Pterygopalatine Fossa and Nasal Cavity (Wright) Flashcards
Describe the bony parts of the external nose
nasal bones
frontal process of maxilla
nasal part of the frontal bone and nasal spine
bony part of nasal septum
Describe the cartilagenous part of the external nose
2 lateral cartilages
2 alar cartialges
septal cartilage (nasal septum)
Describe the Nasal Cavity
Entirely lined by nasal mucosa, except for the vestibule (considered external)
Describe the nasal mucosa
connected to periosteum and perichondrium within the nasal cavity
The areas lined with nasal mucosa consistute the respiratory area (inferior 2/3) and the olfactory area (superior 1/3)
Describe the olfactory area of the nasal cavity
specialized nasal mucosa that contains the peripheral nerve endings from the olfactor nerve (CN I) doe special sense olfaction (smell)
What are the boundaries of the nasal cavity?
Roof: frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid bones
Floor: palatine process of maxilla, horizontal plate of palatine bone
Medial wall: Nasal septum
Lateral wall: superior, middle, and inferior nasal conchae
What are the four passages of the nasal conchae?
- spheno-ethmoidal recess, Sphenoid Sinus opening
- superior nasal meatus, Ethmoidal Sinus opening
- middle nasal meatus, Frontal Sinus opening
- Inferior nasal meatus, Nasal Lacrimal Duct opening
Where does the maxillary sinus open into?
into the middle nasal meatus in posterior part of the semilunar hiatus at the maxillary ostium (below ethmoid bulla)
Most of the blood to the nasal cavity is supplied by these branches of the maxillary artery:
and from these branches of the facial:
anterior and posterior ethmoidal
greater palatine
- superior labial*
- lateral nasal branches*
What is the venous drainage of the nasal cavity
ophthalmic veins
What is Kiesselbach area?
Where all five arteries in the nasal cavity come together in a capillary bed and they like to bleed profusely
Describe the Maxillary Sinus
drains via the maxillary ostium into middle meatus
arterial supply-superior alveolar branches of maxillary and greater palatine
innervation-superior alveolar nerve branches V2
Describe the Ethmoid Sinus
air cells located between orbits
- anterior and middle cells* drain into middle meatus
- posterior cells* drain into superior meatus
Artery: ethmoidal artery (from ophthalmic)
Nerve: nasocilliary n.
Describe the Sphenoid Sinus
unevenly divided by bony part of nasal septum
drains via spheno-ethmoidal recess
Artery: posterior ethmoidal a.
Nerve: posteiror ethmoidal n. V1
Describe the frontal sinus
between outer and inner tables of frontal bones, posterior to supercilliary arches
drains via frontonasal duct into semilunar hiatus of middle meatus
Artery: supraorbital and anterior ethmoidal
Nerve: supraorbital N (from V1)
What are the borders of the Pterygopalatine fossa?
maxillary tuberosity
pterygoid process of sphenoid
perpendicular plate of palatine b.
infratemporal fossa via pterogomaxillary fissure
greater wing of sphenoid
pyramidal process of palatine b.
What are the openings of the Pterygopalatine Fossa?
inferior orbital fissure
palatine foramen
What are the contents of the pterygopalatine fossa?
maxillary n (V2)
pterygopalatine ganglion
third part of maxillary a.
What passes through the inferior orbital fissure (via pterygopalatine fossa)
orbital branches from V2
Infraorbital a.
inferior ophthalmic v.
What travels through the foramen rotundum (via te pterygopalatine fossa)?
maxillary n.
What travels through the pterygoid canal (via ptergopalatine fossa)
n. of pterygoid canal (greater and deep petrosal n.)
A. of pterygoid canal
What travels through the greater and lesser palatine canals (via the ptergopalatine fossa)?
greater palatine artery and n., descending palatine a.
lesser palatine artery and nerve
What passes throug the sphenopalatine foramen (via the pterygopalatine fossa)
nerves: branches from nasopalatine (from V2)
sphenopalatine a.
Describe the branching of the maxillary nerve within the pterygopalatine fossa
This branching pattern brings post-ganglionic parasympathetic info from the pterygopalatine ganglion to the lacrimal gland
Maxillary Nerve (V3) branches into the pterygopalatine n. and zygomatic n.
Zygomatic N. branches into Zygomaticofacial and Zygomaticotemporal
Zygomaticotemporal N. has a communicating branch that conveys parasympathetic fibers to a lacrimal N. (from V1)
Where are the parasympathetic fibers to the pterygopalatine fibers from?
What does the greater petrosal n. become?
they are from the facial nerve via the greater petrosal n.
greater petrosal n. joins deep petrosal n. to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal
the parasympathetic fibers from the greater petrosal n. supply pterygopalatine ganglion
Where do the postsynaptic sympathetic fibers of the pterygopalatine fossa come from?
the deep petrosal n. arises from the internal carotid plexus and conveys postsynaptic sympathetic fibers which joins maxillary n. via pterygopalatine ganglion (But does not synapse there)
presynaptic sympathetic fibers are from the superior cervical ganglion
Know how to identify all of these structures
Pterygopalatine Part of Maxillary A.
Descending Palatine A.
Branches and Parts
Greater and Lesser Palatine A.
Hard Palate, Soft Palate, tonsil, pharyngeal wall
Pterygopalatine Part of Maxillary A.
Posteriosuperior alveolar a.
infraorbital a.
A. of pterygoid canal
maxillary molars, max. sinus, ginigva
maxillary alveoli
Pterygopalatine Part of Maxillary A.
Sphenopalatine A.
lateral posterior nasal a and posterior septal branches
serve the lateral wall of nasal cavity/conchae and nasal septum