Public Protection Flashcards
What groups of people are at risk?
- Children and young people
- Age related - frailty, dementia, sensory impairment
- Physical / mental disability
- Leaning disability
- Victims / suspects / witnesses
- Prostitutes
- Ethnic minorities
What are the 13 core areas of public protection?
Adults at risk Child sex exploitation Child abuse Domestic abuse Female genital mutilation Forces marriage Honour based violence Serious sex offences Human trafficking Prostitution and violence Stalking and harassment Missing persons Managing offenders
What different types of abuse are there?
Physical (ABH/ GBH/ Homicide/ neglect/ harassment/ sexual/ false imprisonment)
Emotional and psychological (stalking/verbal & written harassment/ domestic abuse/ hold abuse)
Financial (theft/ fraud/ controlling someone finances)
Barriers to reporting offences?
- Lack of trust in police (previous negative experience)
- family responsibilities (don’t want to compromise kids/elderly parents care or bring shame on family)
- don’t want to criminalise person
- fear of retribution
- social isolation from family/friend/community
- may be particularly isolated if have physical / learning disability / mental illness/ LGBT / language barriers
- environmental factors (no phone / transport)
- relationship between victim an abuser (don’t want to get them in trouble/ believe they can change the abuser / rely on abuser for care / believe its their fault or its normal
Risk assessment tool?
Domestic abuse and stalking harassment screening tool
What is MAPPA?
Multi agency public protection arrangements
What are the 3 categories of relevant offenders under MAPPA?
Cat 1 - registered offenders
Cat 2 - sexual/violent offenders sentenced to 12months or more
Cat 3 - considered by responsible authority (chief of police/local probation board/minister of crown) to pose a risk of serious harm to public
What are the risk mgmt levels under MAPPA?
Level 1 - ordinary agency mgmt (can be managed by responsible agency)
Level 2 - multi agency public protection meetings (need involvement of more than 1 agency)
Level 3 - multi agency public protection meetings (requires active conferencing and senior representation from responsible authority)
What is a PDP?
Potentially dangerous person
What is a PPU?
Public protection unit
Types of civil orders for public protection
SOPO - sexual offences protection order
FTO - foreign travel order
RSHO - risk of sexual harm order
VOO - violent offender order
Types of human trafficking
‘Includes the movement of people, by deceit or force, for exploitation in different ways’
Sexual exploitation Labour exploitation Domestic servitude Internal trafficking Organ harvesting