PTSD, suicide Flashcards
PTSD symptoms May begin within the a_______ after the trauma May be a delay of b_______ or b___________
a) first 3 months
b) several months or even years
Acute stress disorder?
Symptoms are time limited
Up to 1 month following the trauma
If symptoms last longer than 1 month, the diagnosis is PTSD
What are some indications that a patient may be suffering from PTSD?
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Pt experiences following symptoms for longer than 1 month
Re-experiencing the traumatic event
Sustained high level of anxiety or arousal
Intrusive recollections or nightmares
Survivor’s guilt
Substance abuse
Anger and aggression
Two months ago, Ms. T was sexually assaulted while jogging in an isolated park. She is hospitalized for suicidal ideation at this time. She awakens in the middle of the night screaming about having nightmares of the incident. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial nursing intervention?
a) Call the doctor to report the incident.
b) Stay with Ms. T until the anxiety has subsided.
c) Administer prn alprazolam.
d) Allow her some privacy to work through
Which of the following medications is
considered to be a first-line medication of choice in the treatment of PTSD?
a) Alprazolam
b) Propranolol
c) Carbamazepine
d) Paroxetine
What is the potential relationship between PTSD and suicide.
Maybe pt suffering from PTSD are more likely to commit suicide?
What is the difference between trauma and PTSD?
A traumatic event is time-based, while PTSD is a longer-term condition
And PTSD continues to have flashbacks and re-experiencing the traumatic event
Suicide is a a_______ NOT a b________
a) behavior
b) diagnosis
What to discuss with survivors of a completed suicide?
- Thwarted belongingness
absence of support system - Perceived burdensomeness
patient feels like a burden to others - Acquired capability
experiences of pain/provocation, current indicators for suicide - Analysis of suicidal crisis
history of stressor/issue leading to current crisis - Family history
- Coping strategies
What would be the priority nursing actions for a post suicide patient who is responding to an anti-depressant medication?
Monitor for sudden bursts of energy – that is when the pt is most likely to submit suicide during this time period
The trauma that precedes PTSD is described as?
An “event outside the range of usual human experience.”
What are PTSD outcome criteria?
Fewer flashbacks
Nightmares than he or she was on admission
Can demonstrate adaptive coping strategies
Has worked through feelings of survivor’s guilt
Gets enough sleep to avoid risk of injury
The nurse is caring for an actively suicidal client on the psychiatric unit. What is the nurse’s priority intervention?
A. Discuss strategies for the management of anxiety, anger, and frustration.
B. Provide opportunities for increasing the client’s self-worth, morale, and control.
C. Place client on suicide precautions with one-to-one observation.
D. Explore experiences that affirm self-worth and self-efficacy.
A client with a history of a suicide attempt has been discharged and is being followed in an outpatient clinic. At this time, which is the most appropriate nursing intervention for this client?
A. Provide the client with a safe and structured environment.
B. Isolate the client from all stressful situations that may precipitate a suicide attempt.
C. Observe the client continuously to prevent self-harm.
D. Assist the client to develop more effective coping mechanisms
Suicide risk factor?
Marital status (single is more)
Gender (woman more)
Age (older man more)
Ethnicity (White are more)
Mood and substance use disorders are more
Severe insomnia
Use of alcohol
Family history of suicide
Interventions With Family and Friends of Suicide Victims
Encourage the person to talk about the suicide.
Discourage blaming and scapegoating.
Listen to feelings of guilt and self-persecution.
Talk about personal relationships with the victim.
Recognize differences in styles of grieving.
Assist with development of adaptive coping strategies.
Identify resources that provide support.
A client with a history of a suicide attempt has been discharged and is being followed in an outpatient clinic. At this time, which is the most appropriate nursing intervention for this client?
A. Provide the client with a safe and structured environment.
B. Isolate the client from all stressful situations that may precipitate a suicide attempt.
C. Observe the client continuously to prevent self-harm.
D. Assist the client to develop more effective coping mechanisms.
Implimation suicidal client on an outpatient basis:
Do not leave the person alone.
Establish a no-suicide contract with the client.
Schedule frequent appointments.
Be direct and talk matter-of-factly about suicide
Discuss the current crisis situation in the client’s life.
Identify areas of self-control.
Give antidepressant medications
What is the adjustment disorder?
A stressor changes in mood and/ or disfunction
Less sever ASD PTSD
A nurse is caring ASD pt, which is following client behavior should nurse expect?
a) The pt remembers many details about the traumatic event
b) The pt remembers first noticing manifestation of the disorder 6 weeks after trauma event
c) The pt express a sense of unreality about the traumatic event
PTSD can develop even without memory of the trauma,
Pt says ‘I plan to committed suicide” which following should the nurse priority intervention?
a) Pt education
b) Lethality of method an availability mean
c) Quality of the pt social support
d) Pt’s insight into the reason for the decision