Pt. 1 Flashcards
Myth, Ledgend, Fairytale
-Myth (proper): stories pertaining to gods and
human relations with them – i.e. supernatural
-Legend / saga: stories that take place in the
‘historical’ world – i.e. within the world as we
know it
-Folktales and fairytales: ‘stock’ stories, e.g.
Hero vs. Giant, wicked stepmother, mistaken
Important texts, list some
homer: Iliad and Odyssey
Virgils Aeneid
Ovid (metamorphosis)
can do so many things but still have to work with set timeline (BATMAN: born patients killed, batman) but space in between is changeable, later details can get fixed (bat mobile)
sheperd/farmer, found story on mt.helcon, muses were the invocation, wrote in epic meter
How’s it start
Chaos –> Gaia–>Eros–> sex is the catalyst,
Gaea makes uranus (heaven)
Gaea and Uranus
mountains, oceanus, rhea thea Cronus, giants (natural, like 200handed hecatoncheires) cyclopses and sent them to tartarus
Kronos vs. Uranus
gets silver adamant sickle and castrates uranus (loses power and verity to reproduce) then the penis falls into oceans where sperm becomes aphrodite
Cronus and Rhea get busy…but too much?
echidna (snake lady), cerberus, hestia, dementia, hera, hades, posid, zeus, eats then Rhea gives him stone zeus and zeus is raised in cave by Curetes with the goat Amalthea
war of titans, zeus wins with lightening, atlas hold up world, (basically Zeus defeats the titans)
typhoeus (snake body) giants born of gaea
centre of the greek world?
Megaron for cheif
things lost and reduced to oral traditions
city of Knosos has centre what’s it hold *minitar?)
warfare so people moved out of the hubs
lion head gate at palace of mycaean
giant cyclopean walls (only cyclopses could build it)
rich and military based
linear B tablet
Prometheus and mans start
man from clay (from earth and tears or cause Zeus asked). ran out of clay so prom cares for us
5 ages of man
gold (awesome), silver (babies), bronze (war), heroic, iron
prometheus and fire
butchered cow trick gods into taking bone, Zeus took away human fire, prom steals it back, Zeus gets prom tied to mountain and eagle eats his liver even day till hercules rescues him
Pandora and her Box
hesphes makes her bod, athena clothes and hermes teaches her to trick, graces give persuasion. epimethius excepts her. jar opens and all evils but hope escape
went to potluck and testes zeus all seeing. Fed human flesh to see if notice. They did so turn lycan into wolf
earth floods, Deucalion (prom) and Pyrrha (epimeth) get on boat to mt.parnassus Zeus feels bad no flood themis says losses clothes and toss mothers bones (stones)
epic of gilgamesh
wants to be immortal so finds Utnapishtim
welcomed solon in who told him what it takes to be happy, then erlcomed Adrastus who by accident killed his brother. Then got told Croesus son would die by iron, and wild boar hunt he did when Adrastus by accident hit him. Then Cyrus takes the city almost burns him but apollo saves him