Pt. II Flashcards
goes aren’t role models for ethics
Hecate and Hestia
Hec: with cerberus special power over heaven/earth if you really want something prey to her
Hes: hearth vestal virgins (sometimes denoted to just flame)
lightening bolt, aegis shield, eagle, middle aged
sky, thunder, hospitality, oaths, uphold social values
queen, matron with veil (modesty), peacock,
marriage childbirth
prides herself on her beauty/dignity
Zeus gets the girl
first with others, then saw hera in her window so became cooko bird and sits on winder its cold so she takes him inside then poof zeus and they bang and marry, honeymoon to Samos for 300yrs
the rape (snatching) by zeus. zeus makes cloud hera depends and Z turns I into cow. H asks for it so Z hands it over. Argus guards cow, Z sends hermes to steal it (plays music) Hera sends gad fly to pester I, eventually in eygypt Io gets back to human. Has child names Epaphus.
Boy. G’s dad Trios, Zeus wants so snatches for new cup bearer and then gives trios some horses (pederastry old dude gets sex young gets training)
Porphyrion, Ixion
P: wants hers but Z sticks down with lightning
I wants gets seduces and has sex with cloud gets sent to tartarus tied to wheel and spun forever
Themes in myth
natural or abnormal behaviour/appearence (beauty is needed for nobility)
structuralism (people think in god/bad, binary)
over/under value social norms
Hephaestus (Vulcan)
lame god, blacksmith, hammer tongs
inventor, craftsman (bronze pallas, zeus lightening, pandora, chiles shield)
feet turned backward
Hephas fall
H is mammas boy and was protecting hera from zeus so zeus throws him out to Lemnos
H alone had hehh from jealousy that Zeus had athena but born with disability so Z boots him out
Hera wants him back so gets Dionysus to get him drunk put on donkey and brings him back
Ares (Mars)
War, giants trapped him in jar (so not good at it), wounded in trojan war by Diomedes, athena bests him
banging but hesphes knows so H sets net and catches the two then invites all the gods over to mock then lets them go
childbirth godess
moirai, Clotho (cloth), Lachesis (portion) Atropos (cut string). Daughters of Themis and Zeus
Poseidon (Neptune)
Sea, earthquakes, horses, trident (ilk?) Wife is Amphitrite (mainly), also medusa as lover
Polyphemus Galatea and Acis???????????
nymph loved Acis and giant loved her (tried to woo her). Was mad so threw rock on Acis and
Archer god, bow, lyre, youth, music, phropecy, disease/healing
Son of Leto, born on Delos after lots of effort (Leto said he’d make temple) Hera keeps eilethyia away (Iris bries with pearls)
Apollo and Delphi
finds python, kills it, 1yr community service
site of pythian games, gas leads to priestess high (lots of power)
spoke in dactylic hexameter so really impressive
nymph, apollo chased her so she prayed to river god dad for help and he turned her into a Laurel tress. Apollo loves her even after
they partake in sports but zephyr wind god jealous of young love so causes wind to blow discus off course and hits/kills hyarichinthus
Apollo’s lovers
Cassandra, Marpessa, Cyrene, Daphne, Hyarichinthus, Cyparissus, Coronis (carrying his kid ans still killed her but saved the babe)
decided she was better then apollo at the lrye, ended up getting skinned alive
Apollo had music contrast but Midas decided pan was better and his ears got turned into an asses
son of hermes and aphro, loved by Salmacis who decided she neded him, chased after him and they both got entwinned and joned together in one body, and also tainted the pool of water so anyone who entered would have the same done to them
god of medicine, son of apollo