Psychotic Disorders Flashcards
Which psychotic disorder is described below?
“split mind”
Lifelong condition, but can go into remission
A group of characteristic positive and negative symptoms
Deterioration in social, occupation, or interpersonal relationships
Continuous signs of the disturbance for at least 6 months
What are the four A’s of Schizophrenia?
Affect (Inappropriate)
Autistic Thinking
What are the three phases of schizophrenia? Describe each phase.
Prodromal phase - Functional decline that precedes the first psychotic episode, where patient may become socially withdrawn, irritable, have physical complaints, or
newfound interest in religion of the occult
Psychotic phase - Perceptual disturbances, delusions, disordered thought
Residual phase - Occurs between episodes of psychosis, Marked by flat affect, social withdrawal, and odd thinking or behavior
Diagnosis of schizophrenia:
Symptoms ≥ 6 months
Illness causes significant social or occupational functional deterioration
Not due to substance abuse or a general medical disorder
Two or more of the following for most of 1 month (at least one month):
Disorganized speech
Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
Negative symptoms
What is the difference between delusions and hallucinations?
Delusions - Strong belief about something despite evidence that the belief is completely false
Hallucinations - Strong sensations that are real only to them, have no outside source
List some types of delusions
Paranoid (most common)
Referential (gestures aimed at them)
What is the most common type of delusion?
List some types of hallucinations
Which type of symptom in schizophrenia is more debilitating?
Negative symptoms
The failure to respond to questions or comments
Can also take the form of slow or delayed responses
Which negative symptom is found in about 2/3 of schizophrenic patients?
Affect flattening
Inactivity or early loss of interest in ongoing activity
Inability to derive pleasure
What is a prominent feature of schizophrenia but is not unique to this illness?
Neuropsychiatric syndrome that is common among the medically ill
and often is misdiagnosed as a psychiatric illness
An acquired syndrome consisting of a decline in memory and other
cognitive functions
Name the types of Schizophrenia
Which of the types of schizophrenia is described below?
Most common
Highest functioning
Older age of onset
Non-disorganized state
Auditory hallucinations
Relatively normal intellectual functioning and expression of
Can exhibit anger, aloofness, anxiety, and argumentativeness when
they are questioned and perceive they are not believed
Which of the types of schizophrenia is described below?
Speech and behavior (Disorganized and difficult to understand)
display of emotions (Flattened or inappropriate)
More common in older patients
Early onset
Poor functioning
Almost always homeless
Which of the types of schizophrenia is described below?
Disturbances of movement
Inappropriate or bizarre posturing
Dramatic reduction in activity
Can keep themselves completely immobile or move all over the place
May not say anything for hours or can repeat anything you say or word usage not making sense
Extreme negativism or mutism
Which of the types of schizophrenia is described below?
Characterized by some symptoms of all of the previously discussed types
But not enough of any one of them to categorize as a particular type of schizophrenia
Which of the types of schizophrenia is described below?
Prominent negative symptoms (minimal evidence of positive symptoms)
Past history of at least one episode of schizophrenia
May represent a transition between a full-blown episode and complete
Or it can continue for years without any further psychosis
Which of the types of schizophrenia is described below?
“aliens eating insides”
“worms eating brain”
Schizophrenia not directly deadly, but high risk for these conditions:
Refuse social contracts
Usually homeless
Usually supported by the state
Hospitalized constantly
Can be unable to care for themselves
Substance and drug abuse
What class of medications is first line for acute and maintenance
treatment of schizophrenia?
Antipsychotic therapy
What indicators in schizophrenia tend to have the worst prognosis?
Early onset
Poor social support
Negative symptoms
Family history
Male sex
Many relapses
Poor premorbid functioning
Which of the following psychotic disorder is described below?
NOT schizophrenia (Criterion A for Schizophrenia never met)
Only the delusional component! How to tell from schizophrenia
No negative symptoms, Normal functioning
Apart from the impact of delusions, functioning not markedly impaired
Not due to mood disorder or substance
Delusional Disorder
What are the types of delusional disorder?
Grandiose (Have special powers)
Persecuted (Someone is spying on them)
Jealously (Spouse is unfaithful (no evidence))
Somatic (Infestation, Internal parasite, Part of body not functioning, etc)
Which of the following psychotic disorder is described below?
Chronic mental health condition characterized primarily by symptoms of schizophrenia (hallucinations, delusions) and symptoms of a mood disorder (depression, anxiety)
Most people often incorrectly diagnosed at first with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia because it shares symptoms of multiple mental health conditions
Not well understood or well defined as other mental health conditions,
largely because it is a mix of mental health conditions
Schizoaffective Disorder
DSM-IV Criteria describes which psychotic disorder?
Meets criteria for MDD or manic episode or mixed episode
Additionally has had delusions or hallucinations for at least two weeks in the absence of mood disorder symptoms (=period of time where psychotic symptoms don’t coexist with mood symptoms, otherwise this would be mood disorder with psychotic features)
However, mood symptoms are present for substantial portion of psychotic illness
Symptoms not attributable to general medical condition or drugs
Schizoaffective Disorder
Which of the following psychotic disorder is described below?
The characteristic symptoms of this disorder are identical to
those of schizophrenia, but this disorder is distinguished by its
duration - The key: timing
An episode of the disorder (including prodromal, active, and residual phases) lasts at least one month but less than 6 months
Schizophreniform Disorder
Which of the following psychotic disorder is described below?
Length: 1 day to month 1
Most commonly from doing drugs
Same criteria as schizophrenia except the duration
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Which of the following psychotic disorder is described below?
Hallucinations, delusions, mania, and/or depression
Waxing and waning delirium
Usually within two weeks of childbirth
Thought to be a manifestation of bipolar disorder
Postpartum Psychosis
What is required in postpartum psychosis and why?
hospitalization with separation from infant REQUIRED
Increased risk of suicide and/or infanticide during psychosis