PTE Posture done Flashcards
He landmarks for posture that will allow for the least amount of pressure on each joint?
Ear lobe Shoulder Midway of the pelvis Greater trochanter Slighty anterior to the knee Slightly anterior to the ankle
What is posture?
Relative arrangement of body parts
• Relative dispositon of the body at any one
• A composite of the positons of the different joints of the body at that time
Posture why is it detremental?
- A position that increases the stressjoints
- Requires increase in muscle activity
Restrictions in normal movements may cause compensatory postures to muscle imbalances
so it will cause mores tress, just the exact opposite of what proper posture would do.
And now that there is more stress the muscles would need to work harder to be able to hold up that body part.
And to be able to move in the functional way that you want compensatory movements will be developed and so it might cause further issues.
What causes a faulty posture?
Hypomobile joint( too stiff in one area to allow the proper alognment
Weak(ms( can’t keep the posture properly
Hypermobile(joint( it shifts too much
Pathology((a sickness
Environment(the place that they are
Shortened(or( lengthened(ms(so they are weak.
Body(image(At low self esteem, they will
show with forward slouching. So is the reason for the posture mechanical or
But at the basics, they cannot get to the position, either because of lack of ROM or the ROM is too much so then they will be to shifty and it will cause it that the muscles need to work harder.
And then also if the muscles cannot do the job.
Also if the person want to have that posture.
What two type of pathology may cause altered posture?
There are micro trauma and macro trauma.
Micro is, something that cannot be seen, and macro would be like a broken bone, perhaps also sprains and perhaps also strains.
Explain how microtrauma can lead to macro trauma.
There are repeated small damages all the time that add up, like shaving small bits over and over again.
The body will attempt to heal itself, but will it do such a great job, it would set up the tissue in an inappropriate manner and so the new structure will contribute to the pain. This being the new bones.
And just that there will be soft tissue damage.
So soft tissue damage and hard tissue damage.
As part of the upper and lower quadrant scan the posture assessment is supposed to tell us and supposed to show us what?
Is there psoture off, are they gaurding against pain, anything abnormal.
And a more through posture exam is done when?
During both the neuro exam and the ortho exam.
During neuron and prtho exam for posture how is it to help us?
The neuro we need to not just see if they have bad posture but if the strength is present or if they could hold themselves against gravity, that is the neuro part,
But for posture and ortho, you need to see how the posture is atteibuting to the pain.
What two things can cause bad posture?
The person just koves bada nd there ares tructuralroblems, but bad movement can also cause structural problems that will lead to further postural problem, continuous.
If a person is able to sit in a good posture but is not able to keept hat posture for a long period of time, what can be the cause?
– Weakness((
– Tightness(
– Muscle(imbalance((which is kind of weakness
– Pain( may be due to weak ess or tightness or imbalance
– Respiratory(( they can be weak from this
– Emo/onal( they just will slouch because they are upset.
– Social((ie.(Taller(children)
But structural problmes for posture is a way that will cause it because
They just have something int he build that will not allow them to have the desired position.
If postural how can we fix it?
We need to see which change in posture is causing the most problem and attemptt o fix that.
If it is structural how can pt fix that?
We cannot do surgery so we will need to see how best they can compensate.
What is excessive lordosis?
When there is excessive anterior tilt of the pelvis leading to the excessive anterior shear of the lumbar area. But the cervical can also have lordosis, that it the cervical will be pushed anteriorly.
• Hip(flexion(contracture(
• Heavy(abdomen,(resul/ng(from(excess(weight(or(
• Lax(abd(muscles,(in(combina/on(with(/ght(muscles,especially(hip(flexors(or(lumbar(extensors((
• Fashion((high(heeled(shoes)1,pg877(
• Spondylolisthesis((The vertebral are sliding forward.
• Failure(of(segmenta/on(of(the(neural(arch(Can be born with this.•
• Compensa/on(due(to(a(kyphosis(
If their thorax is too kyphotic, they will go into lumbar lordosis to keep upright.
Name me three muscle that will cause lordosis?
Lordosis is anterior tilt of the pelvis, so tnree muscles that will cause anterior tilt of the pelvis.
Erectoe spinae
And rectus femoris
What is the lower quadrant cross syndrome?
Any muscle that is tight is opposite is weak.
But for lordosis there is weak posterior tilters so
Weak abs and tight paraspinals
And weak gluts and tight iliopoas
Swayback is?
When there is excessive lumbar lordosis there is increased thoracic kyphosis