Pterygopalatine Fossa and Nasal Cavity Flashcards
blue arrow
middle meatus
blue arrow
sphenopalatine artery along with nasopalatine nerve
red arrow
orange arrow
pterygoid process
light blue arrow
pterygoid canal
green dot
after sympathetic nerves pass through the pterygopalatine ganglion, they hitchhike on _____ to innervate ______
branches of V2 maxillary nerve
muscosal linings
green arrow structure and nerves
palatine canal
greater and lesser palatine nerves
the nasopalatine nerve passes through the ________ to get from the nasal cavity to the hard palate
incisive canal
What is the significance of Kisselbach’s area?
region of the medial wall of the nasal cavity with highly vascularized anastomosis and the site of profuse nasal bleeding
blue arrows
communicate to the nasal canvity via
ethmoid sinuses
numerous miniscule holes
blue arrow
alar cartilage
blue arrow
green arrow
pterygopalatine fossa
green arrow
maxillary nerve
purple arrow
sphenoethmoidal recess
green arrow
frontal sinus
the red arrow represents which nerve
internal carotid plexus
purple dot
pterygoid process of the sphenoid
green arrow
nasopalatine nerve (medial wall)
red arrow
posterior and lateral nasal arteries along with nasal nerves
where are olfactory nerves located within the nasal cavity
superior portion of the nasal cavity inferior to the cirbiform plate
green arrow
ethmoidal branches of the ophthalmic nerve
blue triangle
what is on the other side?
pterygomaxillary fissure
infratemporal fossa (muscles of mastication, buccinator, etc)
What nerve travels through the foramen rotundum into the pterygoid process
V2 maxillary nerve
(pink arrow)
which nerves travel through the sphenopalatine foramen
posterior lateral nasal nerves, nasopalatine nerve
what forms the midline nasal septum
perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
green arrow
nasal vestibule
the nasal arteries are on the ________ wall of the nasal cavity
red arrow
maxillary sinus
green arrow (structure and nerve)
foramen rotundum
V2 maxillary nerver
periwinkle circle
What is on the other side?
What travels through?
pterygoid canal
middle cranial fossa
autonomic fibers to pterygopalatine ganglion
the choana is the passage between the nasal cavity and
nasal pharynx
red arrow
opening of the maxillary sinus- communcation between maxillary sinus and nasal cavity
pink arrow
sphenoethomoid recess
orange arrow
posterior lateral nasal arteries
blue arrow (structure and nerve)
pterygoid canal
nerve of the pterygoid canal:
greater petrosal branch of CN VII (preganglionic parasympathetic) and deep petrosal branch of internal carotid plexus (post ganglionic sympatheitic)
green arrow
nasal bone
pink arrow
opening of the maxillary sinus (in the hiatus semilunaris)
pink arrow
fibroareolar tissue
blue arrow
external nasal branches of the ophthalmic nerve
blue arrow
ethmoid air cells
the nasopalatine nerve exits the pyergopalatine fossa through
the sphenopalatine foramen
blue arrow