Part V Flashcards
The snatching of Persephone
in woods playing, seus gives her to Hades, P screames but only Hectate and Helios sees her. D wanders in search
Demeter and Demophoon
Demeter oes to king and queen who ask her to raise their kid, w=she does and loves him and tries to make him imortal by putting him in a fire. Quee finds out and freeks so demeter gets mad and Demopoon never imortal Also ends up drinking Kykcon a complex drink therefore proving shes ‘royal’
King: Celeus
Q: Metaneira
Persephones Perdictiment
D gets sad so crops stop growing, Helios fesses up and Hades gets Persophone to eat pomegrante. Spring/summer with DEM and winter with Hades
messener of demeter shares her mysteries
Eleusinian Mysteries
spring: [lesser] winniing fan, purification w fire air water, shake shaft of wheat
Summer: [greater] reelation of sacred truth the grain
open to nayone, choic, not initiated no afterlife
Ritual withiin Telesterion walls so secret. Hirophant prietes with Hieron (probs wheat)
Perseus Beginning
Zeus and Danae (Acrisius told is grandson would kill him so locks up danae) Zeus visits as goldon rain, preggo, Acr puts her in a box and casts her to sea where Dictys finds her Polydectes King loves her but she loves Dictuis. Mad so Poly asks for horses from eveyone and Pers says he can get Medusas head instread
Perseus Journey to Medusa
Meets graeae who tell him he needs magic items. Goes to nymphs gets (cap of invisibility, winged sandles, wallet and scimitar from hermes). Medusa the only mortal of the three gorgons, perc beheads and out popos Chrysaor and Pegasus. On way back the blood became Libya snakes
Perceus Married and Returns
Meets Andromeda and saves her from a monster (she was a sacrific since her mother Cassiopia said she was prttey, dad Cepheus). Has son Perces. Perc returns goes and turn Polydectes freinds to stone, and makes Perc meets grandpa in the games and gets killed when Perc throws dicus wrong. Perc leaves cause blood gulit and founds Mycenae
What makes a Greek Hero?
Nobel lineage (ture identity hidden at birth), exceptional birth/ childhood. Perfromes exceptional acts to get a name for theirself. reintegration into society. Doesn’t last long. compelled from home. Die expectionaly.
Danaus’s Daughters
had 50 daughters. Had conflict with his brother Aegyptus so married daughters to his 50 sons and got the girls to kill their hubbys on their wedding night. Only Hypermnestra didn’t
Corninthian hero exiled for blood gulit. Goes to Tiryns where queen falls in love with him. Bell sent on unbeliveable quests to kill unkilliable Chimera. Poseidon lendshim Pegasus and Athena magic reings. Bell throws steal into fire bretheing chimera mouuth which melts and kiils it. Becomes king, gets cooky so tries to get into Olympus, Zeus kills him.
Founder of Athens 2
Snake human called Cecropia. Then hephas chased Athena got excited and ejaculated on her leg she wipes it off with wool and toossed it into the acropolis. and out popped Erichthonis. Erechtheus: grandsom of Eric, sacrificed daughter for athens and killed by poseidon.
Theseus Begining
Aegeus (poseidon???) and Aethra sex and preggo, cause Aegeus brother Pallas was eyeing the throne. Left sword under rock for kid. When Thes adult lifts rock and claims sword. travels by land to make a name from himself and claim place in athens
Kleos, Kudos, Arete, Xenia, Ate
renown, praise, excelence, hospitaltiy, rash action
Theseus’s Journey (6 labours?)
●Periphetes (robber) [club of bronze]
●Sinis(Pithocamptes ) – robber [pine bender, ties people to pine and dismembers]
●Monster sow – beast
●Sciron (robber) – local hero [force people to wash his feet and pushes them into ocean]
●Cercyon (robber)– local hero of Eleusis [challenges people to werestling always wins bc Geae so hold in air and kill]
●Procrustes (serial killer) [invites people in forced them into tiny bed and chops of overhang]
Theseus gets to Athens and the Minitour
Throne conflict with Medus, invited to diner whereThes pulls out sword to cut meat, my son! [bull of marathon minor mission] Pallas the bro attacs, dead. Crete tension bc Athens killed someone so they pay tribute of 7 aristocrates to the minitor. Thes volunteers. [Minos asks Posidon for bull to sacfrifice keeps it sacrifices another so wife Pasiphae falls in love with bull has sex and whoops Minitour.] Ariadne falls in love and helps Thes with string, he abandons her on Naxis becomes Dions wife, Thes shows sail to let dad know he’s okay, but forgets and dad throws himself off cliff so Thes becomes king.
