Clin neur HD done Flashcards
Name a few effects of what a person with huntington’s disease will present with.
• Movement abnormalities • Personality disturbances • Decline in cognitive abilities• Dementia Brief, purposeless, involuntary and random movement
What is another name for the dysmkvements of huntingtons?
Huntington’s Chorea
Predominant findings are:
• Atrophy of Corpus Striatum of the BG
• Caudate nucleus
• Putamen
• Globus Pallidus
• Neuronal degeneration of the temporal & frontal
lobes of the cortex, because of this you get changes in personality and perception.
• In early and middle stages, damage to striatum andGlobus Pallidus
There is over activation of the thalamus through the basal ganglion loop
What decreases and what increases in HD?
GABA & AcH decrease
Dopamine and nerepinephrine increase.
The dope and the rush increase and the calmers like GABA and the universal guy like Ach decrease.
At the early stages of HD you see _______kinesia and the later stages you see _______kinesia?
Which nucleas will have been affected?
The caudate nucleas neurons
What are three ways that you can know that a person has hd.
You look at them and see how they move, tachykinesia, and other not calmed movements.
There is genetic testing to see if the person has it or will contract it.
And imaging will just show that there is shrinking but imaging is not used for diagnosis.
Why would early choeric movements of hd not be a telltale sign of the presence of this disease?
Because the person will look like he only has restlessness and will make their movements, these faulty movements, as part of their natural everyday movements.
Which has more of a fall risk, HD or PD or MS?
PD & MS.
By HD, the person will incorporate that movemnt into their natural pattern and will be able to move.
Huntingtons can go from tachykinesia and go into the bradykinesia. Why?
The thalmus is just not to work as well, or the cerbellum is able to compensate with more dopamine and present itself as if there is less as there is dopamine.
Is there a cure for HD.
Name one med for HD.
What types of medsa re given to a person with HD?
Anticulvusants and anti-psychiotics.
Why are we to make use of anti-culvants and anti-psychotics for a person with HD?
Becaue of the increase in ACH and the affect on serotonin, so their emotional lability is affected.
And increased anti-culusants is to stabilize the ACH.
Increase in ACH will result in?
• Acute dystonias – involuntary sustained muscle contractions
• Pseudo-Parkinsonism
• Akasthisia (uncontrollable physical restlessness)• Tardive dyskinesia (uncontrollable, involuntary
movement of the face, lips and tongue)
Its like you are actually envoking PD.
Cardiac disease (~25%) why?
Because the heart rate is increased.
Primary Signs &Symptoms
- Movement Abnormality
- Gait Abnormality
- Oromotor Impairments
- Sleep Disturbances
- B&B Dysfunction
- Neuropsychologic and Psychiatric Disturbances7. Other Symptoms
What causes these malmovements that we see with HD?
An excess of dopamine.
What can cause dression?
An increase or decrease of key neurotransmitters.
Name one mavement abnormality
Chorea, the overmovement
Where do we see more choreic movement?
In the upper extremity and the face.
When will the choreic movements of HD stop?
At sleep
Diadyskonesia and dysmetria is found by HD?
What about emotional liability?
There is emotional liability when there is an increase or decrease in key neurotransmitters.
Are vision issues a problem by HD and if yes, why?
Because the eye muscles are not moving well.
What is one type of visional abnormality?
Cognitive and intellectual changes are due to lack of blood flow to the…
Personality & behavioral changes:
apathy, blunted affect, irritability, depression, vio-
lence or aggression, impulsivity and lability, anxi-
ety, egocentrism, compulsive behaviors leading toaddictions (alcoholism, gambling, hypersexuality)
• ↑ suicide rates compared to normal populations