Public Outreach Flashcards
What 7 outcomes is public outreach used to achieve in the design process?
Involve communities in design process
Provide platform for community decision making / input
Facilitate dialogue (private public)
Encourage exploration
Transparent decsions making
develop project goals
establish performance targets
What is a design goal? What is an objective? What’s the difference?
goal: general statement of intent for overall design
objective: specific statements that suggest actions to accomplish goals
goal: universal, can be similar across projects whereas objective is often project specific
What are the 7 core benefits of public outreach emphasized by CLARB?
Stakeholder engagement
Build mutual respect
Embrace diversity of views
create forums for meaningful discussion
share and receive information
incorp public feedback into design
save time and money (by mitigating conflict)
What 4 groups are often defined / contained in the term “stakeholder”
members of public
special interest groups
gov’t agencies
elected officials
By what 4 criteria are relevant project stakeholders typically identified by LA as people they should engage
They are directly impacted by an issue or project
The have jurisdiction or control over something relevant to project
They possess special knowledge related to project
Directly rep or are connected to influential community networks
Outreach surveys are generally comprised of what two types of data collection
note visual preference survey is NOT according to clarb a type of survey to be listed
Outreach surveys / data collection methods work best when…. what 5 best practices are followed?
precede by pre-notification
contain clear non techy language
have well delineated purpose clearly in intro
are concise and make use of graphics as needed
are not difficult or overly time consuming
What is a visual preference survey? How are they typically formatted? what design factors do they typically address?
provides a visual comparison between two or more proposed conditions, or between an existing and proposed
typically visual - perspective render or photo - people place dots next to items they prefer
typ used for scale, massing, articulation and placement of buildings, streetscapes, open space and transportation issues
What is a community needs assessment? When are they used?
Typ used during master planning process at beginning of design
used to determine what a specific population beleives they are lacking
What is a level of service? How might it inform a needs assessment? when is a NA MOST USEFUL to an LA?
LOS is frequency of a specific amenity per 1000 inhabitants
needs assess determines there are 3 playgrouns but that 7 would provide ideal LOS
needs assessments or MOST USEFUL to design professionals when they truly represent public sentiment and there is support for actions or conclusions outlined in summary
What are typ steps of a needs assessment (5)
ID target population
determine survey techniques
develop content for meetings and surveys
collect data through meetings and surveys
interp and make summary findings
What 5 items should community visioning reflect / achieve?
Reflect core community values
draw from entire community
address emerging issues or trends
promote local action
envision a preferred future?
What 4 activates can be used to enact community visioning?
task forces, surveys focus groups, and workshops
What is a design charette? What types of projects are they typcially used for?
Typ used for high stakes complex projects
charettes are intense period of design activity in which multi dicsiplinary design team works closely with group of stakeholders to develop elements of a plan
Describe a typically charette process (key word and then diagram) / summarize role of design team?
the are ITERATIVE!
Design team works to develop alternative concepts based on stakeholder feedback
1 general vision plan
2. initial plan concepts presented *(typ 3)
3. public input / charrette
4. refined plan options presented
5. more public review
6. final plan
7. final public confirmation
(can have as many feedback loops / meetings as necessary
Charrettes work best when they follow these 7 best practices
they are genuinely collaborative
consider holistic solutions
incorp considerations across disciplines
compress work period into short time
consider project at mulitple scales
produce feasabile plans and actionable feedback
take place on or near the site
What are LaGro’s 5 factors to consider when communicating project information