Pt.III Flashcards
Sybil of Cumae
depicted as raving when inspired by apollo. Aeneas wants to go to underworld so visits her and gets help
(concubine of Agamemnon) Apooled loved so gave her prophecy, she snubbed him so he asked for kiss, spat in her moth and made no one believe her
Phoebus “shinning” son of hyperion the titan, chariots across the sun
Colossus of Rhodes
massive statue 30m
son on helios. wants birthright so dad helios grants him wish swears on styx, he says he wants to drive chariot its uncontrollable so zeus lightning bolts him
winged shoes, travellers hat, caduceus (staff), young
trickster, thieves, heards, guide (spirits to underworld: psychopomp), harold, messenger
Hermes Origin
Zeus and Maia,
found tortoise tricked it and ade lyre
finds cows leads them backwards butchers and dives parts
apolloo finds him, the lies and takes to zeus where he sneezes and cover is blown so gives apollo the cows back and the tyre. so apollo gives him cows an they’re BFFs (wanted prophecy so apollo gives him prophecy of bird flights)
Athena (Minerva)
liminal (male/female), wisdom, textiles, military strategy
war helmet, aegis, shield with gorgons, long peplos (chastity), virgin fodess
Athena Origin
Zeus and Metis (cunning) panicked that he’d make kid to overthrow so swallowed, athena grew inside, Hephas cut open zeus head and out popped Athena fully armoured. Born from male so male qualities
great weaver but didn’t give credit to athena. Athena comes down and then contest. Arcane story of gods behaving badly, Athena of overstepping mortals. Arcane wins so athena hits and kills her, feels bad so makes her into a spider.
Athens the competition
poseidon makes horses (but not everyone can keep horses cause people eat grain too and thats pricy) Athena makes olive tress which helps everyone
Athena Parthenon
large statue with battles depicted: pandora, gigantomachy, titanomachy, amazons, la[iths, cent arts. She holds nike (used athena as propaganda)
erotic love, matron at first, sea foam washed up on cyprus, more provocative
son on aphro, later as cupid (boy with bow/arrow makes mortals fall in love)
decides he won’t love women so builds statue but falls in love and then aphro turns it into a real women
aphro loves him says be carful but gets killed by boar, got mad sprinted nectar and turned him into flowers
aphro’s attendents, the horae, the hours the 4 seasons, daughters of Zeus and Themis
Zeus made aphro fall in love with a mortal so she went to him in secrete as a mortal and when he learned the truth he thought sleeping with a godess would wreck him. Has son Aeneas
The Symposium
Plato: lets talk about sex baby
Aristophanes: we were 4 legs and seperated so we alays seek our other half
Socrates: Naw man, i slept with Diotima and she told me Eros born of resorsfulness an poverty and is plain since he is doing the loving
loved cupid and aphro was jelly cause she was beautiful so told cupid to kill her but he fell in love instead and they slept together until she saw his face and then went on tasks to get him back and then zeus married them
Artimis (diana)
virgin, protector of children, the hunt, bow and arrows
My kids are the bomb dot com, i could lose a few, what’s with Leto. All kids die
Saw Artimis naked, got turned into deer and eaten by his own hounds
Didn’t want no man, just to hunt with Art. Zeus thought she was finnnnneeeee so disgused as artimis and raped her and then she had to bathe naked and eveyone saw and Hera turned her into a bear and she had a son Arcas who hunted his mother down and then they were both turned into constilations