%
>lower temperature means harder to compact
What are 3 reasons to compact asphalt
Increase aggregate particle contact point, reduce air voids, provides for a smooth ride
Factors that deteriorate pavement surfaces
Sun’s uv rays, oxidation, oil/fuel products, traffic, water/weather
Potholes exist when two factors are present at the same time. they are
water and traffic
As pavement continues to age, asphalt binder used to hold the aggregate in the asphalt deteriorates to the point it can no longer perform.
Types of asphalt cracks
> Linear/transverse
Alligator/spider web
Block cracking/Shrinkage
Edge cracks
Joint reflection
Slippage cracks
Types of Asphalt defects
> Depressions
Weed/Grass vegetation growth
> Weak subgrade
Weight of traffic
Poor drainage
Lack of maintenance
Freezing and thawing of pavement
Causes of pavement failure
Life of new pavement
20+ years
Life of Milled/overlay 2”
15-17 years
Life of overlay chip and seal 1-1/4”
7-10 years
Life of seal treatments
2-7 years
what are the factors for in house vs contract paving
> equipment available
capital budgets
condition of roads
What are some repair techniques for asphalt repair
Throw and go method, Throw and roll method, and Semi permanent, spray injection, edge seal
Most effective asphalt repair method
Semi permanent repair
For asphalt cut outs deeper than __ inches in depth, place the asphalt in the cut more than one lift
When is the best time to perform crack sealing
Fall or spring
> Overlay
slurry seal
micro seal
Types of pavement treatments
Who’s responsibility is it to ensure that roadways are passable and safe to accommodate emergency vehicles, commerce and daily traffic during sleet, freezing rain, or snow.
Public works Manager
The largest cost in a public works municipal maintenance budget.
Snow/ice control
How do you fight a snowstorm.
from the bottom up
How do you prepare for the winter months
> Prepare equipment and materials
decide how much equipment you need
Monitor weather forecast conditions
What are some deicing materials.
> sodium chloride(salt)
Liquid calcium
Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA)
Most commonly used deicing agent
Sodium chloride(salt)
What percent mixture should brine be at
Brine should not be applied to roadways above what temperature
at what temperature is salt brine most effective
-6 to 28
What are some benefits of using salt
> reduces traffic accidents
lives saved by reducing emergency response times
Energy savings .37-1.2 billion gallons of fuel saved
What are some facts about salt
> most common to deice roadways
reaction time is under 30min
Does not work below 22
accepted use 300-800lbs per two lane highway
What are some benefits of pre-wetting salt (32% calcium chloride)
> Reduces use of salt
effectively work at temps below 5
Does not need traffic to activate
36% savings on salt use
> Snow plowing should be done curb to curb or edge of roadway to edge
Make one pass for every 10ft of roadway width
Snow plowing usually is performed pushing the snow to the curb line or the right
Fast enough to move snow to curb line but not fast to damage adjoining properties
Snow plowing procedures
Why is it important to have a snow ordinance.
Establish guidelines for residents and to provide legal basis for enforcement
T or F The governor is the only one to declare a snow emergency
T or F the modern snowfighter is accountable for meeting community needs as well as protecting the environment
What is the goal of an athletic field.
To provide playing surfaces that enhance both player safety and performance
Properties of a playing surface affect surface characteristics which are
> hardness (impact attenuation)
ball rebound
ball roll
player safety
player performance
what are some potential hazards on athletic fields.
> sprinkler heads
animal burrows
loose debris/turf
Limits the time fertilizer can be used.
New Jersey fertilizer law
When can consumers apply fertilizer
November 15th- March 1st
When can professionals apply fertilizer
December 1st- March 1st
What are the three types of fertilizer.
> Inorganic (ammonium sulfate)
Natural organic (sludge)
Synthetic organic (ureas)
contain sources of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium
Complete fertilizer
contain one or two of the elements but not all three.
Incomplete fertilizer
Numbers on fertilizer bag which indicate percentages of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium or potash
Fertilizer ratio
example of fertilizer ratio
> Natural process of air exchange between soil and surrounding atmosphere.