Thesus makes order, and Pirithous
defeats amazons (take Queen Antiope as concubine gets Hippolytus), unifies Attica, Makes Isthmian games, centars crash wedding thes fights them off. Pal Pirithous and Thes think they need new wives. Thes wants Helen so kidnap her and her bros go to athens and kidnap Thes mother and make her slave. Piri wants Persephone so goes to underworld where Perseph says sit and then they’re stuck on chairs Herc comes by and saves Thes only. Thes travels abroud and dies in battle and Athenas find his bones.
made sex contraption for Pasiphae to has sex with bull. Created the labrynth. His nephew Perdix invented the saw and envious pushed him off a cliff. Went to Crete where he wasn’t alowed to leave so made wings for himself and son Icarus and told him not to fly to high or low. He flew high and the wax melted killing him. Minos still wants him so puts out puzzle to thread conch shell which Daedalus does with an ant.
Minos and Pasiphae kids
4sons 4 daughters (Phaedra and Ariadnae). Catreus became king and killed by his son. Galaucus fell into honey and drowned. Nisus purple lock of hair that if cut the city would fall (daughter cut if off for Minos who rejected her)
lover not fighter. Calliope and Oeagrus, married nymph. play beautiful music. wife Eurydice got bitten by snake on walk and died. Went after her and played music for Haded/Persp, so can get wife as long as you don’t look back, he looks back. Swears off woemen so Ciconian women in their rage tear him appart.
Orphic Cult
Chronos (time) and Ananke (nessesity) made Phanes (from egg) whoes winged snake represents light/ Zeus swallows Phanes marries Perseph and makes Zagreus whoes torn appart by titans and heart is put in Semele to make Dionysis. Ashes made humans
Other Religions
Cycle and Attis [shed blood of bull onto presit], Cabiri [really old cult], Persian Mithras [seven grades of initiation, killing bull], Dea Syria [earth mother, wild rituals of self flaggation], Egyptian Isis [fertility?]
Hercules Beginning
Zeus and Alcmene, Theban, Stepdad
amphitryon exiled for killing bro and helps king Creon defeat Teleboans with lock of hair trick, Zeus says prophecy of soeone great born so Hera hastens Eurystheus birth and Zeus takes Herc to suckle on Hera’s breast she knock him away and breast milk becomes milky way. Mom gives birth to twins from dif dads (superfoctation) so Herc and Iphicles. Hera sends down snames which herc kills with bare hangs. Upbringing trained in chariot racing, wrestinlng, archery, lyre [got bored so killed teacher] sent to mt. Cithaeron to defend sheeep. killed lion, (lay with 50 daughters for being entertained for 50 nights) frreded Thebans from paying tribute and got Creons daughter Megara as wife and had 3 kids
Herc goes Mad
Hera makes Herc go mad and kills wife and kids, Eurystheus the prince makes him do 12 labours.
1) Nemean Lion [hide can’t be pierced with weapons]
2) Lernaean Hydra [cut one head 2 grow back]
3) Cerynean Hind [poisonous hide]
4) Erymanthian Boar [chased into snow]
5) Augean Stables [diverts two rivers]
6) Stymphalian Birds [had to shoot them]
7) Creatan Bull (Crete) [the one minos didn’t sacrifice]
8) Mares of Diomedes (Anatolia) [mares fed human flesh]
9) Girdle of Hippolyta (North Black Sea)
10) Cattle of Geryon (Erythia)
11) Apples of the Hesperides (Hyperboria)
12) Cerberus (underworld; entrance at Tainaron, the southern peninsula of Peloponnese)
Herc After
married Deianira (met his brother in the underworld said eh sure), wrestled river god Achelous “slippery”. Has to cross river with wife and Centar Nessus hellped out. but gets frisky so Herc takes arrow (w hydra blood) and shoots him dead. As dying tells Deianira that blood is love potion so she takes some. Happy till falls in love with princess Iole kills her bro and serves queen Omphale for 1 year. Deianira sends Herc cloak with blood poison , but clings to him and devours flesh. dying wish to go to Mt. Oeta where hes cremated. Imortal part goes to olympus to be with the gods,
herc son, attacked city on third fruit