Miscellaneous Flashcards
What info should you give to control when doing a name check?
Name Age Sex Colour Height
Mnemonic used to identify modus operandi?
Style Time Objective Pal Class Reason Instrument Mode Entry Signature
What is positional asphyxia?
Someone stops breathing due to the position they are held in, contributing factors can be :
Positions which partially or completely constrict airways Alcohol/drug intoxification Prone to obesity - inc beer belly Restraints Stress Asthma/emphysema
What does s.12 of criminal justice and police act 2001 specify?
The Requirement to not consume alcohol in a designated public place.
If a PC believes a person is consuming alcohol in a designated public place, or intends to, then a PC may require a person not to consume alcohol in that place or surrender anything in possession which the PC believes to be alcohol.
Failure to comply with PC request is a summary offence. Powers of arrest without warrant.
First aid mnemonic for initial response primary survey?
Shout (for help)
Call for help (ambulance)
What is meant by primary and secondary surveys for 1st aid?
Primary - checking airways etc - DRS ABC
Secondary - check under clothing for injuries/wounds etc then put them in recovery position
What does s3 criminal law act do?
Gives everyone the right to
look after themselves and their property.
Crime prevention - the 3 elements?