Reduces compaction
Include 1/2” to 3/4” diameter cores to a depth of 2-3 inches
should be done on priority fields 2-4 times per season
spring and fall best time to aerate
The purpose of slopes and field crowns
to move water the shortest distance
what is the slope of a field
Any person who uses or supervises the use of pesticides for the purpose of raising an agricultural commodity
Private applicator
Any person who applies pesticides for non-agricultural purposes
Commercial applicator
Playground equipment refers to equipment for use by children ages ___
6 months to 12 years
Why is playground surfaces most important
to reduce life threatening head injuries
Appropriate surfacing materials for playgrounds
sand, recycled mulch, engineered wood fibers, unitary surfaces
> crush and shear points
entanglement and impalment
strings and ropes
sharp points, corners and edges
suspended hazards
tripping hazards
Playground hazards
T or F trees do not die back on a regular/yearly basis but continue to grow from year to year
trees grow within the upper ___ of soil and roots can spread ___times further than the branches of the tree
18-24in and 2-3 times
Good rule to prevent pavement lifting from trees.
Use smaller plants, provide 4ft distance or use mechanical root barriers
The journey water takes as it circulates from the land to the sky and back again is called..
Hydrological cycle
Any subsurface water that occurs beneath the water table in soil.
Refers to water occurring in lakes, rivers, streams or other fresh water sources.
Surface water
Purpose of fire hydrant
fire fighting and flushing the water system
What do fire hydrant bonnets identify.
Rapid identification due to available flow class.
Valves are devices that control
> Flow
Direction of liquids through pipelines or other passageways
__ are flow sensitive devices that rely on the line fluid to open and close.
Check valves
The valve uses a “ball” inside the body to control the movement of flow.
Ball checks
This valve is a backflow prevention device designed to protect water supplies from contamination.
Double check valve
Inspection of any backflow prevention device shall be conducted at least….
Once per year or within 6 months prior to an application renewal
Simple design using disc attached to an arm that is hinged to the top of the valve
Swing arm check valve
Why is important to flush a water system.
> Remove sediments
Remove stale water
improves water quality
How many times do you flush a water system.
Twice (once in spring and once in fall)
Why do you eliminate dead ends in water system.
Removes stale water and provides better circulation in the mains
What are the three ways water is stored
> Elevated tank
Ground tank
The DEP requires a utility to have __ day total water usage for the service area.
Four types of pumps found in water distribution.
> Well/high service pump
Vertical pump
Turbine pump
Split case horizontal pump
Designed to move large amounts of water from a well to a higher elevation,
Well/High service pump
Similar in operation to a well or high service pump. Instead of being underground in well casing, the pump is installed above ground.
Vertical pump
Mainly used to pump water from deep wells or other underground and man-made bodies of water into a distribution system
Turbine pump
Designed to move high volumes of water.
Split case horizontal pump
Arched cast iron structure that is placed over the top of the curb stop/valve to protect it and provide access to turn a water service on/off to a building or property.
Curb box
Measures volume and flow flow, in liters and gallons used by a source.
Water meters
What are the two general categories of wastewater
Domestic and industrial
Originates from domestic, household activities, may include discharged from commercial and business buildings.
Domestic wastewater
Originates from manufacturing process, and variable in character and are more difficult to treat.
Industrial wastewater
If velocity is not maintained at __ per second or higher, solids will settle out causing odor and release of hydrogen sulfide.
2 feet
Family dwellings will discharge __ gallons per day per person which is considered reasonable.
T or F flow patterns are variable and can change hourly and correspond to human activity and are greatest at mealtimes, mid-morning laundry, and bedtimes.
___ is a process in which the solids are removed and partially changed by decomposition from organic solids to stable mineral.
Wastewater treatment
Absence of oxygen in wastewater.
Anaerobic condition
Presence of oxygen in wastewater
Aerobic condition
Manholes are installed:
> Every 300-500 feet to allow for inspection and cleaning
To sample wastewater
to perform maintenance of the lines
Manholes are constructed of what…
Brick, concrete block, poured concrete, and precast concrete.
Two types of manhole cone designs.
Concentric manhole cone and eccentric manhole cone
the cone of the manhole tapers uniformly from the barrel to the manhole cover.
the cone tapers non-uniformly from the barrel to the manhole cover with one side usually being vertical.
used in high velocity trunk main lines
Solid manhole cover
use in low velocity gravity lines
manhole cover with holes
T or F Fresh wastewater is grey and septic is black
Sewer station that lifts or raises wastewater from lower elevation to a higher elevation
Lift station
Discharges wastewater into a long force main, accomplished by centrifugal pumps.
