Oral Cavity and Pharynx Flashcards
the inferior pharyngeal constrictor originates on the:
thyroid and cricoid cartilage (pink arrow)
red arrow
lesser palatine foramina (often multiple on each side)
green arrow
torus tubaris (swoosh!)
green arrow
incisive foramen
the hard palate is made up of:
maxilla and palatine bones (anterior 2/3 of palate)
extrinsic muscles of the tongue
genioglossus (green), hyoglossus (blue) , palatoglossus (red) , styloglossus (pink)
the soft palate is made up of:
muscles and soft tissue (posterior, 1/3 of palate)
red arrow, branch of?
greater palatine nerve, branch of the pterygopalatine ganglion
the submandibular duct emerges from the submandibular gland superior to the ___________
mylohyoid (green arrow)
the superior pharyngeal constrictor originates on the:
pterygomandibular raphe (blue arrow)
What innervates the mandibular teeth?
inferior alveolar nerve, primary branch of CN V3 (mandibular)
(blue arrow)
palatopharyngeus action
elevate the pharynx
“open your mouth and say ahhh” checks the function of which muscle? which nerve?
uvula pointing to the side means the levator veli palatini not functioning on one side, which is innervated by vagus nerve
the _________ nerve innervates the anterior region of the palate
nasopalatine nerve through the incisive foramen
pink arrow
tensor veli palatini wrapping around pterygoid hamulus
the uvula points to the ______, which indicates the ______ side of the _______ nerve is damaged
right, left, vagus (levator veli palatini)
the lingual vein is ________ to the hyoglossus muscle
(red arrow)
gag reflex sensory:_____, motor:_______
sensory: glossopharyngeal CN IX
motor: vagus CN X
(barfing in vegas) (in on 9, out on 10)
green dot
submandibular gland
What type of fibers are carried by the greater palatine nerve?
parasympathetic fibers to the hard palate
palatoglossus muscle innervation
vagus (CN X) palate = Stern’s 2nd law
green arrow, branch of?
greater palatine artery, branch of the descending palatine artery, which is a branch of the maxillary artery
blue area
the greater palatine artery anastomoses with the:
sphenopalatine artery from the nasal cavity
blue arrow, branch of?
inferior alveolar nerve, primary branch of CN V3 (mandibular)
blood supply to the inferior aspect of the tongue
deep lingual artery
(blue arrow)
palatoglossus origin –> insertion
soft palate (red arrow) –> lateral side of posterior tongue (pink arrow)
(green arrow)
red arrow
cartilagenous auditory tube
green arrow
stylopharyngeus muscle
*(innervated by glossopharyngeal, running through superior and middle pharyngeal constrictors)
blue arrow
greater palatine foramen
what travels through the greater palatine foramen?
descending palatine artery, greater palatine nerve
(blue arrow)
levator veli palatini action
elevate soft palate
muscles that originate on the soft palate
palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus
pink arrow
submandibular ganglion
red arrow
lingual tonsil
pink arrow
hypoglossal nerve CN XII
lingual artery is ______ to the hyoglossus
(green arrow)
blue dot
superior pharyngeal constrictor
Why can drug absorption be used “under” the tongue
deep lingual vessels are near the inferior surface of the tongue, which is thinner than the anterior surface (less protected) and the moist environment facilitate drug absorption
the sublingual gland empties via:
numerous ducts in sublingual fold (plica)
(green arrows)
red arrow
pharyngeal tonsils
red arrow
cartilagenous auditory tube
green arrow
terminal sulcus
red arrow
glossopharyngeal CN IX nerve supplying motor innervation to stylopharyngeus
green arrow
stylopharyngeus muscle
*(innervated by glossopharyngeal, running through superior and middle pharyngeal constrictors)
instrinsic muscles of the tongue innervation
hypoglossal (CN XII)
muscles that insert on the soft palate
tensor veli palatini, levator veli palatini
blue line
palatopharyngeal arch
green area
green arrow
tensor veli palatini
levator veli palatini innervation
CN X vagus nerve (palate = Stern’s 2nd law)
which muscle wraps around the pterygoid hamulus
tensor veli palatini
(green/pink arrows)
red arrow, what structure is it in?
external carotid artery (and terminal branches), parotid gland
red arrow
lingual nerve
the adenoids are also known as
the pharyngeal tonsils (red arrow)
red arrow
green dot
palatine process (maxilla)
green arrow
green dot
sublingual gland
innervation path to the submandibular and sublingual glands:
preganglionic parasympathetic from facial nerve (CN VII) –> hitchhikes on chorda tympani –> hitchhikes on lingual nerve –> synapse in the submandibular ganglion –> postsynaptic parasympathetics hitchhike on lingual nerve (AGAIN) to the glands
light blue area
intrinsic muscles of the tongue action:
fine control of the tongue (curling, twisting, etc.)
alternate name for auditory tube
pharyngotympanic tube, eustachian tube