Pump station
Standby emergency generators can be fueled by
diesel fuel, natural gas, or liquid propane.
Generators should be operated and maintained on a __
weekly basis
Types of sewer maintenance equipment.
> Rodding machine
Bucket machine
High velocity cleaner
Why is televising sewer lines necessary.
> identify existing or potential problem area
Evaluate seriousness of problem
Locate position of problem
Examine work completed by contractors
Examine work completed by plumbers
Problems identified with closed circuit television system include.
> Root intrusion
Pipe defects
Stoppage problems
Unrecorded illegal taps
Illegal dumping
Protruding sewer laterals
Types of water/stormwater/sewer pipes
> Cast iron pipe
Ductile iron pipe
Orangeburg pipe
Vitrified clay or terracotta pipe
Asbestos cement/transite pipe
Polyvinyl chloride pipe
Concrete reinforced pipe
Plastic corrugated pipe (HDPE)
Two styles of cast iron pipe
Hub and hubless
Life expectancy of ductile iron pipe
100 years
Layers of wood and pulp sealed with hot tar. used from 1860s-1970s
Orangeburg pipe
Clay that has been subject to heating and turns into inert ceramic state
Pipe that was widely used for water supply piping
Asbestos cement
Invented in 1925 by a B.F. Goodrich.
White in color used for sewer non pressurized.
Schedule 40 PVC
Green in color used in high volume pressurized lines
Schedule 35 PVC
Grey or black in color, chemical resistant, good for temps up to 140F
Schedule 80 PVC
Causes for sewer pipes to fail
> Tree roots
improper bedding
Joins both like and unlike pipes together
Fernco couplings
Water that originates during rain events and snow and ice melts.
Designed to drain excess rain and groundwater from impervious surfaces such as streets.
Catch basin/inlet
What two major problems does stormwater cause
volume of runoff (flooding)
Contaminants in the water (pollution)
Hydraulic structure that is used to convey surface waters through embankments.
What materials are culverts made from.
Concrete, precast concrete, galvanized steel, aluminum, plastic.
What shapes do culverts come in.
Round, elliptical, arch-like, flat bottomed, pear-shaped, and box like.
Causes of work accidents
> Unsafe personal Acts
low morale
T or F more public works employees get hurt than any other department in government.
What are some way exposure of chemicals can enter your body.
> Inhalation
Systems develop quickly but are usually of short duration
Symptoms take a long time to develop, are difficult to diagnose, and may reoccur.
Any space where following conditions exist.
>Large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter it to perform assigned work
>Has limited means of entrance and exit
>Not designed for continuous worker occupancy
Confined space
Three atmospheric hazards in confined space are….
> Oxygen deficient
Minimum safe entry oxygen level for confined space.
Flammable atmosphere contain 3 things to make flammable atmosphere
> Oxygen
flammable gas, vapor, or dust
Source of ignition
Before entering a confined space you should ventilate it with normal air for no less than ___
15 minutes
A confined space that contains one or more of the following characteristics.
>Contain or has the potential to contain hazardous atmosphere
>Contains material that has potential for engulfing an entrant
>Has internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped, asphyxiated by converging walls or sloped floor
>Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazards
Permit required confined space
Who needs training when it comes to confined space
All authorized entrants, attendees, and rescue personnel
Any item or agent (biological, chemical, radiological, and or physical) which has the potential to cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment, either by itself or through interaction with other factors
Hazardous materials
Six clues to detect hazardous materials.
> Occupancy/location
Container shapes
Markings and colors
Placards and labels
Shipping papers and other documents
Study Placard pg 283
Study Placard pg 283
In Nj the law requires anyone digging in the ground to call at least ___ days in advanced
Who should notify the one-call center of the intent to engage in any excavation or demolition.
An excavator or responsible contractor
All marks used to indicate a particular facility shall be placed at intervals of ___ ft
25 ft
Underground facility operators shall maintain markout records for ___ years
Need for shoring depends on.
> Depth of excavation
Width of the excavation
type of soil (clay or sand)
Soil conditions (compaction moisture)
Nearby activities that cause vibrations
Length of time the excavation is expected to be open
All trenches and excavations __ ft depth and deeper must be shored to protect workers against the hazards of moving ground.
Three components of asphalt
> Aggregate
Air voids